January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Chi - I am exhausted as well, but that has been going on for weeks. It seems to be getting worse and worse. The other day I slept from 7 pm to 7 am and was still exhausted the next day. I would love to get some energy back soon...

TTC Baby - I hope your SO is not a carrier too. I didn't do any genetic testing so I don't know if I am or not.
Oh those morning fights to get yourself to wake up - I know them well. Alarm goes off at 4:45 am and I can't stop snoozing.
I had my 12 week appointment today and he did an ultrasound along with the harmony testing. Should hear something back in 7-10 days on the testing. Attached is a zoomed in picture of the scan pic he gave me. I swear I see a turtle,,,,does anyone else see what I'm talking about or have I just gone "nuts" :rofl:


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I'm really exhausted too. All the time. The only thing that is getting me through is that I'm on summer break and I can sleep when I need to. I'm not usually the napping type but I'm sleeping almost 11 hours a night and napping during the day! insanity.
I had my 12 week appointment today and he did an ultrasound along with the harmony testing. Should hear something back in 7-10 days on the testing. Attached is a zoomed in picture of the scan pic he gave me. I swear I see a turtle,,,,does anyone else see what I'm talking about or have I just gone "nuts" :rofl:

oh yeah, I forgot to mention this is a front picture looking straight down on babys belly.....
Wanta - That's funny.. I guess this one is your little turtle! I can see what you mean, though!

Well I think I'm good to say this now.. I'm feeling LO! There were a few times where I thought maybe, but I've felt LO move several times today! I don't question these at all!
Ali - wow, so exciting that you're feeling movement already! I felt my first bit of movement with my dd at 13 weeks as well.

Wantabelly - haha I totally see the "turtle"! :haha:

Angel - that's just how I was last pregnancy. Some nights I even slept 16 hours straight! Yikes. I'm glad my fatigue isn't quite as bad this time (but still very intense) because I no longer have the option of sleeping so much with a DD to chase after. I hope you get some relief soon.
I am back to daily naps at the moment, I'm hoping once I'm off the progesterone that will improve my exhaustion!
Aww lovely scan pic. I saw a Potty shot at my Nuchal scan but couldnt tell. Think too early?
I didnt pay for my pictures which was a pleasent surprise.

I can also feel baby move sometimes too.

Good morning all. Xx

Waiting to hear from MW as she is on holiday. I did have bloods done at the hospial. The Nuchal fold was 2.3mm xx
Thank you ladies. I'll be sure to keep you all posted.

Apparently being a carrier for CF is so rare that they don't test in every state. The only reason they test in NY is because of a retired football player who had a son that was born with CF. I guess he pushed for the testing and the law was passed. I'm not as stressed about it today but, it's still a worry in my brain. Only thing I can do now is wait and see.

Anyone have any 4th of July plans?

Wanta - that is quite a cute turtle you have there :)
We're telling everyone on the 4th so I guess that's our plans! Lol it's still kind of early but I've never made it this far in pregnancy and when I had my first mc my DH told his family (huge family) and they were all so amazing that I feel confident if anything happened I wouldn't regret telling them.
mrs - that's awesome! We're telling extended family on the 9th, that's when my parents have their 4th of July BBQ.
I wanted to do an announcement on the 4th but decided to wait until my gender scan since it's only in a couple weeks and I'm scared to make it public just yet. Most family and friends know though. Hopefully baby cooperates and we get a good look haha
I thought I was going to have the work the 4th so I we were just going to do fireworks but I don't! We're going to go to the parade in town and maybe go to the park for their live music. This will be the first parade and fireworks for DS. Last year he was just too young and was sleeping by the time the fireworks would be going. Plus DH worked. Definitely going to enjoy it this year!

I'm getting things together to do an announcement with DS. I kind of thought of waiting till we know the gender, but we're both ready to tell everyone. It'll be fun to do a gender reveal on top of it.
Wont be finding out gender hehe. Its my 4th so dont think announcement needed here. Word will get out eventually ha ha x
Midnight - I can totally understand that. If this one is a girl we won't find out with our others probably. I'm not too sure though. I say that, but I still like to look at baby stuff and I don't think that will change.
I am officially a hormonal mess. I cried my eyes out as i coukddbt find a parking space trying to meet up with hubby. I called him to say im going home and when he asked why i was crying and i exolained why he was so sympathetic
Shobbs- I know exactly how you feel! I started to cry this morning because ms came back ;(
Our 4th of July plans involve camping with my sister and their kids. I'm so excited. Not so excited about getting up in the middle of the night to pee though. Not as easy to walk across the campground as it is to just walk to the end of my bedroom! :haha:

We announced at 10weeks on facebook to the rest of our friends/family. We have pretty closed facebook accounts (although mine has quite a few friends as I let students request me as a friend after they have turned 18 AND graduated high school, so after 10 years of teaching I have many former students). We had told our families much sooner, but we are really close to my family (mom and sister anyway) and I couldn't NOT tell them. His family we told mother's day because my doctor was scheduling us for an exam that day and we had to explain why we were leaving so early on mothers day.

I've attached our "announcement" We both love video games so that's where the idea came from. :)

Shobbs - :hugs: so sorry about the emotional stuff! I have my days. Some days I'm fine and some days I'm a wreck. I'm glad DH was so sympathetic!


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