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January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

Everything - thanks. Two days of no ms really threw me but it's back this morning. My two year old came to see me throwing up in the toilet. She asked 'what are you doing mummy?' I said I'm being sick because I'm not very well'. So dd says 'ok mummy. When you have finished coughing you come and do drawing with me'. So cute.
I am a natural worrier too. Even though I had a mc before dd my pregnancy with dd was worry free. It was lovely. This time I just worry about everything. I think also because I wanted less of an age gap between two kids and it just gets wider and wider and I get older and older.

Buny - sorry to hear about the cramping. Its scary but probably is your uterus growing. It's no wonder giving birth hurts so much when a small amount of growth can hurt alot too. I hope you are feeling better now.

Welcome sporty and eswemba. Wow twins es. How exciting.

I have a scan Tuesday afternoon.
Well, ladies. I e-mailed Dr Sher, the lead immunological IVF doctor in the US, to ask him a couple questions about my meds since my OB and perinatologist don't seem to have a lot of answers about when really is best to wean me off all of them. (Dr Sher is one of the few IVF doctors who will answer anyone's questions, patient or not.)

I told him about my previous IVF cycles and what happened in each of my pregnancies, and then asked what he thought about my meds and if I should stay on them longer than I'm currently set to stay on then- And he pretty much said that what I'm doing isn't enough and that even though things look fine right now, I'm likely going to miscarry sometime in the next month.

He said that he thinks it's an alloimmune issue (or possibly an autoimmune issue) that need IV intralipids, not just pednisone and lovenox, and that there is nothing that can be done at this point besides pray that my baby lives and hope that he is wrong in his diagnostic assumptions. Oh, and that if he's right and I lose the baby, I should set up an appt with him to get proper IVF treatment.

Mother of. Who scares the heck out of a pregnant woman like that??? Shouldn't he have just said that everything is probably fine, but if it doesn't work out I should try intralipids as he thinks that would be my best bet at a healthy baby? I mean really, who just straight up tells a woman that her baby has likely already been handed a death sentence and it just hasn't happened quite yet.

As if the rest of the first trimester wasn't going to be hard enough.
Welcome, new ladies! Bbennett, what is your due date? I'll get you added to the first page.

Sorry I haven't been around. I had a very busy past couple days and am just now getting to relax. I know I won't be able to respond to everything, so I'll just grab some highlights.

Eswemba- congrats on twins! Are you super excited?! Do you plan to find out the sex of the babies or are you a team yellow?

Buny- uh...... wtf, bro? That is all I can say. He can't possibly diagnose you over the internet like that. I understand that he may be an expert, but medicine doesn't work like that. He has no tests to back up his theory, so don't let that get to you. If everything has been alright so far, I am sure everything will be just fine this time. My friend is 14 weeks and went to the ER yesterday for some heavy bleeding and they made her wait over 4 hours. When she asked a nurse why she kept getting pushed back in the line, he said "it's not like we can do anything for your miscarriage anyway. Want a pad?" And she burst into tears. Her baby is just fine. Everything checked out perfectly and they borrowed a Doppler and listened to baby's heartbeat again this morning and tonight. Long story to say don't let anyone try to tell you you are having a miscarriage with no information to back it up. Don't let that doctor scare you and put stress on you for no reason. He should be ashamed

AFM, my doc gave me a nausea pill.... Dyclegis? Maybe? Something like that. Vitamin b6 and antihistamine. Take it before bed. I was wary, but she assured me it is completely safe. I did some research myself and decided to take it for some relief yesterday, and I had a much better day today (it's delayed release so taking it at night is supposed to last through the next day). Went with a friend to the maternity store this afternoon and ended up finding some cheap stuff that will be great for me in the fall when I am nice and fat! I also got a comfy bra to sleep in because my boobs are hurting so much. That's about all with me. Can't believe I am 9 weeks today! It feels unreal. I can't wait to get a bump and start feeling little kicks!
Heather- I am probably getting a prescription for diclegis on Monday. My OB says it's the only one that is FDA approved for pregnancy and has passed all the testing. I think I'm going to go for it.

