January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali - someone was killed AT a children's museum? That's awfully scary! We have a children's museum here too but it's kind of crappy. In the next couple years they are going to be updating it and moving locations, and then it will be really neat!

It really is a trying age. I am sure all ages have their challenges, but I do hope it gets somewhat easier at some point!

I am sorry T didn't consume much milk when you were at work. Sounds like he might start reverse cycling a bit. Or hopefully he will just get used to you being at work and will start taking more for your DH.

Thankfully my friend wasn't offended (or at least said she wasn't)! Hehe.

Newbie - that is frustrating that there was so much upset over you saying no to seeing your SIL the one time. It is so hard to juggle things with a new baby, and there are definitely a lot of things you have to say no to in the beginning. I wish both your SIL and DH would understand.
I'm sorry your mom is leaving. It will definitely be an adjustment with no help (it sure has been for me), but I am sure you will do just fine! The first week will probably be the worst. I hope your husband will step up and actually help more. Sounds like he might have gotten a bit spoiled with your mom helping so much. You might have to have an honest, up-front conversation about what you are expecting of him in terms of help. Sometimes husbands can be quite clueless and also a bit selfish at times...

Slammer - Thanks. It really is tiring. Blah!
It definitely is nice to keep blocks and puzzles separated!
Glad you had an easy evening. I haven't had one of those in a while. V has been really fussy in the evenings again, but oh well. I am sorry Jack didn't end up sleeping well at night. I would be so exhausted if I had to go sit up in the rocking chair in the middle of the night! I hope he sleeps better soon.

AFM - we have had an exhausting day. We were out of the house for 5.5 hours straight! I am so tired and nauseated now (I tend to get a bit car sick). I also have a headache. Bleh. It was fun at the time, though. We had brunch at a friend's place and then went shopping for double strollers. Found a used one for a decent price but it felt like driving a bus. Ended up leaning towards the most expensive one we looked at last time, but they didn't have in stock, so we will think about it a bit more and then order online if we decide to get it. At least we got to try it out with both dd1 and V in it, so I know it works well.
Lite - Yeah.. it was a really sad ordeal and really messed up. I'm pretty sure it was at the museum since she worked there and it happened in the mall where it's located. Basically he was obsessed with her and she turned him down.

I think we'll have a sweet spot right before they hit puberty so it will be short lived and we'll have to wait till they are adults haha

I get car sick as well. I have to keep my eyes on the road and roads with a lot of curves are pure evil. Glad it was a nice day out. What stroller are you thinking about?

Slammer - I'm sure something will come around or I'll get a full time position and be able to afford more. I just don't see a full time position working out unless we move over there.

I bet it felt kind of good for it to just feel like you and DD for awhile. I like it when I takes a longer nap because then I feel like I actually get to spend time with O. I feel bad when I have to cut it off quick because T woke up.

Newbie - I'm so sorry.. he doesn't seem understanding at all. I feel like his sister took all that time to make sure he'd treat you like crap when he came back. I'd be so mad. I really hope it blows over soon for your sake.

Nothing going on here. Just got T down for a nap in our bed. He was needing one. Hasn't taken a good one all day.

I've been irritable today. Just frustrated with the house hunting and then frustrated with the apartment since I have no room and it's just feeling cluttered all the time. I can't stand it. I went through a rage and tossed some house plants which isn't like me because I love having them just so it wouldn't take up space. About started tossing more stuff today. I can't even remember what it was now.
Have had a couple fussy days with Lillian and could never finish a post, so sorry for the super late replies! Trying to catch up now.

Literati- I do like chick flicks! I haven't seen any newer ones but up to 2010ish I've probably seen all! What are your favorites?
Concussion watch sounds scary, I'm sure everything will be fine. Poor thing though.
I haven't joined the fb group either!
Is it active lately (anyone who is in it)?
Sounds like you had a productive day even though I'm sure it was exhausting for that long! Maybe you could find the stroller for sale or a coupon or something!

