January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

will defo wash - thanks slammer and newbie

newbie- i have been sooo thirsty too!! wonder why!

midnight- i think you will have baby next week... very fed up too.

noticed some stretchmarks today, gutted. thought i got away with it.
Ugh, I'm getting a ton of stretchmarks with this one. I hardly got any with DD. Hate it. :(
Ugh, I'm getting a ton of stretchmarks with this one. I hardly got any with DD. Hate it. :(

hate it too, just keep applying lots of moisturizer i guess. Not much we can do. I;m trying hard not to itch :cry:
No set bedtime for DS either. Really depends on when he gets up in the morning and when and how long his nap is. Being flexible is much less stressful for me even if I do lose sleep now and then. Most people tell me to wake him up from his nap or don't let him if he's having a late bedtime. Nope, I'm not dealing with a grouchy child all night. Not only that, but he will fall asleep anyways in a matter of seconds if he's that tired. Not going to torture my child.

Ally - So far so good! My headache usually sets in after being up awhile, though. I think it's partially from being so exhausted lately.

I never bought anything to sterilize bottles. I just boiled them every once in awhile!

I also wash everything. I don't like all the extra lint that is on new items. Who knows if anything has collected on them either. Dust and all that good stuff.

Newbie - I get days like that where I can't drink enough. Usually when I'm at work and then I'm also not using the restroom as much as I should be. Those are the days I'm retaining really bad.

Slammer - When's your appointment?

My stretchmarks are just expanding or getting red again. I hate it, but I accept it. I knew I'd get more when I got pregnant the first time. It's genetic and I got them just from growing up. They didn't itch with my first, but they do this time. I think it's a combination of the stretching and the dry weather. Ally, mine fade really well and I have quite a few. Hopefully they'll do the same for you and since you're just now getting them hopefully they'll be minimal. My skin is still pretty elastic and bounced back really well after DS. It may come out well for you! I'm sorry you have them, but you're definitely not alone!

Appointment went per the norm. Said they'd start cervical checks next week. No concerns. He's head down, which he was last week as well. I doubt he could flip even if he tried! I have no room left!
I just try not to look at them. Denial denial!

Appt at 3:40. DH is coming this time. I think I want him to come to all appointments going forward. It might keep me calmer if someone's irritating me. :p
Slammer - Hopefully it helps! DH usually comes with, but doesn't come in and sits with DS, since we have no one to watch him. Otherwise he'd go in with every one even though they're boring!
Dh actually seems to enjoy coming to appointments and has only missed one (when we've been in the same country). He'll probably come to the next few as well.

I also think I have convinced him to come into the delivery room with me. I've told him that I'm going to need him for support but also to translate any important information that the doctors and nurses are saying. I've emphasised the translation because chances are, my mum will be in the delivery room for support, so I don't want him to use that as an excuse. Honestly, I really want him to realise what I'll be going through to bring our son into the world. I don't want him to be under any kind of illusion. Of course, I'm not going to say that to him!
Newbie - I hope he's there for you! I couldn't imagine my DH not being with me.
Sorry to those who are getting stretch marks! I haven't gotten any yet and didn't with dd1 so hopefully I can avoid them. Even though I didn't get any, though, my stomach didn't go back to normal after dd and I had loose, saggy skin which I am sure will be even worse this time.

Apple - Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I definitely wouldn't want to deliver such a huge baby naturally, so I hope inducing early does the trick. Sorry your 3 y.o. isn't feeling well!

Ally - Good for you with eating all those dates! I don't know if I'll manage.

Greats - Sorry you were so tired yesterday! I hope you got a better rest last night and that your hubby took care of everything. I've been terrible for the past week or so and have had DH make dinner any night he's been home on time! haha. I'm just so tired as well.

Angel - Interesting that your doctor thinks there's such a high chance of baby coming next week! I hope you're ready!

Slammer - Amazing about your dd! Glad it is still sticking! I haven't been able to find the newborn insert for our car seat yet. Feeling a bit stressed about that!

Newbie - Your hubby had better step up and be there for the delivery! There is no way any husband should miss that unless there is a genuine emergency! You will need him there for support, even with your mom there.

Ali - Glad the appointment went well. DD also doesn't have a super strict bedtime, although we try to keep it around the same time. It also depends on when and how late she naps. I don't ever wake her up early from her nap either. I can't handle it.

