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January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

Haha Buny pretty sure my midwife would not approve of the doppler either which is why I didn't tell her about it! I agree it is silly to put my date back 2 days but it's the BC government's doing, not my midwife's. Apparently they've decided that all pregnant women should now have a dating scan, which is great, but they've also decided that all due dates should be adjusted according to said dating scan even if they're only off by a day or two. But ha, when I called to book Baby's 11 week anatomy scan the genetic counsellor I spoke with said it was dumb to push my date date back by 2 days and she was leaving it as is.
I've been reading but not writing so much, as we are in Alabama visiting hubby's family. I have felt awful the past two days. Had my first puke after dinner the other night. I seem to be having a good day today, which I am very grateful for.

10 weeks today! I have never been 10 weeks before. Really excited!!!! I am feeling super bloated though. Can't wait to get my little bump!
Fit - I understand your frustration. They always go by scan here too for dates. With my mmc I would have been due 14 june and I knew exactly when I ovulated. But dating scan put me at 18 june. I was very frustrated. My husband couldn't understand though. He said whats in a few days. They baby will come when ready. But for me that later date was hard for my mind.

Kd - woo hoo for 10 weeks. That's excellent. I hope you enjoy your holiday.

Erm I'm on my phone. I can't remember what's on the previous page.
Hi everyone though.

Afm - I discovered seabands yesterday. They don't completely take away the nausea but they've madr a big difference. Then I woke up this morning (wwithout the seabands on) not wanting to vomit and I had a big freak out again.

I had my first midwife appointment on Thursday. She was really good And let me talk and cry about my mmc. She did give me the impression I should have waited longer to get pregnant again for emotional reasons but I'm an emotional person anyway and I'll always miss my little one.
So is anyone getting an actual baby bump yet (not bloat). I'm just wondering because with dd I got a tiny bump at 11 weeks. With my mmc I started questioning not getting any bump at 11 weeks.
anyway I know some of you ladies are getting towards 11 weeks so just wondering.
I am feeling fatter than a pregnant hippo. I have carried some extra weight in my belly for the past couple years (too much Taco Bell lol), and it is definitely pooching out more than usual. But I think it is 80% bloat and 20% uterus pushing all the fat further up as it grows. Lol. I am definitely in all dresses and skirts now, as pants make me look huge and they can't button. I imagine when I hit 12-13 weeks and will no longer feel guilty about it, I will switch to maternity pants. Lol. Before then just feels like I am crazy.
I switched to my fat pants and yoga pants for when I have to leave the house, and oversized PJ pants for when I'm home. I've also had to switch to larger undies because the ones I usually wear were making me feel really sore and uncomfortable along where my uterus is starting to push everything forward since that's where the waistband lies. The larger ones are too big in the rear, but at least I'm not in pain from them. I'm pretty thankful I kept my fat clothes from before I lost some of my PCOS weight. Definitely been a money saver, even if I do look a little frumpy.
I'm the heaviest I've been for five years. I'm an emotional eater and after my mmc ate my way through my grief. Now I'm regretting in because I'm going to get really really fat. But it's ok because it's for a good reason. I can get rid of it next year.

Also one of the things that made me start to wonder if something was wrong when i had my mmc is that I never got the bump. You know the one where you lay down and no matter how hard you suck your stomach in you have that Bump. so I'm bump watching. I just want that little bump to pop up.
I think I'm going to order some maternity leggings and trousers today. I think I'm going to try to get some maternity/breastfeeding dresses combined.
No bump here yet, I'm still flat as can be, actually lost 2 lbs because of bad nausea this trimester and I dont have much to lose to begin with.

I dont expect to start seeing any signs of a bump until week 14 or 15 as that is when I started getting them in both my previous pregnancies.

Maybe it's all these sad mc and mmc reports on bnb, but I've been feeling really paranoid and worried lately. I keep expecting something to go wrong, I'm symptom spotting like crazy, my ms has begun to lessen, which is worrying. I just find it difficult to relax after previously experiencing a mc :(
I have a slight bump. This is pregnancy #2, so I'm not surprised that I'm popping out a little sooner than last time. I'm still in my regular clothes though. Some of my pants are too small, but plenty of stuff still fits ok. A few of my friends share maternity clothes and I gave the pile to another girl, who had a MC awhile ago. I need to reach out to her eventually, but I feel awful and really don't want to hurt her, so I'm postponing it as long as possible.

In other news, I had 3 days of super light spotting last week (about a pinprick of red blood each time) and some cramping, so I had another ultrasound done. Baby was measuring as expected and had a HB of 168, so all was good. I have a regular apt scheduled for later this week. So crazy to believe that first tri will be over in a week or two! This pregnancy is going by SO MUCH FASTER than with my daughter. It's crazy.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Heather - I'm so paranoid too. A lady on another thread I'm on just had her second mmc. It's been a week since my scan and my next one will be in 3 to 4 weeks. I had a relaxed week but now panic has set in again.
Super quiet around here lately. How is everyone?

I just broke down and bought a Doppler. Should be here Monday. I am super excited. And also super nervous to use it and not be able to find baby. But I'll be over 11 weeks when it comes in, so hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to find.
Great you found the heartbeat Heather!

Kd how exciting getting a doppler!
I'm finally feeling better so I've been catching up on housework. I cleaned the bathrooms for the first time in almost 2 months and indulging in personal hobbies again :)

That's great about your doppler KD, I was tempted to buy one but didn't as we keep having unexpected expenses come up.

My next scan is the 12 week scan, and it will be on 30th of June, so only 20 days to go now. Time seems to be flying pretty quick.

I took the baking soda test the other day. I took it while pregnant with DS and it fizzled, which meant boy, and sure enough he's a little boy! This time it didn't fizzle, which means girl, so I guess we will see :)
That sounds like fun. I did it and it said boy. Use fmu. Put two tablespoons of baking soda into a clear cup and pour your urine on. If it fizzes it's a boy. If it doesn't react it's a girl.
I'd be interested to find out if it works or not. By the Chinese gender prediction chart I'm predicted a girl.
I know these are all just for fun.
has anyone else tried any old wives tales or cultural charts for gender prediction?
I tried the chinese gender predictor in every one of my pregnancies. For all 3 I was predicted a girl, it was right for DD, but not for DS. I'm predicted a girl also this time, so I guess we will see at the anatomy scan.

I heard the earliest you can take the baking soda test is 10 weeks, but a lot of ladies on BnB said they've taken it earlier, so I'm not exactly 100% sure, but I took it as soon as I reached 10 weeks
That's great that you found the heartbeat Heather! Kd I'm sure you'll love having a doppler, mine makes me so happy. As it's been 3 weeks since my scan I think I'd be really paranoid without it.

Lock I'm going to do the baking soda test this pregnancy too, probably this weekend. Chinese gender calendar says boy so we'll see if the baking soda agrees.

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