IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Wow Athena, that scan photo is amazing, I am so happy for you :dance:

My scan isn't until the 30th, that just seems such a long way away :growlmad: I really hope I see a heartbeat or two, I will be 7 weeks then, but still scared something will go wrong.

Slb I struggled throughout the 2ww, it went so slowly. I went back to work and found this helped distract me. What is your OTD again?

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:
Otd is the 25th. I think I might test on Sunday. That will make me 9dp3dt. I will prob test every day until the 25th or af.
Does anyone else have a journal? Mine is in my signature. It would be nice to follow everyone's personal journey.
Good luck when you decide to test slb, the wait is torture. I got faint lines from 4dp5dt so if you test when you say you might see something x
Rachoo, you will definitely see a hb by 7 weeks hun, I can't believe how clear it was. DH is so excited, he's told everyone now, I just really hope it wasn't tempting fate and now something will go wrong I wanted to wait until 10 weeks really but I'm happy he was so excited after the scan. Your date will come around quickly x
Hi Ladies,

I've been doing some research on how I might improve my chances for the next cycle, and was hoping that some of you may have experience in these things?

1) Use of endometrial biopsy (scratching) a few days before you get your period for the cycle to begin. The research I have read says that it can help improve the chances of implantation.

2) Using Celexane to help with blood clots and Medrol for immunosuppression. In my last cycle I only used aspirin and Medrol for 4 days. I have heard that some women use Clexane as it is more effective in treating blood clots, and medrol suppresses your immune system and aids in implantation for those women that attempt to expel the embryo.

Do any of you ladies have any experience with these things? Any suggestions?
Hi Ladies,

I've been doing some research on how I might improve my chances for the next cycle, and was hoping that some of you may have experience in these things?

1) Use of endometrial biopsy (scratching) a few days before you get your period for the cycle to begin. The research I have read says that it can help improve the chances of implantation.

2) Using Celexane to help with blood clots and Medrol for immunosuppression. In my last cycle I only used aspirin and Medrol for 4 days. I have heard that some women use Clexane as it is more effective in treating blood clots, and medrol suppresses your immune system and aids in implantation for those women that attempt to expel the embryo.

Do any of you ladies have any experience with these things? Any suggestions?

I have experience with both, but I don't know how much help I'd be! I did an endometrial biopsy, but I did mine in February. It may be beneficial b/c it helps your RE discover if you have issues with your lining, but I don't know if it has am impact if you do it right before your cycle. I will say it hurts more than anything I've experienced. :cry:

I also did both Lovenox (same thing as Clexane) - my doc said I am on it because I have anti-thyroid antibodies (I was hyper and now I'm a bit hypo) and I guess this helps keep them down - and I was on Medrol during IVF. I imagine both helped.

Can you talk to your RE about these options?
Ugh! I somehow got bumped off the thread.. I hate when that happens!!

Congrats victory! Lots of bfp's on this thread!!

Signora thanks for replying about protocol. My doc actually decided to keep me with Lupron protocol as I had a good response. So we'll see what happens this time.

Alicat it looks like we'll be cycling together. My ER is 12/4 and ET 12/9. If you start a new thread let me know... I will join!
hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.
hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.

Hi, I don't know what country you are from, but here in the UK its safe to use pracetmol. A mild pain killer is fine. Hope you feel better :kiss:
Hi Ladies,

I've been doing some research on how I might improve my chances for the next cycle, and was hoping that some of you may have experience in these things?

1) Use of endometrial biopsy (scratching) a few days before you get your period for the cycle to begin. The research I have read says that it can help improve the chances of implantation.

2) Using Celexane to help with blood clots and Medrol for immunosuppression. In my last cycle I only used aspirin and Medrol for 4 days. I have heard that some women use Clexane as it is more effective in treating blood clots, and medrol suppresses your immune system and aids in implantation for those women that attempt to expel the embryo.

Do any of you ladies have any experience with these things? Any suggestions?

