January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Apple - That stretch of sleep sounds amazimg! I do the same and worry if it's been awhile. So I reaĺy like hh vying the crib right there becauae I can just look at him and drift back asleep. Sounds like you got not all figured out to encourage him to sleep on his own! I certainly don't.

Ally - Life is definitely different with a baby! I bet he will grown to love those outings!

I'm sorry about your breast. You just can't catch a break in that department.

DH is off today so hoping I start to feel better.

I don't want to jump the gun, but I think mostly cutting carbs is working. I generally eat one meal with carbs then avoid them the rest of the day. I'm down at least a pound or two. I've been up and down so I'm not sure where I was, but I'm 1 pound down from my lowest. Here's hoping.
Hi all! I have been terrible about being on here and keeping up since Calvin was born, and I am sorry about that. I've been struggling with accepting Calvin being our last baby and have for the most part stayed off the site completely. It is still not set in stone but seems more likely than not. I am only just starting to process and thought it would be nice to get caught up and see how your little ones are all doing!

Calvin is doing great. He is a big baby- is 9 weeks and as of 4 days ago weighed in at 15 lbs 12oz, 24 inches long. Hes a boob monster and nursing is going great. He has been in 6 month clothes for the last month. But he is starting to fit into smaller 9 month.

He is sleeping great and for the last week has done a 7-7.5 hr stretch, eat 30 min, sleep another 1.5-2 hrs. Compared to my first who didn't sleep anywhere close to that until 17 months it's been wonderful. Daytime sleep changes day to day. On a good day he will take a 90 min AM nap and 3 hr afternoon nap. Other days he doesn't sleep at all during the day. He has been a belly sleeper since 2 weeks and we are getting ready to move him to his own room in the next week or so.

He is a chatterbox and loves talking (which is a brand new wonderful experience- my oldest has a speech disorder so we never got coos and whatnot with him).He does great in tummytime and can scoot himself a little. He also moves his legs like he's walking if you hold him up under his arms. He has really been enjoying being up on his feet lately. I suspect he will be early on the physical side like his brother was (though I would be VERY happy if he slowed down a bit...Not ready for him to grow up so quick).

As for me, I had the baby blues for about 3 weeks and was having a hard time connecting to Calvin. Had a good emotional talk with DH and things got a lot better. I had PPD with DS1 but am very happy it hasn't been the same way this time. I have been struggling with body image lately. I gained 67 lbs (after losing 70 before getting pregnant). So far 25 is off bit I've been stuck here for several weeks. No period yet and I know hormones are playing a big role but it is still hard to deal with. I know it will eventually come off. Sigh

I'm working on catching up reading but in the meantime hope this finds you all well!
Kk - Thanks for checking in! I love that Calvin is a big baby! They're fun, but hard to keep up with! Seems like you can't keep them in any sizes for too long! Glad he's a little chatterbox for you! T also loves to talk up a storm and likes to scream at us if he's bored. T also enjoys being up on his feet. He actually doesn't like laying down for long periods while he's awake. He wants to be sitting up and if he's in a reclined position keeps trying to sit himself up.

Super jealous of his sleeping habits!

You've lost 70 before, so I know you can do it! If you need support I'll be glad to be there for you as much as I can! I've always struggled with my body image and I've got a lot more than pregnancy weight to lose! I was stuck for awhile, but I'm hoping my recent change works. Seems to so far, but I know I need to throw more activity in there. I keep thinking "When the warmer weather comes", but I know I can do stuff around here I just need to quit making excuses!
I know Ali- I keep having to switch his clothes around in the drawers. I'm thankful we have pretty much all hand me downs...I would have been so upset if I had paid a ton of money for clothes and then he never got to wear them!

That's great T is doing so well! I know Calvin is fascinated with his big brother...Does T watch O all day? We joke that Calvin came out wanting to be a big kid so he can keep up with Charles lol.

And I am just taking the sleep one day at a time. Charles was the worst sleeper for a year and a half. Very very very attached to me and would only sleep 2-3 hours at night at a time. The 2 times Calvin has gotten extra clingy it's almost sent me into a panic remembering how bad it was before (PPD didn't help the situation before). I am just extremely grateful for how well he is doing so far.

And thank you for the encouragement. I know eventually it will come off, it's just slow going for now. And it's been such beautiful weather here lately but it's hard to get outside because Calvin just wants to eat all the time! Would love an accountability partner to get extra movement and exercise in. I'll make a commitment to go on at least 3 walks this week as a start!
Kk - We definitely have to start somewhere and 3 walks sounds like a great start! Looking at the weather it seems we have a high chance of rain the rest of the week. Today would be a good day for a walk, though! So I'll go for a walk today and if I can't go for a walk another day I'll do some indoor exercising. I work the next two days so I don't want to be too ambitious and go for 3 days this week.

