January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Hi ladies

apple- hope O settles for you more at night soon.I can;'t believe he got up at 4.30am, oh my god. Must be shattered. Is he doing better now?
Also happy belated birthday, 40 is the new 20 :D

ali- really excited to hear gender. Glad ur appt went well, your pregnancy is flying by!

vrogers- glad the girls are doing well, and i know, Isa is 2 in a few months. I can't believe how fast everything is going!

afm- all good here, just busy working away. Had quite a sociable weekend, went to cinema with dh, just the two of us, was lovely. And then went for dinner with a friend on sunday evening.
Isa is fab, really happy and so funny. Always pottering about making mess haha. Still not really talking, but i'm not gonna worry, will see how he is when he hits 2.
This weekend is september weekend here, so colleges and schools etc are off. We are going away up north for 2 nights. Just randomly decided yesterday ahah, so looking forward to a wee trip. Will be me, dh, isa and my little brother.
apart from that honestly nothing exciting!
Also i dont use fb, so cant join group but will make sure i get on this
Ally - I'm expecting a girl!! We are very excited!

Yeah I wouldn't worry. If he has some words and babbles I would say he is just fine. O didn't talk more till well after 2. He is just fine, though. Talks loads now!

I wish I could take as many trips as you!
Ali/ exciting that u are having a girl :) I like the pics ect in the Facebook group but glad we are still on here there is no way I’d discuss things in group if discuss on here 😂😂

Ally/ glad Isa is doing good. O isn’t really saying much really either, I think he is just starting to say mama but it’s really cute how he says it’s its more of a mar mar and drags it out 😂😂.. lovely that you are going away for a couple of days. I’ve just booked Drayton manor Thomas land, have u ever been ? It’s suppose to be great a few of my friends have been x not going until November , I can take Ds to the grotto then as it will all be done up x sounds like u have had a loverly weekend with friends and glad work going ok x

Lit/ Vroggers hope u r ok ladies ;) nice to see u in the fb group xx 😘

Well I went for my spa afternoon yesterday with 3 friends from work , we just laughed the whole time sat in the outdoor hot tub, it was fab. We then had afternoon tea x really nice afternoon.. my boys are doing ok, I think my 5 yr old is a little anxious, wont go high in play areas never go in little toddler rides..seems to worry a lot lately. I’m going to keep an eye on him. He started a new swim class this month and was really upset going in but is now fine so hopefully it will pass soon. O is just adorable , cheeky little chap and although the doesn’t say a lot he knows how to get his own way and tells u when he is not happy ! 😂 his sleep has been a little better the last two days ! Just !!

That’s all I think for now :) catch up again soon x
Forgot to say thank u for birthday wishes 😍👍 I had a really nice day and nice meal with family. OH got up and did a speech, all usual expected stuff then added how graetful he was that I have stuck by him after life events ect and got all emotional.. it was a bit of a difficult one but nice at the same time. I was pleased that he acknowledged my older boys & that meant more than all of it really. I got totally spoilt which was loverly, lots of pandora Jewellery which I like and nice to keep. My son really spoilt me the most. Just really thoughtful inexpensive stuff, but just knew me so well, big bunch of flowers , got me a pamper bag with everything in u can imagine including pjs slippers water bottle and eye mask lol., loads of fancy lotions and potions, a Radley make up bag 😍 then he hands me a big box all wrapped in fancy paper with a pair of UGGs for the winter ! I told him he didn’t have to spend that on me but he just said you would do it for me , bless him, I trained him well haha.. 😂 x
Just checking in hope u r all ok ladies x I’ve had a bit of a stressful day with work. Silly staff member stirring up trouble. Totally unjustified sonive has it put worh my manager today and made my feelings clear. All sorted now but I’m yet to see the person responsible., 😣 my boss totally backs me.. some people have too much time ok their hands x
Ally- glad you were able to get some time with dh! Isa sounds great, I just read someone say their toddler sounds more like a minion, and found it super accurate!
I know early intervention can be helpful if needed but they develop at such different paces on their own time I wouldn’t worry since they are meeting other milestones, but that’s just my non professional opinion of course!

Apple- I’m sorry about the stress at work but glad your boss is on your side. I hope it stays resolved!