Ali- she was a little crabby and fought sleep but the Tylenol did help! She's also just leaving her second leap according to the app so I think some could be attributed to that.
Your coworker sounds annoying and frustrating to deal with. Hopefully this doesn't sound too mean but for your sake I hope she isn't there too much longer, I'm sure it would make work better for you!
I need to do better about watching what I eat as well. It's too easy to grab something fast to eat which usually means unhealthy.
I'm sorry about the house and waiting game. How frustrating. Hopefully the perfect house does come along sooner rather than later!
Lillian didn't get a good nap in today either until late evening! Then she slept for 2ish hours, woke to eat, and is now down for the night.
I can imagine the lack of space is frustrating and the fact that you guys haven't found a house yet-it's understandable.

Ally- another 25 percentile baby, I wonder if/how much it'll change as they get older, if they'll stay on the smaller side or not.
No need to apologize for the venting/ranting, totally allowed here! You can't catch a break with those ducts, I hope it does go away on its own and doesn't get painful. The getaway sounds lovely! Also glad to hear about the reflux letting up, it's so much better to see them happy and alert instead of in pain and inconsolable!

Pompey- thankfully the only hard part was the actual shots, she calmed down a few min later when I cuddled her and talked to her. She had a couple crabby days but we gave her Tylenol and she does seem better now! I hope little Jamie and you both do okay, it is hard to see!
Seems like quite a few of us already got pp periods. At least it's over and done with.
How amazing of you to donate milk! I would love to have been able to do that. I'm sure your milk will be helpful for a preemie/sick little one, so sweet of you!

Apple- I hope the pill works out for you! I was never good at remembering to take it, missed so many that I figured it wasn't worth it.
The two nights away sound so fun, I'm sure you guys will have a blast! So jealous about the baby lambs, oh my goodness.

Angel- wow, I can't believe she's getting teeth! I'm wondering if I'll realize when Lillian is teething..theres apparently such a wide range it can happen and sometimes when she's extra fussy I never find out exactly why, gas or a leap or growth spurt or just being a baby.

Newbie- wow, I'm frustrated with your dh for you! Everything really does change when you have a tiny person relying on you for everything. It seems like us women who grew these little people understand that better. You'd think dh and his sister would get that you are looking out for the baby and that he is your first priority not making other people happy by visiting or whatever else that would mean. I hope he steps up when your mom leaves!

Slammer- glad that at least the first part of your night was easy! I really need to get a glider!

I'm so ready to be able to take the baby out of the house even just to target. Our target just built a Starbucks in it so I'm ready to be able to take Lillian and just grab a coffee and walk around. It would be easier if she didn't eat so often (that part would probably be easier if I was BFing I would assume) and I'm still super anxious when thinking about her fussing and crying out in public. It gets so dreary sitting in the house day after day kind of like I'm in prison! Eventually I'll have to get out with her either way!
Hi all,

Ali glad the bath time went well, I'm with u on getting quick showers!! Nightmare at the min lol ..and hope viewing the houses is going ok. House hunting is stressful and exciting ! Sorry u have had some stressful moments, hope today is a better day for u. It's so frustrating when u are feeling all cluttered especially with a new baby as well. Hopefully u will be in your new house sooner than later ️xx hugs

Slammer, that's funny about your DH with both kids.. My oh is really good and offers all the time to look after ours but I do normally take one if them. If he does have both, say I get a bath or something im always rushing as I know they will both kick off.. Silly really i should just leave him to sort it but it to be honest it's just easier for me to come and do it myself lol..im just glad to get a bath ! As great as he is sometimes oh annoys me a little because he always seems to have to mention " ive been holding ollie or ive been playing with ds.. I'm like " what do u want a medal " lol try doing that, sorting tea and a moody teenager and putting a wash in at the same time !!lol.. Oh doesn't multi task very well when it comes to kids everything else goes to pot.. Still wouldn't swap him haha ..