T does watch O quite often! O makes sure of it and T smiles and talks to O a lot when he's playing with him. O is so in love with him and it's totally adorable. This morning when O woke up I laid T with him and he just laid there snuggling him and giving him kisses. Wish I had my phone because it was so cute! I definitely think T will be hitting all his physical milestones early. O did, but T has a lot more encouragement since I'm sure he'll be wanting to keep up with O. I keep saying "You just watch.. he'll be the first one that O says "I love you" to." We can't get him to say it to us. He's usually all "Yeah." He calls him Teddy and Teddy Bear all the time. If he's sleeping in the other room he's all "Teddy?" looking for him.
I will definitely get out for a walk this evening too and will check back in afterwards. Losing weight is not fun at the beginning but so worth it once results start being seen! Next week I'm doing a 7 day clean eat program (out of town this weekend or would do it this week). Hoping it helps me detox from sugar a bit...Definitely my downfall!

That is so sweet that O was snuggling him! And I love e that he calls him Teddy/Teddy Bear :)

Charles doesn't really want to snuggle or hold Calvin but he is fairly protective of him and likes helping get diapers, blankets etc for him. It's sweet seeing that natural big sibling behavior come through
How is everyone else doing today? I'm feeling a little better since I got to spend some time with DH. It really makes a lot of difference to be able to talk to someone other than children! Especially ones that can't hold any sort of proper conversation!

I managed to get out with DH and the boys for a walk. We stopped at the park to let O play. That ended in a disaster because he did not want to leave and he was tired. So he was screaming at the top of his lungs. I had to flip kids with DH to get him to even remotely calm down. He was tired so that didn't help. Got him chilled out and I was able to put him in the stroller and we finished our walk. T was awake since he woke up while we were stopped at the park and was awake the rest of the way. Kind of fussed for awhile and got moderately upset at times, but thankfully never full on mad. I was using the carrier with him. My hips hurt from it and now my knee is messed up, but overall it felt good to go out.

Kk - I do get sugar cravings sometimes, but I have always been more of a salty food lover. Which is still no good. I hope I start to see results soon, otherwise I'll get discouraged. I've lost weight before by counting calories and exercising, but that was before children and now I can't seem to find time to properly count anything. So, I need another way to help cut back calories without having to count. So I'm hoping just cutting most of my carbs and only have some during one meal at most it'll do the trick.
AliJo - thanks! I had no interest in jumping in puddles myself, lol. I managed to stay clean until the last minute of course when she jumped in a huge puddle on our sidewalk and splashed me on the way inside.

Oh that's convenient that you can easily let the dog out! Sheesh, and two cats! I'd get a cat if I wasn't allergic. I used to want a dog, but DH didn't want one and I now realize I wouldn't want the responsibility anyway.

Yes, it feels much better to finally be feeling the love for Jack!

Lol at O being so excited at the park. I'm sure he will be happy to be around other kids once he starts daycare or preschool. I'm just now thinking about moving DD from her daycare to preschool in the fall. I had planned to just keep her at her in-home daycare, but the other boy that's a little older than her will be heading to kindergarten and then it will just be her and a few younger babies. It might be better to get her into real preschool where she'd be with other kids her age.

Sorry you had a bad night. I know how that is...feeling run down and over it even when there's nothing particular to cause it.

Literati - I'm so sorry you are feeling so down and tired. I know it will get better when V stops being so fussy in the evenings. Does she settle in a carrier? I swear I've used my carriers more with Jack in a matter of weeks than I ever did with DD. He will settle if I keep moving, which can be exhausting, but not as bad as trying to hold him. Also...earplugs? Not to ignore V, but it can make the crying less unbearable to deal with. DH used to always put in earplugs when putting DD to sleep because even being held and bounced she would cry.

Apple - hope you all are not too sick!

Awesome night of sleep for you! That's nice that Ollie will settle on his own sometimes. Maybe one day I'll give that a try, lol.

Angel - oh, men! They don't get it when they're not on the front lines all day as it were. I'd get frustrated with that too. It's tough that you don't sleep well with Melody in the bed. I seem to be cursed with children that don't sleep well either with or without me, but at least I sleep better with them next to me, even if it's broken sleep. I hate getting out of bed for any reason.

Ally - yes I remember with DD having to rush to DTD when we did get the chance because she would only sleep for 30 minute naps and 30 mins at the start of the night!

We will probably do the Tae Kwon Do - glad to know you enjoyed it!

Glad you enjoyed your weekend away, even if it was a little stressful with Isa.

