January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - glad Melody had a good nap day.

AliJo - I hope work goes well. Totally understandable anxieties, but everyone will at least survive!

Apple - glad your toddler is settling into the new nursery. Way to go on losing five lbs!

AFM - crappy night last night. Jack just would not settle into a deep sleep all night and was very restless. Ugh.

I'm joining the crowd having period like bleeding...very light though. There does seem to be a common bleed after six weeks for a lot of us, but pretty sure this will just be short lived and not my real period yet - same as with DD.

Walked a mile on the treadmill today. It's a start! Need to do it more and hopefully shift this stupid weight!

DH has his consultation for vasectomy tomorrow! Means I'll have to pick up DD from daycare with Jack in tow. First time handling them both on my own! Will have to do it again on Friday as well because it's Paddy's day and DH will be in to work early since he works in an Irish bar.

I'm rewatching the first season of Poldark on Amazon Prime. The main actor is sooooo hot! ;)
VRogers - I definitely like meeting people with the same taste in shows too! Do you like chick flicky movies?
Thanks! I definitely got a video of V rolling. I suppose I should get on joining the Facebook group so I can share it...
sounds like Lillian is just a wee little girl! So sweet! Hope the Tylenol helps with the pain.

Slammer - oh yes, well time on our chests definitely counts! I think specific tummy time on the floor is much more important for the babies who are rarely held and just sleep all the time in their bassinets. I know my niece was like that and she couldn't even hold her head up at 4 months!
Sorry your PT appointment was canceled, as well as your daughter's dance class. My poor dd1 hasn't gone to her little toddler class in 5 weeks now! We kept having things up. Last night DH was supposed to take her, but then of course something changed and he got off work too late as always. Good thing it was cheap to sign up for...

I hate when I get hungry or have to pee when V is sleeping on me!

Well done on going on the treadmill. I hope going out with both kids went okay.

Angel - sounds like M's naps have really improved! That is excellent! You must be relieved. I bet M and V would have fun play dates together rolling around! ;) hehe.

Ali - so sorry you're back to work already! I can't imagine. How many days per week do you expect to work at first? I hope your first day went well.

Apple - well done on the weight loss! I wish I would lose 5 lb in per week...except I don't want to put in any effort! When you said "Result" it reminded me of when the girl says it in "Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging." Are you from the U.K.?

AFM - been a busy couple days with some family visiting from across the country (the ones who were supposed to visit last month but then couldn't last minute). Our house is a disaster because my friend and her toddler were over, and every time the toddler is over, he dumps EVERY single one of our toys on the floor! Drives me insane. Dd1 hit V in the head accidentally last night, so I am unfortunately on concussion watch until tomorrow. She seems absolutely fine so far, but can't be too careful.
Lit/ yes I'm in uk lol x wish I wasn't at times..my older boys are always nagging me to take them to Florida lol .. Just too expensive for me at the min. My oh eldest son is in missori at the min playing soccer at a university. He loves it. Saying that I think it's the cheerleaders he likes more lol.. Apparently they like English boys ha.. N he is lapping it up from what I can make out.. His dad is worried we might not be the only ones with a new baby!! I laughed the other day as my oh always says to his son before ending his conversation on Skype " keep it covered " ! Then my toddler spoke to him and when saying bye he also said keep it covered !! Lol obviously no idea what he is talking about lol..
He is there for 4 years, costing a fortune!

I'm not expecting that weight loss all the time Id like to go for 2lb a week. I got a pedometer yesterday and did 14000 steps today so hoping that helps ! It was nice day so went a nice walk with oh, ds at nursery so just us and ollie..

Slammer / good luck taking the kids together, ive done it a few times now with buggy board.. What a life save that is ! X well done on treadmill x I used to have one but it broke, my legs were brill and felt really toned after I used to go on it..

Nothing to report really, trying to get ollie Into his basket more as mainly in with me but getting a big paranoid it he has been face down twice :( and it freaked me out a bit. He only went from his side, but he hated laying on his back.. It's an awkward one really..
Oh and managed to dtd lol;) because that's obviously important news haha x
Apple - DTD is awesome news! Haha.. I mean it can be a real challenge with little ones. Being able to do it and enjoy it is part of getting back to "normal".