Uterine biopsy was one of the things I was researching before I started my IVF, I believe having one before the cycle can stimulate an inflammatory response in the uterus and help with implantation. I did ask my FS about this and he said it's only the sort of thing they could do if one was self-funding due to things like that not being covered, but he did believe in the concept of it.

After hours and hours of research I believe the main things that helped my cycle be successful were that I took really high dosage (1500mg daily) of Royal Jelly 14 days before I started stims and whilst stimming and before ET sorry this is a bit embarrassing but I made sure to have daily orgasms :blush: I believe it stimulates blood flow to the uterus.

I did also do the pineapple and brazil nut for implantation but didn't go crazy with it, but who knows it might have helped!
Wow, this thread does move quickly, I traveling for a few days and so much has happened!

Victory, delayed congrats on your BFP!!

Athena, the scan picture is amazing! I can't wait for my scan, but it's at just over 8 weeks, so feels like ages away! I've been so stressed this week that I went for a 2nd beta today and waiting for the results. Fingers crossed that everything is progressing well, and that it'll put my mind to rest a bit.

Slb, hang in there, the 2WW is torture, but your OTD is around the corner
Wow Athena, that scan photo is amazing, I am so happy for you :dance:

My scan isn't until the 30th, that just seems such a long way away :growlmad: I really hope I see a heartbeat or two, I will be 7 weeks then, but still scared something will go wrong.

Slb I struggled throughout the 2ww, it went so slowly. I went back to work and found this helped distract me. What is your OTD again?

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:

I've got my scan on 30th too (6 weeks) - the next target!
Hi Ladies,

I've been doing some research on how I might improve my chances for the next cycle, and was hoping that some of you may have experience in these things?

1) Use of endometrial biopsy (scratching) a few days before you get your period for the cycle to begin. The research I have read says that it can help improve the chances of implantation.

2) Using Celexane to help with blood clots and Medrol for immunosuppression. In my last cycle I only used aspirin and Medrol for 4 days. I have heard that some women use Clexane as it is more effective in treating blood clots, and medrol suppresses your immune system and aids in implantation for those women that attempt to expel the embryo.

Do any of you ladies have any experience with these things? Any suggestions?

Hi Alicatt

I've no idea what helped, but I took Clexane from the evening of EC until OTD. Since I got a BFP, the clinic asked me to continue taking Clexane until my 6 week scan (as well as the Cyclogest Progestrone Pessaries and Progynova Oestrogen Tablets). I believe Clexane and Cyclogest are given as standard at my clinic to everyone to help implantation, blood flow etc, and I also started taking Progynova a few days before EC to help my endo lining.

In addition I ate lots of protein-rich foods and half a pineapple a day especially the core (a bit obsessive I know and got really sick of them!). I pretty much started my 'fertility' diet 3 months before to help with egg quality. Who knows if it helped or not!

I also had acupuncture in the lead up to my treatment and immediately after EC, which is apparently the most important time to have complimentary IVF acupuncture.

Hope that helps
hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.

After ET & EC, I was advised to take only Paracetamol for any pain and rest if possible. They told me not to take any hot baths or use hot water bottles.

I had really bad cramping until about 3 days after ET - my clinic said it would have been from the EC since although we don't have any external scars, we had lots of needles prodding about inside us collecting eggs!! My cramps pretty much went after 3 days after ET.

Good luck with the 2WW!
hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.

Hi, I don't know what country you are from, but here in the UK its safe to use pracetmol. A mild pain killer is fine. Hope you feel better :kiss:

We live in the USA but are doing our IVF in Brasil(where we are both originally from) because it is cheaper for us then doing a 2nd one in the USA. We start our trip back home on Wednesday @1am.

hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.

After ET & EC, I was advised to take only Paracetamol for any pain and rest if possible. They told me not to take any hot baths or use hot water bottles.

I had really bad cramping until about 3 days after ET - my clinic said it would have been from the EC since although we don't have any external scars, we had lots of needles prodding about inside us collecting eggs!! My cramps pretty much went after 3 days after ET.

