January Jellybeans 2013!...

Sometimes I don't get any movement for an hour if baby is asleep.

We count up to 10 times during the day and write down the time of the 10th movement. If u havnt felt 10 movement by 6pm u have to call midwife
So do you US ladies have to count how many times baby kicks?

From what I've heard and read, they ask you to count kicks for one hr in the morning and the evening. You want 10 movements/kicks in that hour. If it dramatically changes, the decreased fetal movement could be a sign of trouble.

Wow thats different to the UK (or at least my area of it), my midwife has said from 28 weeks we need to be feeling 10 periods of movement in 24 hours
I will certainly be asking my OB next week if he doesn't tell me first! I bet there's more than one way to monitor fetal movements. :)
I've not discussed counting movements with my midwife or consultant yet, but last time it was the same as what you were asked to do Ginger.
Definitely! Well said Aruppe! Sadly I have seen a picture of MIL in the hospital bed, in early labor, SMOKING. :dohh::dohh: It so happens that baby in her stomach ready to make its entrance was my husband. :haha: He doesn't smoke, and is and has always been very healthy. He's 6'3 and about 185lbs.

Don't stress!! Just tell them well it could be worse ... I could be downing vodka.

I had a day where I drank 3 cokes. Normally I'm not a soda drinker but I had a craving and thus kept drinking. Don't let people worry you.

In the old days they promoted smoking during labor :shrug: my mom smoked while in labor with me. They told her to do it to relax??? :dohh:

So when do we begin the movement count or kick count? When we are in week 30?

What to Expect says 28 weeks (I think). I am going to ask my OB at my appointment next week. For now they just ask me if I have been feeling the baby moving but no counts.

BTW - I can't believe we are talking about kick counts!!!

Let us know what ur OB says I forgot to ask mine last week. There are definitely days when I freak out cause there's little to no movement that catches my attention and then there are days that she seems like she's moving all day!

Lovely bump Mama!

I typed out a huge post this morning & then my laptop died & I lost it and we've been busy since then. Sooo annoying!

I'm having a rough day with DS. He won't eat anything (though had a little fruit & cheese earlier in the day). He wouldn't have lunch & keeps asking for cake or crisps or biscuits (which he rarely ever has) so I'm offering him other things which he refuses. As a result he's hungry & grumpy & driving me nuts!!!! I've made him a lovely dinner & he won't look at it, but is clearly hungry... Arghhhh! So glad he's normally a good eater, I would go insane!

As for Betheney's post on eating during labour - I forced down a whole casserole about an hour before DS was born! I didn't enjoy it, but DH kept saying that I wouldn't get anything until morning & I'd need the energy. I was in loads of pain & felt sick. The hospital staff clearly thought it would take a lot longer for the induction to work, otherwise I assume I wouldn't have been given dinner. I won't be eating in labour next time beyond a small snack or two.... I also took breakfast bars in my bag & wolfed them down the following day or two in hospital!

I hate when u type out something and then you just lose it. So frustrating. I hate when dd refuses to eat and then has a low blood sugar attitude. :haha:
As for eating during labor I convinced a nurse to bring me a snack during labor because of the diabetes. But I ate one cracker and regretted that. I was so nauseous. Def will not eat this time. (let's just hope labor isn't two days) :haha:
I just want to add 28weeks today. :wohoo: but annoyed I'm still an eggplant. :rofl:
hospital bag - I took way too much stuff first time with Eva and only used a FRACTION of it. But i think my most valuable possession was ear plugs!!!! i bought them on a whim when ONE mother on BnB recommended i buy them, they are no where near enough to drown out your own baby crying you'll hear them EASILY as they are right next to you but it really helps drown out the hustle bustle and noisiness of the ward, when you're trying to sleep and finding it difficult putting them in your eyes and hearing the noise halve really is a god send. Also FOOD! i took some muesli bars with me that were meal replacement bars and i ate all the hospital food and all my bars, the hospital food no where near was enough for me. lol. instead of buying disposable underwear which were super expensive i just bought a 10 pack of incredibly cheap underwear (10 pairs for $10) and if any got soaked in blood i threw them out because they were cheaper than disposables anyway. But in the end they were actually reasonably comfortable and a good addition to my underwear draw, lol. I also never needed to throw any out.

