January Jellybeans 2013!...

Betheney we have the same craving! As i type i'm sitting here eating some chinese food; this baby is definitely vegetarian, doesn't want to see or smell any meat, maybe a little tuna once a week or so but that's it. Chicken or anything else makes me gag something awful. Vegetable dishes only.
I had awful MS last time but, so far, only patches of mild nausea this time. I've been taking a good whack of vit B6 ad I wonder if that's helped? :shrug:

Betheny - I had very sore boobs and nips last time but nothing this time, apart from a mild ache in the 2ww. I do find I get very mild aches in my uterus towards the end of a feed though. :wacko:

Mama - last time I had about 3 episodes of pink when i wiped. It was usually after a big poop (sorry for the TMI!). :blush:

Thanks, You made me giggle:winkwink: Mine was actually after a regular bm also.:blush: Maybe I am just uber pranoid:shrug:

I feel like I should be expecting blood even if nothings wrong, as this whole cycle has been strange. I have never had bleeding in any of my previous pregnancies. This month I spotted on O day. Then spotted at 7 dpo which I assumed was implantation and so tested and got BFP at 9dpo only to spot again the same day and then have bright red bleeding for about an hour.Made me wonder if implantation maybe occurred twice:wacko: I've since had my levels checked and dr says they are great. It is all very strange to me. Anyways I was out at a bbq all day and did not notice any more cramping and didn't have any more spotting. Fingers crossed for my scan on Friday.

On to this morning sickness discussion, mine only comes in waves, usually around 4-6 pm although last night it kicked in around 8 and lasted allll night. I never actually vomit though just feel nauseous. With my son it was like clockwork every night from 10pm- 2am I would feel so sick, I couldn't' even sleep. Lasted all the way thru week 14.
OMG - I've been chucking the last two days. I feel so disgusting and exhausted. I'm at work today and really want to go home, but my last daughter I chucked for 27 weeks and quite frankly I don't have enough sick leave to cover it if that happens again this time! Can't take anti-emetics for it either, as they make me completely lethargic which is how I'm already feeling - they'd probably put me into a coma!

On a good note, this is making me feel safer re keeping the baby. On a bad note, this sucks sh*t!!

Sorry for the whinge :sick:
I was just thinking that its going to be a lot of fun when 100+ pregnant ladies (give or take a few) start posting their gender scan results!
Lol. I'm going to have a girl. I can already feel it.
Im convinced im having a boy this time around.
I was introduced to the Chinese Gender Predictor (the one where you enter your info and they generate the results for you) with my first child and it said girl and i had a daughter. My friends and family hav also done it and it was right for them also!!!!! Its crazy cool in my opinion and this time around it says boy so im pretty sure on it, i guess we will see if its right near the end August!!!!
Hope the scan went well Betheny. :flower:

We're staying :yellow: again this time. Hubby would LOVE another girl, even though before Meg he'd have been happier with a boy. I reckon I'm having a boy but I guess we'll find out next year! :winkwink:
Hey ladies !
It's been a while since I checked the thread and it has grown so much :)

Week 6 was the start of horrible nausea for me :(
I'm starving but feel too sick to eat, eventually I force myself to have something otherwise it just gets worse.
Really bloated and tired and hate being touched or being around people.
Anyone feel the same ? Or have any remedies ? I'm feeling like a grumpy ogre instead of happily pregnant.
8 weeks today and got my booking in appointment with the midwife this afternoon. This makes me nervous as I had my booking appointment at 9 weeks last pregnancy and miscarried a week later.
Betheney I wish I had your will power! I tried desperately but failed tonight. Hurled in a garbage can in a bunk house at the cottage (only 1 bathroom and no one knows). It was awful.
Good luck with your scan!!