AFM - I am unfortunately not immune to fifths disease. The doctor reassured me everything will probably be fine since I am so far along and baby already has all her blood producing cells. However, from the reading I did, the risk to the baby still isn't zero in the third trimester, even though it's a lot lower than the first two trimesters. I'm a little stressed about it. I will mention it to my actual doctor next week when I see her, and find out if they need to do any extra monitoring of baby to make sure she's okay.

I just feel stressed in general today. I've been super tired and cranky and don't know how I'll make it to Christmas holidays even though they're only a day and a half away. My dh didn't get paid today like he was supposed to, and although he has talked to payroll and he will be getting it later this afternoon, that added to my stress. A couple of my family members are having health problems. Plus, dd's stomach issues have not gotten better and suddenly took another turn for the worse yesterday! I have no idea why because I've been very strict with the no dairy, have her on probiotic supplements, and was giving her foods that were super easy on the stomach yesterday. I'm really hoping my daycare didn't mess up and give her something with dairy in it. I'd honestly be quite mad about that. I am doubling her probiotic dose for a few days to see if that helps. Work is busy and having deadlines is stressing me out when I just want to be in Christmas mode! I also don't feel nearly Christmassy enough and can't believe Christmas Eve is already Saturday! We need a bunch of groceries before then so I can bake for my family Christmas, but of course I don't have any energy! :dohh: Ahhh, sorry, I just feel whiny today!
Also, for DH's sake, this baby cannot come early because DH has some big presentations to make for potential big clients in January that cannot be rescheduled. If he has to miss them, they will be given to another institution and he will miss the chance to score those clients. I can tell he is stressed about it - but talk about pressure for me as well!
I didnt have my ex with my for my 1st or 2nd labours. I had my mum and sister and was perfect. Women birthed with other women for years and the bond is priceless
Actually had no pain relief at those labours lol the one whicb he attended without my mum wad when I had G&A!
Midnight - It definitely depends on what you want and those that are in there with you! My stepmom wasn't there when I pushed but she was for most of my labor. She kind of stressed me out! I think it was because she was all over the place with excitement. I was glad to have her there, but there was a lot going on when I probably could have used a calm environment. I would much rather DH be there than anyone.

Lite - I'm really sorry you've been so stressed lately. I would be worried over the fifths disease as well. I really think your baby will be okay, but I get being worried. I'm sure they'll monitor you and baby more closely, especially if you do have it.

I'm so sorry about DD as well. Are you going to consult a doctor about it again? It seems odd that it's not getting better. Is she uncomfortable? I couldn't imagine having DS dealing with that.

I felt like a super woman today! Why? Because I went to the store with DS by myself. :haha: He was really good for me, though. He did start to fuss and cry right as I got done shopping because he was ready for his nap. So, I dealt with him crying as I was trying to check out. I got pretty much everything we need for Christmas dinner and got my nephew's their gifts. I have no idea what to send my niece now because what I was going to send her ended up being bought a week ago because she was eyeballing it while they were shopping.

So, I decided to check my cervix again. I was able to reach it easier and I'd say I'm about 1 cm dilated. So, nothing! Hopefully being able to reach it easier is a good sign, though.

I'm getting regular BH contractions right now. If only they were actual ones!
Oh yeah, I also just had a tooth break. I really don't get my teeth! They're so unhealthy, but I think it's genetic. Was eating something soft and I hit something hard. Pulled it out and it was a chunk of tooth. Not sure if I should bother making an appointment to get it fixed right now or wait. With the holidays then also I could go into labor it's kind of a bad time!
ali- yes agree about stretchmarks, just something i have to accept. Hopefully they will fade well. I will keep belly moisturized/ Glad appt went well, and yes there is no way baby will flip now.
i feel like labour is no time soon, don't know why, just feel that way. I love that you checked your cervix and concluded you are 1cm haha.
i would just wait RE tooth, if it's giving you pain, i have a magical solution. Put a clove where it hurts and keep the clove in your mouth, keep sucking on it. When it gets all soft spit it out. I do this anytime i have toothache and i get so much relief.

slammer- denial is bliss

newbie-i hope your dh comes, it iwll be a magical moment. There is no way my DH is NOT coming haha. He wants too anyway but even if he didn't he would be coming one way or another.

lit- just reading your post stressed me out. I am sure baby will be fine, you are so far along now. Hope your dh gets paid soon and as for baby not coming early- it's not really under your control. Baby will come once it's ready, don't stress over it. Really hope ur dd feels better soon, it;s such a little shame.
Ah yes definitly personal choice but I dont think its bad if people only want their female tribe around them xxx

Get this baby out of meeeee
We, as the pregnant ones, should definitely be the ones who chose who is there and who isn't. Had a great conversation with dh this morning and stated emphatically that I wanted him in and his family nowhere near the hospital until after I delivered. I might not get my wish with that. They may very well be waiting in the room for me!
midnight- not long to go, hopefully next week for you!!

newbie- i sincerely hope he comes and respects your wishes.