Oh I really hope you don't get another bout of mastitis! You poor thing!

Kksy9b - sounds like Calvin is a thriving healthy boy! Such good sleep you're getting! Sorry you were having a hard time connecting with him - it's been a slow process for me with Jack too, but finally getting there.

AFM - I'm going to join AliJo and kksy9b on the walking challenge! I went for a 30 min walk outside today with Jack in the carrier. We should have a few more nice days this week so I'll try to get out for more walks, but can do the treadmill if not. I'm also going to try to get back into making green smoothies...I used to have one every morning way back when, but haven't done it in ages.

I've left the house four days in a row and will be out again tomorrow for PT and hopefully taking DD to her dance class. This morning I handled getting up with both kids, getting them both dressed and fed, myself presentable, and took DD to daycare all by myself! Felt so accomplished, lol. DH was pleasantly surprised. Gonna try to do the same tomorrow.

Other than that...annoyed that DD had an hour nap at daycare so bedtime will be delayed. Need to talk to our provider about maybe not allowing her to nap.
Slammer - Glad you're joining on the challenge! I can hope I get competitive and that will motivate me, but I doubt it! Either way, I did get out for a 45 minute walk and if I didn't say I was going to it probably wouldn't have happened! I like wearing T for walks since 1) I get to hold him close while walking and 2) helps burn more calories form the added weight! I bet if I wore a weighted vest I wouldn't be able to handle it as well because it wouldn't be my son.

So I totally forgot our stroller lays down flat. Was nice to be able to put T down for a minute in it! I would have pushed him like that for awhile but O wasn't behaving so we didn't allow him to walk. Definitely handy for diaper changes as well! I refuse to use many diaper changing tables in public. We generally did it in the car or during nice weather we did "air butts". An "air butt" is when I'd have DH hold O up and just change his diaper in the air real quick (just wet diapers.. not going to get too adventurous). We have that down pat! Wouldn't work for T till he's bigger probably. I can still change him on my lap anyways. I actually only used a diaper changing table with O like.. twice. Once when he was pretty young still, then another when he got a bit older. The one where he was older.. yeah that ended up with a lady walking out rolling her eyes and shaking her head at us. DH was standing out waiting and saw it and she just kind of looked at him and quickly looked away. Yeah lady, my child doesn't like the cold hard changing table. Lay on the floor partly stripped and tell me how you like it.

Well, better get some sleep. I have a long day. Going to get up early, go visit my grandma, get my haircut and O's (ha.. not eager for it.. he doesn't like to sit still and last time was a disaster!), then back home and off to work for 6 hours. BLAH Then I get to come home get T bathed and to bed then I have a full day of work the next day. DH will do O's bath, but I may end up doing both. Or at least get T done then switch out with DH so he can finish O's bath. He won't do T's.. he's too nervous with him being so small still. He didn't do O till he was sitting up. He would if I asked him, but he just doesn't like it and I won't make him do something he's uncomfortable with unless it's really needed.
kk- so nice to hear from you, glad calvin is doing well! i understand feeling bad abour your body, i am sure the weight will come off. don't give yourself such a hard time, your body just went through a lot... for the second time :)

ali- glad you are feeling a bit better after having some time with dh. it really does help! fingers crossed for the weight loss. sounds like you have a busy day... hope all goes well

slammer- i am glad you have managed out the house and amazing how you managed handling both kids and getting them ready- supermum!

afm- had an appointment at the breast clinic and they scanned it. Said no more absesses or anything just now but that the little lump i have is the tissue lactating and producing more milk. They said it should clear up on its own and probably best if i slowlt start to wean him onto formula to avoid another case of mastitis. Im ok with this as was planning to bf for 6 months only anyway. I just need to be supercareful and fingers crossed no more problems.
Ali- nice job on getting a walk in! Though I'm sorry O had a hard time leaving the park.haha...Love your "air butt" idea. I don't like using public changing tables either. I try to just do diaper changes in the car...Folding the stroller down for it is a good idea! As for the weight loss, it's good to remember too that hormones play a huge role in weight loss as well. The important thing is to make the positive changes now. Stay consistent in those changes and in time results will follow!

Slammer- I'm sorry you've had connection issues but happy it's getting better! I think a lot of mine stemmed from how hard the pregnancy was and then feeling tramatized from the birth. Once I started processing everything and talked it through with my DH it got much better. We decided to send DS1 to preschool this fall as well...It's both fun and a little sad seeing these babies grow up a bit! Sounds like your DD would have fun at school with other toddlers over being around the younger babies. But I know that change is hard. Well done on getting out and about and making the school run solo! Love to have you joint the walking challenge! Definitely easier when you have accountability partners. I've been loving green smoothies lately. Do you have a favorite recipe? My current favorite is spinach, pineapple, banana, frozen strawberries and almond milk. Unusually throw in flax seed and chia seeds as well. Another one I've been enjoying is cucumber, spinach, apple, lemon, fresh ginger. You could sub out avocado for the apple to make it all veggie.

