January Jellybeans 2013!...

Deedee that is so cool that you brought up what they have in Guatemala because your right, I would have never thought that there are American restaurants down there. I wouldn't think jungle, more beautiful landscaping. Do you have any fun traditions or traditional Guatemalan foods that you do?

I love our group!!! It is so much fun to not only go through this amazing journey but seriously getting a glimpse of the world out there is so much amazing to me!

I have family in Houston and DH and I really like it there. It is very busy much like here where we are but there are some really beautiful places there. DH and I moved cross country twice. Once when we got married, we moved from Georgia to California to stay with my family and it was an amazing trip then ... then later on we moved from California to Florida. Beautiful trip ... driving through all the different states, seeing the changing landscape is great.

I have a friend from high school who took a teaching job in Thailand and the pictures she posts are amazing!! She says the food there is incredible and it makes it hard to stay in shape. She recently has posted a picture of her laying with TIGERS!!! She gets to ride elephants ... Just amazing!

When I first got here people would ask me about mexican food!! :haha: And I find it hilarious when I have to ask hubby what food they are talking about when I go to a mexican restaurant. He eats it more than I have ever in my life. Hahaha.

It's funny you ask about traditions. Guatemala should be a synonym for tradition. We are a country that only makes food one day a year because it's that day's food hahaha. For easter we have a blast the whole week with special food you can only find that week :haha: I wouldn't stop with the list. The one that is coming for nov. 1st on All Saints Day is fiambre. There are stories behind food, this one is about a high society lady back in the conquistador time that didn't have a meal for her guests, so she decided to put a bunch of food together and call it Fiambre. :shrug: haha I just know I love it and cried a little last year because I couldn't find all the fresh ingredients like you do in Guatemala. We have a bakery in every neighborhood, we have a creamery for diaries, cheeses and milk, my mom even calls the meat place to have her meat delivered. If the meat place is done with the fresh meat of the day they close their doors, even if it's noon :haha: Of course we have supermarkets, etc but I would only go there if it's super late and an emergency. :haha:

I remember when hubby first went and I took him to malls, one of the things he told me was that I was going to be so disappointed with the malls in the US... he was in for a big surprise. There are of course beautiful landscapes, lakes, you can see volcanoes all over from the city... but we have a hectic city... lol and like EVERYWHERE, you need to know where to go to stay safe. We aren't living under a rock, at least not where I grew up.

Oh, and the jungle is 8 hours away in car from where I lived.... where all the mayan ruins are.

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_pT8pAAdObA0/SQzVTs39xgI/AAAAAAAAAJU/aRAmFvmfoTw/s400/fiambre2008.JPG A fiambre I found online. it seems to be 1 plate, for 1 person LOL
Aw Blossom I'm so sorry! I know that some babies can really be a handful while others can make you never want your DH to touch you again! :haha: Stay positive and hope that this go around things will be much better and easier. And if not, it doesn't make you any less. Just have a support system in place and feel free to unload on us whenever you need to. Sometimes just talking can help! :hugs:
Thanks Sassy!

Just so you all know, DS turned from a nightmare baby to what I would consider a very easy & sensitive toddler :)
Thank you, Blossom! I am sorry you had a rough time with DS. I had a rough first few months with Rayven and I thought it was gonna be like that all the time, but she thankfully calmed down at around 4 months. :hugs:

DeeDee, that food looks amazing!! Now I'm hungry and need to go find something to eat!! :haha:
Deedee that is so cool that you brought up what they have in Guatemala because your right, I would have never thought that there are American restaurants down there. I wouldn't think jungle, more beautiful landscaping. Do you have any fun traditions or traditional Guatemalan foods that you do?

I love our group!!! It is so much fun to not only go through this amazing journey but seriously getting a glimpse of the world out there is so much amazing to me!