I know what u mean with having chance to be intermate.. It was hard with one Lo but with ollie here as well.. Not much chance.. I'm also very aware of my teenager in the house as well !! That would be the worst if he heard anyhing Ha

Lit/ sorry u had an off day the other day.. I know what u mean about difficult age with toddler..my ds is definately trying me at minute.. Glad u decided on a stroller, ive managed to get away with not needing one as ds is slightly older but so thankful for the buggy board..nice that u got out with some friends.. But car sickness sucks.. My teenager is really bad :(

Angel, sorry M has a rough few days.. Poor little thing.. I'm sure ollie might be teething also.. Really bad night and I can remember with my other boys the temp and and it affecting their stomachs.,

Slimming world is a really popular diet plan in uk, I thought it would be in us to be honest. Def worth googling if anyone wanted to lose weight. It's definately the easiest ive done over the years. You can eat loads which is what I need. I hate counting points.. It's recommended by midwives so can be done when pregnant or breast feeding.. X

Vrogers , sorry h are feeling anxious about taking little one out.. I was definately like that initially, even with ollie and he is my 4th baby but you do get used to it. I know it's easier said than done but I just used to say to myself " what would I think if I saw someone with a crying baby" not a lot really, u always get the odd idiot, but that's what they are idiots and not worth your time.. With my first id say something lol ...especially if it was time of month ha ..but now I really don't care xx you will be fine hon n im also a Starbucks fan ! You will be chilling with your coffee soon 😉😉.

Newbie/ vent anytime x I would be really annoyed if oh had done that to me.. I think as long as you have explained your feelings then stick to your guns. I don't feel you have done anything wrong hon. Is his sister quite out spoken ? Just wondered if she was normally like that with your DH.. He seems bothered by what they think. We can't please everyone and yes in an ideal world we could pop and visit everyone but reality is we are shattered and our little ones and sanity needs to come first x hugs hon ️xx sometimes I just let things settle then choose my moment to bring up things with oh once he has had time to calm down. He normally sees things my way then ! 😉

So we have been up all night with ollie x poor little man hot and bad stomach , not sure if he is teething , he is def uncomfortable :( had some paracetamol.. Sat on couch with him as wouldn't settle in bed :( sure tiredness will kick in later xl

I was naughty mummy yesterday got ds all ready for a party and looked at invite as we were leaving and it had startd 2 hrs b4 !! Cost me a special treat ha x
Literati - that's hard that V is still having fussy evenings. It has to be tiring after a long day of caring for two!

Thankfully I do sleep in the glider when I have to move there. I have a whole setup with a big blanket, a pillow to prop up Jack/my arm, and a pillow for my neck. It reclines so that helps.

5.5 hours out of the house is a lot! Brunch sounds lovely though. Do you want a side-by-side or the longer kind? Our strollers only ever saw use for walks outside...never really used one indoors for shopping or anything. Haven't even thought about getting a double yet, but maybe I should. One time we were on the DC Metro train and a woman had a really long one and tried to get off the train and the gap between the train and platform got her wheels stuck! DH jumped in to lift it clear so she could get off...the doors on Metro trains are scary because they don't open back up for obstructions!

AliJo - I'm sorry finding a house is taking so much longer than you hoped. I'm sure I'd feel cramped in an apartment with two kids and a dog too. You have a dog, right? How do you handle taking the dog out with the two boys? Really hope something good comes up soon.

Vrogers - Target really is the perfect place to try your first outing alone, especially one with a Starbucks so you have a place to rest and feed Lillian. They can probably also give you a cup of hot water or something if you need to heat a bottle - I'm not sure how most people handle bottles when out and about. But speaking of Target - I just did my first outing with the two alone there myself last night! :)

Apple - totally understand feeling like it's easier to just do things yourself. DH is really very good but just not had much practice with the two at the same time yet. He's going to have more practice when I go back to work though and he has to handle mornings and daycare dropoffs on his own, and then be alone with Jack all day.

