January Jellybeans 2013!...

Better morning. I managed to get almost an entire banana down without thinking vomit thoughts. :haha: Then I managed to get up and get breakfast for both DD and I without needing to hover over the toilet thinking I was going to be sick. Last night I was able to do a little around the house for the first time. I'm hoping that this is a result of the B6 helping. :thumbup:
I'm staying cautiously optimistic that perhaps the MS will be manageable now. This :baby: sure is kicking my butt. :haha:

I have a question for all you ladies: Are any of you waking up on your stomachs (or for those of you who sleep that way) and having pain until you get turned over and stretch out for a few minutes? I fall asleep on my side but wake up on my stomach and it is painful. I am just wondering why it is painful?

About the dog and the new baby, I would have someone bring something the new baby wore and let the dog smell it before you came home from the hospital. That way they are already familiar with the smell. Then a small introduction when you get home so that they can see what the smell belongs to. That should help ease the transition.
Better morning. I managed to get almost an entire banana down without thinking vomit thoughts. :haha: Then I managed to get up and get breakfast for both DD and I without needing to hover over the toilet thinking I was going to be sick. Last night I was able to do a little around the house for the first time. I'm hoping that this is a result of the B6 helping. :thumbup:
I'm staying cautiously optimistic that perhaps the MS will be manageable now. This :baby: sure is kicking my butt. :haha:

I have a question for all you ladies: Are any of you waking up on your stomachs (or for those of you who sleep that way) and having pain until you get turned over and stretch out for a few minutes? I fall asleep on my side but wake up on my stomach and it is painful. I am just wondering why it is painful?

About the dog and the new baby, I would have someone bring something the new baby wore and let the dog smell it before you came home from the hospital. That way they are already familiar with the smell. Then a small introduction when you get home so that they can see what the smell belongs to. That should help ease the transition.
I've noticed my tummy feels hard and it's difficult to lay on ur it.... Possibly causing heartburn or indigestion? I find it aggravates the crampy feelings....
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

Yes, we are definitely planning on moving at the end of November. We are renting and the market is so good for buyers that it would be silly not to go ahead and do it instead of renewing our lease. Plus we will need an extra bedroom now! I'm worried, too, about not helping. Luckily I have lots of family nearby that will be able to load and unload. I guess we can just be the directors as to where everything goes!

Lol we will have to be :D We might be moving towns so will have to take some family down and leave some here to help OH load and bring it down as the job OH has been offered is not in the town we live in and to far to travel daily so we will are looking at buying a house there it will put us further away from my family but in the same town as OH mum so can still get a hand when I need it only thing im not sure of is that we will be about 15 to 20 min drive from a hospital and I will have to change doctor mid pregnancy :S on the up side it's a tiny town and we will save lots of cash buy going there as we will have to go out of town to get most things so not as much random shopping lol and not as much fast food also OH will be on a better wage then he is :D And it's only 1 and a half hours away so can come back and see mum and the reast of the family when ever I want :) the up side to us buying is I can do bubs room how ever I want hehe

I guess you will have both ups and downs to moving, huh? I couldn't imagine switching doctors right in the middle of the pregnancy! It will be worth it to save money though!!
I sleep on my side and its really uncomfortable now, worse on my left than my right. Woke up face down the other morning and had mild pain in tummy but it went when I turned on my back.
I'm not having a good day today, I felt fine this morning but have felt worse and worse as the day has gone on and I'm so tired! At lunch I slept in my car for 40 mins and I'm going to bed now. I've got midwife tomorrow for booking in at hospital.

Symptom wise they all seem to have stopped - well still feeling nauseous every now and then, boobs / nipples are ok, still no appetite (I've lost 9lb since finding out we were expecting, and that's not intentional) and just a heavy belly. It's felt really heavy today and was slightly worrying, feels like its going to fall out - lol, sorry but that's the only way I can describe it. Oh and today have had LOADS of cm, it's unreal how much. I would be due AF around now and extremely ratty too x
I'm not having a good day today, I felt fine this morning but have felt worse and worse as the day has gone on and I'm so tired! At lunch I slept in my car for 40 mins and I'm going to bed now. I've got midwife tomorrow for booking in at hospital.

Symptom wise they all seem to have stopped - well still feeling nauseous every now and then, boobs / nipples are ok, still no appetite (I've lost 9lb since finding out we were expecting, and that's not intentional) and just a heavy belly. It's felt really heavy today and was slightly worrying, feels like its going to fall out - lol, sorry but that's the only way I can describe it. Oh and today have had LOADS of cm, it's unreal how much. I would be due AF around now and extremely ratty too x
Crossing my fingers for you, let us know. Sending u hugs!
Hey ladies,
Has anyone had a nervous like feeling in their stomach. It feels like when you go over a hill quick in a car and its makes you feel odd.. I don't know how else to describe it lol... and Im so bloated I look huge.. x
Hello Ladies!

I had my "orientation" appointment this morning with my OB and got scheduled for my first ultrasound on June 4th That seems SO far away!! They also estimated my due date as Jan 1st, but based that on a 28 day cycle, which I know I am not. They will confirm dates at the ultrasound :)
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

we are! We're planning on moving at the end of the year so nov time so i'll only be 2 months away from baby being due.

we're currently renting and the plan is to be buying!

our toddler will be 2.5 whent he new baby comes along, so yes it'll be hectic,
but im positive about it!