I have family in Houston and DH and I really like it there. It is very busy much like here where we are but there are some really beautiful places there. DH and I moved cross country twice. Once when we got married, we moved from Georgia to California to stay with my family and it was an amazing trip then ... then later on we moved from California to Florida. Beautiful trip ... driving through all the different states, seeing the changing landscape is great.

I have a friend from high school who took a teaching job in Thailand and the pictures she posts are amazing!! She says the food there is incredible and it makes it hard to stay in shape. She recently has posted a picture of her laying with TIGERS!!! She gets to ride elephants ... Just amazing!

When I first got here people would ask me about mexican food!! :haha: And I find it hilarious when I have to ask hubby what food they are talking about when I go to a mexican restaurant. He eats it more than I have ever in my life. Hahaha.

It's funny you ask about traditions. Guatemala should be a synonym for tradition. We are a country that only makes food one day a year because it's that day's food hahaha. For easter we have a blast the whole week with special food you can only find that week :haha: I wouldn't stop with the list. The one that is coming for nov. 1st on All Saints Day is fiambre. There are stories behind food, this one is about a high society lady back in the conquistador time that didn't have a meal for her guests, so she decided to put a bunch of food together and call it Fiambre. :shrug: haha I just know I love it and cried a little last year because I couldn't find all the fresh ingredients like you do in Guatemala. We have a bakery in every neighborhood, we have a creamery for diaries, cheeses and milk, my mom even calls the meat place to have her meat delivered. If the meat place is done with the fresh meat of the day they close their doors, even if it's noon :haha: Of course we have supermarkets, etc but I would only go there if it's super late and an emergency. :haha:

I remember when hubby first went and I took him to malls, one of the things he told me was that I was going to be so disappointed with the malls in the US... he was in for a big surprise. There are of course beautiful landscapes, lakes, you can see volcanoes all over from the city... but we have a hectic city... lol and like EVERYWHERE, you need to know where to go to stay safe. We aren't living under a rock, at least not where I grew up.

Oh, and the jungle is 8 hours away in car from where I live.... where all the mayan ruins are.

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_pT8pAAdObA0/SQzVTs39xgI/AAAAAAAAAJU/aRAmFvmfoTw/s400/fiambre2008.JPG A fiambre I found online.

Can you see the drool from here???? That looks delicious!!!!!!! YUM! My dad's side of the family is originally from Portugal and there is one dish that my grandma knows how to make sooooo good. I love when I can visit ... she always makes them for me. Portuguese beans. I would make them myself but lenguesa is not sold here. There are a couple of Mexican markets but lenguesa is not a Mexican thing ... and Portuguese cuisine isn't exactly found here in the south. UGH! I also love lenguesa by itself. YUM! Now I miss my grandma's cooking. lol!
I'm afraid I did find it very difficult being a new mum & am petrified about the first year this time around. However I try not to tell newly pregnant people about it in detail & if they do want to know, I would stress to them that my experience wasn't typical! I do feel like a bit of a failure when people go on about how wonderful their life is with their newborn though, ormake out like people who found it hard are wrong. I don't think people appreciate how different babies can be, I feel like they think I'm weaker, or not as good as good a mother, or that my expectations were wrong. They weren't. Sone babies are easy, some have their monents & others (as lovely as they turn out) are a bloody nightmare!!!! It actually really upsets me :(

Awww don't!! Eveery baby is different!! My sister with her newborn had such a hard time, dr had to tell her to not give her formula because she would cry all night because of her gasses. I saw how much she suffered and is still adjusting to everything. So I'm actually not expecting anything that does not imply a lot of effort, because babies are all different. I for one, would bet you are an excellent mother and would never think different of that because you had a hard time with a newborn. :hugs:
Sorry the picture isn't too clear. I can never find a good place to take a picture in my house. Everywhere has terrible lighting.

28 weeks


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Adorable bump, Sassy!! I absolutely love your shirt too!!
Deedee that is so cool that you brought up what they have in Guatemala because your right, I would have never thought that there are American restaurants down there. I wouldn't think jungle, more beautiful landscaping. Do you have any fun traditions or traditional Guatemalan foods that you do?