Afm- nothing too exciting here, both girls are doing great and loving how they are interacting more and more! We have a sidecar crib on my side of the bed since E eats often (she does sleep about 7-8 hours usually and then another 2-3 after eating) but she is such a noisy thrasher in her sleep! She rolls to her stomach with no effort but rarely rolls back (I’ve seen her do it a handful of times so she CAN, just chooses not to I guess?) so it’ll wake her halfway up and she’ll grunt and kind of fuss, but wakes all the way up if I roll her back over. I have been sleeping in the guest room alone some nights and I feel a LITTLE bad leaving dh but it feels so amazing to have some alone time at night!
L has still been gentle with her so far, no hitting or biting issues thankfully! She “kisses” her and tries to stick toys in her mouth and pokes her, and E gives her huge grins, it’s so cute!
Babyhood is flying this time compared to first time around, E will be 6 months at the end of October and I feel like they change SO fast that last 6 months till a year! It’s crazy.
Sorry for the rambling, was trying to think of anything exciting but it really is just chaotically boring around here! :lol:
Hi ladies, just quick post. I’ve only just sussed how to find this thread !! Hope u are all well. I’ll post and update properly again soon. All good here , boys ok mostly apart from me and O have colds .. hopefully over it soon ! X
Hi ladies just checking in, really don’t like this new set up !! Hope it doesn’t put us off too much !!

Well I’m full of cold so is little O , he has been really struggling to poo bless him but he seems to be getting there now., so frustrating when u feel you can’t help him,.

Hope u r all well

Are any of you tying to get prepped for Christmas yet .. ??
Think I’m going to start soon .. love making Christmas cake early

Vroggers your girls sound adorable , looks like they are going to be really close xx

Catch up again soon x
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hi ladies
sorry i havent been on in so long.

ali- congrats on expecting a baby girl!!! how exciting is that! have u thought about names at all?

apple- never been to drayton manor. Your spa afternoon sounded good! sorry about the work stress, hope it got sorted.
Sorry you and O have the cold! hope u all feel better soon! just that time of the year... no crimbo prep, crimbo all about isa now anyway haha. Not sure what to do for this birthday.

vrogers- glad the girls are doing well :) Time really is flying by, its scary!

i hate this new layout!!!!!
had a lovely weekend away last weekend. Was nice and chilled and the place we stayed was really picturesque.
This week though, gosh it was stressful. I have Just recovered from norovirus, Isa caught it, and he was vomiting all day. Then I got it, then dh got it, my parents and brothers etc.Everyone was ill but it passed quickly.
Apart from that everything is great, can't believe our toddlers are all gonna be two soon!
V quiet on here, is everyone chatty on the fb group? am i missing out haha or just everyone busy x
Ally , loverly to hear from u , sorry u have been poorly glad it passed quickly. I actually just popped on to see if u has posted lol.. the Facebook group is good, lovey for pics ect.. do u not fancy it just for the group ha x

All other ladies , loverly pics on the fab page :)

We r starting to pick up a bit here. I think I’ve had it the worst but hoping I’m over the worst.. had a bit of a weird one yesterday tmi warning lol..

Had a bit of a weird one yesterday , I popped to loo in middle of a meeting at work and when I looked in loo as u do lol.. it was full of blood .. I’m nowhere near monthly so it freaked me out a bit as it was bright red , I thought better call dr and they said come to see them Tuesday and keep an eye on it.. I don’t think I could have been pg so don’t know what it was all about. There has been nothing since.judt not uncomfortable funny but ok now . weird

Been shopping for Euro Disney stuff today :) got boys a reveal box with it has a big bow on and has Mickey and balloons that pop out I’m more excited about that than than actually going.. we are going to tell them the day before !!
Hi ladies , quiet on here hope u r all well. We are full of cold here , mines coming up two weeks ! So annoying ,

Boys doing ok, little bit concerned about 5yr old. Seems to be an anxious little thing.. trying to get him to mix when possible. There are some dominant characters in his school class and his teacher has said he is quiet but as soon as he has an interest or gets something they have done in class he is then really enthusiastic.. just going to keep an eye on him :)

O doing good. Really trying to introduce new foods or re try them if he had refused before . Mainly to help with his bowels and get him off medication. So far so good, doing better than I thought, trying lots of new fruits. He has become really interested my plate lol so I just let him pick what he want off and he is eating quite a lot he would before. Hopefully it will help..

