January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

This baby never sleeps.. I feel battered and bruised from the inside. I don't know what she's doing but as nice as is it to feel her I'm absolutely exhausted! Took ages to fall asleep last night and literally woke me up a few times in the night some of the movements are so big. She's still going now. I know I shouldn't complain but it's so uncomfortable!

As for weight gain I think I've gained about 12-15lb in total since pre pregnancy. I'm trying not to worry too much about it. I plan to start the gym after she's born and get back to riding my horses soon as possible, so hopefully won't take long to lose it.
Anababe- so nice to hear from you, my baby is a pretty active one too! my bump is also getting massive, i have had quite a few people say it's really big already!

ali-jo- yah on 27 weeks!

newbie- yah double figures :)

anyone having trouble sleeping at night? i just get so uncomfortable and hot and then my skin feels irritated. I feel sleepy during the day, but come night, i feel awake and can't sleep. Oh it is so ironic, given that my phd topic area is sleep!
Omg yes on the having trouble sleeping! Woke up to use the bathroom (which is becoming more frequent now) then baby started kicking and now finding it impossible to fall back asleep! It's now 4:45 in the morning and I'm going to have a longgggg day of work ahead!
Oh and I've been meaning to ask everyone on here - are you getting the flu shot and why/why not? My doctor is pushing it and I haven't decided yet whether I should!
My sleep is so-so. I haven't gotten good sleep in three years anyway, since DD was born, so it's not a big change. Definitely more uncomfortable though, especially when trying to sleep next to DD.
My hips and back get sore throughout the night and I'm constantly having to change positions.

Chit - I got it. I work in healthcare although it's not required where I work I still get it. If I spread influenza to a resident it could be the end of them. Plus if it did roll through after baby was born I at least can protect baby by not getting it. Of course not every strand of influenza is in the vaccine, but I definitely feel it's better than nothing since they try to chose the ones that are most likely to spread that year.

Newbie - Yay! Double digits! So many of us are getting to doubles.

I wish I only gained around 15 lbs so far. Honestly that would be right on track in my opinion. I'm much over that. I gained 50 with my first and I wouldn't be surprised if I do it again. Although, a lot of it came on at the end and was water weight. I was only about 25 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight come the 6 week appointment. Then that was gone in a couple of months. I honestly don't know how I do it. I'm not a big eating. I think my body is just super efficient in retaining calories. Its hard for me to lose weight generally as well. I have to count every little calorie plus exercise and it still comes off slowly. Thankfully breastfeeding helped me a ton so I'm really banking on it doing it again.

Ana - I'm sorry the movement is affecting you so much. My friend was pretty much over the movement by this point as well because she said her stomach hurt from it. Hopefully it slows down a little as baby gets more snug in there.
I got my flu shot chi, I get one every year and have as long as I can remember. Like Ali said, I'm hopeful it will keep the baby a little safer when he comes.

Ana sorry your having such a hard time. I hope she calms down soon for you.

I haven't slept very well lately either, I have to constantly switch positions and pee so I feel like I'm basically up all night.

Today is v-day! I can't believe I made it here, it's all still so surreal to me!
Yes on trouble sleeping, I have never had this much trouble sleeping as I have since being pregnant! It's so hard to get comfortable and then middle of the night is baby's favorite time to roll around and kick. Getting up to pee multiple times doesn't help either.

I am getting the flu shot only because of the whole baby being protected bit, otherwise I wouldn't care. I think I've only gotten one in recent years and still haven't had the flu, but I don't want to risk it with the baby.

Can't believe I hit double digits yesterday and 3rd tri in two weeks! We're getting so close it's kind of scaring me haha
Froggy - I found a couple blogs awhile back that had a bunch of pretty easy freezer meals. We have a few favorites: BBQ Pulled Pork, Chicken Broccoli Alfredo, Taco Soup, Hawaiian Chicken. And then I also make and freeze soup and warm it back up in the crockpot. So I've got a couple freezer bags of potato soup in the freezer, and I'm making some butternut squash soup this weekend and I'm thinking about freezing the extras.

As for gym daycares - I worked in daycare for years, and my mom spent her whole career working in daycare, teaching preschool and then was the director of a daycare for a very long time. The biggest difficulty that gym daycares would have in being state regulated is the adult to child ratio laws. I don't know about other states, but in the 3 states I have lived the child ratio is usually 4:1 for children under 2 years old (4 children to 1 adult), and 10:1 for children ages 3-5. A regular daycare requires parents submit a schedule and they can staff according to the schedule, and they can turn away drop ins if there isn't space (or don't accept them at all). A gym daycare is specifically designed to be for drop-in care, which means they can't predict staffing. So they may only have 1 child in the "infant/toddler" group and then have 6 or 7 of them suddenly but they will only have any given child for at most an hour or two (depending on the regulations they have in place) because of the nature of a gym. They also aren't providing food for the children, if children are needing snacks/etc that is all the parents' responsibility because of those same reasons (food was the second big state regulation that we had to deal with at daycares).

