January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

Oh, mini. I know there is nothing anyone can say right now. So sorry you are having to deal with this pain again. I hope you and dh are able to get some answers.
Oh Mini, I am so sorry. :hugs: I hope they do some testing for you and give you some answers. In the mean time, I know it doesn't help your grief for this loss, but I have a couple of friends IRL who had anywhere from 3-5 losses. It was horrible, but BOTH of them went on to have healthy, beautiful children. I'm sure the same will be true for you soon. <3
Hello. I was hoping to be added here. I just found out I was pregnant last week after two miscarriages last year. First one was a blighted ovum (missed miscarriage) and 2nd one i miscarried 2 weeks after finding out. My betas werent doubling. This time around I kept getting faint BFPs so I went for a beta and it was 6. The 2nd beta 48 hours later was 15. Ob nurse was happy with that becuase it more than doubled. I switched doctors and my first appt isnt until june 8. I am very nervous. As it stands now my due date is January 25.
Mini I am so sorry. :hugs: Glad your DH is looking out for you (and dressing sexy to boot!). Hope they do some testing so you get your rainbow as soon as possible.

Welcome careermom and congrats! If you are feeling nervous then you are in good company over here - I'm a bundle of nerves myself after losing my first baby during the 14th week.
Sorry kd I know you asked ages ago and I'm just now responding...I like the January Blizzards and am perfectly happy with it. The only other name I could think of was the January Jujubes, LOL.

In terms of a banner isn't there a section somewhere on bnb where the ladies make customized banners? I think so anyway. :)
I posted a request there a while back and haven't gotten a response yet. Hopefully soon!
I'm so sorry for your loss mini, that's terrible. I hope they manage to figure out why this has continued to happen to you :hugs:

I'm just now trying to catch up with everything. I'm feeling a bit better after some awful nausea. Had my first midwife appointment yesterday, and have a dating scan coming up on Monday :happydance:

KD, I see you've chosen Everett for a boy name, I love it, but am biased as I have an Everett :blush:

Still not settled on my names, I'm not looking much, but not changing my mind either, still have Adam Johnathan and Camilla Violet as my top names
Mini I'm so so sorry to see your bad news, I could cry for you. I hope you find the D&C less traumatic than letting nature take it's course. You should get a referral now so I hope you get some answers as to why this has happened :hugs: Take time to grieve and I hope you get your rainbow very soon x

Welcome Career, you're so right - this is very scary after a loss. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for you this time :hugs:

Lock - good luck for Monday! I have my booking in appointment with the midwife on Monday.
Hey hunnies. Just had my 8+0 ultrasound, now going to acupuncture, then heading back to the doctor for the ultrasound review. Hopefully everything is still good. The techs at the office never say much. (And this one was rude and incredibly rough as well, so no getting any empathy out of her.) I could see that the baby is back to measuring a few days behind again, though it may just be the angle the tech measured from. I don't think she's very practiced at her job... The heartbeat has continued to accelerate correctly and is 162 today. Oh! And I was able to get a picture to take with me. Baby has little hands and feet now! I'll post more and upload the pic after the doctor visit.
Lock- we picked Everett with our first pregnancy and have never looked back. We love it. We have changed girl names with each pregnancy. Apparently we just can't be satisfied there. Hope you have a nice appointment on Monday.

Heather- don't worry! I'm sure all is fine. I know it can be tough to stay in that mindset though!

Buny- can't wait to hear all about it. So excited to see your picture.

Someone is working on our group banner now and it will be ready in a few days! I stuck with blizzards since nobody seemed to take issue with it.

I am still feeling nauseous a lot, and still haven't puked. Appointment is tomorrow morning at 10:30, so just hoping baby is still growing. I am 8+5 today, which is how far I was when we found out baby no longer had a hb in our first pregnancy. I am obviously very anxious about tomorrow, but I keep reminding myself that measuring 6+3 at the last appointment means we have the biggest baby we have ever had, and things are probably fine! Especially since I was feeling like myself my entire pregnancy when we had the mmc, and this one has been worlds different. If you are thinking about me tomorrow, please say a quick prayer for me and peanut. If we lose this baby, we will probably adopt. And I really want to grow at least one of my kids myself. :haha: Really hoping to see a squirming 8+6 baby tomorrow!
Welcome, career! I'll add you! This is a wonderful group of ladies!
Career- Welcome! I hope you have a great pregnancy! :wave: Sorry you're so nervous. Seems that's kinda the norm in these parts. Anxiety is no fun. :hugs:

kdmalk- Yay nausea! :sick: So weird that something so sickening can be such a good sign. Good luck at your scan tomorrow! Scans get so much more fun starting at 8 weeks. (At least that's my conclusion after my scan today.) LO finally starts to look like a baby!

Heather.1987- I feel like that as soon as every scan is done. I wish I could have a little camera implanted that would give me 24 hour access to how my baby is doing.

AFM: Just had my "official pregnancy intake" with my (current) OB. She's who I'm with until I'm off all the meds, then I'm released to pick my delivery doctor/midwife. She said she went over the ultrasound and everything still looks perfect. I took a moment to talk to her about my high anxiety levels and she says if it will make me feel better, she will schedule me an ultrasound each week so that I can see the baby regularly. Once I get to 12 weeks, we'll switch to weekly doppler visits, I think. My next appt is a week from today.

Today's baby pic. Little upside-down monkey. 8+0, 12-13(ish)mm, 162bpm.
(Check out those cute little hands and feet!!!)

Kd I'm sure everything will be great tomorrow! Even though it's hard to believe after loss the odds are greatly in your favor once you've seen a good heartbeat and a baby measuring an appropriate size. :thumbup:

Buny congrats on another great scan, little bean is looking great! Pretty sure I won't be allowed another scan until 12 weeks so I'll live vicariously through you.

I plan to ask DH to order me a doppler when I get home to keep myself from going insane.
Hi hope it's not to late to join. I am also due in January. I haven't had a miscarriage, but this is our first pregnancy after loosing our 2 year old son and it's been nerve wrecking.
Hi and congrats everyone I have been lurking here. Terrified that the minute I post things will turn bad. I am 43 EEEKK lol and have 5 precious children. I have had several miscarriages. All but one were before we had seen a heart beat on ultrasound. Except my last one which was February last year. I had had an early scan showing heartbeat. Went for my 12 week nuchal to find the baby had died. It was a really awful miscarriage (long story). I had my second scan yesterday which showed 6 weeks 2 days and with a heartbeat. I have been spotting on and off. Even more so since the internal scan (where she was having a good look at my cervix). I was induced early with all five and they were all on the small side. So not sure if I will get to January but hoping so.

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