Who was asking about the baby name Riley being more girl or more boy??? i have taken to searching uni-sex names on the top 1000 names for girls and top 1000 names for boys to see if they're more boy or more girl. Riley came in at no.39 for girls and no.106 for boys. We've pretty much settled on Remy for a boy, which alot of people are saying is a girls name but it is definitly more boy than girl.

Ginger i have two friends with boys named Jackson, one spelt Jackson the other spelt Jaxon, i always preferred the Jackson spelling but i've discovered Jackson get's Jack for short and Jaxon get's Jax for short! which i think is super super cute, She refers to him as Jax and i just think it's adorable.

La mere paw paw ointment is said to be vegan on most vegan websites, but some say the companies are vague on how they test the product, but then again there are alot of different paw paw brands, but it really shouldn't CONTAIN any animal or animal by product.

breast pads i HATED the disposable ones, because they've got plastic backing they don't breath and are quite sweaty and they don't really soak up the milk you kind of stay damp until you change them, the washable ones were so much nicer, more comfortable, less sweaty, the only thing is in the EARLY days you can leak STRAIGHT through these ones but once your supply settles on a day to day basis, it's really all you need. I just used the Avent washable ones, they come with a little draw string net that you can wash them in.

Eating during labour - GENERALLY they try to limit this in case of an emergency c-section, it's better for surgery that you haven't eaten. As i'm sure most of you know, before surgery you aren't suppose to eat. Obviously some women still do and still have emergency sections but generally that's why they don't like to feed you during labour. I've also read alot that states women lose their appetite during labour, i'm sure it's not true for some, but it's definitly true for me. The moment labour was over though i couldn't stop shaking as i hadn't eaten in so long they had to dig out some ice covered sandwhiches for me at 1am. But not only did i not have an appetite but i figured if i ate in labour i would probably poop during the birth, something i didn't want to do, so i stayed far away from food. LOL.

post partum bleeding - The thing that surprised me the most was that YES it lasted beyond 6 weeks, but only the first week was what i would call heavy. After that it was pretty light. I bought so many maternity pads to last the whole 6 weeks i never considered that i would only need them for 1-2 weeks before just moving onto a smaller lighter flow more comfortable pad for the remainder of the post partum bleeding. So i still have plenty left over from Evas post partum period.

It was me well technically dh that has now settled on the name Riley so I can't change it now but I've only heard it used as a boys name but I guess there using it more as a girls name well I hope no one mistakes him as a girl lol
They've changed our office around at work so I cant keep up with this thread! (my screen is viasble to the ENTIRE office now). I really miss hearing about you all and your bumps :(

Get one of those privacy screen covers that make it so nobody can see your screen unles right in front of it. :shrug:

Is anyone else really itchy??? I read that the palms of your hands and bottoms of your feet can itch. And obvisouly your belly can, but I'm not having those problems - my face and chest itch so badly!!!

I've been itchy lately. Especially on my belly tho it's definitely stretching.

Is it just me but I'm starting to get neurvous I have still so much to do and I was shaving my legs in the shower now belly is all hard and uncomfortable well ill be gone till tomorrow hope u ladies have a good day

I had the "oh crap I have to give birth" feeling the other day. Still do much to do. I'm trying to make a to do list and a to buy list so that I can get it all handled soon! But it's definitely making me crazy.

I just checked both of my registries and nothing has been bought of either one ... and my shower is on the 20th. lol!! I wasn't stressed about getting stuff but now I'm starting to think we will end up having to get so much stuff!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Well maybe they're buying last minute or have bought the item but never has the registry scanne to have it removed. :thumbup:

I just checked both of my registries and nothing has been bought of either one ... and my shower is on the 20th. lol!! I wasn't stressed about getting stuff but now I'm starting to think we will end up having to get so much stuff!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Aww, well... sometimes people just take ideas out of the registry and buy them somewhere else. :shrug:

Are you registered at target? I'm starting to not like it... it says 2 purchases were made, but it shows up with nothing. I think I'm going to not believe it. :cry:

maybe the items bought were actually gift cards if it doesn't show. :shrug: the thing I like about target is they send you coupons I got a $10 coupon and 15% off to go toward my registry. :)

