Jan/Feb 2023 Bundles of Joy!!!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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Due to unforeseen issues some of our ladies lost their lil beanies and couldn’t continue to run the pages that were produced. It’s been tough on them and it’s been hard to watch but let’s keep them and all our future ladies in our thoughts, that you too will have sticky beanies: baby dust to you all :dust:

Hey moms hey :hi:
My name is Brittaney, 36yrs old, from Chicago and currently pregnant with my 2nd child (13weeks)
Symptoms suck, mostly bloating, gas, round ligament pain and no energy.
Going for an NT scan tomorrow only in hopes of learning if I’m having a girl/boy. I want a girl.
Scheduled C-SECTION on my bday 1/9/23

Anyhoo I shall try my best to keep this group uptodate, first time doing this so I hope I can do it justice. Let me know when baby is due… I will add you.

WELCOME TO THE CLUB, may we all have healthy loving bouncing babies :wohoo:

@realbeauty86 EDD: 1/15/2023 (scheduled 1/9/23) (baby born (12/2/22)
@Starbuck88 EDD: 2/20/2023
@cazza22 EDD: 1/16/2023 (scheduled 1/2/23)
@Megan0625 EDD: 2/8/2023
@mummy_ellie09 EDD: 2/20/2023
@aymz1983 EDD: 2/21/2023
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Hiya, thanks for setting this up. So sad to see the news on the previous group thread:cry:

Can I be added here? I’m 33, due 27th Feb, 7 weeks pregnant with my donor conceived ICI baby - single mama by choice :yellow: My first scan is next week, then have my 12 week scan on 15 August - eager to see how baby is doing!

I’ve been really ill with Covid this past week and my pregnancy sickness is God awful today, so I’m feeling a little rough :sick: Hope you’re all doing okay and feeling better than me!
Hiya, thanks for setting this up. So sad to see the news on the previous group thread:cry:

Can I be added here? I’m 33, due 27th Feb, 7 weeks pregnant with my donor conceived ICI baby - single mama by choice :yellow: My first scan is next week, then have my 12 week scan on 15 August - eager to see how baby is doing!

I’ve been really ill with Covid this past week and my pregnancy sickness is God awful today, so I’m feeling a little rough :sick: Hope you’re all doing okay and feeling better than me!
Hey. Welcome and congrats. Sorry you aren’t feeling well, I hope at least the Covid crap goes away soon. I’ve been hearing quite a few ppl complain about getting it. I wish it would just go away.
I bet you can’t wait for your scan. Looking forward to the journey!!!
Morning ladies x pop me down babes DD January 16th will have c section 2 weeks before that though so prob 2nd Jan x

SOOOOO EXCITED for your scan @realbeauty86 eeeekkkkkkkk I’ll be looking out for an update xxxx
Morning ladies x pop me down babes DD January 16th will have c section 2 weeks before that though so prob 2nd Jan x

SOOOOO EXCITED for your scan @realbeauty86 eeeekkkkkkkk I’ll be looking out for an update xxxx
good morning!!! You’re in there. 2 weeks huh. Wow lol I kinda like the idea of being scheduled, we can be better prepared and ready.
I too can’t wait for my scan. My hubby just woke me up and I’m like noooooo lmao it’s only 630am here lol my appointment is at 3pm smh
So now we wait lol
good morning!!! You’re in there. 2 weeks huh. Wow lol I kinda like the idea of being scheduled, we can be better prepared and ready.
I too can’t wait for my scan. My hubby just woke me up and I’m like noooooo lmao it’s only 630am here lol my appointment is at 3pm smh
So now we wait lol

Time is going so slowly. Patiently waiting your update huny :friends:
Thank you for starting this updated group! Could you please put my EDD down for 2/8/2023? Thank you! My partner and I conceived with IVF using donor sperm, and we've had quite the long journey to get where we are. We are finally graduating the fertility clinic on 7/26 and I have my first OB appointment on 8/5, when I will be around 12 weeks 6 days pregnant. <3
3rd time lucky ladies iam stalking you to see how my girls are :) sending much love to you all ❤️❤️❤️ xx

