January Jellybeans 2013!...

oh i've seen honey boo boo and i wouldn't of even considered that, that is what it's like in the area they're from. I'm sure they're few and far between.

It was really funny this TV show host in Australia said that the international perception of Australia was that Australians are dumb, drunk and racist. So he got 4 indians and set off around Australia to prove to them Australians are not dumb, drunk and racist and unfortunately only succeeded in proving they are in fact dumb, drunk and racist.

But the majority of Australians shudder everytime we're on international news for racism because it makes most of us sick.

Sassy i seriously don't mind your OH asked those questions, because i ate at outback steakhouse in Hawaii i found it highly amusing because i know what they look like.

I constantly have to remind myself not to stereotype and read into what i see on TV. I met this gay guy who was telling me all about his love life and the guys he dates are a bunch of freaks, which i was more than happy to tell him. I asked him where on earth he meets these men and he said online dating and i said why doesn't he try meeting guys out in the real world and it might be easier to get a first impression. He said that it's hard walking up to a guy hitting on them and not getting punched in the face because they aren't gay and i ignorantly and offensively asked "but don't you have gaydar". He wasn't too impressed.
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that
hahahaha!!! GAYDAR!!! I love it!! I thought most gay guys had them too. :haha: I never thought to categorize Australia as racist. I categorize most of the state of Georgia to be racist .. but then again it is the south and as much as I would love to think that the morons have grown up ... they haven't. But I can say there are much fewer racists ... because that generation is old now. :haha: I have racist relatives and DH's family ... well lets put it this way, they all voted for the other guy because they didn't want to vote for a black guy. :dohh: Hence another reason we tend to stay as far away from them as possible! lol!

DH was reading over my shoulder earlier and said wait scroll up .... it was something that you posted to me and he said I bet she is reading that but with an Australian accent ... and then preceded to try and read whatever it was with the worst accent I have ever heard. I laughed at him and scrolled on down ... he loves accents and tries to do them all the time. He knows he is terrible but his love of trying makes me giggle most of the time.

I hope that you had or are having as I have no idea what time or day it is at the present ... a wonderful anniversary! You and your DH sound simply wonderful. Your post of you and your DH reminds me a lot of me and DH. We've been together since we were 13 ... and he is literally my other half. He is the peanut butter to my jelly! :haha: I'm very thankful to have found him so early in life and we went through a lot of what you were talking about .. people wondering why we got married so young and didn't we ever want to date anyone else. We were married at 19. His mother use to ask me a million times, don't you want to see what else is out there? She did her best to separate us but fate had other plans. :haha: I never did understand why waiting any longer would have made any difference. I mean we had been together nearly 6 years when we got married ... just at an early age. What difference does it make??? 6 years together, we knew we wanted to be together forever and we got married ... get over it. But had we been 30 and dating 6 years they wouldn't have said two words. Strange people. I would only hope that everyone could find a soul mate like this. It is an amazing feeling and I wouldn't give it up for anything in all the world.
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

I watched a clip ... I thought I was going to be sick. Special doesn't even begin to cover it ... sadly though I have seen people like that. They usually lurk around in Walmart at odd hours of the day. :haha:
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

I watched a clip ... I thought I was going to be sick. Special doesn't even begin to cover it ... sadly though I have seen people like that. They usually lurk around in Walmart at odd hours of the day. :haha:

Lol so true I think Walmart is where they gather well I stopped watching it seems like it just gets worse and more ridiculous
Dh feed me so much at super then topped it off with a caramel praline cheese cake I'm so full it's not even funny......and that was hours ago I feel like I'm gonna burst
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

I watched a clip ... I thought I was going to be sick. Special doesn't even begin to cover it ... sadly though I have seen people like that. They usually lurk around in Walmart at odd hours of the day. :haha:

Lol so true I think Walmart is where they gather well I stopped watching it seems like it just gets worse and more ridiculous

The one I saw, one of the siblings had a baby and it had 2 thumbs. They made a big ordeal over it. I did find her uncle quite hilarious. Uncle Poodle. :haha:
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

I watched a clip ... I thought I was going to be sick. Special doesn't even begin to cover it ... sadly though I have seen people like that. They usually lurk around in Walmart at odd hours of the day. :haha:

Lol so true I think Walmart is where they gather well I stopped watching it seems like it just gets worse and more ridiculous