Ally- thank you for the words of encouragement. Ive been telling myself that same thing for the past few days and I think it's been helping. I'm sorry you had to deal with mastitis but happy to hear it seems things are on the mend.

AFM, got out last night for a 30 minutes walk! I push the double stroller so adds some weight to the pushing plus the hills makes it a nice little workout. I have a chiropractor appointment in about an hour so hoping to get out for another walk after we get home.

Have been working on potty training Charles for the last few days. He's done great naked for a couple months now buy wouldn't transition to wearing clothes and not having accidents. He's on spring break this week so have been hitting it heavily. He is doing so so good. Has had one accident a day since we started but has also been needing less reminders and has been going poop on the potty! Super proud of him and hoping it continues. Would be nice to be back to just one in diapers :)

I'm heading out of town this weekend for Calvin's first road trip. My mom had back surgery a few weeks ago. Now that she has recovered a bit I'm going to head in to help out. They've also o ly met Calvin once because she wasn't able to travel. So I know she is looking forward to snuggling him again. Charles is going to stay home with DH. I'm hoping to take in birthday crafts for Charles's birthday and get a lot done. My baby turns 3 in just a few weeks :cry: he's growing up so fast!
Slammer- yes you're right, the Starbucks would make a good place to stop and feed her! I also just bought an on the go bottle warmer so hopefully that helps.
Good job on your first outing with two! It sounds like it went well other than the car ride. So I take it it's normal for babies to hate the car seat! Lillian hates hers too, she seems better if we are moving but still tends to grunt, fuss and/or cry.
What a cute picture, she looks like she's having a blast! That seems like a fun age.
Also now I want a pretzel haha

Apple- that's awesome he settles himself! Thankfully we're able to (usually) do the same, sometimes she'll just talk to herself and just look around after her last night feeding and we've put her down, and she'll fall asleep on her own

Ali- thankfully we do room temp at home! She does not seem to like cold formula which can be annoying to try to heat up (I use hot water from the sink) if it's been in the fridge and she's fussing. I did just get an on the go bottle warmer so I'll see how she does with that, it would come in handy!
I see what you mean about BFing in public and pros and cons to both, makes sense.
I'm so sorry about the rough night, it sounds like you need a break, whether it's to take a shower and drink some coffee or go out somewhere you like or for a drive. I get the exact same way when it's been awhile that I've been away from the baby. We all need time for ourselves to recharge and remember we are someone other than a mom.

Angel- what is it with men? I guess they handle babies differently obviously but I have the same issue sometimes with my dh. And with us, usually weekends like during the day she will fuss and he just keeps doing what he's doing so I end up always going to her. It's frustrating but it seems like some men just arent "baby people" they get better when they grow and have more personality. It's weird!
I am formula feeding, thank you for the tip! The few times we've made outings to doctor appointments and such I fill these little medela bottles with water and use a little formula container. It does make things easier and faster!
I know realistically it wouldn't be that big of a deal if she fussed in public, I barely notice other babies fussing when I'm out so I think it would be a bigger deal to me. I'm hoping once we are past the 'newborn' stage i will have more confidence!

Ally- that's a good idea, to have a few goals to reach. I think some days mine would be to brush my teeth and finish my coffee haha
Weekend away sounds like it was fun! Well as fun as it can be with a baby :haha: I'm glad you guys got to get away at least and have a little alone time! IM glad your appointment went well and seems like you are doing okay with the formula route, that's good. If you need any formula tips, I got you!
Glad Isa is sleeping well in his crib and goes straight back down after feedings!
I agree and I feel like I would be a (bigger) mess if I didn't have somewhere to vent and it's nice having a group of ladies who are in the same stage, I was just thinking it's been almost a year we started this group, does not feel like it!

Kksy- so good to hear from you! I can't imagine how tough it is accepting Calvin might be the last. I hope whatever your family decides is the best and you are happy either way!
He sounds like a cute little chunk, oh my goodness. I bet you are thankful for the sleep!
I think the struggling with body image thing is totally normal after baby, seems like a lot of us have mentioned we are there too! I'm so glad you aren't struggling with PPD this time around.
Getting out for walks helps me a ton, I don't have the time I had before to do the elliptical like I liked doing, so it's nice to get outside and get at least some kind of exercise and be out of the house!

