I was induced both times because of blood pressure. My first I went to my 39 week appointment at 39+5 and when they checked me I was 6cm dilated. I thought I was having bad Braxton Hicks all week and was apparently inconsistently contracting. I was sent for monitoring and when I got there my bp was elevated. Since I was so close they just kept me. They started pitocin and got all the way to 10, but it didn’t work so they unhooked me. A few hours later they broke my water and within an hour I was contracting. I got an epidural, started a low dose of pitocin, and I fell asleep. 3 hours later I felt pressure and was at 10cm. She was born after 24 minutes of pushing. Because I was induced for “hypertension” I was automatically high risk so I had to go to maternal fetal with my second. I was fine the whole pregnancy then at my 36 week ultrasound after my bp being normal just 2 hours prior at my regular doctor I was told my bp was dangerously high and to head to the hospital. They inserted cervidil and I lost my mucous plug that night. Chilled all morning then at 4pm the next day they started pitocin and I was only 2cm. I started contracting around 6pm and asked for an epidural around 6:30pm. I was told there was one person before me and I was able to handle them so they figured I hadn’t made much progress. In fact, my husband left to rent a movie. They got more intense a little after 7pm and they said they would be in soon for the epidural. Not long after my water broke and I felt her coming. We called a nurse and I told her I was pushing, she hesitated because I guess they figured I couldn’t progress that fast. The doctor barely made it and literally caught her as she shot out when they lifted my gown. I barely pushed, my body basically ejected her. Lol I never did get an epidural and that pain was no joke! I changed maternal fetal and hoping they let me go a little longer so I have a chance to labor naturally. Being induced at 36 weeks was rough as my body wasn’t ready. I had to be on magnesium and it made me dizzy so I couldn’t leave the bed and I had to have pump things on my legs to keep blood moving. As thankful as I am that we were healthy and she didn’t have a nicu stay, I praying I don’t have to do that again.