Hi ladies, can I join you? I'm 15DPO today, and FF predicts EDD at January 7th.
Got my very faint bfp on a Wondfo at 10DPO, and blood test on 11DPO showed hcg at 38. I go in today for follow up to make sure that my hcg is doubling appropriately and to check progesterone because at my 7DPO blood work my progesterone was only a 5 and they are worried (I have had 2 previous CPs, so this cycle was my first cycle with an RE monitoring).
I've been testing daily to make sure the lines are darkening. DH thinks I'm crazy because I'm using Wondfo's, Dollar Tree tests, Walmart Cheapies (88 cent ones), FRER's, and over the weekend I went and grabbed a couple EPTs because they list the lowest sensitivity on their box and I wanted to see if I could get a decent positive on the tests with the least sensitivity. There are currently 22 pee tests on our bathroom counter!
In terms of symptoms: my boobs are killing me. Certain smells have started to make my stomach turn a little, but no seriously sickness. Cramping though - the last 3 nights I've woken up in the middle of the night cramping enough that I was sure AF was coming. I'm constantly checking for blood.
PS: I'd love to join the FB group if it's secret (I can't risk anyone on my FB seeing I'm in a pregnancy group just yet). my email:
[email protected] my name is Jessica Kemmerer
I tried to follow the link you posted but it said cannot be displayed so I assume that means it's already secret?