Seriously no chance to be intimate yet...I haven't even gotten to the point of putting Jack down on his own at night. He doesn't usually settle for the night until 10:30-11 so I just go to bed with him because I'm tired too. I guess I should try putting him down for a bit though and maybe then DH and I can have some time to at least snuggle!

I hope Ollie feels better soon!

Too funny about being late for the party! Of course you'd have to make a special treat after that! :p

Midnight - glad to see you check in even if you don't have time for a full update!

AFM - I was so tired yesterday! Having to get up with the two kids while DH sleeps after work sucks. Neither Jack nor I were ready to be awake at 7 when DD came in! Same feeling today, lol. During the week I sleep a bit longer while DH handles DD. How do single parents survive??

I took DD outside for a bit yesterday and let her jump in muddy puddles (big peppa pig fan here). She had a blast and I got some good pics and video. :)

I also took them both out for my first real outing alone with them! Went to Target and got pretzels and lemonade at the mall (which is attached to the Target). DD was very good. Jack cried almost the whole way there and the whole way home. :( He was good otherwise though. We took our pretzels and lemonade back to the car and sat in there to eat while I fed Jack. Not that I'm bothered about feeding in public, but I was hoping if I fed him in the car and popped him into the seat fed and happy he wouldn't cry on the way home...no such luck, lol. Anyway, the crying sucked, but glad we got out. Felt accomplished. :)

Oh, and I think the lovey feelings are finally coming on for Jack. He's finally smiling at me. :D
Just had to share this pic of DD airborne while jumping in a puddle! She got soaked of course, lol.https://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u488/slangofoil/Other/IMG_20170318_144120.jpg
Slammer, yay for getting out ! sounds like u had a nice time:) Ollie's always having his moments and crying fits when we are out and about and ds sometimes starts making crying noises really loud to drown it out ! He thinks it's funny, just annoys ollie more ! Lol .. Not helpful when putting your shopping through till !!

its really good that you are having nice feelings towards jack, so loverly when they smile. I really struggled with my second son and we are great now apart from his teenage moments :)

funny that you were splashing in puddles today we were doing same thing with ds ha..

Just editing lol .. Wow she is georgous.. The best fun is always free ! X

Also I have started putting ollie in his basket at night alone, im only outside listening but he has dropped to sleep a few times, he also settles for night 10:30 ish but I though I'd try and I was surprised that he settled, I had to go and put dummy in a couple if times at first but I think he actually likes the quiet x nice just to get even 20 mins hands free :)
Oh dear, I dunno how I'd keep my patience if DD started screaming or crying at the same time when out. You're supermom, lol.

Thanks...she kills me with cuteness sometimes. :)

I have definitely not tried putting Jack down awake. I'd just be happy to have him go to sleep and be able to transfer him to the bed successfully! Though he did randomly take himself off in the mamaroo yesterday unexpectedly. Didn't work today, lol.
Slammer - I adore the picture!! She's definitely a beautiful little lady! I won't lie.. I'd probably join O in jumping in the mud puddle as long as I didn't need to worry about T!

O kills me with cuteness as well. It's horrible how he uses it against me! :haha: He's a clown, too. He knows it as well. I think his future teachers are going to be like "He's a good kid.. but he constantly is trying to get attention!" "*awkward smile* Yeah.." At least I hope the good kid part is in there!

A dog and two cats :dohh: At least the cats tend to stay out of the way. Our dog isn't huge either. He's a Boston terrier. We actually chose the smaller of the two apartments we were shown for convenience because it's right next to the door to outside. We aren't on ground level so we don't have a personal door (it's like a half story up) but I can just step outside our door, keep it open, and even though I shouldn't I let him run outside. He won't take off and he listens. DH takes him out when he gets home and when he gets up so generally I don't need to. He sleeps and lounges most of the day. He generally never asks. He's always gone long periods of not needing to go out, but he would be more than happy to go out and run all the time. I wish I could boot him outside at times. He can sure stink!! Like right now.. if I could let him out to run it'd help pass all that gas he has.