I wish I was able to come on here as often as I did when pregnant, usually I type half and have to close out the tab to tend to baby! I'm sorry I always end up having to make super long posts
I ordered the comotomo bottles to try, Lillian does okay on the nuk simply natural but the como bottles have 2 air vents instead of one and I just figured we would give them a try at least! She does okay most feedings but then has some where we know she's hungry, bring bottle to her mouth and she cries. It's more of an upset cry rather than a painful cry like the reflux before, so I'm not sure if she's scared from before or it's the bottles or something else entirely. Will definitely ask her pediatrician at her 4 month appointment or call if it gets worse.
Glad to hear a lot of you are getting out for walks. It is still too cold here to go for a walk unless I put V in the stroller and just held Dd1's hand... but then we would have to walk way too slowly for it to be fitness, and wouldn't be able to go far either. It has also been extremely windy lately so hopefully that settles down soon. It usually gets nice enough for walks in April, so we will see.

Slammer - V is happy in the carrier earlier in the day, but in the late evening she just screams. Ugh. I wish that would work, as that would be an easy fix. I am with you on using the carrier more for V already than I did ever with dd1. It really does come in handy with the second.

Oh, and I am the exact same as you in that I hate getting out of bed for any reason whatsoever at night! So I definitely sleep better when co sleeping!

VRogers - I hope the different bottles help.

TO all:
Best of luck for you all losing weight. Mine is also comingp off more slowly than I would like but I am not doing anything about it yet. I am still losing about 1 lb per 7-10 days without much effort, so I am okay with that for now because I absolutely hate dieting! It makes me feel deprived and then I just binge eat.

I am sorry I'm not really replying to people but I have been dealing with headaches and nausea the past few days so am having trouble keeping track. Looking at my phone is making my head worse.
I had a good day yesterday and took the girls for an outing to an indoor play area at the mall, then we got a Starbucks after (I got coffee and got dd1 a cake pop), then home. I let dd1 play with play doh and colour while I cleaned out one of our closets that I have been meaning to do for ages. It felt like a productive day, but then after that V was extremely fussy all evening and I was quite exhausted by the end of it all. Didn't manage to accomplish anything else, and our house is a bigger mess now than it was. V has quite a bad cold and is having major trouble sleeping because she can't breathe. She is currently asleep on my chest on the couch, so I can't move even though I am hungry, need to use the washroom, and would love some Tylenol for my headache. Blah.
I've finally managed to get back to the gym! :happydance: I can't believe how out of shape I am. My abs and core are SO weak! But I am feeling so much better. Most terrifying moment ever: leaving Melody with complete strangers at the gym daycare! But they even came to get me when she got really fussy and needed me, which made me feel so much better. :)

The scale says I'm only about a pound or so off of pre-pregnancy weight, but I feel like I still look 5 months pregnant. :dohh: We got out today for a quick walk before the rain came.

I feel like all I do is talk about sleep but....I think it's about time to shift Melody out of the bassinet and into something bigger. We've reached this point where when she's swaddled she wakes up struggling to get out and freaking out (and wakes herself up), but if I don't swaddle her she flails in her sleep and wakes herself up - especially because while she's flailing she smacks her hands on the sides of the bassinet. I feel like we've reached this point where she is ready to be out of the swaddle, but her reflex is still a little too strong. Yesterday we tried the "zippity zip" and while it worked well for naps, overnight she woke up every hour. :dohh: Rough night, for sure. She did the same thing the night before while in her swaddle.

I'm so sleep deprived, I'm getting desperate. Today I'm going to try her in the crib for naps. The only part that worries me is that we can't move her crib into our room (it's too much work to move it and it won't fit well) but I'm not ready for her to sleep in her own room at night (especially because I don't want to walk across the house to feed her in the middle of the night).

Lite - M didn't use to be so hard at night! She usually feeds, falls back asleep, and is good for another 3-3.5 hours. But in the last week or so she's been waking up and staying awake fussing. It only takes 3-5 minutes to bounce her back to sleep but then she's not staying asleep. This is a really new development, and now she's only sleeping an hour at a time so yeah, I'm so exhausted. Last night I woke up DH crying and told him I needed help and I just couldn't do it anymore. He seemed kind of grumpy, but he changed her and rocked her to sleep but she woke up again immediately wanting to eat even though she had JUST ate (literally, I woke him up after she had finished eating). I fed her again, and he stayed up with me for company, and we put her back in our bed so I could sleep a little better. She still only slept a couple hours at a time, but better than the previous 1 hour stretches. :( I have to figure out what happened to her sleep!

I'm so sorry you're having a rough time and not feeling good! :hugs: At least V is getting some sleep but it's hard when they'll only sleep on top of you. Hope you start to feel better soon!

