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January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

Congrats, Lock! Look at that adorable little teeny tiny. <3 Are you already totally in love? When is your next appt? How big is your little bean?

Heather- Oh my! I didn't know you could leak so early, but I guess it makes sense with you having given birth before. Can you use the washable pads instead of the throw away ones? Or are they not absorbent enough?

AFM: I finally got a note from my OB saying I was okay to still be getting my b12/b6 injections on Thursday. The perinatologist wrote the injection clinic a note 3 weeks ago saying I didn't really need the shots, so they wouldn't give them to me since I'm pregnant and need a doctor's permission. Well, I talked to my OB on Thursday and she said of course I should be getting them since I don't absorb b12 well at all, and that they help with morning sickness, too, so all the more reason. So I got my injection on Saturday and by the next day the morning sickness had gone back to what it was when I was getting my shots before. Now I'm only minimally sick. Still have terrible food aversion, but I don't feel like I'm dying. I didn't realize that the b12/b6 injection was doing so much. I definitely will not be missing any more injections! I'm also able to sleep again, the anxiety/paranoia has gone away, and everything is a lot more tolerable in general. I've also been able to get liquids down so I'm not dehydrated anymore. Yay!!! (Cramps are still there, though. I guess they'll be sticking around.)
I just want to say
Blob measures 8+1 so due on 11 Jan and a heartbeat of 169. Whoop whoop whoop.
Thank you everyone for your support. It's been a stressful few weeks but I'm starting to feel a bit more relaxed now. I'll reply to everyone later. I'm just popping in with my scan update.


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I just want to say
Blob measures 8+1 so due on 11 Jan and a heartbeat of 169. Whoop whoop whoop.
Thank you everyone for your support. It's been a stressful few weeks but I'm starting to feel a bit more relaxed now. I'll reply to everyone later. I'm just popping in with my scan update.

Yay!! Congrats, girl! I know you were worried. I'm really glad that everything went so well. Cute little bean you got there!!
My next appointment is the 29th of June and baby is measuring at 9 weeks 1 day, so ahead by 1 day.

Glad your nausea is letting up some buny, mine finally is as well.

beautiful scan Spud!

Is anyone else having sleeping problems? I seem to be waking up around 3 am and am wide awake for 2 to 3 hrs before finally falling asleep again.
Congrats on all the wonderful scans!!!

Lock- I was having trouble staying asleep at night also. After my doctor gave me that diclegis, I am out like a light for the night. And I have been known to have strange and elaborate dreams, so staying asleep for them to go on and on and on is making my life super strange. Last night I had a dream that hubby and I were in a boat wreck. We drowned, but that's okay because we just became mermaids (no tails, just regular people who can breathe water). So we just moved to this underground community of other mermaids. There were lots of people. And somewhere along the line we met our future friends, so we were like interacting with them across time and I guess we knew we would become mermaids or something. And I kept trying to figure out how to fly while underwater. This dream went on forever. Anyway, ask your doc for some of the good stuff. It has really helped my nausea as well.
Congrats on the wonderful scans Lock and Spud!!

LOL at your mermaid dream kd. I have a lot of weird dreams too. The other night I dreamt I had a day off from pregnancy (???) so went to buy a bottle of wine. It was a screw top and the cashier took the cap off and told me a new law had been passed and I had to finish the bottle before I could leave the store. I was panicked and didn't know what to do because I was on my lunch break. Weird. And I don't even miss wine right now. :haha:
Aah congrats on your great scans Spud and Lock, awesome news for you both! :cloud9:

What weird dreams Kd and Fit :haha:

Buny, great that they've sorted your injections and that they are helping with your nausea.

AFM, I've had a rough weekend. Took my cat to the vets on Friday because she hasn't been eating, and vet diagnosed her with chronic kidney disease. They had her in over the weekend, put her on a drip and medicated her, which he said had a good chance of clearing the toxins and then she could come home with ongoing medicine. Unfortunately blood test on Sunday showed no improvement at all and she hasn't eaten anything since Saturday :cry: I went out for 2 hours at lunch time and came home to find she had got on DS2's bed, fallen/climbed off, got her claw stuck in the duvet and was stuck there on the floor with her claw hooked high up. She had wee'd on his rug, she must've been so scared but not strong enough to do anything. So I think it's her time. I've rung the vets and they want me to take her in in half an hour. She's 16, she's been my rascal since 1999. When I had my ectopic she clung to me... she knew there was something wrong bless her.

It's going to be so hard to say goodbye :cry: RIP Mini Minx xx
EverythigXd: I'm so sorry about your cat. I know how hard putting down a pet can be. Sending you comforting thoughts...

Congrats on all the scans!

I also wanted to share my awesome scan from today. My beautiful twins both had heartbeats, and were measuring ahead at 6w5d and 6w6d!!!:happydance:


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Beautiful scan eswemba and lock.

Everything - I've only ever sleep walked once after a traumatic event. a man locked me in a cubicle toilet at a camp ground in Venice and attempted to rape me. He did not suceed because luckily I'd had a self defence course a few months before where I was told if you can't get away scream as loud as you can. It will throw your attacker off for a second or two which can be enough to escape. It wOrked. I hope you don't mind me sharing that. I'm online and my identity is hidden so I thought I could give the real reason rather than just saying I experienced a really traumatic event. Anyway I was the tour leader for a coach company and I found myself sleep walking in otber campsites in italy. looking back on it it sounds scary but it was ok.
I'm also so sorry to hear about your cat. Our little animals are our friends and have a special place in our hearts. Our cat has kidney issues too. It's hard to say goodbye. Lots of hugs x x

Buny - I'm glad your nausea is letting up. Mine comes and goes.

