I'm not sure how much the Panorama costs. My OB says that insurance usually covers it for most patients. We have decently good insurance, so I'm going to guess it should be covered. I need to call sometime next week and confirm.
Sammy- Whew, you're busy! That's great you've been able to power through and get stuff done, even if it leave you with less online time. My early scans have all been covered so far, but they had reasons to do them, mainly spotting and cramping, past history of ectopic, etc. My 8wk scan was covered as part of the standard official intake. Yesterday's 9+0 scan I'm not sure about. We may be paying out of pocket for that one. It was only for my peace of mind and OB said it will be hit it miss what insurance decides.
Fit- I'm so jealous of your Doppler.
My OB doesn't want me getting one until second tri. Congrats on finding your teeny tiny's heartbeat.
I think with the CRL measurements there is an acceptable range for each day, but also a single average value for each day, so for the dating scan they line you up to the average value. Weird they did it for just two days though. My OB doesn't move the due date unless it's more than 4-5 days off.
Spud- I'm trying to think of it as just a test for gender and not think about the rest. If I thought about all the other things, I'd get even more worried, and yeah, that'd be no good. If you're trying to stay away from meds and go natural for the sickness, you could try high dose b6 & b12. I know they don't work for everyone, but maybe worth a try? I hate that you're feeling so bad.