January Jellybeans 2013!...

Welcome Google mum, huge congrats on your BFP!! We're due date buddies! Although I have an appt next Tues to hopefully confirm dates so well see for sure then!

Mummy to be, I did a few tests over a couple of days and there were definitely variances in the darkness of the lines so im sure it's nothing to worry about :)

Finally the sun has come out in New Zealand so I can get out of the house today!!!!!

Hope everyone is feeling well.
So my HCG came back at 702 (it was 327 on Monday). I am so relieved and blood pressure is back to normal. I can finally breath and relax now.

On the topic of CM, I have been using liners from the beginning one due to CM and also due to having to go pee constantly.

Has anyone been waking up too early in the morning? I usually have a heard time waking up in the morning, but now I am up when the sun rises, so totally not me! I have been going to bed around the same time as before getting pregnant and since I have found out I have only taken two naps.

Congrats to all the twin Jan babies. I would have loved twins!
Thanks everyone lol...
Even though this will be my 3rd pregnancy it still makes me nervous lol.. BRING ON 12 WEEKS!!!!!!!! lol

How is everyone feeling?? Many with morning sickness??? Sore bits? Bloating??? I cant wait to share this journey with you all :)
Welcome Tasha, Congrats on your :bfp:! It's going to be a WONDERFUL New Year! :)
i don't really have that much excessive CM at the moment but with my first pregnancy i had such a HUGE amount if i forgot to wear a panty liner i would get a rash between my legs that day because the CM would go straight through my panties and between my thighs so because my thighs would be wet all day i'd get kind of a heat/friction rash that would then scab and need to heal over. But this all happened to me in second tri i think i can't quite remember. I know sometimes a panty liner wasn't enough and i found wearing two pair of undies and a panty liner really comfortable.
Have lots of mild cramping and soreness, low down on both sides, but I'm not really that far along (4/5 weeks) so I don't know if that should have kicked in yet. Anyone else have similar pains?
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

Yes, we are definitely planning on moving at the end of November. We are renting and the market is so good for buyers that it would be silly not to go ahead and do it instead of renewing our lease. Plus we will need an extra bedroom now! I'm worried, too, about not helping. Luckily I have lots of family nearby that will be able to load and unload. I guess we can just be the directors as to where everything goes!

Lol we will have to be :D We might be moving towns so will have to take some family down and leave some here to help OH load and bring it down as the job OH has been offered is not in the town we live in and to far to travel daily so we will are looking at buying a house there it will put us further away from my family but in the same town as OH mum so can still get a hand when I need it only thing im not sure of is that we will be about 15 to 20 min drive from a hospital and I will have to change doctor mid pregnancy :S on the up side it's a tiny town and we will save lots of cash buy going there as we will have to go out of town to get most things so not as much random shopping lol and not as much fast food also OH will be on a better wage then he is :D And it's only 1 and a half hours away so can come back and see mum and the reast of the family when ever I want :) the up side to us buying is I can do bubs room how ever I want hehe

I guess you will have both ups and downs to moving, huh? I couldn't imagine switching doctors right in the middle of the pregnancy! It will be worth it to save money though!!

yer there will be ups and downs about it :S but so far the good are bigger then the bad. its going to be hard changing doctors but my doctor didn't deliver my DS so it shouldn't be to bad for me i just hope i can find a good one :dohh:
I've had similar pains. been really bloated today, lots of CM.... ugh and MS kicked in yesterday.... How are the rest of y'all doing?
Is anyone looking at moving houses or even towns while pregnant?? we are as our lease will run out in September and we want to buy a house but it might be in a different town as OH has been offered a job doing something he loves with the chance of learning how to run his own business witch is what we want to do :D I'm just worried as to how we will manage as i wont be much help with the loading/unloading of the car/trailer and will have a 1 year old and be half way through my pregnancy by then.

we are! We're planning on moving at the end of the year so nov time so i'll only be 2 months away from baby being due.

we're currently renting and the plan is to be buying!

our toddler will be 2.5 whent he new baby comes along, so yes it'll be hectic,
but im positive about it!

We are actually in the process of moving right now. And when I was pregnant with DD we were in the middle of moving then! It's my way to get out of having to help move ..ha!:haha:

Hehe sounds like you have good timing hehe :D but if you get pregnant every time you move you could have lots of kids hehe
Betheney, could you please change my due date to Jan. 11th?

