January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

This is my second baby and I've been set on no more than two for years now. I didn't have a particular age gap in mind, but I was nowhere near ready for another one until well after my DD's second birthday. Her birth was a little traumatic, and she was a terrible sleeper, so I needed a good space to come around to the idea of a second. I absolutely do not want a third. One of us will surely be getting "fixed" after this one is born.
Slammer - My son is a bit of a troublesome sleeper. Hoping to curve it some before this one comes around but not getting my hopes up. He's been co-sleeping with me for some time now because it was just easier. I've also enjoyed it so I don't regret it. I believe it's going to be easier on him if he is in his own bed by the time baby comes. He is starting to fall asleep on his own (on the couch, so still an issue), but it's the staying asleep and going back to sleep by himself that's the main problem. I'm really hope to keep this one independently sleeping. Things are different now and I believe it will be easier.
I am really hoping my OH will have the snip. I am 30 in April..so managed before 30 but I wouldnt have minded having one older. I just think 4 is enough!

My eldest 2 were easy babies but my son has autism so toddler years were hard.

My 3rd was a cling on baby! She is very cuddly still but very independant.

Morning all.

Mw asked me to book a GP app due to my anxiety. I had a bit of a cry in the office as I was honest and then felt like everyone was against me. My OH came with me and was very good x
This is my last baby too.. with my other 2 I always knew I'd have another but this time I know this is my last. I'm 29 and I've been a mum since I was 19 so I've always said I want to be finished by 30. And looks like I've managed it. I'm happy this ones a little boy seems like a million years ago since I had a baby boy.. Now my family feels complete, 3 is definitely perfect for me x
Midnight_Fairy- hope doctor will be able to put you at ease regarding anxiety.

just wanted to wish you all a nice weekend, what are your plans?

i have yoga class tomorrow, and will have to do some work and will have dinner with my parents on one of the evenings. Need to also start re- organizing my flat and give it a good tidy and clean x
Thank you. Not sure on our plans yet. My back hurts. We will probably go out and see family etc. Depends on weather xx
Can someone change my due date to 5th Jan haven't been on here in so long! Had my 20week scan on Tuesday and still couldn't find the sex as baby was sat with his/her feet covering their bum :p so we are also team yellow till the end !
AliJo - I basically have no expectations regarding sleep with this one. We still bedshare with DD and she'll be 3 in a couple months. We alternate one of us sleeping with her in her room. She will sleep great if you're beside her, which itself is a massive improvement over the 12+ times she would wake each night when still an infant, even sleeping beside me. We'll just see how things go I guess, but new baby will surely be in bed with me and DD will be wherever she needs to be. If new baby sleeps better than DD - hooray! If they don't - oh well, been there, done that - I'll survive. :p
Slammer - I can't do both because DH works overnights. I feel I can sleep safely with this one if it was just me but a toddler as well.. no. I expect I will get zero sleep!
hi all! sitting down now to update. will edit this post, just wanted to save this spot.

I've been doing...okay. We were traveling last week and weekend visiting my parents. MS has been back in full swing..sigh..and it's been hard getting ANYTHING done at all, which is frustrating. I finally got back into a cleaning routine with my house and now I just dont have the energy to do it. I'm going to talk to my doctor at my next appointment about anti-nausea meds. There is way too much to do between now and January to have MS be my barrier. Baby has been moving every day for a week now and have been feeling from the outside nearly every day too! DH was able to feel them last night once (they kept playing cat and mouse ...kick when no hand, stop when there was a hand...just like big brother did lol). Scan is in 6 days! We are still set on team :yellow: but really want to see a healthy baby. We are going to the high risk doctor due to genetic heart issues and previous growth issues with DS. I'm pretty happy about it- their equipment is way nicer and the exam more thorough than the others we have been to.