Glad you got out! I need to get out with both some more. I'm more worried about O than I am T.

I'm so super happy for you for having lovey feelings towards Jack! I bet that makes you feel so much better. There's nothing wrong with it taking time, but I can just imagine that it doesn't feel the greatest.

Apple - I need to keep working with T with him being on his own at night. He does well generally. I've been on and off with it. Depends on how tired I am. He hasn't put himself to sleep. He will sometimes fall asleep on his own in the swing.

Funny about the party! I have never been so disorganized with my life than now. I was a little out of it after O, but not bad. With both I'm constantly forgetting stuff or misunderstanding! Been trying to write on the calendar more.

Midnight - Thanks for checking in!

Vrogers - My cousin just gives her baby room temperature formula. That way when she goes out she just has water filled bottles and dumps the formula in. If you get an insulated bag you could put hot water into the bottles and that should keep them warm enough till she's ready to feed! Then you just have to add the formula.

BFing can be easier, but can be harder. Both have benefits. For me right now it's a pain. Yes I'm available and ready, but he tends to drown on me then it's just awkward trying to keep him from choking and trying to keep me from becoming completely exposed.

I really think most people understand and won't judge you poorly if she were to cry. There are a few that think otherwise, but they're generally bitter people anyways and good luck pleasing them.

When I got T down for that nap, it was before 6pm. I think I replied on my phone, can't remember. Anyways, he slept till 8am. Not straight obviously since he would wake to feed, but be right back to sleep. I thought I was doomed to be up late (O went to sleep at almost 12 again ugh) then be up super early, but surprisingly not!

We had O at a busy park for a short while. Made me feel kind of bad for not having him in some sort of daycare yet. He had so much fun just because there were other kids around. I didn't see it, but I guess DH said he was loving up on a little girl that was about a year old. They were hugging each other and she tried to give him a kiss so he kissed her lol then I guess he proceeded to almost trample her. People were kind of laughing because he was just standing there laughing like a maniac in the middle of everyone. The kid is too excitable sometimes.
VRogers - there pretty much haven't been any good chick flicks in the last 10 years anyway! I don't know - I pretty much love them all! Bride Wars, Confessions of a Shopaholic, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Win a Date with Tad Hamilton... the list goes on! Hehe. I own a lot of them.

Slammer - that's an adorable pic of your dd. she is so cute.
GReat job on the Target outing. I wish we still had one.

Apple - sorry Ollie was so unsettled.

Midnight - nice to hear from you. Hope you're doing well.

Ali - my dd1 is also pretty attention seeking and I do rave about her cuteness constantly so she definitely knows she's so cute! Haha. Oh well!

AFM - V was up crying a lot until midnight last night, seemingly with painful gas. I really wish she would stop having such fussy evenings. It really makes for a long day.
I am feeling quite down to be honest. Feeling like I am the only one struggling and everyone is having an easier time than I am. I know that's just me feeling sorry for myself but sometimes it feels that way. I asked my mom to take dd1 this afternoon so DH and I can nap. I feel guilty about it and like she probably finds me a burden, but I'm so tired and I can't deal with dd1's energy right now. I just feel completely spent.
Lite - O definitely knows we find him cute and funny. If we even smile at something he does he tries to do more to get us to laugh or smile more. Turns into full on psycho at times!

I think it would be hard to not look at your own life and feel like it is harder for you than others. Everyone handles things differently and when someone might find something not too hard it doesn't mean that another person can't find it extremely hard. I wish I could say I wasn't struggling. It seems to always be one thing or another. I could type up a whole self pity post right now!
Lit/ I know how u feel with not feeling up to dd energy, im the same with ds and def get agitated easily with him..then feel guilty. You honesty Sound to me like you are doing a brilliant job. It's really hard ajusting to a new baby and having a toddler. My two older children aren't really that much of a problem but I do feel like I'm starting again due to the age gap.. Thank goodness for B&B and this thread to keep is sane :) x