Good luck with the 2WW!

thanks for your reply, we did get alot of eggs(25) retrieved so it kind of makes sense with what you said. Hopefully the pain goes for good soon though because when it happens it is unbearable.

Talked to the Dr. a little while ago and he said that "Buscopan Composto"(and not the regular buscopan) is ok to take a little if I'm in excruitiating pain which I was, but it's better not to take it if I can bear it. After what I read about it maybe affecting pregnancy in the first trimester I'm going to stay away though.
Hi Ladies,

I've been doing some research on how I might improve my chances for the next cycle, and was hoping that some of you may have experience in these things?

1) Use of endometrial biopsy (scratching) a few days before you get your period for the cycle to begin. The research I have read says that it can help improve the chances of implantation.

2) Using Celexane to help with blood clots and Medrol for immunosuppression. In my last cycle I only used aspirin and Medrol for 4 days. I have heard that some women use Clexane as it is more effective in treating blood clots, and medrol suppresses your immune system and aids in implantation for those women that attempt to expel the embryo.

Do any of you ladies have any experience with these things? Any suggestions?

I have experience with both, but I don't know how much help I'd be! I did an endometrial biopsy, but I did mine in February. It may be beneficial b/c it helps your RE discover if you have issues with your lining, but I don't know if it has am impact if you do it right before your cycle. I will say it hurts more than anything I've experienced. :cry:

I also did both Lovenox (same thing as Clexane) - my doc said I am on it because I have anti-thyroid antibodies (I was hyper and now I'm a bit hypo) and I guess this helps keep them down - and I was on Medrol during IVF. I imagine both helped.

Can you talk to your RE about these options?

Oh yes! I plan on discussing it with him. I just wasn't sure if anyone else had tried them?
hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.

Hi, I don't know what country you are from, but here in the UK its safe to use pracetmol. A mild pain killer is fine. Hope you feel better :kiss:

We live in the USA but are doing our IVF in Brasil(where we are both originally from) because it is cheaper for us then doing a 2nd one in the USA. We start our trip back home on Wednesday @1am.

hi, I am new to this site and just had my eggs transfer today. Now the waiting starts.
I am 39yo and my DH is 34yo. This is our 2nd IVF attempt.

I came on here to find out how I can relieve my cramps? I had this in my last IVF attempt and the Dr. said I should have drank milk of manesia. So this time I drank it but the pain is back again(twice so far since the egg transfer). It's really unbearable and I feel like I'm going to pass out at times. It comes and goes every few hours. Is there anything I can do to relieve besides the milf of magnesia? Someone told me to try buscopan but I'm not sure it's safe because one of the warnings say, "This medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than the possible risk to the foetus, particularly in the first trimester. Seek medical advice from your doctor." problem is it's currently 2am and my Dr. isn't anwering his phone. I've left a message but no response as of yet.

After ET & EC, I was advised to take only Paracetamol for any pain and rest if possible. They told me not to take any hot baths or use hot water bottles.

I had really bad cramping until about 3 days after ET - my clinic said it would have been from the EC since although we don't have any external scars, we had lots of needles prodding about inside us collecting eggs!! My cramps pretty much went after 3 days after ET.

Good luck with the 2WW!

thanks for your reply, we did get alot of eggs(25) retrieved so it kind of makes sense with what you said. Hopefully the pain goes for good soon though because when it happens it is unbearable.

Talked to the Dr. a little while ago and he said that "Buscopan Composto"(and not the regular buscopan) is ok to take a little if I'm in excruitiating pain which I was, but it's better not to take it if I can bear it. After what I read about it maybe affecting pregnancy in the first trimester I'm going to stay away though.

FYI.. paracetamol = tylenol and is the only 'safe' pain medication during pregnancy.

I hope you feel better soon and your trip back to the US is uneventful!

:dust: :hug:
FYI.. paracetamol = tylenol and is the only 'safe' pain medication during pregnancy.

I hope you feel better soon and your trip back to the US is uneventful!

:dust: :hug:

thanks. all I have with me are low dose bayer aspirin. Would those be ok, and do you think they would even help with pain since it is low dose?

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