Oh and I still call you all my girls from when I set the 1st thread up I feel like I've been through so much with you ladies xx
3rd time lucky ladies iam stalking you to see how my girls are :) sending much love to you all ❤️❤️❤️ xx

Oh and I still call you all my girls from when I set the 1st thread up I feel like I've been through so much with you ladies xx
Love you in here my girl x hope you’re ok where you at in your cycle? X sending all my love x

still lurking for an update off our beauty queen I hope everything is ok darling?. I will be checking all night till I see you’re ok x
Thank you for starting this updated group! Could you please put my EDD down for 2/8/2023? Thank you! My partner and I conceived with IVF using donor sperm, and we've had quite the long journey to get where we are. We are finally graduating the fertility clinic on 7/26 and I have my first OB appointment on 8/5, when I will be around 12 weeks 6 days pregnant. <3

Congratulations darling how wonderful you have your rainbow bubs x so happy for you huny :cloud9:
Love you in here my girl x hope you’re ok where you at in your cycle? X sending all my love x

still lurking for an update off our beauty queen I hope everything is ok darling?. I will be checking all night till I see you’re ok x

Iam now cd18 still yet to ovulate very watery down there so it has to be soon but opks are still negative:shrug: wouldn't have been able to dtd anyway as its warm and he not well again :shrug: :cry: xx

Hope all is well @realbeauty86 xx
Hey ladies… sorry for the long wait. Hubby and I ran a few errands after the dr and my phone has crappy internet signal.

congrats @Megan0625 welcome!!!

the appointment went well. I was so excited to see the baby. It’s so cute already hahahahahaha
Neck size and nose are perfect so no chance of any chromosome abnormalities. The tech thinks it’s a girl because of the nub theory. I go to give blood one day this week and then I’ll know for sure. Sorry for the long wait

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Eeeeeekkkkkkk so so happy babes x I have no idea on nub theory so I’m useless to ask :rofl: but tdog loves a nub x I need to re add mine on here for some guesses too don’t I x absolutely over the moon for you darling x
Any guesses @tdog. Majority on my FB think girl but I’ve no clue. I’m happy either way we have 2 boys and a girl so would love to give seren a sister, but equally my youngest would absolutely love a little bro because him and my big lad don’t get on. My eldest says he’s happy either way bless him x x

23BD164F-A025-4A9A-B188-BEDADC8C5937.jpeg 930BE093-001F-4BE7-964F-30333D72F439.jpeg
@realbeauty86 look at that profile pic wow how amazing are they :) yep see your nub really well and that looks like a girl :pink: xx

@cazza22 I can't really see a nub on yours unfortunately but also getting girl vibes for some reason lol xx
@realbeauty86 look at that profile pic wow how amazing are they :) yep see your nub really well and that looks like a girl :pink: xx

@cazza22 I can't really see a nub on yours unfortunately but also getting girl vibes for some reason lol xx

Oh well never mind what will be will be :cloud9: x absolutely no idea what any of it means me even the skull one my 3 all had different shaped skulls :rofl:
Iam now cd18 still yet to ovulate very watery down there so it has to be soon but opks are still negative:shrug: wouldn't have been able to dtd anyway as its warm and he not well again :shrug: :cry: xx

Hope all is well @realbeauty86 xx

Only just seen this babe. Hope Ov happens soon doll. It’s apparently cooling down a little after today so DTD will be bearable. Can’t think of anything worse in this heat though I agree xxx :wacko:
Only just seen this babe. Hope Ov happens soon doll. It’s apparently cooling down a little after today so DTD will be bearable. Can’t think of anything worse in this heat though I agree xxx :wacko:

So not even close to ovulating yet I'm cd19 now the latest I've ovulated was cd22 so I no if I don't by then we not going to try, as cd22 is classed as late ovulation, I just think the mmc has delayed ovulation for me I'll prob get af before I o again tbh :cry: xx

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