I love our group!!! It is so much fun to not only go through this amazing journey but seriously getting a glimpse of the world out there is so much amazing to me!

I have family in Houston and DH and I really like it there. It is very busy much like here where we are but there are some really beautiful places there. DH and I moved cross country twice. Once when we got married, we moved from Georgia to California to stay with my family and it was an amazing trip then ... then later on we moved from California to Florida. Beautiful trip ... driving through all the different states, seeing the changing landscape is great.

I have a friend from high school who took a teaching job in Thailand and the pictures she posts are amazing!! She says the food there is incredible and it makes it hard to stay in shape. She recently has posted a picture of her laying with TIGERS!!! She gets to ride elephants ... Just amazing!

When I first got here people would ask me about mexican food!! :haha: And I find it hilarious when I have to ask hubby what food they are talking about when I go to a mexican restaurant. He eats it more than I have ever in my life. Hahaha.

It's funny you ask about traditions. Guatemala should be a synonym for tradition. We are a country that only makes food one day a year because it's that day's food hahaha. For easter we have a blast the whole week with special food you can only find that week :haha: I wouldn't stop with the list. The one that is coming for nov. 1st on All Saints Day is fiambre. There are stories behind food, this one is about a high society lady back in the conquistador time that didn't have a meal for her guests, so she decided to put a bunch of food together and call it Fiambre. :shrug: haha I just know I love it and cried a little last year because I couldn't find all the fresh ingredients like you do in Guatemala. We have a bakery in every neighborhood, we have a creamery for diaries, cheeses and milk, my mom even calls the meat place to have her meat delivered. If the meat place is done with the fresh meat of the day they close their doors, even if it's noon :haha: Of course we have supermarkets, etc but I would only go there if it's super late and an emergency. :haha:

I remember when hubby first went and I took him to malls, one of the things he told me was that I was going to be so disappointed with the malls in the US... he was in for a big surprise. There are of course beautiful landscapes, lakes, you can see volcanoes all over from the city... but we have a hectic city... lol and like EVERYWHERE, you need to know where to go to stay safe. We aren't living under a rock, at least not where I grew up.

Oh, and the jungle is 8 hours away in car from where I live.... where all the mayan ruins are.

Can you see the drool from here???? That looks delicious!!!!!!! YUM! My dad's side of the family is originally from Portugal and there is one dish that my grandma knows how to make sooooo good. I love when I can visit ... she always makes them for me. Portuguese beans. I would make them myself but lenguesa is not sold here. There are a couple of Mexican markets but lenguesa is not a Mexican thing ... and Portuguese cuisine isn't exactly found here in the south. UGH! I also love lenguesa by itself. YUM! Now I miss my grandma's cooking. lol!

My mom sometimes speaks to me while she is cooking. :cry: It's sometimes the one time she has all day to squeeze me in her schedule hahahaha. I suffer, suffer, suffer sooo much. So many things I wish I could go to the convenient store one block away and just buy it like I did over there to prepare my dinner :cry: So many dishes only she knows how the freak she makes them even when I try and try. Wuaaa! Seriously, just because I adore my husband with every cell in my body and he is worth it, I'm here. cuz I get so home sick! hahahaha
Thanks Sassy!

Just so you all know, DS turned from a nightmare baby to what I would consider a very easy & sensitive toddler :)

Lucky you. I'd say dd is the opposite. Cute little quiet baby to nightmare diva toddler. :rofl:
OMG, I love Ross! I wish i had one near me! It definitely looks great on you, Sassy!!
Cute bump ladies and Sassy lovely shirt!

I get to see my little man tomorrow with growth scan plus GTT! One positive one negative but it isn't too bad! My nan and mum and coming with me tomorrow, my nan is 80, has 16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren and this will be the first scans she's been too, she is excited, phoned me earlier saying she couldn't wait ;)
Cute bump ladies and Sassy lovely shirt!

