January 2020 Garnets


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
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Hi All!

We're opening up a 2nd thread so we can have an active admin on this one. So many thanks to @co_fostermom for getting us this far, and apologies for not being able to copy your beautiful colour formatting. I just couldn't figure it out!

Original thread here: January 2020 Garnets!!!

Due in January 2020? Come chat :) Let us know your due date and we'll put you on the list.

Also let us know if this is your first, second, or fifteenth kiddo! All January mamas are welcome here! Also, if you care to share, tell us your story!

January 1st
Beadle - :blue: - Baby #2

January 2nd

Yellowmoon - :yellow: - Baby #1
Motherofpugs - Baby #1

January 3rd

January 4th

January 5th

January 6th

Anababe - Baby #6

January 7th

January 8th
S_Runner - Baby #3
MissDani - Baby #3

January 9th

January 10th


January 11th

January 12th

January 13th
babyleaf - Baby #1

January 14th

January 15th

Jewls - Baby #4

January 16th

January 17th

J.D. - :blue: - Baby #2

January 18th

January 19th

xjessie91x - Baby #2

January 20th

January 21st

MommyPrice - :yellow: - Baby #6
co_fostermom - :pink: - :angel:

January 22nd
robo123 - Baby #2

January 23rd
Pukite - :blue: - Baby #3
Fit_Mama2Be - :blue: - Baby #2
Sophie1234 - :blue: - Baby #3

January 24th

January 25th
mummy2b88 - Baby #2

January 26th
goingforit - Baby #2

January 27th
OnErth&InHvn - Baby #4
ashley2pink - Baby #4
Bumblebee - Baby #2

January 28th
Literati_Love - :pink: - Baby #3

January 29th
Cornishmama - Baby #2
red_head - Baby #1

January 30th
stw93 - Baby #3
beccabear86 - Baby #6

January 31st
serenyx - Baby #3
Last edited:
Hi JD, thanks for making a new group so Co can grieve in peace. Such sad news. As everyone I'm sure will be feeling a bit down for Co, I thought we could try and get to know each other a bit more and lighten things back up. So what's everyones real first names? Mines obviously Sophie but most people call me Soph xx
Is there any chance of taking the ‘take 2’ off the thread name? Sorry it just doesn’t feel right to me? Sorry if that’s been weird!
I have to say, it was amazing to see the kiddo moving around in the scan last night.

Today, I get to start weaning off the progesterone pessaries, and I'm so relieved. I really think they've caused a lot of my nausea/dizziness.

Also - the tech said that because of the size of my one big fibroid, it makes sense that none of my clothes fit because I'm more like 16 weeks in the size of my uterus. So - maternity clothes time it is.

I'll see if I can change the title. Just didn't want people getting confused.
(also, sorry! but I don't tend to use my real name on these boards just for privacy reasons)
Ah that must have been lovely :) our monster gave a wiggle at our last scan but the tech hadn’t turned the screen towards me - hubby saw it though. I couldn’t look at anything other than the heartbeat trying to count it but couldn’t count quick enough.
That’s good you get to come off the progesterone! Hopefully you’ll feel better soon.
Thank you for changing the name.

I don’t share my real name either I’m sorry - only because it’s quite unusual and I’d be easy to look up! And I’ve got way to much of my personal life on here!

We’ll have to post bumpdates here soon! Jd the fibroid sounds uncomfortable! Can it impact the pregnancy?
Thanks for starting a new thread JD, that's really kind of you.
That fibroid does sound uncomfortable, it sounds quite big too, I don't know much about them, Is it painful? I hope not.

Sorry I've been a bit quiet on the board lately. I try and keep up but I struggle with it. Sounds like there's been a few positive scans which is great! Still waiting for my first one which is on Friday and I am really nervous about it!!

My sickness has improved so much this week, I'll be turning 13 weeks tomorrow so I guess the timing is just about right. Hope it doesn't come back. I get a bit queasy occasionally but it's not all day like it was before.
Never really thought about the privacy issues around names lol sorry.

JD - I'm glad your scan went well. There is nothing more amazing than seeing your little one wiggling around on the screen.

Red head -I hate it when they don't show you the screen, it sucks but at least your hubby got to see baby having a wiggle.

Yellowmoon - good luck for your scan on Friday.

My next scan which will be my '12 week scan' is on 11th July so not too long away. However I will only be 11 weeks plus a few days.

