IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Annette, fingers crossed for you BFP.

Victory, hope your result is also positive!

AFM, still not feeling pregnant, which I know I should be thankful for, but can't help feeling quite stressed...
I thought this thread was quiet but then I realized I unsubscribed on my iPhone on accident! Oops!

Annette and Victory, can't wait to hear your news!!! Praying for you both!!!

Slb, the 2WW is so long! Just try to keep yourself occupied. Watch movies, read books or magazine, get together with friends or spend some QT with your DH. It will help pass the time.

I feel a little queasy sometimes, but praying it doesn't become full-blown MS. Right now, just really tired and still peeing a lot, especially in the early morning. Tired of doing shots, but hoping just a few more weeks of the PIO and Lovenox blood thinner (I think someone else on here was doing that - Victory, you're doing Clexane? I think it's the same thing as Lovenox.) Massive bruises on my tummy from the Lovenox and huge knots in the muscle on my bum from the PIO. Not to mention the icky green goo from the suppositories!
Hello Ladies....

Hope everyone is doing well! Got my results back today... Beta #1 is 120. Apparently they don't take three betas... I was hoping it would be higher! i'm never happy and always worrying about something! lol.. The doc said anything over 100 is good... and I wouldn't need another beta unless I wanted one for peace of mind... so i'm going back wednesday! double number double!

Sending baby dust to everyone! xoxo Thanks so much for all of your support ladies!
:wohoo: :wohoo: Annette I have been waiting to hear your beta! Congratulations!! I knew it!
Thanks ladies... It's been a long road for me.. but happy to finally get some positive news. Will keep you posted on my beta on wed.
hey ladies I have my forst IVF ER Nov 7,8 or 9 depending on egg growth etc. I am really hoping I get my VERY first BFP that way. I have saw a lot of girls get their first one with IVf I am just hoping that will be me as well as it has been a very long and painful journey. I go in tomorrow to get saline injected in my uterus to see if everything is ok. I am nervous, I also start repronex Friday and my last BCP will be on Thur. I was only on BCP for like ten days which seemed short but who knows. I am just praying this is it

Congrats to everyone that finally got their BFP. Sooooo many people out there that doesnt try or doesnt want them and SOOOO glad to see loving couples get what they have always wanted. Congrats

For those who havent got their BFP we will in due time :)

Hope you dont mind me joining
Knew you would get a great number annettecali - Congratulations!

Victory thinking of you today. I know you will get your bfp. X

Sweetness welcome and good luck.
Annette, congratulations!!! :happydance::happydance: My doctor also does only one beta, but told me I could go back for another one if it would give me peace of mine, so as soon as I'm back from this work trip I'm on, I'll be knocking on his door!

Victory, fingers crossed for you today!!
congratulations Annette that is great news :happydance: look forward to seeing wednesday number yay!

Good luck for today Victory, will be thinking of you.:hugs:

Welcome :hi: sweetness, good luck for your saline scan xx
Congratulations Annette :happydance::happydance::happydance: Thats a great number!!

Victory - Goodluck and I'm keeping everything crossed for you

Welcome Sweetness
Congrats Annette, I heard anything over 50 is good so 120 is great!! Well done.

Welcome sweetness and GL in you IVF journey xx
Congratulations Annette

Well, I've had the blood test so waiting for the call this afternoon anytime before 5pm - I am so nervous and finding it really hard to be positive as seems surreal that I could get a BFP after all this time. I'm so used to the monthly disappointment! I wish I had some symptoms or something as proof! Anyway DH has taken the day off work and I'm 'working from home!' so we're going to head out for a pub lunch and walk along the beach with the dog this afternoon and try not to think about 'the call'.

Welcome Sweetness and GL with your IVF journey
Im going to Apologise now for the rant and the long post but needed to get it off my chest!

Well recieved my letter for my next appointment for the clinic after failed treatment :cry:and its 26th November, which is 6 WEEKS AWAY :saywhat:Not sure if its just me but 6 weeks is a long time. Im not expecting to have treatment instantly but was at least expecting an appointment to discuss the treatment and see if anything went wrong or what could have been done etc.

So me being me i got straight onto the phone to the clinic to see why ive got to wait that long for an appointment. I was advised this is the normal lenght of time that they wait before your next appointment as they like you to have a normal AF before attending so they can look to proceeding with the treatment. By that time ill probably of had 2 normal AF's since the treatment failed never mind one. As you can imagine i wasnt too happy. :growlmad:

After a long discussion she advised me that she will see if she can move my appointment sooner, so FX'd ill get another letter to say its been brought forward. :thumbup:

It doesnt stop there :dohh:Obviously when i got the mail this was the first letter i read and got on my high horse and made the phone call after calming down and sorting out that issue i went on the open the rest of the mail. I then recieved another letter from the clinic this time advising me that they were sorry the treatment wasnt successful but they thought i responded well to all the medication and had quality eggs at the retrieval stage so wondered if i would be interested in participating in some research they were carrying out to look into why some diseases are carried from birth etc (havent read all the information yet). This would require me to give them hald of my eggs at the next fresh cycle if i dont fall pregnant prior to this. If i agreed to this in return the research department would full fund a 4th IVF cycle if i did not fall pregnant after the 3 funded by the NHS. :wacko: Wow so much information to take in. Obviously this is a great opportunity as i would then have 4 fresh IVF cycles fully funded :happydance: . We need to sit down and consider everything but they did say they wouldnt take half the eggs unless i had 10 or more eggs at the retrieval.

As you can imagine i went through so many emotions yesterday from just opening the mail!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Got lots to think about as FET would be the next move which i have found out is covered under the first IVF cycle so dont move on to IVF # 2 till all frosties are used :happydance: which is good news. But doesnt look like it will be till next year now, as the lab at the clinic closes for 2 weeks over the christmas and new year but clinic is still open for appts just no transfers. So wait and see when the next appt is!!!!! :kiss: Might be able to squeeze it in xx

thinking of you this morning xoxo hope you get your BFP! XOXO

Sandy... that really sucks about the wait. I know how impatient I was after my failed cycles.. and hated waiting one cycle.. let alone two! Good news about the second letter though!!... it's amazing that any cycles are funded. Unfortunately for me... I have to private pay for all cycles :S

Sending baby dust to all! xoxo
Thinking of you Victory, hope to hear some good news soon.

Sandy-I can understand why you want to get things moving quicker, I do believe we are so lucky that we get funding through the NHS and waiting for appts etc can be frustrating but I suppose they all have some sort of protocol/time frame they follow. I'm sure the reason for your failed cycle was just bad luck, saying that though if it were me I would do the research thing they are talking about to get the other full funded cycle, that way you are optimising your chances even more and the gain far outweighs the risk especially since they said you would only donate half the eggs if more than ten. I think that's great news.

You will without a doubt get pregnant at some point in your funded cycles. Probably your FET. I know the waiting is absolute torture and you just want to get on with it, believe me I understand after years of waiting and can completely sympathise with you, but you will get there in the end, promise xxx
Thanks, think im starting to think more rationally now and understand the wait just frustrating at times.

As you said i do believe i will get there eventually. xx
good luck Victory!

Sandy - It's awful that you have to wait 6 weeks. I was told that I had to wait to make sure my body was back to normal. The sad part is with the holidays coming the wait seems to be much longer. On the other side, it must be nice to get full funds for 3 IVF's. We don't get anything like that. If your insurance doesn't cover it then you are on your own. We paid everything out of pocket so this was our only shot. It will be all worth it when you hold your bundle of joy. Hopefully you will get in there before the 6 weeks.

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