Im really hoping next week he comes. i am reaching my limit. this morning, i couldnt plug my laptop charger into the plug socket because of my belly. i tried, and gave up, and just lay on the floor for a min. DH came and had to plug it in haha.
DH was of course there for DD's birth, but everything went to shit after she came out, so I didn't get to enjoy any of the first moments or hours with her. I'm really looking forward to this birth hopefully going differently and getting to bond with my baby right away and to see DH's initial reactions. I imagine he will be emotional since he's getting a son.

My mom was present for DD's birth but I don't really want her there for this one. I'm hoping my sister can come, but she has five kids, so we'll see.

AliJo - I know the feeling of being impressed with yourself for accomplishing something out of the house with a kid at this point, lol. Well done. I need to go to the grocery store today for supplies to make cookies and pumpkin pie. Sorry to hear about your tooth though! If it's a superficial break then I guess leave it, but if you're in pain definitely go get checked out.

Midnight - I hope baby comes soon!

Ally - that's too funny about just giving up and laying on the floor!

My appt yesterday was just blah. GBS swab (which effing hurt!). No cervical or internal check at all, so I didn't get a chance to ask about my cervix being unfindable the other day. I was getting annoyed in the appointment again, so I didn't feel like prolonging it. I asked if they would check my iron again, since when they checked some weeks ago it was borderline low and they said to take an iron supplement. The midwife said they don't usually recheck if it's borderline. So.....you're going to point out a potential issue, have me work on fixing it, and then...not recheck? I don't get it. She said they could recheck if I wanted so I said I wanted to, and was able to get my blood drawn before leaving. BLAHHH. I don't know what's wrong with me. I leave every appointment feeling bad and wanting to cry even when nothing particular happened. I just want to get this whole thing over with.
Luckily in the UK they wont let people wait at the hosp...but OH step mum works on maternity...😑
Thanks to those regarding my tooth. It thankfully doesn't hurt but I would THINK it would. I guess I'm going to brush more often to keep it clean so decay doesn't set in as fast till baby is a few weeks old at least. It's scratching my cheek some, though.

Slammer - I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with you. It's frustrating when you express yourself and they basically take it like a brick walk. Communicating with patients properly is a big thing. A lot of healthcare professionals just get into a routine and don't treat you like you're human.

As for not being able to find your cervix. I still can't reach mine at times and at other times I can. I think your bladder, bowels, and even baby can affect it right now. There is a lot of pressure down there.

Hope your iron levels are good. Glad you can get it checked again, but it was stupid you had to push for it.

Ally - I know how you feel. I was hoping at that point, but here I am still waiting with no real sign! I'm ready to be in less pain. It's pretty normal to be in pain 24/7 now. Above all I'm ready to meet him, though!

Newbie - Well hopefully if they do go they don't disturb you till you're ready. I only allowed a couple of people in at a time to meet my nephew when he was born. Yes, I was directing people lol. She wasn't much of an advocate for herself at that point and I really didn't want them overwhelmed. Thankfully no one got offended over who was first.

Midnight - We're almost there. To be fair.. we have the least amount of time till 40 weeks compared to most. I really don't want to hit 40 weeks, though! I just want to wake up in labor! Actually, it can wait till after Christmas or at least after Christmas morning! That way I have time with DS and DH to open gifts! :haha:

I think I'm getting more BH. I think.. I've had them a lot during this pregnancy, but it feels more often. I really can't tell, it's probably just paying more attention.

Christmas party at work today. I'm honestly not ready for it. It's not something that sounds fun to me at the moment!
Thanks AliJo. When I transferred to the emergency room after having DD I actually had an OB take care of me that I DID manage to click with and I saw her for my 6-week postpartum and once more a couple months later. I kind of regret not going back to her for this baby, but she's still part of a 5-doctor practice so there's no guarantee I'd get her for the birth, plus she's further away and doesn't deliver at the hospital I wanted to go to. I think I will try to reestablish with her after everything with this baby is tied up though for any future GYN needs. Since I'm picky as hell apparently I should latch on to someone when I like them!

Don't go to the party if you don't want to! Seriously! It's Christmas Eve Eve and you're 38 weeks pregnant - you're under no obligation, lol.

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