Are people hoping to find out the gender or is anyone having a surprise? X
I had my Panorama screen bloods taken yesterday and we decided to find out the sex. We didn't last time - I hate the idea of having all kinds of stupid gendered expectations of my kid before we even meet - but I also need this pregnancy to feel materially different from my last one. They keep blurring in my head, and I need to somehow internalise that I'm not pregnant with Georgia again ](*,)
Brains are awful.
I'll know in a couple weeks, I guess. Along with all the trisomies, etc.

From what the doctors said, the fibroid was more likely to prevent implantation than it is to have any further impact. It certainly does cause pain when I'm menstruating, but I'll get a mirena back in as soon as this kid is out. I don't plan on ever having a period again, and since I'm 43, that's really not a big ask ;)
Hey Ladies!
Figured I would jump over to the new thread, I promise I am going to work harder at been more active on here just some days are a struggle for me at the moment!

I wish pregnancy wasn't filled with so much dread and sadness for some people. Its so unfair!

JD- Thank you for making the new thread :)

Yellowmoon- Good Luck with your scan on Friday I hope everything goes good!

Sophie- We will be finding out at our 20week scan, That feels so far away but I am already 9 weeks today so I guess really we are already about half way there.

My next appt is at 12 weeks on July 15th with a scan to confirm due date it feels weird with the wait in between appts like I should be doing something but I'm never really sure what :)
Hello everyone!

Sorry I've been so quiet lately...the nausea has been taking it's toll on me.

Thank you for starting the new thread J.D. I have just caught up with the other thread. Feel so sad for Co.

My next scan date is also on the 15th stw93 :) It will be my 12 week at 12+1. We move house 3 days before the scan so have plenty to keep me busy. It still feels like a long way away though.

We are opting for another surprise here.

Anyone found any goof sickness remedies...I had it pouring out of my nose too last night!
goingforit- I have had terrible sickness, my Dr told me to try and eat 5-6 small meals through the day don't let yourself get hungry as it will make it worse and try eating cold meals/sandwiches and stuff, meals that you don't have to smell while they are cooking. Also sounds crazy but lemon, smelling a lemon, lemon water citrus soda stuff like that and I didn't think that one would work and that is really the main one that has worked for me. I know everyone is different but maybe something they told me will help you.
It feels so far away before next appt but maybe it will go quick for us!
Thanks for starting this thread J.D.! Glad your scan went so well.

Goingforit I'm on Diclectin and it's really helped with the nausea/puking (the puking through the nose is the WORST!). I still feel sick all the time, but in a less pukey way if that makes sense.

If my scan today goes well I'll be getting my blood drawn for NIPT tomorrow, so we'll be finding out the sex early as well.

I have 4.5 days left on my progesterone (not that I'm counting haha) and am also really looking forward to not taking it an any more. I'm so constipated it's ridiculous.
Forgot to add goingforit - popsicles. Even on the Diclectin I still get nauseous sometimes and they help sooooo much.
Thanks for making a new thread JD - would you mind updating my EDD to 2nd January please?

OnErth&InHvn - Good luck for your scan tomorrow!

13 weeks tomorrow. I’m dying to know what we’re having. I think we will go for a gender reveal scan between 16-17 weeks.
@Fit_Mama2Be How are you going off your progesterone? Cold turkey, or gradually?

I've stopped daytime doses this week, and then next week will scatter the night doses down until I'm off them. Honestly, it's so nice to just not have to wear a pantyliner/pad during the day. My vulva feels amazing :)
Yellowmoon - so jealous you're so far along already! I moved back nearly a week with my dating scan. :cry: Nothing like having to repeat a week of your first tri, when all you want is to move into the second!

J.D. - also jealous! We're getting the Panorama too, and so excited to find out gender early! Did they give you a 1.5 weeks' result turnaround? Seems like a long time to wait for results of a blood test… but still, that makes it 12 weeks instead of 20!

Sophie - I'm finding out gender early, because we're getting a Panorama NIPT screening. :) 12 weeks, can't wait!

Stw93 - "Don't let yourself get hungry" … ain't that the truth! I eat small meals throughout the day, but anytime I actually start feeling hunger pangs I am running as if I just saw that I only have 1% phone battery life, to get a snack from the fridge. :) Nausea sets in like clockwork on an empty stomach these days otherwise!

OnErth - can't wait to see how much your baby has grown tomorrow! Keep us all posted. :)

Also, admin note - right now, I'm listed on the 25th and the 30th. Could you please change that to just the 30th? I'm pretty sure there's only one in there. :)

They said about 2 weeks? But it has to go back to the US, so understandable. I could easily know before my hospital booking in appointment on July 9!
I expect good news, nothing is pointing to bad but after a loss, you're on eggshells. It's at 2pm EST. I'll update right after.

Im amazed they have a blood test for gender now. How accurate is it?

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