January & February Beans 2021

Oh, gosh and little pets are so hard to keep alive! I went through a few hamsters and fish when I was a kid. Lol Our cats are pretty easy.
It’s so hard Jules, and I feel like this is an especially bad time to be planning to deliver because it’s in the middle of cold/flu season and is very likely to be the peak of this whole covid fiasco. I agree and I really hope the hospitals can do everything possible to allow women their support person because we NEED them!!! And not just during delivery but throughout the hospital stay too. Plus I feel like nurses would be more hands off already because they don’t want to spread germs between rooms - all the more reason to have your partner there. I read that at our hospital you have to wear a mask for your whole stay unless you’re sleeping :dohh: We got a private room for the other boys and are hoping to have the same this time - I feel like we could just overlook that rule until a nurse/someone else comes into the room right? I dunno this whole thing is just nuts. I’m hoping to have a short of a stay as possible
Ugh guys my UTI didn’t clear up - apparently the antibiotic I was prescribed before didn’t work ](*,) Apparently I also have Group B strep which I didn’t have with either of the other boys. I didn’t even take a swab yet, it showed up in the urine sample. Anyways - bummed I have to do another round of antibiotics.

Good news is I have a growth scan booked for next week so I’ll get to see baby one more time before he’s born!
@Sander oh no that sucks. My last pregnancy I had a UTI that took three rounds of antibiotics to clear up.... thankfully the only symptom I had was needing to pee every five seconds.

Also I had GBS with Collin, while the antibiotics during labor sucked it wasn't a huge deal. Thats exciting to be able to see your little one again! I cant wait until my ultrasound on the 7th.
Gah 3 rounds that is brutal. How was your son’s temperament? I ask because I needed antibiotics for a UTI with my first and he was the one who had bad colic. I’ve always been worried the antibiotics contributed which is why I really didn’t want to have to take them this time. Was your LO fussy or a good baby?

I’m thankful I’ve never had symptoms with my UTI’s! I have had to pee a lot lately though - never thought about it being a symptom but that would make sense.

That’s exciting you have a scan coming up too!
@Sander he was a great baby! Ate like a champ and always got boob drunk and passed out. But really he was so sweet and happy all the time, I'm honestly worried this one will be my hellion lol.

Im the same way lol I think of it as a blessing and a curse because I never know if I have a uti until they call me and tell me. Im like uhhhhhh I just assumed the peeing every 5 minutes was because I'm pregnant. :rofl:

Also, what all goes into a diaper bag and why have I forgotten something so simple. For some reason all I can think of is diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes.
Oh good I’m glad to hear, I hope mine is easy haha. I’ll never take it for granted after my first :rofl:

Diaper bag - a nursing cover (or bottles etc if you’re not nursing), burp cloths (!!), swaddle, soother, diapers/wipes, change of clothes. Later on teething stuff and toys etc. I dunno, the newborns don’t need much but my kids spit up so much I always need a zillion burp cloths lol
@Sander I've always been a really bad overpacker. I started seriously thinking about it last night and realized breast pads would probably be helpful too and a ring sling. And maybe nipple balm. Uhg. I got reusable breast pads this time because I had to have gone through like 1000 with Collin... Hopefully I'll end up liking them.
I sure hope your UTI clears up soon! I’m sorry you’re still dealing with it.

Diaper bag or hospital bag?

My regular diaper bag has an outfit for older kid and 2 for babies, diapers, wipes, a tube of butt cream, bib, blanket, small first aid kit, a small amount of emergency cash($10), a few small snacks for older kids(fruit snacks and granola bar), a changing pad, a small hand sanitizer, and pepper spray. I have a few disposable boob pads when I’m nursing and I always have a change of clothes for me in the car.

I have started the hospital bag just because it makes sense to grab things to stick in there while I’m at the store. I also know we can’t just leave all the time to go get stuff once we’re there.
I’m so bad I haven’t started my hospital bag yet, lol. I started it early with the other kids but haven’t gotten around to it this time - maybe in a couple weeks? :rofl:

We’ve also got to make sure his car seat will fit with the other 2 we have, otherwise I have to buy another skinny one. I mean, we do have 3 car seats so either way this kid can get home with us, but I’m hoping the configuration will work. We’ll probably try getting it sorted in a week or two!
I guess both jules lol. Hospital bag too. Uhg. I try not to bring everything and the kitchen sink to the hospital but I feel like thats exactly what I end up doing every time. I know I want to bring a swaddle, the letter board, wipes, his cloth diapers (though I am pretty sure well end up using sposies while we're there). Nipple balm, two outfits incase I change my mind last minute. (Because I'm possibly the most indecisive person ever!)

Eventually I'll figure out the carseat situation... we have one and I got the skinniest one I could find because we still have Chance in a booster and Collin in a hbb. Lol who knows though maybe Chance will finally have a growth spurt and won't need a booster by the time the baby gets here. :haha: the poor kid is short like me.

