January Jellybeans 2013!...

Ive heard people say that if you have bad morning sickness, you are less likely to miscarry? Is there amy truth in this?????
I had no ms last time and went on to mc and no ms this time either, just a little queasy at times.
Not for me. I had no morning sickness with my daughter but had it with both my miscarriages. I've had a bit this time but trying not to read too much into it.
They do say that, that you're less likely to miscarry if you have MS, but lots of ladies dispute it and say they had no MS and had big, healthy babies anyway.

Ugh, i dont get why some people are the way they are, if you are not pregnant, or pregnant with one baby or two, what's so bad about that? why lie and go thru all the trouble of stealing pictures to prove it? What do you possibly get out of that?
Hi Ladies congrats to all the new:bfp: joining us - welcome:flower:


*speechless* that is just.... Wow..

I dont really know if its true what they say about ms and mc but all I know is I had horrible ms with my daughter and am having less of a time with it with this baby... Course its still early lol...
I am having pretty annoying cramping and my bck is kind of aching a bit also. I had the teeny tiniest spot of pale pink when using the bathroom but no more yet. With my previous miscarriage the bleeding came on right away and strong. Anyone else have this and everything be okay? Or has anyone with a previous mc had it start slow like this?
I've known of people on here invent one, and even recurrent miscarriages. All I can think is that they must need some help. Miscarriage is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever gone through and the support on the miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage forums on here is amazing. Such a shame to think that people feel the need to invent this trauma, that we would give anything not to go through, to get attention.
However the majority of the people on here are decent and lovely and I'm so looking forward to us all going through the exciting journey of the next few months together, troll free. :flower:
Mama, sorry about the bad timing of my post, I must have posted at the same time as you. Personally I have never had spotting in a good pregnancy but I know of HUNDREDS of people who have, both on here and IRL. It can be caused by an irritation of the cervix, corpus luteum breaking down, any number of things. I know the first thing to do is immediately panic, especially when you have had a loss before, it's so scary. But it could be nothing, just try to get checked ASAP to set your mind at rest. Big hugs, naughty bean for panicking you.
I've had 8 early miscarriages...all of them doctor confirmed pregnancies....all of them real....all of them emotionally and physically sickening to live through. I don't use them for sympathy [I don't want sympathy, I want starry eyed optimism]

I don't know how anyone could invent or lie about something as devastating as a loss.

Also, I've never had MS, but then again I've never had a healthy pregnancy either. I've had lots of other symptoms; sore boobs, bloat, nose overdrive, loss of sex drive, etc...but never sickness.

I'm hoping that I experience it this time around though!
Eight..goodness me. I'm in awe of ladies like you..and this is definitely starry eyed optimism. I'm keeping everything crossed this sticks for you. Are you on any meds? I'm on aspirin, high dose folic acid and 200mg of progesterone (self prescribed)
Wishing you all the good luck in the world. Have a look on the thread PAL after recurrent losses, there are lots of girls who have gone through lots of losses and are now in their third tri. They are the most inspiring bunch of girls ever and always welcome new girls.
So is anyone else taking Zofran or another anti-nausea/MS prescription med? This is my first pregnancy ever, and so I have no other set of symptoms to compare it to, but I feel soooo queasy much of the time. I have never vomited, though. However, I talked to my doctor and she prescribed Zofran. I must admit I feel guilty taking it. Not sure why, but maybe bc I know it can be a lot worse for some women, and I hate taking meds while pregnant. Hopefully it is totally safe...it is a class B, I believe. I often feel like I'll do just about anything to feel better. :nope: But I'm not puking. Idk part of me thinks I should just suffer. ;) Is anyone else on Zofran with moderate to mild MS?
I never had ms with ds and hoped I would get a bit with this one. Had very early ms with my mcs. Well it started a couple of days ago, but only really in the afternoon, starts between 3-5. Sick most afternoons. It's horrible, why did I wish for this :cry: they say to be careful what you wish for!
I had a decent spot of red blood on wiping just now. I only had one glass of water today because I just got up from a nap (slept from about 1030 - 1). I don't want to freak out, but I'm wondering if I should go be seen. I know if I tell DH, he will just tell me to relax, drink water and probably won't offer to take me in... wondering what to do...
So is anyone else taking Zofran or another anti-nausea/MS prescription med? This is my first pregnancy ever, and so I have no other set of symptoms to compare it to, but I feel soooo queasy much of the time. I have never vomited, though. However, I talked to my doctor and she prescribed Zofran. I must admit I feel guilty taking it. Not sure why, but maybe bc I know it can be a lot worse for some women, and I hate taking meds while pregnant. Hopefully it is totally safe...it is a class B, I believe. I often feel like I'll do just about anything to feel better. :nope: But I'm not puking. Idk part of me thinks I should just suffer. ;) Is anyone else on Zofran with moderate to mild MS?

I haven't been to the doctor yet but am seriously considering asking for something when I do go! I am nauseous all day. It doesn't let up. I've tried eating more, eating less, bland foods, foods I want, sea bands, B6, peppermint, ginger .... Nothing works. I'm one who really doesn't want to take medicine while pregnant. I think I would feel guilty but I have a 3 year old to take care of and I can't function anymore. DH has taken over everything I normally do on top of coming home from work. He's been amazing. I have heard that Zofran works well for some people. If it helps you to get through the day, don't worry about it. :)
I had awful MS last time but, so far, only patches of mild nausea this time. I've been taking a good whack of vit B6 ad I wonder if that's helped? :shrug:

Betheny - I had very sore boobs and nips last time but nothing this time, apart from a mild ache in the 2ww. I do find I get very mild aches in my uterus towards the end of a feed though. :wacko:

Mama - last time I had about 3 episodes of pink when i wiped. It was usually after a big poop (sorry for the TMI!). :blush:
I've been gone for awhile and it took quite a some time to get caught up on this thread! I cannot believe how many January Pregnancies there are! I'm also one that does not have ms yet. My mom never had it with me though, so I'm hoping to miss that symptom. I do have the bloating and cramping feeling though. And since I gain weight in my mid-section, I feel like I already look very pregnant. I had to switch to maternity pants. My regular jeans were cutting into my skin too much. Love these maternity pants, except that I don't have enough of a bump yet to keep them up all the time. :)

Congrats to all of us January Mommies-to-be (-again)!!
Hey girls how are we all?
My wrist still hurts :( and i have felt sick all day :( also very tired and looking forward to having 2 days off work now :) going to the doctor in 2 days hehe.
Hope you are all well :D

Congrats to the new BFPs :)

Sorry about your wrist, I vaguely remember having something similar when pregnant with ds. It was super irritating!

My bb's are extraaa sore today and my nps looked tanned lol:haha:. I am paranoid though because after I woke up I've noticed I'm more crampy than I have been previously:wacko: Trying not to overthink it....

I have just started with a sore wrist aswell, very strange.
Congrats to all the new Jelly Beans!!! :thumbup:

I slept until noon today! :shock: :shock: I just could not get out of bed! I'm frustrated because my MS has me missing my best friends son's birthday party. He is turning 3. Thankfully though DH took our DD and it has given me some quiet time to sit very, very still and do nothing. :haha: I have to try and be thankful that it means :baby: is growing healthy. I just wish it wasn't so miserable.

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