We are actually in the process of moving right now. And when I was pregnant with DD we were in the middle of moving then! It's my way to get out of having to help move ..ha!:haha:
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

we are! We're planning on moving at the end of the year so nov time so i'll only be 2 months away from baby being due.

we're currently renting and the plan is to be buying!

our toddler will be 2.5 whent he new baby comes along, so yes it'll be hectic,
but im positive about it!

We are actually in the process of moving right now. And when I was pregnant with DD we were in the middle of moving then! It's my way to get out of having to help move ..ha!:haha:

:haha::haha::haha: Samesies! :) We get our key to our new home on Tuesday! Which means.. NO LIFTING FOR ME :) haaha
Better morning. I managed to get almost an entire banana down without thinking vomit thoughts. :haha: Then I managed to get up and get breakfast for both DD and I without needing to hover over the toilet thinking I was going to be sick. Last night I was able to do a little around the house for the first time. I'm hoping that this is a result of the B6 helping. :thumbup:
I'm staying cautiously optimistic that perhaps the MS will be manageable now. This :baby: sure is kicking my butt. :haha:

I have a question for all you ladies: Are any of you waking up on your stomachs (or for those of you who sleep that way) and having pain until you get turned over and stretch out for a few minutes? I fall asleep on my side but wake up on my stomach and it is painful. I am just wondering why it is painful?

About the dog and the new baby, I would have someone bring something the new baby wore and let the dog smell it before you came home from the hospital. That way they are already familiar with the smell. Then a small introduction when you get home so that they can see what the smell belongs to. That should help ease the transition.

I usually sleep on my front, but am finding it quite uncomfortable. Not sore, but just feels weird. I have also noticed that when I turn over on to my front that my stomach muscles feel like they are stretching. Very strange!
Been having waves of nausea today; haven't thrown up so far but came really close. Still a better day than yesterday tho.
Been a bit of a silent stalker recently, what with an almost 1 year old suddendly refusing to go to sleep each evening couled with feeling exhausted! :help:
My only real symptoms are exhaustion and loads of CM. Very occasionally I feel a wave of mild nausea but I'm pretty sure the awful morning sickness had properly set in by this point last time? :shrug: If the MS stays away then I'll be convinced I'm having a boy! :haha:

I was a bit naughty at my doctors appointment and was very vague with my dates so he sent a scan request to the hospital. The MW from the EPU called and told me to come in for a blood test and, if the levels were high enough they'd get me in for a scan. If the levels weren't high enough to indicate me being 6-7 weeks preggo they'd repeat the bloods 48 hours later.
My HCG (on monday, about 25dpo) was 15000 and my progesterone was 39. She said my progesterone was at the lower end of the range and I wonder if it's the BFing? :shrug: Anyway she offered a scan for yesterday but I put it back to Friday as I'm off work anyway.
Hope it's all ok, especially as it's my little girl's 1st birthday. :cloud9:

Fab news that we have 2 sets of twins now! :thumbup: I think my poor hubby would faint if that happened to us! :haha:
Just wanted to update you, been and had a scan today after heavy bleeding and severe cramps, amazingly my little jellybean is doing well with a strong heartbeat:happydance:
I actually can't believe it got another scan next week and every week till 16 weeks :thumbup:

X soooooooooo happpppyyyy
Just wanted to update you, been and had a scan today after heavy bleeding and severe cramps, amazingly my little jellybean is doing well with a strong heartbeat:happydance:
I actually can't believe it got another scan next week and every week till 16 weeks :thumbup:

X soooooooooo happpppyyyy

thats good news! you must be sooo relieved!:thumbup: did they give you any reason for the bleeding?
just wondering if any one else had had throbbing pains down below? not painfull or anything. I didnt get them last time so wondering if its good or bad?

also, (sorry if too much info) having loads of cm, is this normal, its clear and doesnt smell.

Felt a bit queasy today, but ms has still not kicked in. On the whole feeling much more positive about this pregnancy. :D
Bella'smummy - what great news! So pleased for you x

Alannadee - I have also had lots of cm, lost! More then I normally have around ovulation time and to the point where I'll need go start wearing liners I think x
Just wanted to update you, been and had a scan today after heavy bleeding and severe cramps, amazingly my little jellybean is doing well with a strong heartbeat:happydance:
I actually can't believe it got another scan next week and every week till 16 weeks :thumbup:

X soooooooooo happpppyyyy

Glad im not th only one! I think im gona have to start wearing liners.
Better morning. I managed to get almost an entire banana down without thinking vomit thoughts. :haha: Then I managed to get up and get breakfast for both DD and I without needing to hover over the toilet thinking I was going to be sick. Last night I was able to do a little around the house for the first time. I'm hoping that this is a result of the B6 helping. :thumbup:
I'm staying cautiously optimistic that perhaps the MS will be manageable now. This :baby: sure is kicking my butt. :haha:

I have a question for all you ladies: Are any of you waking up on your stomachs (or for those of you who sleep that way) and having pain until you get turned over and stretch out for a few minutes? I fall asleep on my side but wake up on my stomach and it is painful. I am just wondering why it is painful?

About the dog and the new baby, I would have someone bring something the new baby wore and let the dog smell it before you came home from the hospital. That way they are already familiar with the smell. Then a small introduction when you get home so that they can see what the smell belongs to. That should help ease the transition.

I usually sleep on my front, but am finding it quite uncomfortable. Not sore, but just feels weird. I have also noticed that when I turn over on to my front that my stomach muscles feel like they are stretching. Very strange!

I know they recommend not to sleep on your front as it can cause issues with the pregnancy, so im always very careful to lie on my side, i cant sleep on my back.

I get a large pillow put it between my legs and along my tummy - this seems to stop me rolling over on to my stomach!

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