I have a fitbit and love it. I never get 14000! Even at work when I'm on my feet all day. I easily get 10000, though.

Keep up the good work with slimming world!

Lite - I'd be like you and be watching for a concussion! I do it with O all the time when he hits his head hard enough. With babies it can be such a worry with their heads not being as tough!

Omg.. the toddler dumping all the toys! I know EXACTLY what you mean. My brother's stepson (not truly stepson they're not married) who is a year older than O will come over and by the time they leave I swear I just want to burn his room down. Every. Little. Freaking. Thing. Is. Out. Of. Place. He threw an absolute tantrum when he last visited because we wouldn't let him in there since my brother and SIL were staying in there. Still managed to destroy the living room. If I know they're coming over I will run in there and put things where he can't get to them, be it our bedroom or up on the closet shelf. I'll leave the bigger items down, but like the building blocks.. nope.. gone. They never use to help clean up either, but now my brother's GF does but her cleaning is throwing everything in the toy bin. So I dig it all out and organize it. It's always a headache haha

He's definitely starting! Small laughs so far. Been trying to get a big giggle out of him! It's definitely a laugh, though.

Slammer - No bleed for me after 6 weeks yet. I had one stop right before my 6 week appointment. I really really don't want my period so if I get it I will be angry lol

I want a treadmill! When we move I'll definitely look into a treadmill or even an elliptical. I just can't do the elliptical for very long. I'm sure if I stick to it I will be able to over time.

I think you'll surprise yourself with going out with both. For me it was kind of empowering. I was like "I can do this!" Even if it was exhausting.

Hope you get a better sleep tonight.

Angel - I'm glad Melody is sleeping better. Half tempted to try it with T buuut with O in the mix I think it'll just be too stressful ha.

The one that felt right got away. One since was a "You know I like this place enough" then that fell apart and now I just feel like I'm settling for less. Still considering it. Has a huge fenced in back yard which is nice. It's almost a .2 acre lot.

Vrogers - How was she after her shots? T was a little cranky but nothing residual after the first and only dose of Tylenol.

AFM - Tried to catch up best I can. I need to be going to bed.

Work went eh. I went over a hour, but it easily would have been more if my coworker didn't take all my treatments. Which she shouldn't have. I'd rather she left them alone because she was having an attitude all day about having to do a lot. I just try my best to ignore her. She's on the verge of losing her job because of her behaviors.

T only ate around 8 ounces total.. in a 14 hour period. DH said it was a bad day, but even though it was bad he knew it could have been worse. Said he could handle one day of it and be okay. Hopefully they get their own routine soon and T starts to eat more. I hate that he didn't eat much. Slept pretty rough as well.

As for trying to lose weight since it's a topic.. I decided to cut back on foods high in carbs. I can't find the time or energy to count calories so I'm hoping since foods with a lot of carbs are often junk or high caloric it will drop my caloric intake some. I'll half pay attention and make sure I'm not under eating and I'm not cutting them completely.
ali- i cant believe t laughed, how adorable! isa sucks his hand so sloppily too, saliva everywhere! sorry work wasnt so great and that t didn't eat much. I guess it is expected and im sure he will make up for it!

lit- isa has had loads of tummy time, he just loves it. Sorry V has had some big crying sessions. Hope evenings ease for you.

vrogers- isa is in 25th percentile too haha. our little small babies.

slammer- sorry pt was cancelled. Did you manage to get some food? :D sorry jack had a crap sleep, hope he is better for you tonight. Good luck picking up dd with jack in tow.

angel- maybe its a side effect of the minipill then. But amazing job on the naps. its great you have managed to find a system that is working for you.

apple- glad ds is doing well in nursery and great job on the weight loss! Ollie sounds like he is thriving, that is great. Isa ends up on his face too, he really prefers that position with his reflux... glad you got time for dtd. Always nice to have some intimacy with our oh's! dh and i dtd last night, we used to dtd every night or every other night before isa was born, i do miss those times. now its maybe once a week. so tired in the evenings we just both fall asleep.