Alright, not too many pages to read through. Trying to do this while DS is eating breakfast (and watching a show). If I can get through it all and he's still eating, I will figure out how to switch the thread to Ali this morning (sorry it's taking so long...it's been the theme of my time on bnb all summer long)

Angel- yay for feeling baby move!! those early movements are so hard to figure out if they are baby or not. baby will grow stronger pretty quick so it will be undeniable. One of the best feelings in the world for sure! That weight gain so quickly will be primarily water weight and will come back off pretty quick after birth. I've been gaining a massive amount of weight this time and I am concerned too about it coming off. We can be weight loss buddies after baby is born :)

Slammer- I'm glad the interview went well for you! When will you hear back about the second? We are 85% sure this will be our last. We will wait until baby is weaned before making the final decision (i dont want pp hormones to factor in). the pregnancy has been SO hard this time and I dont particularly want to go through it again. but we dont want to make that final decision until this baby is here and see how things go. i've always wanted to be done by 30 and this baby will come at 29 so that would work out great too :)

Momstastic- I could pretty much eat all day long. Only in the last couple days have I had some loss of appetite. Probably why I've gained 20 pounds already :dohh:

midnight- cute bump hun!!

Ali- glad your vacation went so well and that you were able to spend some time with your family! glad DS did well on the trip too...I'm always so nervous when we travel but find that little ones usually do better than we expect them too :) i'm sorry that your great grandma isn't doing well. it's hard seeing the ones we love get worse. i hope she gets well soon :flower: congrats on team blue!!!

Camp- hello! I've added you to the front page. Congratulations on expecting your first little one. We are waiting until birth to find out the gender as well. It will be hard to wait but well worth it!

literati- sorry you are still sick hun..i'm in that camp too. most days for me it isn't as bad as first tri, but several days have been as bad or worse :( Have you talked to your doctor about anything that could help?

tweety- congrats on team blue!! Sorry to hear about your DH being in the hospital, I hope all is well now

shobbs- well done on staying team yellow! I'm hoping i've got enough will power next week to do the same lol. wonderful scan pictures and beautiful bump! I will send you a PM with the link to my FB profile. Add me on there and I'll get you on the FB group (and then delete off personal acct). It's the only way we are able to do it and keep the group a secret group.

froggy- happy belated birthday! great scan picture!

danser- happy belated birthday to you too! glad that your appointment went well and are off of bedrest now!

midnight- sorry for the rough trip for your kids to see their dad. do they get to see him often? i sent you a PM with the link to my FB page. Please add me on there and I will get you on the FB group (and then delete off personal page) It's not a very active group but as we go into the back half of the pregnancy i suspect it will pick up activity!

tryingagain- i've got the front updated! Congrats on team :blue: How far have you made it with your other babies? my DS was 2 weeks late and only 6lb 13 oz. My doctor is sending me to a high risk center for my anatomy scan in part because of the low birth weight (and a genetic heart condition). But as long as that scan looks good, I wont have to go for growth scans this time. A bit odd that they have already scheduled all of them out for you. Is it a convenient place to get to? the benefit is getting to see baby more often.

ally- very common for movement to be sporadic and not every day at the beginning. As baby gets bigger and stronger, you'll start feeling them more and more. I was going 3-5 days between movements for several weeks before I started feeling baby daily.

Ana- i've picked up a couple of DN outfits and here and there but that is all. until we get the nursery painted (hoping to pick the color this weekend), there is no point in looking for anything else. Once the room is painted, I will start pulling stuff out of storage and see what we have vs. what we need. Hoping there isn't TOO much that we need.

hotbump- congratulations on team blue!! are your other kiddos excited to have another brother?

chi- i hope your scan went well earlier in the week! i agree- the few days leading up to the anatomy scan are just full of anxiety until you see a healthy baby

momstastic- i'm sorry that baby wouldn't cooperate for you! hope you are able to get in for another scan soon!