kd- Happy 9 weeks! <3 I'm glad today was better. Nausea is a PITA, for sure. I wasn't expecting it to be so bad, so I think I'm going to get some of that Diclegis, too. Congrats on the new maternity bra. They sure make life a lot more comfortable. And yeah, I don't know what was up with this doctor, but he sure doesn't know how to talk to pregnant women. I don't care if he's the biggest expert in the world- and I don't care if he really does think my pregnancy is doomed- he really should not be saying things like that! His clinic is now crossed off my list of potential future providers. Until his message, I had thought maybe we'd try him out if something bad happened this time around. What a friggin jerk.
Buny what a dreadful man! He sounds like one of those plumbers who tells you what an awful job the last person did to your bathroom (even if they didn't), make it sound like they know what they're talking about, and tell you how they can fix it so they get work from you. Sounds like a con man... I cannot possibly see how he would be able to diagnose without examining you and having a lot more info than you could've given in your email. Insensitive and unprofessional. Please do not take it to heart x

Spud - I'm so glad your MS came back, haha! Hopefully you won't feel as nervous leading up to your scan on Tuesday now... hope everything is perfect :cloud9:
I am worried because I haven't had any nausea at all. and I am 7 weeks 3 days. usually by now. I am really feeling it. is that a bad sign?
Buy how insensitive of that man, he didn't need to write it so bluntly. Like you said he could have just said we can try x,y,z if this pregnancy doesn't work.

Kd glad you got something for the nausea and that you had a better day.

Heather I hope you can get hold of something safe for your nausea.

2kids maybe your one of those lucky ones who won't get ms this time. Its hard not to worry about lack of symptoms after a loss.
Buy how insensitive of that man, he didn't need to write it so bluntly. Like you said he could have just said we can try x,y,z if this pregnancy doesn't work.

Kd glad you got something for the nausea and that you had a better day.

Heather I hope you can get hold of something safe for your nausea.

2kids maybe your one of those lucky ones who won't get ms this time. Its hard not to worry about lack of symptoms after a loss.

Yeah I worry a lot. especially since I got to 19 weeks last time . :( the longest I have gotten and lost before. so now I am questioning everything.
Buy how insensitive of that man, he didn't need to write it so bluntly. Like you said he could have just said we can try x,y,z if this pregnancy doesn't work.

Kd glad you got something for the nausea and that you had a better day.

Heather I hope you can get hold of something safe for your nausea.

2kids maybe your one of those lucky ones who won't get ms this time. Its hard not to worry about lack of symptoms after a loss.

Yeah I worry a lot. especially since I got to 19 weeks last time . :( the longest I have gotten and lost before. so now I am questioning everything.

I can totally relate to this. We got to 19 weeks last time too. Sometimes I am ok and try to relax and other times I am terrified. :hugs:
Buy how insensitive of that man, he didn't need to write it so bluntly. Like you said he could have just said we can try x,y,z if this pregnancy doesn't work.

Kd glad you got something for the nausea and that you had a better day.

Heather I hope you can get hold of something safe for your nausea.

2kids maybe your one of those lucky ones who won't get ms this time. Its hard not to worry about lack of symptoms after a loss.

Yeah I worry a lot. especially since I got to 19 weeks last time . :( the longest I have gotten and lost before. so now I am questioning everything.

I can totally relate to this. We got to 19 weeks last time too. Sometimes I am ok and try to relax and other times I am terrified. :hugs:

I am so sorry for your loss. I feel you so very much!! I was so fine yesterday and tonight well just wondering about everything.
:/ I wish I could just wish us both to the ending line right now so we would know we are ok.
Thanks everybody. I'm trying to not let what he said get to me, but it's hard. This guy is considered on of the top three immunological IVF doctors in the US. Of course, if that's the thing you're known for, I guess you're going to want to tell everyone that's what they have so they'll come see you. DH and I had our DNA run by 23andme a few years ago and have our complete genomes, so we can see if we even fit the first half of the criteria that can be tested for genetically. The other half of the criteria has to be checked outside of pregnancy, so that will come later.