AFM- got all clear for mastitis which i knew anyway as i couldn't feel any lump. This weekend is my wedding anniversary and last month was dh's birthday. i had booked us a night away (with isa of course) in this little apartment in the country side and had to keep re-scheduling because i was unwell with mastitis. Anyway we are going on saturday and just making it an anniversary weekend.

however, i have the worst luck and i have another blocked duct. this time near my underarm. I am hoping i can massage it out, but not had any luck. Going to try see a doc today, maybe antibiotics will help. either way... i am going away this weekend. not letting mastitis get in the way haha... so being positive as i can b about it. its not painful just now, just uncomfy and annoying.

on a better note, isa reflux has been so much better, and hes become more smiley, more alert and he is always eating his hands like mad. its so cute. He is making more and more noises, like he is trying to talk to us. Last night he had a 5 hour sleep in the crib... hope it continues...

sorry for long rant just want to moan and feel a bit sorry for myself.
Ally - I'm sorry about the blocked duct. I'd look into how to prevent them. It seems like you might have recurrent issues with them. My friend was constantly fighting them for awhile.

T is constantly eating his hands as well!! He gets mad if he takes them out. We just give it back and he's good lol T is always talking to us as well. It's fun!

Enjoy your weekend!

So last night it was cute. T was mad and I was trying to make something to eat. Well he had a blanket on him that I gave him to mess with and he had lost it. I gave it back and he pulled it right to his mouth and was content again! He definitely likes to chew and suck on his hands, but he's developing a liking for blankets!
AliJo - T sounds so cute with the attachment of the blanket bless him. I think it's lovely when they become attached to something. Anabella still sleeps with her bun bun which was given to her when she was born :cloud9:
How lovely that T laughed for the first time.

Ally - Have a lovely weekend away, it sounds very well deserved. I really hope you are not getting another bout of mastitis with the new blocked duct :(
I am pleased Isa's reflux is getting better and he is making more noises. Jamie has starting making different noises now and I love it!

Apple - well done on the weight loss, that's amazing!
yay for DTD! Still waiting here!

LL - Goodness, toys everywhere just gets on my nerves. Anabella is bad enough on her own, but whenever she has a friend over the house looks like a bombs hit it!
I can't believe V is rolling already! Go girl!

slammer - hope having the two of them on your own went well? I must admit I've done it countless times now as I've had no choice really. My husband went back to work after 2 weeks and he works 6 days a week from 7.30am - 6pm, so I had to just get on with it. The first time was a bit daunting , but it's all second nature to me now :)
Ive heard good things about Poldark. enjoy!

vrogers - I hope Lillian was OK following her jabs. Jamie has his next week, not looking forward to them at all :(

AFM - My bleeding turned out to be pp bleeding. It stopped after a few days and it was very light. Strange!
Jamie has been unsettled in the very early hours the last couple of nights which has been difficult as it means I get even less sleep. I hope tonight he sleeps more soundly!
Expressing is going well and I now have around 80 frozen bags and seriously running out of room in our freezer. I want to start donating to our local milk bank. I called them Monday and yesterday and they said they would call me back but they haven't which I find odd. They are apparently crying out for donors. I will try again tomorrow I think. I would loathe to start having to chuck some away due to lack of space when it could be helped sick or premature babies :( I don't even know how much longer I can keep expressing this volume for, but whilst I have an oversupply I'd like to make the most of it.
Pomp - I always hoped O would get attached to something, but he never did. He would like something for awhile then get over it. T just likes to mouth his blankets right now so maybe he will get attached to something.

That's awesome about the supply! Hopefully you can get through to them so you can donate! Also can try to post it on for sale groups or something like that. Had someone in town do it to give it away and people were all over it.

Quiet here today! Hope everyone is well!
Just a quick post for now. Ended up not having to pick up DD today since DH was out of his appt in time to get her. Will have to tomorrow for sure though.

