January - Slim for 2009! month one!

Hey girls.. sorry I havent been posted for a while.. things have been a little chaotic!
I didnt do so well with my first week as AF was visiting so I gave in to the temptation of cherry coke and chocolate (OMG I have discovered that Lindor - the ones in the red box - are the most delicious thing ever!) but this week there have been NO fizzy drinks at all! I've been drinking plenty of water and limiting myself to 2 cups of tea a day. At work I'm on my feet walking for 8 hours a day so I've sped up my walking to burn off more calories (well, that's the theory!) and it seems to be working!

My calorie intake is probably horribly high, but I dont count the calories and I need the energy to do the amount of walking that I do!
Today for example

Breakfast (4.30am!!) - 2 slices of toast and a cup of sweet tea
Lunch (10am) - Ham and dairylea on white bread, salt and vinegar Pom Bear crisps and a Muller crunch corner
Snack (3pm) - Bowl of cornflakes when I got home from work
Dinner (5.30pm) - Macaroni Cheese
Snack (8.30pm) Sweet tea with 2 choc chip cookies :D

Very very naughty I know but you'll notice that there's no fizzy stuff in there! I can usually drink 2 litres of coke or cherry coke a day so cutting it out completly is a big deal for me lol! Also, I used to eat fry ups at work every day on my lunch break but now I save the fried stuff for the weekend when I treat myself to a bacon buttie ;)

Exercise - 8 hours of walking and shifting stuff at work - I took a stepometer thingy in to work last week and it reckons I do around 20,000 steps a day! Oh and a major freak out dance session to some loud music while doing the housework this afternoon :)

And girls.. a little of what you fancy does you good. Moderation is the key cos if you cut out stuff you love, then you'll just crave it more and more and feel guilty when you have it.
Good luck to you all! :hugs:
Nah she ain't addicted, she does drugs every now and then. I'm pretty angry at her though. She told everyone she was pregnant and keeping it then she goes and snorts coke.
I would be annoyed too, it's no way to act when pregnant.
Yeah then she's all like 'it's well painful isn't it?' to me. Like I've one before..
She thinks coz I had a temination it's exactly the same. Blaahh.
Anywho I've totally hijacked this thread sorry girlies! xxx
wow, sorry to hear about you situation princess. I really dont know what to say, but same as broody, if you need a friend, give us a PM :hugs:

I actually had a pretty bad day yesterday diet wise, loads more calories.... and i lost a lb! I actually dont understand my body at all. :dohh:
Is this true, you shouldnt eat after 7pm??

What i got told off lass who goes to weight watchers.

My weight is still the same even though im hardly hungry latelty, i think its down to starting the pill now lol

Yesterday i had, bowl of cereal tea biscuit 2 tuna sandwiches on whole meal bread for lunch and SK bar for tea and couple of cups of tea.
Today, tea and some danish biscuits, lunch think might have 1 tuna sandwich as im hoping for a take away today lol
I've not been going over the RDA of calories, but not eating well still. Not awfully, but could be better. I'm gonna exercise again today though!
Well, me and elliot went to give notice of our marriage today so we went out of a celebratory meal, considering we went out, i think i did okay...
- Greek salad with feta and olives (though i asked for without olive oil)
- 2 pitta breads
- 1/2 roll
- glass of champagne (HOW MUCH does that stuff cost?!?!)
- glass of white wine.

I only had a yogurt the rest of today, and we walked round for ages... so i guess thats not too bad? done 100 sit ups too.
Well, i actually lost weight, but because i filled out my ticker wrong yesterday im now pulling even. :rofl:
hi every1 i joined weightwatches last april after trying every diet i could!
i did nto lost anything on the diets that stayed off i just put it straight back on!
i joined weightwatchers and lost 7lb in my 1st week!

iv now lost 2 and a half stone since april! im now 1 and a half stone from my goal weight and id recoment going tot he mettings registraton is freeu only have to pay for the meeting or can join with a monthly pass (which is cheaper) and well worth it th esupport of the leader especially mine is outstanding def 5 star! the ladies and gens who go are also very supoortive and we helo each other with on the weight loss journey BUT i will say this.... YOU NEED TO ATTEND meetings a u have 70 odd % more change of loosing the weight and keping it off once u hit goal weight u become a gold memebrr and u dont have to pay for the meetings anymore!!! which is fab unliek every other diet on the market that dumos u once u lost it only to find u put it all back on! u will be dong weightwatchers for the rest of ur life as its not a diets its a way of life really!

hope this helps u all!
Thanks, i think it's because it's the 2nd week as well, it's not a novelty anymore so it's turning into a chore. Lol.

Yeah i never ever go to london, i've been about twice. But it's quite far from me, about 3 or 4 hours.

The salmon fishcakes i made were pretty healthy. Used up the leftover mash (no butter or milk) from sunday's roast, mixed in half a tin of red salmon, one egg to bind and then coated in a tiny bit of plain flour and dry fried them :) xxx

I am so going to make these this week.Unfortunately my OH hates fish but he'll have to deal with it. :rofl:
So I got my Carmen Electra exercise DVD and I did half of it before my little miss started depending attention and its actually really good!
I'm doing good so far today but last night I did go to Pizza Hut so that wasnt quite as good...Well done on all you girlies who are managing to stick to this better than I am xx
ohhh pizza. i have had a pizza craving allll day. I would give in but ive done so little exercise with the uni work pilling up, just sit on my butt allllll day. lol
MMMM.Maybe you could have like wholemeal bread with tomato puree and the tiniest bit of melted cheese on if you have it?It would be a tiny bit like pizza.Pizza and pasta get me EVERY time,I just cant resist them x
Ummm.. that sounds pretty good actually, i might nip down asda and grab some cheese :D
Im trying to keep my cal count pretty low whilst im just hanging around the house, im not doing anything to burn them off. lol
I have lost about a stone now, although have had a day off this weekend and fear that it's not quite nearly a stone anymore, so I am not going to weigh myself till later in the week once I'm back on the porridge>soup>light dinner combos again!

Im stuffed!! Been eating loads since Friday. Was my wedding anniversary yesterday bt we started to celebrate from Friday. Back to healthy eating tommorrow.

Fancy pizza right now!!

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