The one I saw, one of the siblings had a baby and it had 2 thumbs. They made a big ordeal over it. I did find her uncle quite hilarious. Uncle Poodle. :haha:

Ya that was the season finally and dh said he wasn't suprised there was a defect in the baby the way they all turned out lol but I do feel they can be a bad influence or a bad look towards other families there are not a lot if rules it's like a fun house there whatever goes
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

I watched a clip ... I thought I was going to be sick. Special doesn't even begin to cover it ... sadly though I have seen people like that. They usually lurk around in Walmart at odd hours of the day. :haha:

Lol so true I think Walmart is where they gather well I stopped watching it seems like it just gets worse and more ridiculous

The one I saw, one of the siblings had a baby and it had 2 thumbs. They made a big ordeal over it. I did find her uncle quite hilarious. Uncle Poodle. :haha:

Ya that was the season finally and dh said he wasn't suprised there was a defect in the baby the way they all turned out lol but I do feel they can be a bad influence or a bad look towards other families there are not a lot if rules it's like a fun house there whatever goes

Yea I was shocked at what goes on in there. DH thinks they play it up a little for the cameras but then I said sadly probably not. lol
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

I watched a clip ... I thought I was going to be sick. Special doesn't even begin to cover it ... sadly though I have seen people like that. They usually lurk around in Walmart at odd hours of the day. :haha:

Lol so true I think Walmart is where they gather well I stopped watching it seems like it just gets worse and more ridiculous

The one I saw, one of the siblings had a baby and it had 2 thumbs. They made a big ordeal over it. I did find her uncle quite hilarious. Uncle Poodle. :haha:

Ya that was the season finally and dh said he wasn't suprised there was a defect in the baby the way they all turned out lol but I do feel they can be a bad influence or a bad look towards other families there are not a lot if rules it's like a fun house there whatever goes

Yea I was shocked at what goes on in there. DH thinks they play it up a little for the cameras but then I said sadly probably not. lol

No I really think that's 100% them and she wasn't even upset her daughter was pregnant all she said was well I had a kid at that age like that's suppose to make it ok there just disgusting they fart and blow bad breath on eachother who does that ?
Sassy how odd that we are so alike and also due the same day!! lol. I do feel like he's my other half. Without him i would just be lost. I quite enjoyed growing up together and going through the late teenage years together. Dating to me sounds like the most horrific pile of stress i can imagine, i can't even think the amount of times the words "thank god i'm married" pass through my mind. Yes people think it's weird that you've never been with anybody else and i find that reason just downright ridiculous. I mean... so what... we were suppose to part with the love of our lives just to whore ourselves out a bit. It's so dumb. A few work mates used to rudely say "but you could be having terrible sex and you wouldn't even know" i mean that is just the most ridiculous reason for a break up i've ever heard.

I do love accents too, especially a kiwi accent, whenever i'm around my kiwi relatives i spend the whole time grinning because of the way they talk. I find it funny when people say Australians don't say "G'day mate" because yes we do. Just not in the over exaggerated way they do on TV, but it's definitely said all the time. I also found out that we say "yeah, nah" when answering a question, i honestly say this ALL THE TIME! and never considered that it was purely an Australian thing. It's hard to explain but it's like somebody says something like a point of some sort and you reply "yeah..." because you understand where they're coming from but then say "nah" because you disagree, it's so common and apparently when we have tourists from other countries they have no idea if we're agreeing or not. LOL. Like is someone said "i'm voting for Obama he's a clear candidate" an Aussie might reply "yeah, nah..." lol which confuses the hell out of everyone else but Australians know they they are just politely disagreeing.

I thought that show My big fat gypsy wedding was highly hilarious until i saw the little girls wear stripper clothes and start grinding and being really really overtly sexual when they were dancing.
Betheney - happy anniversary

Sassy - here in the UK we have traditional dishes such as fish and chips, pies, lasgane, shepherds pie, cottage pie and roast dinners. Ummm food!!!!
Hmm didnt sleep last night as im constantly coughing up phlem :-( and my mouth burns?? May have to go back to the docs if it doesnt improove :'(
I watch honey boo boo but only cuz it's like an accident u know u shouldn't but u look anyways but NEVER have I thought everyone acted like that. To me it seems they are a special family and I can't think of many people who would act like that

