January Blizzards - 2016 Rainbows

Fit - I'm glad your scan went well :)

Buny - Congratulations on choosing your midwife. Over here if you want a particular midwife you have to register as soon as you discover you are pregnant. That was a bit stressful for me because previously I was happy with two but one midwife 'abandoned' me after my mmc so that left one that I wanted. but I have the midwife I want so couldn't be happier.

KD - good luck with your scan. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Sammy - hello :)

heather - Hadleigh will be one well dressed little lady. Those clothes are cute.

AFm - well my daughter was getting sick so we've just had a week of high fevers, snotty nose and coughing. Dd is better now but now it's my turn to be sick.

I'm pretty excited because I may be able to finish work around 30 weeks. I have worked my ar$e off for many many years and with dh working every day I have been up at 5am every day, no lay ins, working morning and evening as well as dd day care days because we own our business. And because dh works every day I do everything for dd. Now we have two opportunities, one is to see the business and the other is to go into partnership. Either way means stopping work for me. Yay, it's going to be so nice to be a mum without any outside work. I'm just so tired and exhausted. The thought has perked me right up. Dh is also excited at the thought of spending more time with dd too.

Now though, I have got a pain under my ribs. I got it mid pregnancy with dd and it didn't go away until birth. Everyone says the second half of pregnancy goes quickly. I hope so. I don't want to be uncomfortable from 20 weeks again.

This pregnancy has gone slowly yet quickly at the same time. I see that there is an April birth group now and I don't think it will be long before there is a May one appearing.

Though in my mind I'm not halfway in this pregnancy until 21 weeks because then I will have actually been pregnant for 19 weeks and I will have 19 weeks to go.

Then I just want to reach 24 weeks.

And then 30 weeks if I get some time off.

Counting down? Who me?

And game of thrones season five starts on Wednesday. yay. I just hope I can stay awake for it in the evening lol :)
Heather great clothing haul!! So precious.

Spud glad you're getting some well deserved time off to spend with your two princesses.

Good weekend over here - bought a few more outfits and worked on painting Baby Thomas's dresser green with Annie Sloan chalk paint. Babies 'R Us was having a sale so we now have a pack and play and a high chair in addition to the stroller/carseat and glider we got on sale before.

Here is a profile shot of Thomas from our scan:


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And a 20 week bump shot and another profile shot. :)


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Fit - your scan photo and bump pics are beautiful :)

Sportygirl - how are you feeling?

AFM - so I have been wondering where these normal pregnancy groups are and january snowdrops.....and I have just found Pregnancy Groups and Discussions! Seriously this doesn't appear in my Forum Jump Drop Down list! Wow, there's heaps more threads.
I was supposed to be working today but i had to have a sleep and had a three hour nap in the middle of the day (I work for myself I just didn't leave work lol). I'm totally exhausted.
Hmmm, I should stop procrastinating now and actually do some work :)
Fit - your scan photo and bump pics are beautiful :)

Sportygirl - how are you feeling?

AFM - so I have been wondering where these normal pregnancy groups are and january snowdrops.....and I have just found Pregnancy Groups and Discussions! Seriously this doesn't appear in my Forum Jump Drop Down list! Wow, there's heaps more threads.
I was supposed to be working today but i had to have a sleep and had a three hour nap in the middle of the day (I work for myself I just didn't leave work lol). I'm totally exhausted.
Hmmm, I should stop procrastinating now and actually do some work :)

I am doing ok thanks, feeling a bit anxious as its getting towards 19 weeks.

Sorry your so tired I am glad you managed to rest.
I'm loving the pics, Fit!

Baby has been kicking up a storm tonight. She must be facing forwards today. SO reassuring. DH was able to feel her kick tonight for the second time. So sweet. <3
Hi guys! I'm still alive!

I could swear hubby is nuts because sometimes E will kick with his hand right there and I will say, "DID YOU FEEL THAT?!!!" and he will say no. It makes no sense to me because I can clearly feel it on the outside when I have my hand on my belly, so it makes me wonder if he is feeling it and doesn't realize somehow. I have tried to explain that he is just feeling for a little thump or bump against his hand, not an outright jab. He swears he feels nothing. It has been slightly frustrating for me, so I think I am going to give up for a few weeks.

My bump is definitely a bump now! I feel like I need to start walking more regularly now that I am feeling better or I am going to look like a beluga whale in a few weeks. Nursery coming along really nicely. Will post some pics later.

How is everyone else?
Buny -I'm glad you are feeling baby lots :) I'm pretty jealous as I feel nothing.

Fit - lovely pics :)

Kd - yay on bump growing. Mine is too and I'm feeling the same as you. I need to get moving. I bought a maternity swumming costume so I need to use it.

The midwife did have a grumble at me last week at my 20 week appointment for not putting any weight on at all. I think that's about to change as I have got my appetite back this week and boy is this baby hungry.
I am stressing again because I can't feel any movement. I do have an anterior placenta so I'm trying not to worry. I heard the heartbeat last Thursday and I may have to pull the doppler out today.
I do get the feeling that this little girl is a bit more sleepy than dd. (I hope so as dd hates sleeping).