The list goes on forever. The state does look at safety things too, but their bigger issues tend to be ratios, food, and spacing (I feel like I've walked through a million state inspections in daycare) and a lot of those just aren't applicable in a drop-in setting so state regulation wouldn't be required.

Either way I'll do a thorough walk through and check of the daycare but I go to the YMCA right now (only because it's the closest place with a pool) and their daycare is very open (windows all around so I can see in all the time) and it's always clean, organized, and nothing ever looks amiss.

Ally - I'm with you. I'm so tired, but am not sleeping well. Once I do get to sleep I end up waking up to go to the bathroom and can't go back to sleep because she's squirming around keeping me up. :dohh:

Chi - I'm definitely getting the flu shot. It's strongly recommended, both to keep us protected while pregnant and hopefully keep baby protected after birth.

In my case I work in a school and I see over 140 students each day. They are always sick AND right now the flu is going around our middle school and high school like an epidemic (and I don't mean the mild "sniffles, a little vomiting and feel achy" bit, but the full on influenza where people are out for over a week recovering). And, in my case, I have weak lungs from bad cases of pnuemonia + bronchitis and my asthma can't take it so with an already low immune system now even lower thanks to pregnancy, I am not risking anything and am definitely getting the shot. I get it every year but this year is more important to me because of baby
I had a flu shot in Australia when I was there in July, mainly because I work in a school and am exposed to all sorts of things. Having had the flu before, I know I wouldn't be at all well if I got it while pregnant.
That's good to know angel, thank you for that info. So basically if you choose a less busy times, you are better off. Another thing that I had read about it was that all ages are together. There was a horrible story about a 7 year old that bit a 6 month old all over her arms and legs because they were too busy to be watching all of the kids.
Froggy - That's always one of my fear with daycares. That they can't properly watch the children that they have. I know you can't keep your eye on them the whole time, but something like that shouldn't have happened. The one daycare I had my son in for like a month put off of daycares pretty bad. I know there are great ones out there, but it's finding one. I get so paranoid now. I don't have bad anxiety until it comes to that.

I've never had influenza. I really don't want to get it, though!
I've been unsure about the flu injection but I think I will end up getting it. Just to reduce the risk to baby. I have also been offered the whooping cough vaccs too.. not sure whether I'm getting that yet. I think I did with my last pregnancy I can't remember.

I'm having loads of pains today and been sick a few times. I haven't really moaned lately about the pregnancy and felt pretty normal but today I don't feel right. Early bed I think and hopefully feel normal again tomorrow.

26 weeks today. Can't believe we are coming into third tri soon!
Thanks everyone for your feedback! I was hesitant because I've gotten the flu shot twice before, and both times I got sick within 2 days after. Probably just some weird coincidence, though. I know flu can be VERY serious when you're pregnant, and I do love the idea that baby would be protected for up to six months after birth.

I think I'll get the shot at my next appointment on the 18th - just may request a thimerosal-free version.
Just got back from my scan, and the placenta still hasn't moved. I go back at 28 weeks to see if it has moved yet, and if it hasn't we will start talking about a scheduled c section at 36 or 37 weeks. My blood sugar levels have been really good and she is happy with them, and baby boy looks great!
Hi ladies, keen to see what you guys are thinking re: flu vaccination. I was chatting on a different thread about this but one woman was super aggressive so I stopped posting or reading. Can't be bothered with that.

I understand the pros for getting the flu shot and would hate for myself or baby to ever have the terrible virus however, what I don't know is if it is 100% safe? What do you guys think? Do the pros outweigh the cons? Cons being that the vaccines which are developed annually differ each year and are these properly checked to be OK for baby? Long term effects? As I've read articles which state the drug has been classified category c in some years therefore, there is insufficient evidence which can't rule out anything going wrong with baby? Others I've heard that it only works on some people. And some articles which suggest the vaccine itself can make you ill. I've never had the flu myself and not looking to start an argument here, just looking for some informed advice to what you ladies have read or believe to be true for you and baby, because at the end of the day that's what we all really want on here; healthy, happy babies and mummies!

He is beautiful froggy! Hoping your placenta moves for your next scan. I'm going at 32 weeks to see if mine has moved. X
Froggy- I hope the placenta moves by 28 weeks! That's good news about your blood sugar levels and healthy scan, what a cutie!
Sunshine, I understand your concerns and don't see you as trying to start an argument at all. I have seen arguments about this topic and other vaccinations in other websites but not here thankfully. I haven't read enough to give an educated response, I just know that I've been advised to get one and I personally feel it's best for me and baby. Hopefully some of the other ladies may know a little more and be able to help you better!

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