Sander I don't know how you wait so well lol I really wish my brain would say it's okay to wait sometimes instead I am 4 weeks behind you and over here like GET EVERYTHING READY. Yours were both early-ish right? Did you ever have like a gut feeling they would come early? I don't know why but I've just had this weird feeling like he's gonna come early and I never had that feeling with the other two.
Hmm I dunno, with my oldest I kept hoping he would come early cause I was so excited, but I don’t think I had a gut feeling.

With my second I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be in there until my due date - I was confident he would be early (and earlier than his brother).

This time because they booked the section at 38+2 I don’t think I’ll go into labour beforehand. At least I would be surprised!

I’ve heard the 3rd baby is always a wildcard when it comes to due dates. Like first is typically late, second is typically earlier than the first but third can go either way - and by a lot! I had a friend who went into labour at 36 weeks with her 3rd just by a fluke. So who knows!
My hospital provides necessities, but there’s still things I always forget to think of. Lol Last time I was there for 3 days so I’ll pack for that just in case. Right now I have toiletries, clothes for all of us, swaddles/hats, and a long charger. Once we get close I’ll throw in makeup, camera, snacks, and whatever else I think of that I forgot. We have to figure out the car seat thing too. I’ll probably have to get a smaller one for my 2 year old. I wanted to keep her rear facing for a bit longer, but it takes up so much room. I figure worse case scenario we can take out my oldest seat and just put the infant seat in for transport home then figure out fitting them all in later...not like we’ll be transporting all 3 anywhere. No school kids yet and it’ll be cold.

I had a feeling my second was going to come early, but I didn’t get the feeling til a few days before and the day of. I also was thinking she would come around 38 weeks so we still had 2 weeks. It was supposed to rain all weekend so I told my husband we needed to pack the bag, get the car seat out, and put things together. I had bought toiletries and whatnot the day before my 36 week appointment. Little did I know I would be sent in at my 36 week appointment and she would be born that weekend. I have a feeling this time too, but I’m praying they let me get a little further along so my body and baby are a little more ready.
Yeah, I dont know. I feel like maybe I'm just ovethinking everything. Im so nervous about my due date and school along with everything else.

I brought snacks and slippers and a robe and soooooo much stuff last time and hardly used any of it because I was just so tired all I did was breastfeed and sleep.
I had my 32 week appointment and 3 hour GD test yesterday then an ultrasound at mfm today. My mfm doctor said not to be surprised if I did have GD because baby boy length wise is in the 86% and his belly is in the 98%. They said he weighs around 5 pounds! I also have mild polyhydramnios aka my amniotic fluid level is on the higher side. I got a call from my OB and my GD test came back normal, thank goodness!

Jules look at that face!! He’s so adorable already - awesome you got such a clear picture. Hopefully the weight estimate is a bit off haha, even so - I think they gain 1/2lb a week? So at full term he’d be 9lbs, that’s not so crazy. Yay for no GD!

I’ve been so bad buying stuff lately you guys. Like I really need to stop, but Black Friday always gets me. I got a big cozy blanket that was on sale from Costco because our blankets get worn out so quickly and I love having something soft to cuddle and do skin to skin with baby. Then I spent $65 on candles and soap at Bath and Body Works :shock: Plus I got a mug from Indigo and I convinced DH to let me buy this special BBQ thing (long story lol). Anyways, I just need to stop!! Nothing has been super crazy expensive but it’s just all these little things adding up and I seem to have lost all self control lol
I’m hoping they are way off! My first was 8pds 2oz at 39+6 and my second was 5pds12oz at 36 weeks. It’s hard to believe he’s as big as my second at 36 weeks already.

Eh, it’s ok to splurge here and there. Some retail therapy is needed sometimes. I bought the pajama/swaddle set, some Christmas decorations, and a few other things too. I did do all the Christmas shopping for the kids. I have to keep saying that I’m done because I keep being tempted to add things, but they seriously have enough. Lol
Aww jules hes so cute! Chance was 8lbs3oz and I felt like that was big lol so I get the nervous feelings.

I've been doing really well compared to normal... well until today... I went to bath and body works this morning. However I did manage to get my mil her Christmas present while I was there lol.

I think its been easier not to go crazy this year because all the boys want is legos and let me tell you they have SO MANY LEGOS ALREADY.

Not to mention we really dont need anything either. I got myself a spray, body lotion, and soap at b&bw today for Christmas.

I dont really know what to do for hubby.... so far hes got socks... hes always so hard to shop for because the only things he ever truly wants are out the ass expensive. Like I know he'd be over the moon if I got him new rims for his truck, a sound system for his truck or computer parts. But I'm really trying to keep it under 100 for him and I each this year
Oh also Sander you should have held out on the candles. Lol their 3 wick sale is the 4, 5, 6th I think and they're only like 9 bucks instead of 25!

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