I think it's borderline abusive to tell a woman she might have something that could kill her baby if she can't possibly test for it while pregnant or even start preventative treatment for it after implantation.
Buny - what a terrible email from the doctor. I'm shocked to hear it. I agree with what the others said. How can he possibly make a diagnosis via email.

The first tri sucks big time. I was sick this morning and I've been fine since 10am. I just don't feel pregnant. My scan is 42 hours away. I just wish I could know right now.
dh keeps telling me we were both super positive that the last pregnancy was good and well so maybe I'll be wrong again this time since I'm convinced it's not going well. I love his optimism. However this is how my morning sickness disappeared after the mmc.
Eswemba- congrats on twins! Are you super excited?! Do you plan to find out the sex of the babies or are you a team yellow?!

Thank you! Yes very excited, but kinda nervous too. I'm definitely going to find out the sex of the babies. I'm too impatient!

Bunny, that's crazy about that doctor. I'm sorry he said that to you and gave you more anxiety. I'm hoping he's just a jerk and completely wrong. Just because he's a leading doctor doesn't mean he still doesn't make mistakes. Stupid mistakes.
My friend is 14 weeks and went to the ER yesterday for some heavy bleeding and they made her wait over 4 hours. When she asked a nurse why she kept getting pushed back in the line, he said "it's not like we can do anything for your miscarriage anyway. Want a pad?"

W.T.F. !?!?!?!?!!??! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I'm so mad for her I could just spit!!! That's COMPLETELY not ok!!!!

My normal doctor's office is AMAAAZING with me (I really have no words for how amazing all of them are, from the nurses to the techs to the doctors). However, when I was about 30 weeks pregnant with DD we got into a minor fender bender where we got rear ended by another car. Even though I felt fine, it be safe, since it was the weekend, I had DH take me to the ER.

Intake: "What's wrong?"
Me: "I'm 30 weeks pregnant and just got into a minor car accident. I just wanted to make sure the baby's ok."
Intake: "Have you called your doctor?"
me: "It's the weekend, so they're closed."
Intake: "Ummmmm..... ok. Come on back." Her tone made it clear she thought I was awful for coming there.

A nurse found DD's heartbeat with a Doppler. Then a nurse practitioner came in and asked me if I was bleeding. I said I didn't know and hadn't checked yet. She said "Ok" and NEVER CHECKED ME FOR BLEEDING BEFORE DISCHARGING ME. Then she told me that if I was delivering in that hospital, they would send me to maternity to monitor me and make sure baby was fine, but because I was delivering elsewhere, they were just going to discharge me.

Umm.. .wtf?!? I get a different standard of care at the ER because of where i'm delivering!?!?

Then my discharge paperwork said I was there because of a stomach pain and that I should notify them if my period didn't come on time.

Ummm... yeah, pretty sure my period isn't coming anytime soon. I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that's how this whole pregnancy thing works.

Is ER your only option in USA in the night? We have out of hours doctors in the UK, as well as A&E (ER). I went through the out of hours doctors route in January when I had my ectopic (knew I was in a lot of pain but didn't realise I was bleeding internally). I put myself in a taxi and when I got there they gave me morphine and transferred me by ambulance to A&E, didn't even see the waiting room and was dealt with straight away.

Topanga - I got into a minor car accident the night I had DS2. A lorry cut us up and took our front bumper off. It was my due date anyway, but pretty sure the shock started labour off cos it started only a few hours later. I guess your ER thought because you said it was a minor accident there was no risk to the baby, but at 30 weeks you wouldn't want the shock starting off contractions!

On another note, I just woke up and realised one of my socks was off. Looked around for it and it was next to my pillow, I must've took it off in my sleep. Yes I kept my socks on last night cos I was so cold! :rofl: I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid but although I still occasionally talk in my sleep I haven't sleepwalked for years (as far as I know). Just googled it and apparently a change in hormones such as pregnancy can start it up again! Do we have any other sleepwalkers here?
Everything I'm not a sleepwalker now but I did go through a sleepwalking phase as a child..
much to my parents' amusement.

I'd never heard pregnancy could cause sleepwalking before.
had my first scan today and got to see little bean #3 :cloud9: heart rate was 171

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