Jon&Kate Plus 8


Mum & Dad + 1
Jul 29, 2008
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Was it just me or was Kate really faking the happiness a little when she was setting up for the birthday party?

And also.. am I the only one in the world who feels bad for her? :(
I am not sure if I feel bad for her becasue apparently she was having "relations" with one of the producers from the show. Pictures from the party went around all the tabloids and they said that the man with the gray hair was the person she was having an affair with. A few days ago they came out and said "we have and open marriage." Hard to know who/what to believe.
I watched and felt sooooo bad for her :( I've never really felt any sympathy towards her but this episode did it for me :cry:

She faked the happiness and understandably she needed to be happy for the birthday party. Jon was being a little stuck up. He reminds me of an 8 yr old boy.
i felt so bad for her...but yeah she was faking it alot and i dont blame her she did the whole damn thing her self, Jon just showed up.
Not to mention whats going on, between them, Did you see the poporitzi(sp?) at the party store! I feel so bad for them.
I don't believe that Kate is cheating on Jon, she is too devoted to her family to do something like that. Kate is with those children 24-7 except when on a book tour/speaking and I honestly do not think she has time for that.
Jon in my mind is more laid back person and isn't as involved in the family (even though he loves them all), but I think the pressure of having 8 children and a family is getting to him, and he needs the "escape" and freedom.

I saw the show tonight and I almost cried, I am so upset that things are taking a turn for the worst. I saw the paparazzi tonight and feel bad, why some people seem to have no lives, and must feed off of others happiness just for rumours.

Kate Gosselin said:
Statistics have shown higher levels of stress and arguing among parents of multiples as well as a higher divorce rate.
It is no wonder divorce rates are higher in families with multiples, there is less time and energy for "adult" time, as the kids are larger in number. It is hard with one child, let alone 8. said:
There are also studies that show higher stress among families raising twins-or-higher has led to a divorce rate two to three times higher than the average divorce rate.

I think the stress of filming is getting to both Jon and Kate, and it is sad that this is happening, and I feel for them both. I know we only see what is filmed, but I do feel that Jon needs to make more of an effort to fix their relationship, and spend more time at home with Kate and the kids.

I really hope they can work things out and continue to be a close family :)

It was so depressing seeing paparazzi at the kids' party hiding in the bushes :(

Poor kids didn't ask for this.

It was so sad when the one girl (can't remember which) said something to the effect of "Daddy I don't want you to go away anymore."

And in the end Jon said he was there for the kids. Basically made it sound like their marriage is donezo.. poor Kate. Honestly.. she did the show to make a better life for her kids, I don't care if people say she did it for the $$ or the fame, how else are you going to provide 8 kids with some of those life experiences? :shrug:

I thought it was really gross that Jon just sort of showed up and didn't help out at the party. I think he's being really selfish, I know you should try to make yourself happy, but not at the expense of your family.

I think he for sure cheated on her, I mean the way they were talking.. about him making some bad decisions, etc..
OMG and can you believe how grown up Mady & Cara are getting! I can't believe it!

It was sad when Kate talked about how she's home with the kids by herself more often now :(
I am so glad that Madi and Cara are helping out like big sisters now.

tasha41 said:
It was so sad when the one girl (can't remember which) said something to the effect of "Daddy I don't want you to go away anymore."
This was Alexis, and I too got upset when she said this. One would think when your child says this it would make a person change their actions in life. And his response to that was, well daddy has to work.... didn't Kate say, he needed time away????
I dunno, I look back at previous episodes and see Kate's attitude in it and how she talks to Jon worse than the children (like when she shouted at him across 5 isles when he was 6 in toys r us, you don't speak to your partner like that and tell them what to do, you ask.). I don't condone cheating at all and really who knows who did what, only they know the truth, but I can see why he would just give up and get fed up of that treatment day in day out.
I mean its easy to sit and judge him from the hour long episodes we see, but that man has to put up with that queen bee attitude 24/7. There is being organized and assertive as no doubt you need with multiples, then there's just being an arsehole. I mean, how many of us would put up being talked to like that by our partner?

As he kept saying last night "he's there for the children" You could see it on his face, he's lost all will to be in that marriage. He just loves his kids and looks lost as to what to do next. Its gotta be hard having the press follow you every where.

I used to be a big Kate fan, but then watching the show used to make me cringe, she just came across so rude and snippy. Even, I think its Cara is starting to copy Kate and some episodes when she has one of those right out prissy princess tantrums and talk like shes a 16 year old with 'tude, makes me just have to switch it over.