I find taking big deep breaths help and i don't allow myself to think "OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO VOMIT" because that's when i do. I just try to stay calm. Also if i feel it coming i just do a huge big COUGH and that seems to help fulfill that gagging desire without being followed by vomit

Betheney we have the same craving! As i type i'm sitting here eating some chinese food; this baby is definitely vegetarian, doesn't want to see or smell any meat, maybe a little tuna once a week or so but that's it. Chicken or anything else makes me gag something awful. Vegetable dishes only.

i am actually vegetarian so i eat it all by default. lol. I have craved a couple of meat dishes but i don't think it's the meat i want i think it's just the fatty takeaway. I really wanted a KFC burger yesterday but i told hubby it's not the chicken i want at all it's just the taste of the burger as a whole. I of course didn't give in. I know i wouldn't be that upset with myself if i did and i would excuse myself because i'm pregnant and i should follow my body, so i wouldn't feel bad for "failing" or for being too weak and non committed or for breaking my streak of not eating meat... like i have to start counting the amount of years i've been vegetarian all over again. But i would just still be heart broken at the loss of life that had to happen for me to eat that food. I would just feel like such a horrible person...
Hi girls all is well! :happydance: ONE happy healthy little baby. :happydance:

My scan went very well and i got there with an almost exploding bladder. lol. So the receptionist said go to the toilet and try and only let a little bit out. I didn't even know i could do that but yes i let out a little bit and then got called 10 mins early. I warned the sono i had a full bladder and she said if it's too full i'll just have to empty it. So i lied on the bed and she put the thing on and i could see the baby but couldn't see a heart beat and i could tell she couldn't see it either and i honestly started to panic. I hadn't been worried about the scan at all honestly. I felt like everything would be fine. Then she said "yeah i might get you to empty your bladder" and i know it was because she couldn't find a heart beat and just before she was about to stop so i could pee she found the little heart beat. PHEW!! but she got me to pee anyway. Which was the worlds greatest relief and we then continued with the scan.

So my dates are spot on! 7+3 and due January 4th. Heartbeat 146 beats per minute.

I explained about the bleeding/spotting and she said she can definitely see the pocket of blood and i've circled it in red for you ladies. There are more pics which show it bigger but i just showed you the two baby photos that include it. She said that these things just happen. She said it looks like it's shrinking and shouldn't give me anymore grief and i said the spotting stopped 3 days ago so i wasn't concerned really. I nearly asked could it of been another baby (a twin) that didn't eventuate into anything, but then thought that if she said yes there was a chance of it i would of gotten really upset so just thought i'm happy not knowing forever now. But everything i read about a Subchorionic Hemorrhage says they happen by the placenta, this pocket was no where near the placenta.

There was a moment at the beginning of the scan where it looked like a baby but then she never got an as good image as she did that moment and only looked like a blob after that. lol

She also scanned my kidneys which tickled like you wouldn't beleive!!! lol and my ovaries look good.

Excellent Scan Bethaney - amazing what they can see and also tell you.:flower:

I can't wait to see all the other ladies scan pics up here - brings me one step closer to mine :happydance:

Mummy - Fingers crossed that everything is okay for you what a rollercoaster :hugs:

AFM - Just extremely tired, a bit of a headache today, bobbies feel like they are being stretched :haha: No m/s yet - but not feeling hungry either so maybe just around the corner :shrug:


Brilliant scan, glad it was all ok. Phew! And good that you know the source of the bleeding. My friend had very high HCG with her little boy and she also had a very similar problem with a bloodclot in her ulterus, she bled pretty heavily from it throughout the first tri. It does make me think that either you've made the correct assumption in regards to your Subchorionic Hemorrhage or it is something assoicated with elevating levels of HCG.
Wow, great scan Betheney! Glad everything is looking good. I won't be getting my first until 12 weeks so it is lovely to see everyone elses!

My ms took a turn for the worse this morning. DH brought me breakfast in bed to see if that would help things, but it made me really sick. I think I must have been sick 5 times in a row. DH made me phone in and take the day off sick, but I can't do that everytime I feel rubbish. I really wish I could take the next 6 weeks or so off and just get through this without having to deal with the world. DH says he is going to write on the toilet seat lid 'Remember how much I wanted this and being sick is a good sign". That made me laugh and it is true.
Aw great scan Betheney...good to see it went well and all is ok... congratulations xx
Just back from my booking appointment. The midwife put my EDD at January 2nd so I'm back in the January Jellybeans officially for now!
I have my dating scan on June 15th at 3.30.
Pleeeeeeeeease baby hang in there!!!

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