WDW- yay for another boy for team blue!! The boys are surging ahead on our count here :)

twilight- got your date changed hun. welcome to team yellow! it will be a fun surprise at the end but i'm sorry baby didn't cooperate for you. have you thought about booking a private scan to find out or are you on board for waiting?

Okay! All caught up I think. I'm sorry if i missed anyone. Took much longer than expected to read through and reply so I will have to look into switching the thread later today.

On the weight/height discussion, I am 5'10" so weight generally spreads out (but really likes sticking to my hips). With DS, it took until 23/24 weeks to start showing and I never had a very big bump with him. But all the time i heard "oh you're so tiny, are you sure you're that far along" etc. What people didn't realize was DS measured small and I was having to go for growth scans and there was a lot of worry and anxiety about his size. I know it's the same if you're carrying big...people just need to learn not to make those type of comments! Anything other than "you're looking great!" deserves a slap from mom to be lol
KK - I'm sorry MS is back! That must be frustrating! I'm with you on trying to find the energy to get anything done. I get some, but not enough. Even if I get enough sleep I still feel tired all day. My DH is still trying to catch this little one. He's usually gone or sleeping when baby is active. I'm also glad you're going to a high risk. It's definitely worth it!
TTC- my heart is just breaking for you hun. I have no words but my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. What a wonderful name you picked for little Theo :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks Ali. I tell people that this baby must be a girl with all the trouble it's causing lol (though my bet is still on a boy). sorry your DH hasn't caught baby yet! my DS was notorious for stopping moving as soon as you put a hand on my belly...all the way up to when he was born! lol
6 days and counting to my scan...ready to see baby again!
KK - I'm sure you are! I was so excited to see this one! I'm a bit bummed because now I have almost 20 weeks before I see him again (may get a scan around 37 or so for size), but at least I'll actually be seeing him. Which I am so excited for! I kind of felt this one was a girl because of some of the different symptoms, but I was still betting on boy! I think DH is going to enjoy the movement later one, because with DS1 I had an anterior placenta. This one will have much more visible movements!
Anatomy scan yesterday!! They said everyhting looked good (yay) and .... we are now team PINK!

We were POSITIVE it was a boy. So sure in fact that when the tech said Girl I was like "wait, are you sure??", and she confirmed twice. :haha:

The whole time during the scan she NEVER stopped moving, kicking and rolling around, playing with the cord (which gave the tech trouble whenever she tried to get a picture of the cord :haha: ), and every time DH was like "you seriously can't feel that?!" Pretty amazing how much she's moving and I feel nothing.

Hearing everyone talk about being done before they're 30 makes me laugh a little, and feel incredibly old :haha: I'm 31, and this is our first. But DH and I have only been married 2 years, I was with an ass before DH for 8 years and we talked about having kids but never did and I'm so thankful now because I would have been tied to him forever! I'm hoping to be done before 35.
AliJo, my husband works nights too! Fun times. That's why we alternate who sleeps with DD now - I take four nights, he takes the three nights he's off. I really don't know how sleeping arrangements will look after baby comes, but it will be whatever gets everyone the most sleep! We'll have to wait and see what that will look like, lol.

I failed the 1 hour glucose screen. Now I get to do the 3 hour and fail that one too I'm sure. I failed the tests with DD, though I don't understand GD, or these stupid tests, and I don't trust that I really had it. But now I get to look forward to 20+ weeks of pricking my finger 4 times a day FOR FUNSIES. I have zero expectation of passing this time, so I'm just here being pissed.
angel- congrats on team :pink:!! it must have been a bit of a shock since you were so sure it was a boy but i'm sure you are over the moon!! aww...love that she was in there moving...wont be long before you're feeling (and seeing!) those movements!

slammer- i'm sorry hun :hugs: were your numbers way off or borderline?
slammerkin sorry you failed the 1 hr, that sucks.
kksyb- sorry the MS is back
Angel congrats on the girl. I'm having my first and I'm 37.

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