I do feel she's sad and was faking happiness last night, I think those tears where real, but not soley because of her marriage, but shes realised that she aint Americas sweetheart anymore and she's in a whole world of shit at the moment.

I honestly do hope they sort it out for those kids sake, Its going to be horrid when they are actually old enough to fully understand what is going on and see those playbacks.

On another forum I read, someone said "I almost feel like the show is starting to go to that creepy place, where you know too much about your neighbors and its almost painful to watch." I totally agree. There's a time when the cameras just need to be switched off.
I missed it because we don't have TLC.. :hissy:

BUT.. I do believe that it would be really hard to be happy in a relationship with that much going on at home. I don't think Kate cheated.. WHEN DOES SHE HAVE THE TIME!? Jon is the one that goes out to work daily, easy enough to come home late, etc.

Those poor kids. If Jon and Kate both cheated, fair enough they get bad publicity, etc. But those poor little kiddies didn't do anything wrong, and it's completely unfair that they have to go through all that! Not that it's fair to any child to deal with infidelity or divorce! :(
I'm trying to watch it on YouTube right now! And already, Jon looks like crap! And poor Kate sounds so upset! :(

I can't believe the little ones are 5!!!!!!!
Oh wait.
So Jon is the one home all the time now?! And Kate is out travelling?!
Well John said he didn't cheat, but are you really just going to be "hanging out" with a girl at 2am? He seems so different too, he's just so done with everything.
I'm sure Kate is hard to live with, but she's trying to keep everything under control I can't even imagine having 6 kids the same age + twins to deal with. But no matter how hard on everyone Kate, John is responsible for his own actions.
And the paparazzi are disgusting, the stand outside their house, I mean they can't even go to the party store in peace! No one deserves that.
I felt really bad for her as well....she looked kinda broken. And he looked distant, and just not very nice anymore. He looks pissed. Kate said a couple of times about doing things alone...and her crying. Well I just felt really sad, like no matter what happens, it'll never be the same.
That's the thing.. maybe Kate is a control freak.. but with 8 kids that young, someone has to be, lol...
And the paparazzi are disgusting, the stand outside their house, I mean they can't even go to the party store in peace! No one deserves that.

Trouble is, you can't expect to be in a reality show and receive the fee that they do, then decide when they don't want the paparazzi around.

I don't know what has gone on with either of them, but as usual, its the kids that you feel sorry for.
It was so depressing seeing paparazzi at the kids' party hiding in the bushes :(

Poor kids didn't ask for this.

It was so sad when the one girl (can't remember which) said something to the effect of "Daddy I don't want you to go away anymore."

And in the end Jon said he was there for the kids. Basically made it sound like their marriage is donezo.. poor Kate. Honestly.. she did the show to make a better life for her kids, I don't care if people say she did it for the $$ or the fame, how else are you going to provide 8 kids with some of those life experiences? :shrug:

I thought it was really gross that Jon just sort of showed up and didn't help out at the party. I think he's being really selfish, I know you should try to make yourself happy, but not at the expense of your family.

I think he for sure cheated on her, I mean the way they were talking.. about him making some bad decisions, etc..

We have much of the same opinion on this. I feel very bad for her, i can't begin to imagine what they are having to deal with right now.
She admit last night that she has made mistakes and has been hard on him and she realises this now and can see it in the past episodes, that's got to be hard to do. I think she's been looking for a reason and blaming herself but she shouldn't be, she's been trying to do what is best for her family.
I think it's so great that the girls seem to be helping out so much more now, they seem so much more grown up.
My heart goes out to them.
paparazzi are f*cked!!!!!
a little off topic, but sarah jessica parker is having twins via a surrogate, and the paparazzi has harassed her, and chased down the girls pregnant friend thinking it was her, etc.
some of the things that happens to paparazzi.. they deserve that and more! especially when they drag children into it!
They need to make laws protecting people better against paparazzi TBH. It's not okay for someone to follow a normal person around taking pictures or hide in the bushes, so why should it be alright to harass a celebrity like that?
I really feel bad for Kate. I have never seen her look as defeated as she looked late night. Jon just seemed so flippant, like he didn't care what happened. Kate was the one who really seemed like she was trying. And for all that people say that Kate treats Jon badly, #1, I think the editors make it look worse than it is and #2, I am sure that she has always treated Jon that way and he doesn't really seem to mind that much.

At this point, I feel like Jon wants a divorce and Kate is the only one still trying. It is sad. :cry: If nothing else, I hope they can stay friends for the kids but it just sucks for them.

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