Pompey - I have nearly 100 oz in the freezer now...30ish bags maybe. I probably won't even need it, but it's nice to have a safety net. I agree with finding someone local to donate to if you can't get a response from the milk bank. I was able to donate 100 oz to someone back when I was nursing DD - found them them through a local Human Milk for Human Babies group. Another group for breast milk sharing is Eats on Feets.
Hi ladies just a quick post, im gonna gave to check out this poldark I guys are talking about :)

Slammer, I'm sure u will be fine once u have been out with both children together, it is daunting initially but then as pomp said you just get used to it.. Saying that Id like to see my oh do it as often as o do lol.. Brilliant that u have so much milk frozen. I only breast feed at night now but never really had enough milk to freeze extra in the day. Saying that It prob would have increased if I pumped more I just never had the time with having 4 boys ! ;) lol

Oh and hope your DH appointment re vasectomy went ok. We have looked into it and I'm surprised they do it at the Local drs, and it only takes 40 mins lol..i thought he would have to stay in hospital..I know he is nervous about it .. He wants to try childbirth !! 😉

Ally , sorry about the blocked duct, I hope it doesn't get any worse. The weekend sounds fab hope u have a good time.

Ali, T with his blanket is super cute, sounds like he is coming on great, brill that he is starting to laugh.. Ollie is talking back a lot to now, it's really sweet :) I can't wait for him to giggle :) !

Lit/ im with you with the toys! I must admit my toddler has too many and is pretty spoilt and we have gad a lot given but they do get everywhere, I try to keep them organised but to be honest when my oh has him by himself the house just get trashed ! Ha ... Oh is fab and gets down on them floor making train tracks and playing with planes for hours but has no concept of the words tidy up !! Ha it really bugs me.. Ive ended up removing some upstairs lol x

Pomp / great freezer stash also and I think it's loverly thst u want to donate :) hope Jamie has some settled nights for u and u manage to get some rest x im normally not too bad and can manage on just few hours sleep but give me a few nights of it and I start getting stressed in day more easily then feel guilty !

Update here, not much to report. Went to Dr this morning and got the pill. Ollie still doing ok, has last feed at 11 then wakes at 3 am and 6 am. Getting used to that pattern now. It's just hard if ds wakes. Just going to write invites for ds party next month with 20 3 yr olds !! Ive booked us two nights away after at a hotel with tearooms and mini farm as he loves animals. Think we will need the break. It's just me , oh, ds and ollie so should be nice x if not interesting ha, im hoping there are some baby lambs as ds would love feeding them..
Apple - That sounds like a lovely family outing with your young ones! I would love to take O to Disney World because he is loves with Mickey. I know he's not old enough to remember it, but it would still be great!

Slammer - I still think you'll do fine! I'm sure it would be easier to think about if Jack did well in vehicles.

So, Disney is at it again. I can't click anywhere on the page. I had to change to the mobile version.

T doesn't want set down today. He's happy just sitting on my lap at least. They needed baths last night and I didn't get to it so I'll be doing that here in a bit. Then later I'm going to look at a new house then also one that we were thinking about buying. I need another feel for it. I've thought about it a lot and I don't think it feels right, but maybe I'll get excited again when I see it. The other one is similar to it in size, but just a single level with 3 bedrooms. No real pictures of it online so I'm hoping it's nice inside. Has a partial finished basement, just not as much finished. Maybe could do more. Definitely worth a look. I always laugh at myself. As soon as I think I might want a house I start looking at remodeling and updating ideas for it lol
Literati - hope the family visiting is going well. That must be a little stressful.

I hate clutter and really want to minimize a bit over the coming months.

I hope you can get your DD back to her class soon. DH kind of wants to enroll DD in Tae Kwon Do now as well because there's a place right nearby and it would be another activity to keep her busy and off the TV, but low effort for us, lol. We must spoil her. She keeps coming home from daycare asking to do something “exciting”. Sheesh kid, not every day can be exciting!

