January Jellybeans 2013!...

OH no! MissMummy, that is awful. Try not to worry to much. I hope everyone feels better soon and noone in your house gets it! :hugs:
Im a little bit worried atm :S my aunt just called to let me know that the rash her son had for the last 2 weeks is slapped cheek :S and now her youngest is getting the same rash as well it is apparently most contagious before the rash comes up and my mum was babysitting her kids and my little man yesterday im worried my little man will get sick and also about baby:baby: #2 i cant get in to see my doctor before the 22nd of this month when i already have an appointment :nope: i just dont know what to do im really worried

Iv been off work since Friday because there are confirmed cases of slap cheek in my school and in the class I teach. I had a blood test on Friday to find out if I'm immune. Aparently u can have the infection and not know about it. I still havnt had my results but in refusing to go back to work until I know it's safe .

I suggest you call the doctor and ask them to arrange a blood test as soon as possible. That's what I did
its 5pm so cant call my doctor atm but will call the medical center tomorrow see what they can do about moving my appointment up and keep an eye on my little man hope we don't get it and stay far away from my aunts kids
I didn't even make an appointment with the doctor. They arranged it over the phone
Congrats Jogami :baby::baby:

Did you have many symptoms etc?



Hun to be honest I hardly had any symptoms at all! My first i had straight away, this one was very different. Only now am I more tired and nauseous (much more than my first now).

Thats all hun xxx
So I'm still reeling from the shock

We are expecting TWINS! Baby A was measuring 7 weeks 2 days and Baby B was measuring 6 weeks 4 days. Baby A's heartbeat was 153 beats a minute and Baby B's heartbeat was 146 beats a minute.

So shocked but realise how very blessed we are :hugs:

OH I KNEW YOU WERE HAVING TWINS!!! i spent hours looking at doubling rates for twins and not the doubling rates prior to CD16-18ish and not the doubling rates of women who had lower HCG numbers because they also tend to double fast. But i looked at women who had the same rates as us around CD17-18 and how much they doubled in the next week or two. Women pregnant with twins nearly always had it around 33hours. Which is around what yours are. Women with singletons had them more about 50ish hours. Which is what mine are so i've been convinced for over a week now you were having twins and i am having a singleton. HAHA. My scan is in 5 days, but i already know how many are in there.

Love love love love love

Awwwwww thanks hun, I have not stopped crying since I heard! Yes I am grateful and I know we were blessed but I am shocked, overwhelmed and scared.

I am worried about how we will cope financially, emotionally and physically. But I am having faith and leaving it in God's Hands.

:hugs: xxx
Hey ladies, sorry I have been MIA for the last few days!

Well the nausea has kicked in for me. It is worse in the morning, decent during the day and bad at night! I feel like I am hung over every morning. I have not actually thrown up (good thing and bad thing. Good thing= I am a teacher and cannot just run out of my room, downt he hall the the locked bathroom!, bad thing because I feel like I WANT to so that I feel better....because THIS sucks!)

Still tired.... boobs seem the most sore in the morning for the first hour I am up and after dinner until bed. I have resorted to sleeping in a sport's bra.

Anyone else OVERHEATED? I have been sleeping in a sport's bra and underwear with the ceiling fan on FULL blast, no covers and I still wake up sweating! arg for no sleep!

For all of you in Australia and England I would love to be able to just listen to you talk! I love you accents! People (non-Canadians) say I have a very strong Canadian accent (eh?) but I don't hear it!

I have my first midwife appt. booked for the 29th! I have to call on Tuesday to book my ultrasound for around the same date!

Yey for a long weekend this weekend! (Monday off for Victoria Day!)

Well, I hope you are all feeling better than I am. Off to work I go!
Have a great day ladies!

p.s. Bethany I LOVE the Jellybean banners!
:haha: I've been sleeping in a sports bra too! And I'm having to constantly eat to stop feeling crappy :haha:
i LOVE kiwi accents!! all my relatives are from New Zealand and i love listening to them talk.
Hi Ladies,

I have also been MIA for the last couple of days. I am having my 2nd HCG this morning. I am so nervous. My blood pressure has been through the roof the last few days and I am hoping that I will be able to calm down once my 2nd HCG comes back. My first one was 300something (maybe 327 or 374) and that was when I was 4+3 or 4+4. So I hope that I am in the 600s today.

As for my blood pressure, it was as high as 155/90 so that had me a little worried as I have always had normal blood pressure. So nice to follow you all and know that others are in the same boat as me. It will take me some time to catch up with the past posts.

Hope you all have a great day and I will post back with an update once I get my results back. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

Yes, we are definitely planning on moving at the end of November. We are renting and the market is so good for buyers that it would be silly not to go ahead and do it instead of renewing our lease. Plus we will need an extra bedroom now! I'm worried, too, about not helping. Luckily I have lots of family nearby that will be able to load and unload. I guess we can just be the directors as to where everything goes!
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

Yes, we are definitely planning on moving at the end of November. We are renting and the market is so good for buyers that it would be silly not to go ahead and do it instead of renewing our lease. Plus we will need an extra bedroom now! I'm worried, too, about not helping. Luckily I have lots of family nearby that will be able to load and unload. I guess we can just be the directors as to where everything goes!

Lol we will have to be :D We might be moving towns so will have to take some family down and leave some here to help OH load and bring it down as the job OH has been offered is not in the town we live in and to far to travel daily so we will are looking at buying a house there it will put us further away from my family but in the same town as OH mum so can still get a hand when I need it only thing im not sure of is that we will be about 15 to 20 min drive from a hospital and I will have to change doctor mid pregnancy :S on the up side it's a tiny town and we will save lots of cash buy going there as we will have to go out of town to get most things so not as much random shopping lol and not as much fast food also OH will be on a better wage then he is :D And it's only 1 and a half hours away so can come back and see mum and the reast of the family when ever I want :) the up side to us buying is I can do bubs room how ever I want hehe
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

we are! We're planning on moving at the end of the year so nov time so i'll only be 2 months away from baby being due.

we're currently renting and the plan is to be buying!

our toddler will be 2.5 whent he new baby comes along, so yes it'll be hectic, but im positive about it!
Betheney-the Jellybean siggies are sooo cute!
Anyone know how long the cramping goes on for? Or any personal experiences in prev pregnancies? I have them on and off every couple of days.
Currently living in a 1 bedroom apartment - roughly 40-45 minutes from family, we're probably going to be moving closer to them in the next few months, luckily we rent so it shouldn't be too difficult and we're hoping to find something where we can also have pets - we'd love a dog once baby is here for a bit.....
I don't think theres any norm with cramping. With ds I had none, this one I had constant until almost 6 weeks, but have almost stopped now. I do have constant cramps round my foo area! Not sure if that's pg related or from my peseries? It's very odd though!
Speaking of dogs, does anyone else have one and worry how it will be with the new baby? Ours is a rescue, had him about 18 months, so lovely and laid back, but protective of our 5 year old. Ie barks like mad if his grandad goes upstairs with him, or if anyone picks him up. Not sure how he will react to baby.
Speaking of dogs, does anyone else have one and worry how it will be with the new baby? Ours is a rescue, had him about 18 months, so lovely and laid back, but protective of our 5 year old. Ie barks like mad if his grandad goes upstairs with him, or if anyone picks him up. Not sure how he will react to baby.
Well the dog will sense that you're pregnant - they can tell. My girlfriend JUST had her baby a month ago and the dog has been REALLY good, a little sad that she's not the center of attention but they adjust pretty well in a short period of time. They're like another child - in your and her case like adopted children. Just make sure to do a slow introduction. Good luck!

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