For whatever reason people love that show. They started getting paid $5000 per episode now it's $20,000. And they have a driver and body guard. An Rosie odonnel has publicly said she loves that family and wants to meet them and buy them a house??!! :saywhat:
I saw a blog the other day that said "Why honey boo boos mother is actually a good mother" i didn't even read it, i would of probably thrown the laptop across the room.
DH will be so glad that you didn't feel the need to fly over here and sock him in the face for asking. He's been begging me for days and I kept telling him no that is the dumbest thing to ask but I suppose he is only curious. Like Snow said, there are other steak houses. Texas Roadhouse is my absolute favorite! Oh yum. Now I'm hungry! lol!

I think tv puts out some of the strangest things as far as people and countries are concerned. I think it is almost shocking when people find out that yes other countries do about the same as each other. I hate some of the stereotypes that get thrown around here in the US ... the biggest one right now and I REFUSE to watch this is that ridiculous Honey Boo Boo show. 99.9% of the population of Georgia (where I am and where the show is filmed) threw up and then died when they aired that show. The other 1% actually does act like those morons. Thankfully I am not from GA but I do live here so it is just as horrifying to think that now the rest of the US thinks of us like that. DH was born and raised here and because of that show, he doesn't want to claim he is even from here anymore. I'm from California originally and I could never understand those bone headed girls who talked like "Valley Girls" ... um sweetness you sound like an idiot because girls from CA don't actually talk that way.

I know that if we listened to what was on tv, Americans eat burgers, people in the London area eat fish and chips, Australians eat steak and drink beer :haha:, Asians eat nothing but noodles and small strange animals ... I mean the list could go on forever. I love learning about new cultures or about the heritage of other cultures but the television is absolutely no help and is why I brought the food topic up. I love food. Always have and some of the shows I watch on the Travel channel (Andrew Zimmern or Anthony Bourdain) makes me want to travel the world and eat my way through it. :haha:

Although I try not to buy into the commercialized version of what other countries are like, DH and I have decided that if the city of Portwenn really existed (which I know they filmed it in a real place but not sure how much of the town life is like it is shown) we would move there immediately. --Portwenn is the fictional town in the show Doc Martin which DH and I are hopelessly addicted to. -- I believe the real town is Port Isaac, Cornwall but I know nothing about anything over there other than in that show it is a beautiful little town I would like to live in.

Texas Roadhouse whipped cinnamon sugar butter. *drools*

I would love to eat my way through southeast Asia, avoiding some of the grosser Andrew Zimmern type foods. :)
cute bumps!

It was confirmed yesterday that iv only gained 2.5 lbs! and my LO is estimated to be about 2 lbs of that! :haha: Hes growing well and measures ahead on my belly length (but those can be off too, but from the 20 week anatomy scan he was measuring 2 weeks ahead and in the 98th percentile for growth)

I got my "yummy" GD drink that i get to do for my next apt. I also chose my pediatrician.

I went to the store yesterday with my MIL as she came along with me to my Dr. apt and she wanted to buy some basic baby things to play the "Price is right" game at the shower she is hosting. so she got baby wash/shampoo and baby lotion, etc. I also grabbed some NIPPLE CREAM!:haha::blush: some breast milk storage bags and some breast pads. I brought them home and hubby just laughed at me about the nipple cream. Its crazy im starting to prepare for this stuff!
so funnily enough we actually went to a steakhouse tonight for dinner. I told my hubby about todays convo but then told him that i didn't say it at the time but i thought steak houses were always a really American thing, they've only been common in Australia recently. His reply was "Yes of course they're American". I mean all the steak houses here are decked out in American memorabilia and old American number plates and old Elvis stuff. It just that Sassy your hubby must think they're Australian because you have a steakhouse that is Australian themed. lol


just a quick few bump pics taken today, taken at various times of the day which just shows my various stages of presentability lol, our family shots i unfortunately look like a god damn whale (can def see the 8kgs) so wont be uploading those. But these ones are nice.

The baby feels like it's lying across my bump but like right down the bottom, but intead of feeling pressure in my cervix i feel it all out the front of my bump, like baby is leaning over the edge IYKWIM. So my 2nd shot you can see how dropped my bump is, which just shows baby is all down the bottom and all out the front, i'm going to assume the baby is facing my back to cause all the hardness and weight to be so far forward.


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