Apple - I can just imagine your stepson is a hit with the ladies! We Americans sure do love a good accent. :)

Congrats on DTD! That is news worth sharing, hehe.

AliJo - sorry the first day back at work went a bit rough for DH. I'm sure it will take a bit of time for them to get into a rhythm. DH was just asking me if we should start introducing bottles next week to get Jack used to it. I spose we will, but I think since it won't be an every day thing there is still a good chance that he’ll resist them when I go back.

DH had the two kids on his own for a grand total of 36 minutes yesterday while I was on the phone with my friend. He nearly lost his mind! Hahahaha. Jack fussing and DD wanting food. Welcome to my evenings dude.

Ally - that’s nice that Isa loves tummy time. It would give me a chance to get a thing or two done if Jack liked it.

I hope you clear your new clocked duct quickly! Enjoy your weekend away. Sounds lovely.

Glad Isa gave you a nice stretch of sleep...jealous!

AFM - I really do need to try to get out of the house with both kids...but there's not much to do when it's cold. Can't wait for it to warm up so we can do playgrounds and walks. I used to get DD outside a lot when it was just me and her. I mean, I'm not even going anywhere with them today...just have to drive five mins with Jack to go get DD and then back!

Getting more and more annoyed with my lack of weight loss. Sigh.

Kind of want to be intimate with DH in some way (still not ready to try sex) but we have no chance really.

Mentioned my freezer stash already...quite proud of it, lol. I just use my manual pump 1-2 times a day and pump about 3 oz each time and just sock that away into the freezer. If I didn't have the hand pump I wouldn't be doing it at all because the electric one is too much work to set up.
Slammer - What manual pump do you have? I need to get one. I still have a large stock pile but I'd like to add more. I only add to it a couple of times a week. Like yesterday T napped forever and I had to pump. I think a manual would be easier for me to just pump real quick and stash.

Baths are done. I really need a shower myself but we'll see if I get the chance. When T is napping I can get O to stay near me and shower real quick.

My lower back hurts pretty bad today. Standing hurts.. blah..
I have the Medela Harmony. So easy to assemble/disassemble. I just throw everything in a bowl of hot soapy water when done.
Update: pickup went fine! Jack didn't cry at all in the car. He was a little pissy while inside getting DD, but no biggie. :D
Ali - sounds like you know exactly what I mean with another kid terrorizing your house! I am also the type who likes to keep all our toys organized, so cleaning up takes especially long. My friend also just has the throw the toys into a bin system, and she often lets all the toys be dumped out in her house all day, so makes sense that the toddler is a bit more used to dumping things. The last time we were over there, my dd1 said to her, "your kitchen is kind of messy!" Hahaha! I felt bad. Kids are so blunt!

Pompey - agh, that's annoying your hubby lets the house get so covered in toys when you aren't home. It is such a pain to clean up!! I hate living in a disaster zone. I, too, have gone out of the house with two a lot because I've just had to. With preschool I'd imagine you're doing it constantly!

Slammer - Thanks. Family is now home but it was good to see them. My one cousin announced she's pregnant! First baby. Exciting.
I'm glad your trip to pick up dd from daycare went well! That is funny your dd is always asking to do something exciting!

AFM - I don't know how you all manage to pump so much. I never have time. I have finally made the effort this week since I need some for later this month, but have still only managed to put away 11 oz total, with great effort.

I had an okay week, with some stressful moments, but yesterday was quite a bad day, as dd1 basically completely terrorized me. I think this is the worst age I have ever experienced. I can hardly wait until she grows out of it. Part of it was she was quite overtired. This nap transition is difficult. Anyway, today I felt extremely listless and glum. Kept crying on and off. Finally took a nap this afternoon and am feeling a bit better now. Happy weekend.
After our amazing nap day on Tuesday, yesterday was a nightmare. She wouldn't let me put her down, waking immediately. Only slept in my arms, and then very restlessly. :wacko: And overnight the same problem. I think we got 3 hours of sleep between 9pm and 6am. :dohh: But she managed to sleep on my chest from 6am - 9am, and then thankfully today was better with all of her naps lasting an hour! We got a new swaddle sack. She had outgrown the halo sack I had (lengthwise) but the next size up that we have was way too big for wrapping around her and I couldn't get a good swaddle (it was given to me used so it might just be stretched out). And I didn't like how I kept finding it up over her mouth. :nope: I bought the swaddleme wrapsack and I like the design SO much better than the halo ones, and I thought I was in love with the halo version. She didn't even fight me wrapping her in it, and was asleep in just two minutes of our routine. :happydance:

