January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers - I'm enjoying not sweating literally everywhere. I love fall anyways.

Application is done and we should hear back today so that'll be great. Getting laundry done. Since we don't have laundry hook ups in our apartment and our building's machines are crap (either leave grime on our clothes or they don't work) I go to my grandma's to get it done. Usually an all day thing. I really hope to be moved before baby comes just so I can have a washer and dryer.

Thought I had energy today. Then went and did the application and it's gone. Need a nap already.
I personally love summer, but even I am relieved it is fall! It must just be the pregnancy making me a little more irritated with the warmth. I am enjoying wearing sweaters and sweatpants at home again! Haha.

My DH is also able to cook and is usually willing, too...so hopefully he will do some after the baby is born. The problem is that he usually works quite late and so we can't really wait for him most days... So I'll be fending for myself.

Ali - that happens all the time to me where I *think* I have energy finally, but then I do one thing and I'm completely exhausted after! Hope you get to have a nap.
The weather is crappy and miserable today, a perfect day to be in bed snuggling with blankets. I am at work though and have evening plans. Our only plans this weekend is to finish the registry at BRU, we only need to look at a few more things and we are done registering!!

Also my countdown is now in the double digits.
Ali- I love fall too! October is my favorite month

Just realized our first baby class is this Tuesday!! I signed up for them when I was about 12 weeks and thought it was forever away. We have the abc's of infant care class this Tuesday and then the childbirth class in mid November. The classes are at the hospital I'm delivering at-the ABCs of infant care class is only offered every other month and the December one was cutting it close
Our scan was expensive but she gave us 50% off since we didnt wanna know gender so it worked out ok. We took his mum with us. She loved it.

Rainy here but suits me. Fed up and tired xx
Danser - Yay! Double digits!

Lite - I won't know what it feels like to have energy at all by the end of this pregnancy.

Vrogers - We're definitely a family of fall lovers. I can see DS being the same. He's such a hot body so the cool air will probably be nice for him.

No plans but working thus weekend. I feel so awful because this weekend got thrown at me and now DH has to get off work early to be home to watch DS the whole 12 hours because we couldn't find anyone only to go back to work once I get home. He may ger 2 hours during his nap. It isn't fair for him. Then may have to turn around and watch him Sunday.
its getting cold here too in Scotland!

well done danser for double digits!

good luck for baby class v rogers!

i weighted myself today, put on a stone and a half (21 pounds) since i found out i was pregnant. Feel a bit shit about that, i really hope i can lose it all after!
Ally - Alot of that is baby related. You'll lose it easier than you think! Especially if you breastfeed. I've put on more than that and will probably still put on quite a bit more. I'm not concerned, though. I lost my 50lb weight gain with my first real easily.
Ally, I can relate. I'm not sure the exact weight I've put on but I know it's at least close to 21 pounds if not there. This is my first so I'm not sure how my body will handle everything but I second what Ali says! I've heard many people say breastfeeding does help, I just know I'll have to get right back into working out regularly again

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend! I'm running a few errands with my best friend for baby shower supplies-we got a little bit yesterday but know the sooner we get it done the better as the shower is 5 weeks from tomorrow. My bff and I went to my dads for a little planning "meeting" with my stepmom where she casually mentioned she invited her (and my dads; they're in the same class) Sunday school class from church. I was already panicking about having to invite dh's entire family on one side-it's huge and even he isn't fond of some of them. But my stepmom is so sweet and eager to help, I can't be mad at her, it's impossible. I guess I'll have to look at the good side and realize that means a few more baby gifts (that sounds really shallow). Sorry this was so long, I had to vent!
I have gained a lot of weight too, although I'm not exactly sure how much. I'm guessing around 19 lb now... This is more than I had gained last time, and I gained 45 lb by the end last time! Slightly worrisome that I might gain even more this time, but like Ali, I am not too worried because I lost my weight very easily last time. In fact, without paying attention to diet at all (and exercising just once a week), I lost 10 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight, so 55 lb in total! Some of it crept back once I stopped BFing, but I was still lower than my pre-pregnancy weight last time when I started this pregnancy (possibly why I've gained more so far?) Anyway, I think we don't have much control over what we gain when pregnant, and I am relieved to hear I'm not the only one gaining quite quickly! :p
I've been good so far with weight gain, but someone gave me a huge box of chocolates as a gift last week... there's a reason I don't keep chocolate in the house! If it is here, I'll eat it! I think I'll make up for lack of weight gain in no time all to all. I've gained about the right amount for my pre pregnancy weight - about 13 pounds. I'm sure next week that will be more!

Baby boy has been super active during the last few days. Lots of wriggles and a strong kicks. He's stopped me from getting back to sleep quickly after my night time toilet stops! Loving it.

Almost at double figures!
Thanks ladies- does make me feel better to hear you have all gained a similar amount! i defo plan to BF anyway so i know that will help. Also agree with you literati, we don't have much control over our weight gain.

v rogers- vent away! hope you get lots of gifts! and baby shower sounds exciting, i'm not doing one but kind of wish i was :D

my weekend has been nice, went out for dinner last night for my brothers 21st which was a good laugh.

Have you all got milestones that you have as a countdown to baby being born?
my next one is 27 weeks, where i'll be 3rd tri and also have a private scan x
Mine is 28 weeks, ally. I know third trimester is important, but I also understand the stats of improved chances of survival after 28 weeks. I also have my next doctor's appointment at 28 weeks!
midnight fairy- i am small build too so i just feel massive!
Newbie- I would be in trouble with chocolate in my house!

Ally- mine is 28 weeks, although my next appointment I'll be 27+5 but I'm so ready to be in 3rd tri. I don't know why because I hear how uncomfortable it is and I'm already feeling quite achey and uncomfortable as it is
I have been focusing a lot on eating more and eating healthy. More protein too.

We finished up our registry yesterday but I think we are still looking online for better video monitors.
I don't really have specific milestones really, but I guess one major one would be 28 weeks when I get my win Rho. I always feel a bit safer after I've had that. I mostly just countdown between doctor's appointments, and my next one is at 24 weeks + 1 day.

Some of you are so far along! Congrats on being in the third trimester (at least by my standards!), midnight_fairy!
Ally - I look at milestones as well. Makes it feel like it's going a bit faster. My next one is 28 weeks as I'll be in third tri based on my provider. That's when I'll start my 2 week appointments instead of 4 week. After that I'm not sure. I remember it flying by after 30 weeks. I'll have all the holidays to make it go faster as well.

Danser - That's great! I go throw waves of being healthier. Days I work I'm usually not. More in the sense that I don't eat enough. Then I'll probably binge the first day I have off. I really should try to eat a bit better.

Lite - I know! I always feel like we're all getting so far then I see the ones due at the end of the month and remember I didn't feel that far along at that stage.

Midnight - Congrats on 27 weeks! I'm almost there!

Vrogers - Hopefully 3rd tri isn't awful for you. With my first it wasn't. I didn't even get that pregnancy waddle unless I was in pain. This one is going to be a little tougher I think, but we got this!

I hold weight well, not that I don't obviously need to lose some. My clothes aren't getting tighter in the thighs or anything anymore so I think most weight gain is going to my belly now. Maybe my chest as well. I really need new bras.

I'm so ready for sleep. DS is still pretty wide awake and little baby man is waking up and kicking me. DH is dead asleep since he was up for 48 hours with just a couple of hours of sleep while DS napped. I felt so awful about it this whole weekend I didn't want to complain about a thing because it couldn't compare.

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