January & February Beans 2021

You can find one literally anywhere here. From gas stations, roadside stands, grocery stores, etc. They have plain ones, colorful ones, fun ones. It’s just some people won’t because they’re asked to or are convinced they don’t work so why bother. Kind of like in school when you have a dress code, but you have those kids that will show up in what they want anyway or find loopholes.

A smoothie sound so good! I wanted a snow cone really bad today. Fruit and ice just sounded so refreshing.

I hope everyone else is doing ok too!
@Jules8 omg I totally understand just wanting to be in a pool. Its 100 out today and what I wouldn't give to sit in a pool all day long. Heck a lake would be nice at this point too but we dont have to many of those around here.
Also, it's not just there that people arent wearing masks. I went to target the other day here and even the people who were wearing masks had them like around their chins. I just dont understand. It's really not that hard to wear a mask, I definately think it has something to do with the individualistic culture we have here in the US. ...
And now I want a snow cone lmao! Ooooh a blue and purple and red one sounds soooooo good. Hope you guys have a good fourth!

@Sander oh man fun salads are the best. I love adding cranberries to mine for a little bit of umph! My step mom made a salad when she was here last weekend and I ate like 4 bowls. Yet every time I've tried to make salad lately I cant stand the smell of it. I cant believe your gender scan is so soon! Are you still secretly hoping for a girl or have you come to terms with it? I'm so afraid I'm going to go through serious gender disappointment this time if it's another boy. Like I know I'll love this baby no matter what but I've always wanted a girl and this is our last chance.

AFM - I am sooooo ready for my appointment on monday. I think I'm gonna ask for anti nausea meds because I'm so freaking over this. Bright side though is at least it hasn't been all day nausea the last few days. I've been CRAVING some crab so I'll probably cave soon and end up getting it. Still exhausted and taking naps every other day. And oh my goodness I dont know if its hormones or the heat or a horrible combination of the two but I have sooo much acne and I am not usually an acne person. The first trimester is kicking my booty ](*,)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! \\:D/
Ugh Lisa I dunno I keep waffling haha. Like I refer to the baby as a boy and I feel as mentally prepared as I can be - but I can’t help feeling like it might be wrong?? I had a few things that were different with this pregnancy than with my boys - mainly I was sicker, I had greasy hair and acne (especially early on), I feel more emotional and my boobs actually hurt this pregnancy - which they didn’t at all with my others. So I feel like I’m reading into that a bit. Also my tests got really dark really fast with this baby while they took ages to darken with my boys.

So I keep thinking maybe but I don’t want to get my hopes up either, so I’m just trying to stick to ‘boy’ until we actually see the wiener or not :rofl:

Anyways I know what you mean, we’re in the same boat with 2 boys and the 3rd being the last. Hopefully at least one of us gets a girl :haha:

Are any of you guys doing a gender scan at 16 weeks?
If either of you need a girl to borrow I have 2 you can have for a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I love everything about dressing them up, playing barbies, and all that girl stuff....but, they are so sassy and over dramatic. If we end up with 3 girls I keep thinking about how terrifying it’s going to be to have 4 girls on their periods at the same time. I’m leaning towards doing the blood test at my next appointment next week since they offer it now. I’m so impatient! Lol If not, we have to wait til 20 weeks. I do have a strong boy feeling though, it’s just that gut feeling. I knew with both girls that they were girls even though my second pregnancy was completely different. Everyone kept telling me boy and I said no, I just knew. Then when I saw first saw her actual face on the ultrasound it confirmed it.
Lol Jules - true 4 girls PMS’ing would be a lot :rofl: I hope you get your boy! Boys are so fun and it’s nice to have both genders :)

My boys are so different temperament wise. My younger son is so laid back, he’s the epitome of ‘chill’ haha. My older one is very... sensitive? I don’t know how to describe it. He feels all the feelings, let’s just say that lol. Could be that he’s 2, but he was like that even as a baby.

Like with my younger son, he’ll hang out in the stroller for a walk no problem. He just chills in there with his legs hanging out and if he gets tired he’ll fall asleep. With my older - even when he was teeny tiny he would get tired of the stroller and freak out until I picked him up and held him.