Melody's been having a rough time eating the last several days, basically refusing to eat at all. She'll start to suck and then stop after 1-2 minutes and start screaming. The only way she's eating the last several days is after I give her tylonel, then she'll eat for 20-30 minutes. Since i don't like giving her tylonel unless I really think she needs it, I only did that yesterday and on Sunday, so she has barely eaten in between. :( I was worried it might be reflux because of the way she was screaming, except she never spits up, so then I was thinking it could be "silent reflux". My sister was here today so she started looking in her mouth and we can SEE the tip of her bottom tooth coming in. It's not quite broken all the way through yet but we can see it.

I KNEW I wasn't crazy.

In other news - I weighed and measured her. She's 24.5 inches long now and 12.5 lbs! :wacko: She grew 1 inch and 1.5 lbs since her March 1 check up! She's growing so fast!

Ali - I'm so sorry that you have to return to work.

I love my fitbit! Before I was pregnant I tend to get 8,000-10,000 when teaching depending on the type of day I was having. When I'm at home I rarely get close to that. But since Melody seems to like bouncing on the yoga ball when she's fussy I spend a lot of time doing that and my fitbit thinks I'm exercising (it actually registers it as time on an elliptical :haha: ) so it's been saying I've been hitting 10-12,000 without any effort! :rofl:

That sucks that the house you really wanted got away. I hate the idea of settlings for less when buying a house. It seems like so much money to spend for something that could be "settling". But .2 acre is not bad!

Oh I'm sorry that T only ate 8 ounces total. Probably stress from the changes. I'm sure he'll eat better now.

Apple - My doctor didn't even mention the injection, but I don't know if i like the idea of getting on something that if I have crappy side effects I can't "take it out", I would just have to ride it out, whereas with the pill or IUD I can just stop or have it removed whenever I want. the only thing that annoys me about the mini pill is that I have to take it at the same time (or within 3 hours) every day.

Wow Ollie is getting big! That's so great! What is "slimming world" ?

Slammer - So sorry that you had a crappy night. Sounds like both Jack and Melody were not having a great time last night.

Great job getting onto the treadmill! That's great! I need to start getting out to the gym and exercising.

Lite - I am so relieved that she's having decent naps! I was really worried about when I go back to work and she'd never get any sleep or her caregivers would never get anything done. I agree, M and V would have great play dates rolling around! :haha:

Oh no! I hope V is okay and doesn't end up with a concussion!

Ally - Oh no! I'm so sorry about another blocked duct!

Pompey -Wow! That's so impressive the stock you have! I hope the milk donation place gets in contact iwth you. I think it's so great you're going to donate.
Lite - Children really have no filters! I would feel terrible if a child said that about my place. I wouldn't be mad at them, but I'd be feeling like I can't even meet the approval of a child! :haha:

I'm sorry about the rough day. I'm glad the nap helped. If O did drop his nap I know I'd be struggling with him a lot more. He still gets so tired and he's enough of a challenge as it is. It is a very trying age. I'll tel you what.. I'm not excited for the talking back stage!

Watching Blippi on YouTube.. ugh.. children! Actually he's at a children's museum and I definitely think I should take O to the one near by! He'd have a blast! I'll feel kind of odd being there. A girl from my little brother's class worked there and was shot and killed there by someone who was stalking her. It's sad.. they have an exhibit honoring her now.

Angel - Sounds like painful gums is the reason she's not eating. Tylenol might be a good thing then since you wouldn't want her to get dehydrated. As soon as the tooth cuts she'll be much happier. Look into baby Orajel or something like it as well.

