First let say I'm all for helping people. I've gotten help here and there when I was a single mom, but it was from family and I paid back EVERY last penny..not because they asked me to, but because it's the right thing to do. I want to know though..why do people with 12 kids have no job? If someone really wanted to help, they should have hired them! Giving them a home only changes one thing...location. We make it a point to help people all the time and it's usually financially. We're not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we live by the "karma" system. lol I always understand that one day it could be us needing a hand and we're just investing
in our future blessings. However, you can't help someone who refuses to help themselves. and 12 kids? My daughter was just telling me about a family...mother and 9 kids and how hard they have it. The thing is...she never could afford ANY of the kids but kept having more. I realize I'm ranting, but I'm not done yet. LOL I saw one of those commercials a while back.."Send just $18/month to feed and educate kids in a third world country." I called and said, "Sign me up...under one condition..I want half on my money to start a program where these people are sterilized." The operator hung up on me and my husband was appauled by my statement. He said it sounded Hitler-ish. They show people half dead with starving babies and they're still breeding like flies! Why would someone willingly bring an innocent baby into that hell? I guess I find true logic in that old saying..give a man a fish and he eats for a day..teach him to fish and he eats for life." Peace OUT.