Ali - I typed "tylonel" but I meant orajel. :haha: I know my doctor told me dosages to use for baby tylonel but when looking for the orajel they all said not for use under 2 years, which is silly because they have their teeth by then. As for sleep, I try a paci but she's really picky about whether she'll take it or not, and we've tried 5 different brands. There's only one she'll kind of take and even then it's iffy.

KK - Thanks for checking in! I can't believe how big Calvin is! Melody is the same length, but only 12.5 lbs. Sounds like Calvin is doing great though! I'm really sorry that you were having a hard time connecting, but I'm so glad that you aren't having PPD. I'm having some body image issues too. :hugs: We'll get through it and it will come off eventually! :)

Slammer - For sure, men don't get it. Some nights I can sleep ok when M is in the bed with me, but mostly I'm only in a light sleep because if she's in our bed she HAS to be right against me (and if she isn't she'll wiggle her way over to me), and I am paranoid I'll smother her or something. :nope: She likes to sleep using my boob as a pillow. So if I'm lying on my side, she'll pick up her head and put it on my lower boob and push her head between my boobs. :dohh: So I wake up a lot to check on her.

Congrats on getting out of the house and having walks! That's great!

Ally - Yay! So glad that your mastitis is cleared up! Sorry you have to start to wean, but it sounds like a better plan than getting mastitis again.

Vrogers - Exactly! Sometimes when she's fussing and DH just keeps doing the same thing I have to tell him "that isn't working...you need to try something else" and I always end up taking her. :dohh: He'll be glad when she's old enough to move around and he can play with her a little more.

I have the same issue about getting on here. I keep the tab open and end up adding as I get time and it'll take me 3 days to type up one post. :haha:

I hope the comotomo bottles work well for you! I've heard they're great. I've also heard DR Browns can be really good for gas so if she's having a lot of pain that might be helpful.
Sorry I haven't been on here for quite a while. I've been pretty busy and time has just flown by in a blur!

Angel - sorry you're still struggling with Melody's sleep. It sounds so tough. Your DH sounded like he has very little patience and understanding and it must be horrible having to do all the night wake ups by yourself. I can't believe you can see her first tooth though! Maybe when it comes through she will settle a little.

Vrogers - I know it must feel so daunting to get out of the house for the first time on your own with Lillian, but my advice would be just to give it a go. if she cries, people are pretty understanding. I always go out armed with milk, change of clothes and nappies and haven't had any issues so far. Once you go out once, you'll feel better, I promise. I was nervous going out on my own with Jamie and Anabella the first time but I had no choice really as my husband was back working and I had to get Anabella to preschool. I worried in advance about it, but it was fine! Now we go out every single day, sometimes for an hour or so, other times all day and it's been fine.

LL - I am glad you had a good day yesterday and managed to get out to the play centre at the mall. Sorry V is now fussy and full of cold. Your evenings sound so tough. Is your husband around any more to lend a hand or is he still working?

Newbie - I can't believe your DH and SIL are still going on about you not wanting to visit when they live so far away and you're the one with the newborn. It's easy for other people to judge and criticize but at the end of the day, your baby is the priority. I hope you DH steps up more now your mum is leaving :hugs:

kk - good to hear from you. Sorry you were struggling to come to terms with no more babies. I can empathise as Jamie is our last and it is very bittersweet. Calvin sounds like he is doing really well and what a great weight he is!

slammer - Anabella loves muddy puddles too! One of her favourite activities is just getting her welly boots on, going for a walk and splashing in puddles. she never gets bored of it! I love the photo you posted of her!
What is the walking challenge? I think I may have missed this!

AliJo - sorry the house hunting still isn't going so well. It must be frustrating for sure! I know what you mean about clutter, I hate it too and get so mad when stuff is all over the place.

Ally - glad you had a nice anniversary weekend although it sounded like Isa ruined the romantic mood a little :haha:

AFM - Jamie is doing well. He is growing and putting on weight like crazy and he needs to go into the next size clothing as all his 0-3 stuff is getting very tight on him. He has been doing a few longer stretches at night, but not close to sleeping through. He has been waking for 1 or 2 middle of the night feedings over the last few nights. I've been doing them all as my husband is still recovering from his circumcision and is like the walking wounded. It's painful for him "down there" especially in the middle of the night.
Anabella is getting cuter and cuter with Jamie and constantly talks to him, hugs and kisses him. I heard her saying to him the other day that she is SO EXCITED for him to get a bit older so they can play together :cloud9:
Jamie has started interacting with us now. As long as he is fed and happy, he will coo and ooh and argh at us for ages. He will also lock eye contact and give us smiles. It is absolutely adorable!
I finally heard back from the milk bank and they are sending me some bottles to express into later this week. Good job too as I literally cannot store any more milk in our freezer.
Pompey - it's really weird to hear someone refer to my DH as having very little patience and understanding because that's the #1 thing that anyone who has seen him around kids says that he does have. And he was really really great for the first 6-7 weeks. But things have been rough the last couple weeks :nope: I think he's struggling with how hard she has been to get to stay asleep lately and he gets frustrated that I can calm her down so much faster (just bc I spend all day with her so I know what works) and he's at a loss as to how to "Fix" it. He's struggling with the fact that we can't fix this we just have to deal with it until she grows out of it. He's got so much experience with kids, but it's all about 9-10months and up, he's never dealt with infants this age before. He was better last night. I woke him up at 2am crying because I just couldn't do it anymore and he took and changed her and tried to get her to sleep, but she decided she was hungry (again. I had literally just finished feeding her when I woke him up) so he sat up with me while I fed her and kept me company and just held me until she passed back out. I was just so frustrated that the same night he told me specifically to wake him he was so useless.

Sounds like Jamie is growing quickly! Anabella sounds adorable! I love how much she adores her brother!
AliJo - yes, on the extra calorie burn of walking while carrying baby! Especially big ones like we have!

I don't mind using changing tables when out...I'm not much of a germaphobe. I just hate the ones that hinge on the short end instead of the long end...they always end up sloping down and I'm struggling to keep baby from sliding off! There was one of those at a restaurant we went to, and on top of that it was mounted above the toilet. DD kicked her shoe off the thing and it fell right into the toilet! These things are always installed as a complete afterthought!

Ally - glad there was no sign of infection! Definitely take it slow and carefully when weaning to formula.

Kksy9b - my smoothies are pretty much always spinach, banana, some sort of frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, and water. Thanks for the other ideas!

Hope things continue to go well with the potty training! It's such a daunting task, but amazing when they really learn.

Vrogers - we used Comotomo bottles with DD and I love them. But also heard good things about Dr. Browns.

Literati - ugh, so hard that she just screams. I really feel for you. Poor babe with being sick! It's terrible at this age.

Good job getting out to the play area and organizing the closet. My house is a mess too. I have been meaning to vacuum for ages, but then just bought a new rug that's coming Thurs so I figure I'll just live in filth until then!

Angel - I'm sure Melody will settle down in another few days. Every day can be different. Just do what you need to for everyone to get as much rest as possible.

Pompey - that's awesome you get out of the house every day. I am definitely getting more confident.

AliJo and kksy9b were talking about going for walks and they committed to 3 walks a week, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Glad Jamie is doing so well! I hope your DH recovers quickly. Mine will be sore down there (not as bad I'm sure) next week after he gets his vasectomy.

AFM - last night was a bit of a mess - DD wanted to go to bed at a pretty normal time, but couldn't fall asleep because of having had a nap and having a cough. She tried, good girl, for nearly an hour, but came down then. I let her watch a show and then she was ready. Then she came to my room at 3:40 and was awake and upset that I moved from the bed to the chair with Jack and started crying. Thankfully DH had come home from work and went to bed with her. She's more sick today, poor thing.

Went on a 45 min walk with DH and Jack today. Quite nice.

I had PT as well, and it was good. She massaged me and loosened things up and now I have a bunch of stretches/exercises to do and will go back twice a week.

I need to make another appt with the ObGyn. The raw spot I have (granulation tissue) is not getting any better and it's been two weeks. I've seen a lot of stories in forums of people having silver nitrate applied to get rid of it. Doesn't sound pleasant but if it makes it go away I'd take it.
Slammer - I'm sorry DD is feeling even worse. Hopefully it's the peak and she'll be feeling better tomorrow.

Glad PT helped and I'm sorry about the raw spot. Does sound like it needs help healing, though.

I don't know why I don't like public changing tables. It probably is the sanitary issue. I know I can lay something down, but maybe I just think too much since I'm a nurse and I'm always having to be aware of contamination.

Pomp - Sorry your Hubby is in pain. I couldn't imagine! There are so many nerves down there.

Your children sound so cute together! I do really adore watching O be so in love with T. It's such a special thing to see. I hope they grow up close. My brothers and I always fought.. more than normal I'm sure. I actually have some stories that would make people worry a bit haha

Angel - Yes, it's fine! Just use a little and rub on her gums that the teeth are starting to come through. Just don't over do it. Get the baby one. And if you're wondering how long till it wears off use some yourself just so you know what she's experiencing.

Glad the daycare staff at the gym come get you! That would make me feel a lot better about it.

