January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

This week at work is going to be very busy, but tonight we are headed to a concert! I accidentally came across the fact that Andy Grammer is in town... tickets were only $20 each, so we went for it! So excited! I know I am going to be exhausted tomorrow, but totally worth it!

Let me know how the concert goes!!!! Andy Grammer is doing a free concert near my house in early September, right on my husband's 31st birthday! So we are going with a bunch of friends to celebrate hubby's birthday and see Andy Grammer for free! :happydance: So let me know if he's good live! We're so excited!! I LOOOOVEEEE "Honey I'm Good"! :happydance:
This week at work is going to be very busy, but tonight we are headed to a concert! I accidentally came across the fact that Andy Grammer is in town... tickets were only $20 each, so we went for it! So excited! I know I am going to be exhausted tomorrow, but totally worth it!

Let me know how the concert goes!!!! Andy Grammer is doing a free concert near my house in early September, right on my husband's 31st birthday! So we are going with a bunch of friends to celebrate hubby's birthday and see Andy Grammer for free! :happydance: So let me know if he's good live! We're so excited!! I LOOOOVEEEE "Honey I'm Good"! :happydance:

He was absolutely fantastic live. Very entertaining and even DH had a good time. He was willing to go, but isn't the world's biggest Andy Grammer fan, so I am glad he really enjoyed it after all. It was well worth my $20, so a free concert shouldn't be something you miss!!!!
Congrats on a boy and a girl, eswemba!!! How exciting! I can't remember--do you have other children? Will you be having more or are you content with one of each? Glad everything is going well despite the bleeding. I know it isn't uncommon with twin pregnancies. Hopefully that one instance is all you will have!

Hope to hear from you more!
ESwemba84- Ooooo!!! Congrats on TWINS! That's exciting for sure! :happydance:

AFM- Just got home after midwife interview #3. We didn't like her. I mean, she was talkative and social, but seemed to want to talk more about herself (in ways unrelated to my pregnancy or what we want the birth to be like) than talk about us. I think she's more skilled than the midwife we didn't like as much the other day (interview #2), but it didn't make up for her not really vibing with us at all. The first midwife we interviewed was the best, and who we will likely choose, but she may be going out of town a few days after I'm due. :dohh: Our last midwife interview is on Friday and hopefully we like her, because she's one of the the backups for the midwife we do like. It would make things super simple if we liked her almost as much as midwife #1. (Midwife #1 is a lot closer, so I'm hoping she's the best, with #4 being a very close second...)

Oh, and DH and I finally went out bought some maternity wear for me since I've been having to wear PJ shirts while out an about the last couple weeks. Yay for having well-fitting clothes again!

Carrying our little lady all (stereotypically) high and round:

Wow, congrats on your boy girl twins eswemba! How exciting! Have you thought of any names yet?

It's great when you and your midwife click buny, they are such important supports for while you're birthing so I hope you find the perfect one!

Yay for maternity clothes shopping! Adorable bump! I'm carrying low, but gender aside, I carried low in all my pregnancies

Hello 20 weeks!
Gorgeous bump, lady! I wish I was carrying low. My little lady is already giving me reflux and shortness of breath! I wish I could push everything back down for a while. :haha:
Loving the bumps. One of these days I will actually take a picture of mine. Lol
Whoop whoop congratulations Heather. I know how much you wanted to be team :pink:
Woohoo! Finally picking up the pace on team pink on this thread! Congrats, girl. I love love love the name!!
Congrats again on your girl Heather!

Our anatomy ultrasound was this morning as well - they did a fetal echocardiogram because of our angel's heart condition, and both the sonographer and the maternal fetal medicine doctor scanned me separately. Everything looked absolutely perfect!!! :happydance:

Luckily we were told in advance that they'd be taking a long, detailed look at Thomas's heart, so it didn't freak me out. The sonographer was lovely too, she said things like "now that is a lovely brain," and "that is one great looking heart" so we knew everything was looking good.

And the doctor that scared me so badly? We were supposed to meet with him after the scan, but once he saw our ultrasound results he cancelled his appointment with us and just sent a genetic counselor to reiterate to us that everything looks perfect. :haha:
Congrats, Fit. That has got to be some major relief right there. <3
Hooray fit for the great appointment - what a relief. And congrats Heather on team pink.

Everyone's baby bumps are looking great! I still feel in that in between zone - to me I look (or maybe feel) SO pregnant, but depending what I wear it is a bit harder to tell. Carrying *very* low this time which I am not used to so that doesn't help with the bump. Or the bathroom:)
Congrats on team pink, heather!

Glad your scan went so wonderfully, fit. What I wouldn't give to have heard the words "that is one great looking heart." So happy your scan put you at ease!

My next appointment is on Monday and I am hoping she will chat with me about my anatomy scan and put all my fears to rest. Since she hasn't called to say something is wrong, I guess everything is fine. But it will be nice to hear the words!!!
We don't wait here either. That would drive me nuts!! Good luck, kd. <3

DH and I finally chose our midwife today. Glad that is settled. She may be going out of town soon after my due date, but she promised that her backup midwife is very good at following the plans she's set forth, so that sounds good to me. We didn't like any of the other midwives we e-mailed with/interviewed, so we're definitely going to make this work. (None of the other ones really wanted to work towards making a plan that DH and I felt comfortable with.) So yep! Put down the deposit with our MW today. Official intake will be on 24+4, a week after anatomy scan: pt 2.

Oh, and our MW let me listen to Baby's heartbeat today with the doppler so that I can leave town tomorrow knowing everything is going great. :thumbup: Can't wait to tell my mom about the baby. :bunny:
Kd I definitely thought of you when our sonographer was being so nice by letting us know throughout the scan that everything was okay. I wish yours had been more accommodating! By not explaining anything they can easily create a false impression that something is wrong. For instance our sonographer told us BEFORE she started scanning that the doctor would be coming in afterwards to repeat the scan. Had she not told us and just got the doctor I would have been freaking thinking she found something wrong.

I'm sure your results will be great - if sonographers see anything that even looks questionable they go get a doctor to have another look from my understanding. And your doctor's office definitely would have called if anything was wrong!

Buny that's great about the midwife and have fun telling your mom!! I planned to surprise my mom then cracked and told her at 4 weeks. :dohh:

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