I'm thinking ollie might have a tummy bug, both me and oh and ds are not great. I'm def feeling like my cycle is going to start any time as well :(
Was really irritated with DH last night. After telling him how exhausted I am from not getting more than 2-3 hours sleep at a time every night, he told me to wake him the next time she needed to be walked/bounced/rocked back to sleep and he'd take over since he doesn't work today. Well, I did and he bounced her to sleep, but a few minutes after she was down she woke up. So he repeated and again she woke up a few seconds after he put her down. So then he just sat there staring at her, and groaning in frustration. She went from just sleepy fussing to frustrated sounds as she was starting to actually wake up and trying to get out of her swaddle, and I asked if he was going to pick her back up. He said if he did he was just going to end up repeating the same thing and he wasn't really interested in walking her for 10 minutes for 2 minutes of sleep, all night long. So I asked the obvious question...did he have a better plan, and he said no. :dohh: Like WTF!? Now she's screaming because she's woken herself, she's swaddled but wants to be out of the swaddle. I told him he couldn't just leave her there screaming, so he picked her up, but just sat there while she was screaming. :growlmad: I finally just said "giverh er to me", took her and settled her down. He was complaining about how she just wouldn't sleep and I finally said "welcome to my world. This is my night, every night. But YOU sleep through it, and I let you because of work, but now you know why I'm so F*ing tired!" I was really pissed off. I also told him there's no point in him offering to help me at night if he's not willing to actually follow through.

His solution: to put her back in our bed because she'll sleep better and then we won't have to wake up with her. She does sleep better, but that's because every time she starts to wake up I'm right there to settle her again. And i don't sleep well when she's in the bed because I can't get a deep sleep, but of course he just sleeps through it all. I told him all this and he just looked at me and said that he didn't know why we were bothering to try to make her sleep in her bassinet if she doesn't want to. :dohh:

It's not that she doesn't WANT to, she just doesn't sleep well sometimes. Sometimes she does fine. And it doesn't bother him when I'M dealing with her. Ugh. :growlmad: I basically told him I'd deal with her, and then put her in our bed after I had her eat some more and got her to sleep. I was just so freakin' angry at him.

Ali - The tylonel definitely helped. I was looking at baby tylonel and they all say not to use for under 2 years old. Is that just as a "CYA" for the company, or is it really not safe for infants?

Sorry that things aren't working out for you house hunting. I know that this time is the best for house hunting, as we come into March and April a lot of people put houses on the market because spring and summer are the best selling times. I hope you find one soon!

newbie - Feel free to vent! That's what we're here for! I'm so sorry that you're having problems with DH. Sounds like he didn't quite realize how much your lives would have to change when the baby came into your life.

Lite - 5.5 hours? Wow! That's crazy! I can't imagine that long out of the house with M!

And I promise, you aren't the only one struggling. Just when I think I've got things handled, then everything goes backwards for a day or two. :hugs:

Vrogers - oh I'm sorry Lillian's been fussy lately. The FB group has been really pretty quiet lately. I wish it was a little more active because I have an easier time getting on FB and updating than I Do getting on here. I hate using BnB on my phone, so I always wait until I can get on the computer.

I didn't even realize she was teething until my sister told me, because she was acting just like my niece did.

I think that people would be fairly understanding if she got upset and fussy in public, but I understand because I have the same fears. As for eating so often, I can't remember if you're using formula but if you are then the tip my aunt gave me was to prefill a couple bottles with water, and put individual baggies with premeasured formula into your diaper bag, then it's easy to make up and feed. I'm actually more nervous about M getting hungry and needing to BF in public.

Apple - When you put him down awake does he cry much before he falls asleep or does he just sort of drift off?
Apple - oh wow, I would be so annoyed if my DH did that! So much for being helpful! My DH doesn't help at all in the night, but I remember back when dd1 was a baby and one time I got him to change a diaper in the night and it ended up waking me up so much that I just figured - why bother waking him up if it completely wakes me up too anyway? Blah. It sucks he played so helpless and ended up riling M up so much. I must admit M sounds really hard in the night! Although V has her fussy evenings until late, once she is finally asleep for the night, she only wakes to feed and goes right back to sleep. I can't imagine rocking and bouncing multiple times during the night too! You really must be exhausted. I wish your DH would help more! And so frustrating that he's so oblivious to how hard it is night after night for you! Hugs.