Also a note to everyone else

page 1 dates - if your dates change just lemme know on here and i'll change it. Some of you said my dates are __ or __ originally and i don't have the time to msg you asking which one you want and then waiting for a reply, so i just picked one.

Also i noticed sometimes if you put the date of your BFP on your due date post i have accidently used the day date from your BFP and put that as your due date for your EDD, but i dont' have time to go scrolling through pages and pages double checking everyones. I don't need you to tell me if it's right but MAYBE just check and let me know if it's wrong.

Also if we have a newbie or i was suppose to change your dates and i haven't, wait for me to post in this thread... because that shows i've been online and actually accidently missed the post where you asked me to change the date which definitly does happen. I generally do the dates straight away. So if you give me a date and 3 days later there is no change and i've written on this thread a couple of times the chances i missed it are high.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also a favor to ask of whoever is online. I'm so sick of couting the first thread to double check i have the correct number of Mummas due. when we have a miscarriage i don't like to take the total number down so i wait for someone to join and then it balances out. But we had a bunch of new women join and a couple of miscarriages and then maybe miscarriages so the count is all out.

Can someone count them all for me but minus the women who had sadly miscarried... Please just take notice that two of them are twins and not miscarriages i myself see a little smilie next to the name and just assume it's a miscarriage post and skip past it accidently.

I know it seems harsh minusing the miscarriages and i don't really know how to attack the situation... I didn't count them because the title says "woman bringing in the new year" and i mean this in the most tactful way possible but they sadly wont be joining us doing that....

- edit - recount has happened and we have 111 mummas to be :)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Let me know what you all think
I have also had a few cramping pains and the best i can describe them would be to compare them to start of period pains.. kinda niggling lol... but then i think maybe that is nerves lol... when are you all heading to the doctors??? I am only due today lol to i am only 4weeks lol...
i would help out Betheney but i am not sure what to count and from what thread lol :) but everything you have written makes sense to me :)

Also a note to everyone else

page 1 dates - if your dates change just lemme know on here and i'll change it. Some of you said my dates are __ or __ originally and i don't have the time to msg you asking which one you want and then waiting for a reply, so i just picked one.

Also i noticed sometimes if you put the date of your BFP on your due date post i have accidently used the day date from your BFP and put that as your due date for your EDD, but i dont' have time to go scrolling through pages and pages double checking everyones. I don't need you to tell me if it's right but MAYBE just check and let me know if it's wrong.

Also if we have a newbie or i was suppose to change your dates and i haven't, wait for me to post in this thread... because that shows i've been online and actually accidently missed the post where you asked me to change the date which definitly does happen. I generally do the dates straight away. So if you give me a date and 3 days later there is no change and i've written on this thread a couple of times the chances i missed it are high.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also a favor to ask of whoever is online. I'm so sick of couting the first thread to double check i have the correct number of Mummas due. when we have a miscarriage i don't like to take the total number down so i wait for someone to join and then it balances out. But we had a bunch of new women join and a couple of miscarriages and then maybe miscarriages so the count is all out.

Can someone count them all for me but minus the women who had sadly miscarried... Please just take notice that two of them are twins and not miscarriages i myself see a little smilie next to the name and just assume it's a miscarriage post and skip past it accidently.

I know it seems harsh minusing the miscarriages and i don't really know how to attack the situation... I didn't count them because the title says "woman bringing in the new year" and i mean this in the most tactful way possible but they sadly wont be joining us doing that....

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Let me know what you all think

Thank you!! And I would love to help. My heart and prayers go out to those who miscarried. I also counted 111 mamas!

I have also had a few cramping pains and the best i can describe them would be to compare them to start of period pains.. kinda niggling lol... but then i think maybe that is nerves lol... when are you all heading to the doctors??? I am only due today lol to i am only 4weeks lol...

Well, I use a midwife for my prenatal care and birth... I'll be picking one to go to exclusively when I am about 7-8 weeks. One I talked to even told me that I had plenty of time before I had to pick one since at the time I was only 4 weeks.
Yeah thats what i am thinking. Might wait a little while longer (maybe till i am 5-6 weeks) and go and see GP :)

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