I get to see my little man tomorrow with growth scan plus GTT! One positive one negative but it isn't too bad! My nan and mum and coming with me tomorrow, my nan is 80, has 16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren and this will be the first scans she's been too, she is excited, phoned me earlier saying she couldn't wait ;)

Aww, have a great scan hun! Nan sounds like a sweetie!
My glucose test is in a week and i'm trying to forget about it 'till... next Wednesday LOL
Oh that is great Sonia! I'm sure she will really enjoy being there with you!

I am trying desperately to stay awake today ... this is normally when I lay down to sleep a little but I have an appointment at 3:30 and have to leave by 3. I don't have time to even really get settled in and sleep before I would have to be up and gone. It is so hard to get going after being asleep so I'm fighting my eyes drooping!!! I may need to go out and catch some fresh air for a little while. :sleep::sleep::sleep::haha:
Oh my goodness, I cannot keep up with you all! I just seem to be so busy between DS & all the general chores & cooking etc!

You guys are all so sweet! ... and sound like really lovely couples. DH & I met at school too - I think we're so lucky!

Deedee - sorry to hear you had a bit of a scare. Hope that's the end of it now.

Ginger - Sorry you're still unwell.

Beautiful bumps Nikki & Ginger!

I'm afraid I have no idea about any of the TV programmes you guys are talking about! The highlight of my TV week at the moment is the great british bake off! Which is perhaps a little sad - I just sit there drooling!

I'm not sure if it's just because I'm up north, but we don't really have many steak houses in my part of England & those we do have tend to be really nice, upmarket places. I definitely don't think steak houses are popular over here. However I'm afraid the fish & chip thing is true! We love fish & chips! We also have a lot of roast dinners, shepherds pie, cottage pie (beef instead of lamb). Up here hotpot is traditional, as is pie with pickled purple cabbage & there are loads of local sweet pastries like Eccles/Chorley cakes (pastry full of raisins), bakewell tarts (almond flavour) etc. Obviously we eat loads of other stuff too though!

I'm afraid I did find it very difficult being a new mum & am petrified about the first year this time around. However I try not to tell newly pregnant people about it in detail & if they do want to know, I would stress to them that my experience wasn't typical! I do feel like a bit of a failure when people go on about how wonderful their life is with their newborn though, ormake out like people who found it hard are wrong. I don't think people appreciate how different babies can be, I feel like they think I'm weaker, or not as good as good a mother, or that my expectations were wrong. They weren't. Sone babies are easy, some have their monents & others (as lovely as they turn out) are a bloody nightmare!!!! It actually really upsets me :(

I think I've said before about what a nightmare ds was too. I remember after I had returned to work, so ds must have been about 14 months, someone asked me randomly if I was ok, and I just went into an emotional meltdown, they just had to hug me while I sobbed. I think I was still only getting about 4 hours sleep at night. If we had family to support us, it probably would have made it a bit easier, just if they had him for 1 night so we could have slept would have been a God send. Like you though, the toddler years were no problem at all, never had the so called terrible twos!

As hard as it is for new mums to hear horror stories about birth and babies, it's also equally hard to hear that it's all lovely and the best time, it kind of makes you feel like it must just have been you that simply couldn't cope.

I'm not worried though for this time, it's a different baby and anything can happen. And even if we get another nightmare baby, we survived it once, and we can do it again!

I think having a child has changed our marriage/relationship. It's not worse than before, just different!

I have just got a hypnobirthing book today, will see if its any use!
I hate that sassy, when your tired but know you don't have enough time to sleep. I'm just in from work and this is the time I have to try and stay awake at least until a decent time I can call bed time, roll on 8/9pm!
Good luck Sonia, I've got my gtt tomorrow too, and I can't say I'm looking forward to it!

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