Nothing more to report other than my private work has really picked up so that’s really good., the website I’m doing with my colleague is nearly finished and we are adding finishing touches to leaflets.. I’ll pop link on when it’s done for u to have a nosey and let me know if anything doesn’t make sense !! Ha x
Apple - that is weird about the random bleeding. Was everything ok in the end?

Sorry your 5 year old seems anxious. Hope that resolved soon. My 4 year old just started swimming lessons yesterday and is doing so much better than she did last year, so that’s a relief.

Sorry I suck at replying. I don’t like new set up either. I’ll try to check more often.
Hi Lit/ glad dd is enjoying her new swimming...

Last week Dr referred me for scans with gyne. I actually ended up in A&E last night with stomach cramps oh had to call my mum as I was doubled up.. they think it might have been food poisoning or something hormonal ?? I did end up running to loo.. sorry for tmi !!
there was blood again in in urine but nothing like last week, but they said as I was already fast tracked to gyne from last week they would just leave it at that and sent me home. I’m taking rest of week off to try and get right.. called my boss this am and explained and her first question was “ do I think I’ll be able to make meeting on Friday !” helpful and supportive as usual loI .,, honestly think I’m just a bit over tired and run down.. we have had really broken sleep for about a month with O so I don’t think that’s helped on top of working.. I just want to get right for Hols on the 29th !

Ds had hearing test yesterday and they said moderate hearing loss On right side.. hoping it fixes its self.. having him reviewed in 3 months. Has glue ear and some tubes blocked on other side apparently. Advised to try and have face to face conversations and get his attention b4 asking him things ect as he might not hear us properly if distracted by tv : playing ect. Fingers crossed he is ok with it. Said this may be why is is constantly saying what/ pardon and can be loud.. ( but all my kids have been like that !! )

Hope all you other ladies are doing ok.. this set up isn’t the best but I’m getting used to it .. slowly :)
Apple - that sounds kind of scary. I hope the trip to the gyn sheds some light on the situation, and hopefully it’s nothing to worry about.

Sorry about ds’s hearing loss. I do hope that corrects itself, as you said.

Sorry you’re feeling so run down. I am too at the moment. Things were going so well for a while, but the last couple weeks have completely depleted me, and I’m exhausted and feeling a bit down. Had a bit of a meltdown today and then had a nap when Vi did. Thankfully felt much better when I woke up.
Lit: sorry u had a bad day glad u managed to get some rest in. Hope the exhaustion passes soon xx life is such a juggle at times and tends to catch up on us when we don’t expect it.. saying that this time is year there is so many bugs about, Ollie is always bringing them back from nursery,. Poor little mite was at drs tonight as his throat looked really red and he def isn’t himself, got told tonsillitis and has been given antibiotics .. hopefully they will kick in soon x

I had a chill in the bath tonight and looked at some Christmas magazines for ideas , I love Christmas so thought I’d cheer myself up :) I’ve bought high street vouchers through the year and they got delivered this week ! Let shopping begin ha x
Hi ladies
Will get on tomorrow for a proper update
Got my in laws up visiting so it’s busy
Love to u all x
Apple - that is really sad about Ollie having tonsillitis! Poor guy! Hope the antibiotics kick in ASAP.

DH is working a lot this weekend, so having an evening in watching a movie with the girls.

Ally - looking forward to seeing an update.
Thanks lit/ he is getting there.. seems a little brighter today . I can tell when the paracetamol is wearing off still. He is legging it round once in his system.

I’ve just got this stupid annoying cough !! 4 weeks I’ve been not right now , so frustrating. Never had something this long , I’m convinced it’s with having that patch of no sleep for ages with O, jink I’m not tun doen or something..I’ll be fine then go into a coughing fit ! Doesn’t matter where I am once it starts I can’t stop for a good minute .. I was dreading it at work today with having patients ha . Thankfully I got away with it but it happened just between them in the 10 min gap haha.,

Really getting in holiday mode now :) 6 sleeps , can’t wait to tell ds !! X I’ll video it and put in the Facebook group x

Ally we need to get u in that group ha !! x

Hope all other ladies and little ones are ok x
Hi ladies, I was really surprised to see that this thread was still active after nearly two years of our children being born, you guys are awesome. It's nice to see that you and your little ones are doing well and that some of you are expecting new babies. We are currently trying for baby #2 although my daughter's passionate love for breastfeeding had put it all on pause for a while, she's finally naturally weaning herself. Are any of you still breastfeeding as well?

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