That's funny about it reading your bouncing as working out on an elliptical! Reads me rocking T. I definitely don't move enough on my days off.

Well, the house we looked at for the first time was a big nope. We loved the space it had, but it needed A LOT of work. They were asking WAY too much. They won't be selling for quiet awhile at that price. Then on the disclosure they said there was no known pests yet there were bug bombs sitting in plain sight. Also, it wasn't clean. Dirt built up in corners and the carpet was nasty. Now I know exactly why there was no pictures.

We looked at the one I was thinking about buying again. I was hoping I'd get a good feeling about it, but I didn't. It's a big nope. The second bedroom was way too small for both boys. I couldn't remember how big it was. So, waiting game for something new to show up. She said there should be a lot more coming on because it's March. I'm bummed because I really wanted something to work and now I just feel like I'll be waiting forever because there isn't anything currently that works. I'll miss our realtor. Even O loves her. I honestly wish she was my children's grandma! She brought O some putty to play with and then later O was wanting her to pick him up and was giving her hugs. She'd go around and shut lights off with him and help him to the switches. I told her when we find the house we want he's going to miss her.

T is a sleep for the night. Trying to get O there. I'm exhausted.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Sorry I haven't been on for a while. I have been reading but haven't had time to reply. I'm sorry that I don't have time now, either, but I need to vent some frustration.
Dh came home from his business trip and had spent time with his sister while he was there ( much to my annoyance because it meant more time away from us, but I didn't argue). Unfortunately, I had angered his sister when they were here visiting when ds was just a few weeks old. Their last day was on a day when ds was feeding every 1.5-2 hours and we were both exhausted. He wanted me to go and visit them, which would have involved a long drive both ways. I was almost in tears and refused. Both of them were annoyed and while I can understand why, since she won't see him again for a long time, I couldn't understand why she couldn't come to me with her husband and kids. Anyway, dh has almost gotten over it until he spent time with her and it all started up again. His attitude when he came back was awful and he was telling me that he didn't like my attitude! I'm like, I have made my son's welfare a priority over his family's demand and apparently he doesn't like that. It seems that he hadn't quite realised that this little person in our lives takes up a ridiculous amount of time and energy. That this little person's well-being is far more important than other people's. That my well-being, especially while I'm breastfeeding is more important than the impression he wants to give to his family. That what is good for him and what worked when it was just him and I, don't necessarily work now that this little person is here. I have worked that out because I have spent so much time with ds, but he hasn't spent nearly enough time with him to realise that.

To top it all off, my mum is getting ready to leave this week so I'm hyper stressed and so is she. She knows how much she has been doing around the house and for me and the baby and we're both worried that dh won't step up to his responsibilities when she leaves.

I have a feeling it is going to be a very emotional week... Thanks for letting me vent!
Literati - oh my that's funny about DD commenting on your friend’s kitchen. I'm probably more of a just throw everything in the toy basket person, but I do like to keep things like blocks and puzzles separated.

Congrats to your cousin!

So sorry you had a bad day and then a glum day. You're on your own so much...it has to be totally exhausting! :hugs:

Angel - baby sleep is not exactly a linear progression..well maybe for some lucky few, lol. Hope you have more good than bad days. I wouldn't worry too much about other caregivers. Everyone finds their own way and babies will often do things for other people that they won't do for you.

That's crazy she's actually getting a tooth!

AliJo - I think you're right to not pull the trigger on that house if you don't feel right with it. There are bound to be more options in the next couple months.

Newbie - sorry to hear about the troubles with DH. I definitely agree that the baby and your well being come before making appearances with family. Many times with a baby you just have to say “no” to doing certain things. I really hope he steps up after your mom leaves.

AFM - easy evening last night...Jack was sleepy and I pretty much wore him all evening while he slept so it was almost like it was just me and DD. She went to bed easy too and didn't wake during the night. Jack didn't sleep that well and I had to move to the glider around 2:00 for the rest of the night.

No plans for the weekend really. Hope we're not all too bored and stir crazy.

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