I love my older son, he’s super affectionate and fun - but I wouldn’t mind another easy going baby like my second :haha:
My oldest, Emma, is very sensitive too. All I have to do is raise my voice and she cries, I never had to put her in time out. She also just wants attention and us to play with her alllll day. I feel bad because I snap. I know it’s just because she hasn’t been able to see her friends in so long and I’ve been pretty busy lately, but I have things I have to do and she will cry because all she wants me to do is play with her constantly. My husband is home with them all day so she’s fine with him. My youngest, Luella, is wild. She is the cutest thing ever one minute and the next minute she’s destroying everything. She tantrums when she doesn’t want to do something and hates sleep. I don’t care if it’s a boy or girl at this point, I’m just praying hard I get one chill kid to offset the high emotions of the other two. Lol
Sander - I keep doing the same thing lol I keep calling it a boy but my gut is saying girl. I don't know... I just really don't want to get my hopes too high and then be "shocked" it's another boy. My husband is convinced it's a boy but I think hes just saying that because hes terrified of having a girl :rofl:

Jules - lol I would if I could! I take my niece whenever I can. Though shes getting to that preteen age now and man that's what I'm afraid of if I have a girl. My boys both have enough sass to go around but boobs and periods are terrifying to me dispite the fact that I'm a girl. I assume its from growing up with so many brothers and only having boys of my own.

I dont know what well do for gender... I know itll be offered for a blood test at my 12w appointment but I really want to wait until I can (the tech can) visually see. Part of me really wants to do a gender reveal but more of like a private one where my husband and I take pictures with the kids or something.

My oldest is an introverted, nerdy, kid. Hes very sensitive to other peoples emotions but he can also be super self centered (I think that's just the age though) he can sit in his room alone all day and doesnt care about playing with anyone. He will keep himself busy. My youngest on the other hand is a high demand pay attention to me now everyone kind of kid. He is my outgoing center of attention one. Hes also super emotional and will make sure everyone knows what he is feeling. Being at home 24/7 the last almost 4 months has been sooooo hard. He hasn't seen any of his friends except his cousins like twice and the poor kid just wants to be around people. I feel so bad for him because I can tell it's taking a toll on him and he doesnt want to play with us all the time, he just wants someone his age to hang out with. It doesnt help that I'm super introverted myself. I'm more of a cuddle and read/watch tv and hes more of a run ten times around the block and say hello to everyone kind of person :wacko: part of me is hoping and praying schools open back up in the fall and the other part of me is like eww gross kids and germs is a disaster waiting to happen.
I think it’s so hard for the kids to be isolated the way they are. I took my son to see a friend last week and it was like he didn’t know what to do. He was way overly shy and cranky - the kid would hand him toys and he would freak out. I mean he’s only played with this boy maybe once before, right before the lockdowns started so it’s still a new friendship - but I was like why are you so miserable?? I look forward to getting him out more, I’m worried his social skills are going to be behind.

Yeah it’s probably better to imagine it a boy Lisa - I was so convinced my 2nd was a girl because my pregnancies were complete opposites, then when it turned out to be a boy I was crushed. I built it up way too much in my head!! I think it’s common for people to switch genders after having two of the same though, I really hope it’s a girl for you! I agree though it’s hard to trust the bloodwork, I like to actually be able to see with my own eyes - wiener or no wiener :rofl:

Jules sounds like you’re due for a calm baby :p

Sometimes it feels like there’s only the 3 of us in this group :haha: Where did everyone go!
I totally deserve a chill baby! Lol I work full time as a supervisor at a home for autistic adults. I was a literal zombie after my second and fell so behind. I also tried to go back after only 6 weeks and ended up having to be off again because I was sick within two days. I had her a month early so she was only 2 weeks adjusted and my body was not ready. I’m taking the full leave this time, which is 12 weeks. It’s going to suck not being paid for a while, but I need it. Hopefully my husband will be able to go full time and make up for some of it.

The bloodwork is pretty accurate...though, apparently boy dna can linger in moms bloodstream so it can say boy and be wrong if you had a boy before. When we did the blood test the first time we didn’t officially announce til the anatomy scan confirmed. It was fun to know early on though.

Maybe we need to go scope some people out! Lol I know there has to be more people due at the same time. I’m glad I can keep up with everyone though. My one group was so big that I couldn’t keep up and a few of us just branches off onto a fb group. We all still keep in touch in that group after 5 years.
Hey ladies :hi: I pop in and read all of the posts, I just don’t respond much. Things are crazy here with getting ready to move...but I enjoy keeping up with each of you!