Heather - eek leekage already. I have a bunch of reusable breats pads left over from dd. I looked into making some but I figured by the time I bought the material and made them it would be cheaper to buy them. But material here in nz costs alot.

I love hearing abot your wierd dreams ladies x x
hi everyone who I haven't mentioned.
I have a midwife appointment tommorrow.
Had my 9+0 scan today. Today was the gestational anniversary of my first pregnancy, which before now was the farthest I ever got, so needless to say, I was a wreck. Was certain I'd get in there and they'd tell me something was wrong. But nope, there was our little baby, just chilling out with a great heartbeat. He/she is still measuring about 4 day behind, but since that's how behind Baby always is, it means he/she is growing at about the right rate: a little over 6mm in the last week, so pretty spot on.

Oh! And baby even twitched a couple times while we were doing the ultrasound, so muscles have definitely started working! So amazing to see. Never got this far before!

So yep, here is baby at 18-19mm. Heart rate = 176-182 bpm.

Yay buny. Your scan looks great.:happydance::happydance::happydance: how awesome to see little one twitching.
how's your nausea? Mine has been terrible the last week. I'm thinking we have another girl.
Thanks sporty! :D

Hey Spud. Ugh... Sorry you feel so crappy. I can't remember, did your doctor give you anything for it? I had a pretty yuck day here, too. Finally popped a Zofran so I could actually get some food down. Luckily, it did the trick. Looks like my B Vitamin injection has worn off. (And yesterday was a lovely, no sickness day, so I'm bummed.) I'll have to call the clinic in the morning to book another injection.

With my nausea level and how fast Baby's heartbeat is (and how Baby is a little on the small side) the couple folks I talk to IRL about what's going on keep saying I'm having a girl, too. I dunno. I can't shake this feeling of it being a sweet, delicate little boy.

I'm doing the Panorama in a couple weeks, so we should know gender by month's end. Anyone else going to be getting it done? I can't wait to start buying baby clothes. *swoon*
Buny - I'm thinking about doing the harmony test which I gather is the same thing. How much does it cist where you are? It's 1000 nzd here (about 500 gbp). Dh is happy for us to do it. How much does it cost there? I'm so scared of the results though.

I haven't been given anything for nausea though my midwife says she will if I want especially as I've had blood in my vomit from too much vomiting. I need to order an aanti-nausea wristband.
Beautiful scan Buny. :thumbup:

I was going to get the Panorama test but my midwife told me about another one that tests for the same things by blood and also includes a scan to check for abnormalities (at 11 weeks) and costs a bit less, so I may go that route. I don't think it gives the gender though, but I could always pay $50 for a private gender scan at 15 weeks.

Had my first midwife appointment yesterday which was good but for some reason based on my scan they've put my due date back 2 days, which I know is nothing to worry about, but still annoying. The midwife says it was based on Baby's CRL which I get, but Baby's CRL was 11 mm at 7 w 2 days...from what I understand the range for 7 weeks is 5-12 mm so I don't get how Baby got pushed back to exactly 7 weeks. Does anyone know?

We ordered a doppler and it arrived last night. I couldn't resist trying it but couldn't find Baby. (I did find my own heartbeat about a million times though). I know it is super early. I decided to have a quick try this morning and found him in less than 5 minutes!! Gotta love that runaway train / horse gallopping sound. :)
Congrats on all the great scans everyone! I *finally* have my first scan coming up next week Wednesday. (It initially was supposed to be right before my 12 week appointment, but after expressing some nerves at my pre-ob visit last week, the nurse offered to move up the scan!)

Sorry I have been completely MIA. This is the last week of the term at my university here, so life has been hectic. Add on top of it how terrible I have been feeling and I have barely had the energy to do anything in addition to work. Fatigue, nausea, and vomiting have hit hard here. Tried B6 which I used with DD, but that didn't do a thing. Right now I am using Children's Emetrol and (fingers crossed) I have not thrown up in about 30 hours! So finally feeling like I am getting a bit of a handle back on life again.

Do you all have early screen options as covered by insurance? With DD, I remember doing a first trimester screen, but my nurse here just mentioned the normal quad screen. I don't think I am at high risk, but I remember how comforting the early screen was!

Happy Friday!
I'm not sure how much the Panorama costs. My OB says that insurance usually covers it for most patients. We have decently good insurance, so I'm going to guess it should be covered. I need to call sometime next week and confirm.

Sammy- Whew, you're busy! That's great you've been able to power through and get stuff done, even if it leave you with less online time. My early scans have all been covered so far, but they had reasons to do them, mainly spotting and cramping, past history of ectopic, etc. My 8wk scan was covered as part of the standard official intake. Yesterday's 9+0 scan I'm not sure about. We may be paying out of pocket for that one. It was only for my peace of mind and OB said it will be hit it miss what insurance decides.

Fit- I'm so jealous of your Doppler. :blush: My OB doesn't want me getting one until second tri. Congrats on finding your teeny tiny's heartbeat. <3 I think with the CRL measurements there is an acceptable range for each day, but also a single average value for each day, so for the dating scan they line you up to the average value. Weird they did it for just two days though. My OB doesn't move the due date unless it's more than 4-5 days off.

Spud- I'm trying to think of it as just a test for gender and not think about the rest. If I thought about all the other things, I'd get even more worried, and yeah, that'd be no good. If you're trying to stay away from meds and go natural for the sickness, you could try high dose b6 & b12. I know they don't work for everyone, but maybe worth a try? I hate that you're feeling so bad. :hugs:

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