Ali - aww, well if you ever need a self pitying vent, feel free to do it here! We understand.
To answer your question from a couple posts ago, we are looking at the city select jogger.

Apple - aww, well I am sorry you are having a hard time with your toddler as well. It is tough! I hope poor Ollie doesn't have a tummy bug, and I hope you manage to stay healthy. It would be so hard to take care of the kids if you got sick!
Angel - Often times men don't get it till they're forced to deal with it. My DH got a heavy dose when I was working overnights and O was still getting up at night to eat. He wasn't sleeping well at all with me gone and was waking up after 30 minutes a lot. Wasn't until we started using the paci that he started sleeping a little better for him.

It is safe to use, but the companies won't suggest use on infants to protect infants and theirselves. Infants are new to this world so it's safer for their doctors to suggest dosage in case there was some reason that it shouldn't have it. Like kidney issues. I have a stepsister that has a daughter that couldn't and still can't take Tylenol because it can be harmful to kidneys if used over the daily dose limit and she has bad kidneys so she has to stay away from it completely. Normal use is safe for healthy people.

I'm really hoping that you're right about the houses. I know more do come around but doesn't feel like it will happen.

Apple - I really hope Ollie isn't sick! I really hope you all get to feeling better soon.

Having a bad night. I'm mentally worn down and I can't handle anything right now. Nothing changed, but I just can't.. I'm sure DH is concerned after the text I shot him.. ugh..
Ali - lots of hugs! So sorry you're having a bad night. I know completely how you feel with being so mentally worn down. It happens to all of us. Hang in there! You're doing an amazing job!
Quick check in ,

I put ollie to sleep last night in his basket ( fell asleep having mummys cuddles and transferred him) at 9.30 pm. He slept til 4.30 am !! I woke myself at 12.00 and freaked out thinking there was something wrong with him.. My heart was racing it was horrible, im just used to him waking .. Had lots of big poos so think it's helped relieve his tummy a little. Still not 100%.

Went to slimming world lost 1/2 a pound .. Lol rubbish ha .. I know ive been eating more buscuits this week in middle of night so better leave them alone !! I won't deprive myself tho need something for my sanity with a newborn and sleepless nights :)

Angel, sorry about how your DH was wory u, my oh will help out after work but has no idea how much j actually do.. He comes out with unhelpful comments sometimes and if he does help out he likes to make it known! Very proud of himself for washing up lol.. Hasn't got a clue ! ����

When I put ollie in his Moses basket he is awake and I wouldn't leave him to cry. I do dip his dummy in gripe water , done that with all boys and it likes the taste and settles down. Sometimes it doesn't work, in which case I'll just pick him up. I just started laying him on his own little bits in the day first. Id put him in and dip his dummy but he could see I was still around as id just potter round the bedroom. Then I started just putting him in with light off but landing light on worh light shining in room. Id be sorting ds in other room.. To be honest I didn't know how it would go but thought Id just try and see how we got on.. I was really soft woh my eldest two boys and they ended up in my bed until age 5, I had to lay with them every night to get them to aleep watching the soaps in the end. My ds1 used to sing along to the theme music ! Lol
With ds3 I decided to try and get him in his room earlier And was really surprised how it was not nearly half as traumatic as Id predicted ha ..and it made such a difference to my evenings. Now he goes to bed no problem, same story , cuddle and he is asleep with his baba sheep x so ollie is ds4 so just decided to try earier with him.. He loves his cuddles tho and gets plenty and can be hard to put down in day, surprising how quick the suss mummys out ha x
not been online at all the last few days so trying to catch up quickly.