I have just put an advert out for someone to do my job. I hope I get some good candidates responding. Then I can count down to holiday and maternity leave.
Don't be toooo jealous, Spud. I've also had a nasty cold for over a week now- pretty much the entire vacation to my mom's. I hope it clears up soon so that I can enjoy some of the last week we're here. I'm sure you'll be feeling your LO soon. I think I read that with an anterior placenta, you usually feel something by 24 weeks. I'll keep my FX'd that for you it is sooner!

Congrats on getting started on the painting, Heather. Will you post pics when it's done? DH and I are going to be living in our RV for another year, so no nursery for us yet. I will have to live vicariously through you! Great job on getting all the diapers lined up for a while. Costco is amazing for so many things!

AFM: Just laying around sick with this stupid cold. I'm really hoping it starts to ease up soon. I've been feeling terrible for over a week now. OB says that if it gets worse, or if I'm not better in a few days, I'll need to go to the doctor. Not so easy since DH and I are in AL visiting my mom until next Tuesday. The urgent care here isn't very good, so I'd rather not have to go see them. Dh had his birthday on Sunday and I managed to get up the energy to go to the beach with him. We got a hotel room for Sunday night and the hotel had a pool. WOW! It is nice being in a pool. Felt like I could really stretch and be mobile for the first time in a long time. My pup's birthday is today. I've had her since she was around 4-6 weeks old, and as of "today", she's a teenager! (The vet guestimated her birthday when she was little.) She's like a furry little daughter to me, so it's a pretty momentous occasion! About to head out to the grocery to pick up a steak for her and some doggy treats.
Hi ladies.

I'm just popping on to get your opinions.

With dd I got a second hand buggy. It's good but it was never exactly what I wanted.

We have a bit more money now so I can afford a new buggy. I'd like one with a carry cot which I never had with isla. But I feel tremendous guilt at buying something new for the newbie that Isla never got. I also think that I won't do as much walking with this one as with Isla so is it a waste of money. On the other hand I'd love that new buggy experience.
Oh if I was on social media I would add #firstworldproblems
Jealous of you ladies who get to work on your nurseries, I won't even get to touch ours until around November. November and December are going to be so hectic because of that and the holidays :wacko:

I've been feeling DD2 moving around so much more now, and kicking much harder than before. DH hasn't had the chance to feel it yet though.

DS is turning 2 this weekend, my sweet little man, I can't believe it :cry:

22 week bump
Cute bump Lock and I LOVE your dress! It is adorable!!

Buny hope you're feeling better!

Spud I would just splurge. Maybe you can use it to force yourself to take some walks?

Heather that's great that you're painting the nursery!

We rented a storage locker and will be clearing out the nursery this weekend so maybe we can start painting next. Then our new floors will be arriving so those will have to be installed. We are getting new furniture and painting our old dresser and nightstand green for the nursery...and so on. Ack, so much to do!

It is early but I managed to finally find a winter coat and I'm so happy about it! The maternity selection in Canada isn't great to begin with and they seem to stock the same items cross country which means a lot of parkas - not so useful for Vancouver winters. But I found a stretchy non-maternity coat at the Gap and bought it in a large (normally I wear a small) and when I got up to the till discovered it was marked down to $75! :happydance:
Still really sick here. Now on antibiotics. Full on sinus infection, plus the beginning of an ear infection in both ears. Today was day three of antibiotics, so hopefully I'll be feeling better soon. Right now, I'm still battling a headache and an awful jaw ache. Been taking Tylenol at night, but tonight it only lightened the pain for a little while and then it came right back. Totally miserable, and now the antibiotics are starting to make my stomach/digestive system act up. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. :sick:

Congrats on the coat, Fit. Awesome score!

Super cute bump, L&K- and the dress is really pretty. :flow:
Buny - I hope you feel better soon. I had a sinus headache cold last week and it was very unpleasant. I was eating raw garlic to help get rid of it and drinking fresh lemon and honey.

Lock - You have a cute bump. And that is a great dress.

Heather - how did you get on painting Hadleighs nursery?

Fit - well done on finding a coat. I didn't find one for this winter so I know how hard it can be. I live in a small town.

AFM - This is probably going to sound far to gross with TMI but I woke up needing a huge no.2. I felt like I was having contractions and the whole pain and horror of childbirth came flooding back. I did have a moment when I was worried I was actually experiencing real contractions. Hmmmm, i had better get those prunes out.

So I have decided to splurge and get the buggy. I actually think dd will like a dollys buggy to push together on walks. We currently have one on loan from the toy library and she just loves it.

I also interviewed an excellent candidate today for my job so I'm feeling much happier about that. i can't wait to finish work. I have a huge list of jobs for me to do at home too.

Here's a question for everyone......if you have a toddler are you reading any new baby books and if so what are they? I have just borrowed 'there is a house in my mummys tummy" to read with dd, but she hugs my tummy everyday to hug the baby so I think she knows anyway. She told me yesterday 'I love the baby" which was soo cute.

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