I see we are discussing gender. I did a blood draw last week and found out a few days ago we are having another girl! :pink:
@Sander I wouldn't worry too much about his social skills. Kids pick them up really easy! It deffinately is hard on them though, I wish we lived in the country and not a big city then I'd just let them run around outside lol with how hot it is here they last 10 minutes in the backyard or park and since all the pools are closed there isn't much to do outside right now. Fx it's no wiener though :juggle:

@Jules8 you deserve a chill baby lol my last was a chill baby other than nursing 24/7. I'm pretty sure this one will be a hellion since I'm in school and will need to try and focus. I went back to work at 6w because I was loosing my mind at home but I was off for 3 months before I gave birth and then only worked pt when I went back for the first few months.

We may need to scope people out, I was looking at my old group from my son cause I could swear it was crazy busy and it was. To be fair though that was five years ago.

@jacksonl8805 congratulations! That's super cool you already know. I hope moving goes smoothly for you!
Hey everyone! I have been quietly reading along. I haven't been to the Dr. yet so it doesn't seem real for some reason. I am 7w5d.

I took a test this morning and it didn't steal the dye from the test line like the last one did so now I am nervous about that. I go to the Dr. on Wednesday. I am hoping the schedule my scan pretty soon after that! I will be sure to update :)

Here is a picture of this mornings test compared to others.

Oh man RN you are hard core! Still testing I mean haha. For sure it’s the hook effect at this point - try diluting your urine with water. The line will go darker again. Do you have an early scan booked?

Who’s next up for scans anyway? I have mine July 18th, I’ll be 16+1
Sander- I had a test left so thought why not lol Glad to hear it isnt anything to be concerned with :) They won't book my first scan until after I see the doctor so I dont even have a date yet :/
@Jules8 Same here with my 2015 baby. Our group was big and it became a FB group, which I do find easier to keep up with.

I had a scan today and I'm so happy I could cry. I can finally relax. We have a healthy bean and a heartrate of 170!
(We made it past the last mmc date and it feels soooo fucking good) excuse the language but I cant believe it.

Jackson- Congrats on your girl!!!❤️ So exciting!

RN- Def. normal for them to be inconsistent the further along you get. I know how nerve wrecking it is though!

Lisa- Awwwww! Look at baby! So glad you had a good appointment.

My next scan is at my maternal fetal doctor on Friday. I’m super nervous and excited!
@RNMama23 what sander said! It's totally normal for them to do that at a certain point.

@Jules8 that's exciting how far will you be? 14w?

Lol now I'm sad I'm already a quarter though my last pregnancy. I knew I'd be emotional though :dohh: next appointment for me is the 23rd for the early screening.
Hi everyone! I'm still kinda nervous about introducing myself, but since I'm close to rounding up 7 weeks I decided to stop lurking. My due date is February 24 and since I'm 36 years old I was happily informed by my doctor that I qualify as a geriatric pregnant mom, lol. We also have a 4-year old boy, whose due date was February 19, so I'm a teeny tiny little bit worried they might end up having the same birthday... ](*,)I'm still in the "worried something might happen" phase and mostly I just try to chill out and stop researching things too much on the internet. Also, the morning sickness is hitting pretty hard with this pregnancy... It's really bad around the clock to the point that I now survive on bland pasta and tomatoes with vinegar. And I really really like vinegar for some reason, hehe.

Nice to meet you all!
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Hi everyone! I'm still kinda nervous about introducing myself, but since I'm close to rounding up 7 weeks I decided to stop lurking. My due date is February 24 and since I'm 36 years old I was happily informed by my doctor that I qualify as a geriatric pregnant mom, lol. We also have a 4-year old boy, whose due date was February 19, so I'm a teeny tiny little bit worried they might end up having the same birthday... ](*,)I'm still in the "worried something might happen" phase and mostly I just try to chill out and stop researching things too much on the internet. Also, the morning sickness is hitting pretty hard with this pregnancy... It's really bad around the clock to the point that I now survive on bland pasta and tomatoes with vinegar. And I really really like vinegar for some reason, hehe.

Nice to meet you all!

Welcome and congratulations!!
I understand the sickness, my ob got on my case today cause I've lost weight two appointments in a row now and she prescribed me some meds so hopefully those help lol. Have you tried taking b6? My ob said it's supposed to help! I totally understand the worry feeling I've been there!

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