Its been on my mind lately to pack the hospital bag. Have y'all given it any thought? I think I'll be working on that this week. For second time moms anything you wish you had brought to the hospital? Think I may tour the hospital too. :shrug:

Ya I've been cleaning like crazy today :)
So I have 2 bags of nb diapers and ill wait to buy anymore of those ones but I do have 2 boxes of size 1/2 of 136 diapers each box and I'm wondering I should buy more of size 1/2 or size 3 hope someone can help
Wow, I just woke up from a massive nap! I expected it to be 11, not 1 pm LOL Even hubby texted me a worried smiley because I hadn't returned his messages (we still text constantly, like when we were dating... haha) my mom was going nuts on Skype because she was worried I was ok, my phone was on vibrate since we went to the movies saturday and I've just forgotten to get it back on sound. LOL Anyhow, thanks Ladies for the response to my question. I will be asking Dr too when I go in the 18th.
Deedee, sounds like heaven and I'd say if you slept that long you must have needed it. I do the same when my mum doesn't txt me back or DH doesn't, I'm like are you ok??? Lol x
Is anyone else not sleeping well?

I either can't get to sleep or I wake up ridiculously early.
Last night I had a nightmare that I had to have an emergency cesarian. They cut me open with a chainsaw! Obviously I couldn't get back to sleep after that anyway
Lol poppy :) Im struggling to fall asleep, then if I move when Im asleep I wake up in pain cos of the spd and if I dont move I wake up every couple of hours for the loo lol.

I had a coughing fit earlier and pee'd myself :blush: dd thought it was hilarious, just glad oh wasnt home or Id never hear the end of it!!
i toss and turn all night because my hips get so sore.. i really need to pick up a pregnancy pillow..on top of it my puppy hurt her leg again so if u roll on her the wrong way she squeels, but she refuses to sleep anywhere else.

BVut yea i do toss and turn in hip and bank pain... blahs..
Yes! The hip pain is a killer! I toss and turn all night, so I am sleeping long enough, but it's broken sleep and not very sound.
Deedee, sounds like heaven and I'd say if you slept that long you must have needed it. I do the same when my mum doesn't txt me back or DH doesn't, I'm like are you ok??? Lol x

I think I only woke up because I was excessively hungry hahaha. Yeah, I'm like that too LOL but I think they worry some because I'm all alone here, don't know anybody really or have friends in Dallas. In laws are 4 hours away. It's been a lil more now that I'm preggers too haha. :hugs:
Snap, toss and turn all night because of hip pain and would give anything to sleep on my back, I'm ok if just turning but normally wake, turn, need a wee then me plus baby are awake for a good 45 mins before back to sleep.

Oh my god I had the weirdest dream the other night, DH and I were in the middle of an AMAZING BD'ing session, I'm talking amazing! And then this ghost, like Casper the friendly ghost popped its head out of our matress whilst DH was enjoying my bulging boobs and asked us to keep the noise down! :rofl:
Snap, toss and turn all night because of hip pain and would give anything to sleep on my back, I'm ok if just turning but normally wake, turn, need a wee then me plus baby are awake for a good 45 mins before back to sleep.

Oh my god I had the weirdest dream the other night, DH and I were in the middle of an AMAZING BD'ing session, I'm talking amazing! And then this ghost, like Casper the friendly ghost popped its head out of our matress whilst DH was enjoying my bulging boobs and asked us to keep the noise down! :rofl:

Casper ! :haha::haha::haha:
Is anyone else not sleeping well?

I either can't get to sleep or I wake up ridiculously early.
Last night I had a nightmare that I had to have an emergency cesarian. They cut me open with a chainsaw! Obviously I couldn't get back to sleep after that anyway

I am having trouble sleeping, mostly because of my hips.. I fall asleep with a pillow between my legs, then wake up in pain as the pillow has moved.

i toss and turn all night because my hips get so sore.. i really need to pick up a pregnancy pillow..on top of it my puppy hurt her leg again so if u roll on her the wrong way she squeels, but she refuses to sleep anywhere else.

BVut yea i do toss and turn in hip and bank pain... blahs..

Oh me too Nikki. Did you find that pin for the diy pregnancy pillow on my pinterest?

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