I think it's harder for a lot of men. Like you said, they want to "fix" it but sometimes you just can't. My DH says he gets really upset and angry when they're upset and there's nothing you can do. Not at them but at whatever is causing it even if there is no known cause. Basically wants to protect them even if he doesn't know from what.

Lite - I wish I could slowly watch it melt off.. but I can't.. I need to fit into more clothes!

Okay cutting this short. It's taking too long and I need to get some sleep. Today was rough for DH so I'm afraid it'll be worse tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like BFing is causing more issues because then he wants me more and when I'm not around he won't settle. Ugh.. Just need to get through tomorrow..

I'll catch up better tomorrow hopefully.
Slammer - go for the silver nitrate! I needed it last time for tissue that didn't heal, and I am assuming I will need it again considering i am still having stinging every single time I pee! Ugh! The procedure hurts a tad bit, but it's quick and easy and mine healed up really nicely after. I would recommend it.
That sounds like an annoying night. It is quite tough doing the nights with TWO kids who don't sleep. I feel like all my friends and family have it so easy because they don't have terrible sleeping toddlers like I do!

Thanks for the sympathy. I hope V's evenings calm down eventually. I am like your DH and feeling a bit down about having to spend so much of the first year fighting to get my baby to sleep again!!

Ali - it is great you're doing something for your health. Although I have no desire to diet, I feel fairly fed up with being unable to eat healthy ever. I rarely get a veggie in me lately. It feels like I am always getting V to sleep; or feeding her or stuck with her asleep on me or doing things for dd1. When I finally have a chance to eat, it is always something quick and not that healthy because I have no time to prepare a proper meal. As a result I feel weak and sickly most of the time. Gross!

Angel/- I believe orajel is no longer recommended for babies.

That is so frustrating about M's sleep. It almost sounds like the 4 mo sleep regression but it is way too early. Is she maybe in a wonder week or growth spurt? You poor thing.

Pompey- thanks. I had DH home to help over the weekend and yesterday evening, but now we are in the thick of the week again so barely seeing him. TBH, DH and I struggle with keeping up with both of the girls when we are both home! Having 2 sure is hard work.
I am glad Jamie is sleeping slightly better. I hope your DH heals up soon and can help more.
Lite - It is really hard to prepare anything. I'm really limited now that I decided to cut out most of my carbs, but I am eating a lot more vegetables because of it. I still have carbs. Had an amazing cookie yesterday! Preparing anything to eat for O or I is a joke, though. The other day my mind was scattered and I ended up starting lunch, forgetting I started lunch, decided "Hey I need to shower!" Put T in the bouncer in the bathroom, O sat on the side of the tub bothering me, then O opened the door more and I smelled something cooking.. almost burnt it.. yep..

Vrogers - I'm someone other than a mom? I really had no clue! :haha: But seriously.. that's generally all I feel like anymore is a mother. I don't do hardly anything I use to! So hard when they're young. Which for the most part I'm okay with. It'll get easier once T is a little older.

Kk - Great job on your walk as well! When I went on my very first walk alone I was carrying T and pushing O. That was something. The stroller wasn't a problem till I hit some hills then I was dying! Those hills kill me still and it is just a slight one that goes on forever. My hips are just so weak still.

Ally - Yesterday was a pain! Glad your breast was okay. I don't blame you for starting to wean already! I heard the horror stories of mastitis.

Okay, so yesterday when I went to get my hair cut.. that was fun. O wouldn't sit still. Finally bribed him with mini M&Ms and got the job done. Then cut probably 5 inches off of mine, maybe 6. It's soo much lighter and feels sooo much better. I have thick hair and it just starts to drive me nuts. Especially when it's always getting in the way then T loves to grab it. He's also obsessed with DH's beard. I guess he was reaching for it the other day so DH moved it closer so he could get a hold of it! :haha: Then we're leaving and T has had a BM. Okay, fine no biggy. I was changing him on my lap in the car and it wasn't something small. Nope he blew out, I ran out of wipes, it was just a disaster. Then I was "late" to work. I couldn't technically be late because I was covering for someone and never signed any papers saying I was. She was fine with me being late, but still frustrating! Then of course T had a bad day with DH so that made me feel horrible. I know it's not my fault, but I always feel responsible when either of the boys are any trouble. Probably just because I'm the one that is with them most of the time.

OH! Since T had a rough day.. I think it wore him out. He slept almost 7 hours straight!! Sadly I was awake for a lot of it because I couldn't sleep. Still! If he started doing that regularly I may have troubles getting him into the crib if he doesn't do that in it. I'll want those 7 straight hours over broken! Probably just a one time thing, though.

Now I need to head to work shortly, bleh!

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