slammer0 thats great about your freezer stash. I don't have any, i am so bad at pumping. I have an electric one but it actually isn't that good and i end up using my hand when i want to express some milk.
i hope you find time to get some intimacy with dh. I agree, it is so hard to find time and the time always seems so short. i did tae kwon do when i was a kid and loved it. might be a nice idea for your dd.

well done for getting out and sorry jack cried the way there and back. Your dd is sooooo adorable!
i havent put isa down awake either. just feels weird. i know he wouldn't sleep that way.

lit- glad you managed to have a nice time with family. sorry your dd is so difficult just now, i can only imagine. i hope things get better soon! i would be so tired too if i was out the house that long. hope you get the stroller you want.
i agree with ali, i think we all look at each other and think oh they have it easier etc. I feel like that sometimes, i am in awe if all you with more than 1 child. You are doing a great job, and i hope you got some time to nap and are feeling better today. BIG HUG!

angel- i honestly think baby sleep and naps is such a difficult issue. I have days where isa will nap lots and in the crib etc and other days he wont sleep and just wants to be held. Cant belive melody's teeth are coming in wow! i guess that explains the lack of eating! she is growing up so fast and sounds like a healthy girl :)
Sorry about dh, i really think men find it so much harder, and it isn't as natural to them. my dh is really good but i do the nights mainly and 99% of the time settle him to sleep. Try not to be too upset, i think men are selfish in that respect and it will be harder for them to understand. Maybe on his days off you should try to get him to help more with nights so he can appreciate your effort more!

ali- that sucks about the houses, it is so hard to find a decent place. fingers crossed for something soon! sorry you are feeling frustrated, i am sure something better will come up soon. i have also had a few times where i have text dh saying i am too exhausted and worn out now and he panics. then later i feel fine haha. sending you a big cuddle!

newbie- i am so sorry about your dh, having a baby takes up so much time and energy and everything else comes second. i can understand the stress you must be feeling with your mum going too. do talk to him about how you are feeling and let him know. the mum normally spends the most time with baby so understands fully the time, effort etc it takes to take of baby and maybe your dh doesn't quite appreciate that yet. sending you a hug.

vrogers- i find it so hard to get out house with isa and with bf'ing i find it so awkward cause he eats little and often. i try to express milk when i go out. I also feel a little imprisoned. helps to have a couple of goals for the day- today mine is to tidy the whole bedroom. it is such a mess and so much stuff everywhere.

apple- poor ollie hope he is feeling better soon. i prefer isa in basket to co -sleeping, i just like moving around in my sleep and having a snuggle with dh. I always put him in at start of the night, but he ends up in the bed later haha. that is amazing how long ollie slept in his basket. Hope he carries on.

AFM- dh and i had the weekend away for our anniversary. Saturday we went to this place about an hour and a half away in the countryside, walk in the forest etc and then had an overnight stay in a little self catering apartment. It was nice to get out the city and into some greenery and fresh air. We thought we would get some more time alone as well but isa had other plans. he was awake from 5pm to 11pm! only slept short bouts in that. When he settled we were so tired but managed to stay up a couple of hours and chill together which was nice and swapped anniversary gifts. Then sunday we went out for dinner, but isa started crying and i had to hold him and try to eat at the same time, and then he did a massive poo haha. it is just so romantic having a little baby! dh and i want to book a week away in the countryside but think we will wait a few months when isa is older as its so hard taking such a tiny baby anywhere.

i have appointment at breast clinic tomorrow , i feel like my left breast is inflammed and swollen and a bit worried about it.
apart from that isa is doing well, reflux a little better, still gets a lot of gas. Sleeps in crib at night and only wakes at night to feed then straight back to sleep. The last few nights he has been inthe bed more so need to get him back into crib. nightime routine of bath, feed and sleep works well, he is always sleepy after bath/

sorry for this massive post haha, sorry if i missed anyone.
i get general impression many of us finding things hard and struggling, but we are all in it together. Sending you all lots of love! :)

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