Jon Venables - Identity Exposed - UPDATE PAGE 32 (In the papers again today)

Newspapers like the Sun and the Mail make up all these reports of how 'cushy' prison life is because they are pro capital punishment! I fucking hate right wing newspapers.
Ok, how would people feel if it was their daughter he was working alongside, I do not think he should be protected by an identity change. Take for instance what if he met a girl? and she got pregnant... then you found out. You would be mortified and I think I would loose my mental state! He also should ESPECIALLY not be allowed to work in a public domain where children attend that is what I find very very wrong.
hope he gets released and the good old british public can say hello to this low life scum. Anyone who says these pictures should not be released make me sick .
:sick: can't believe so many people want to bring back hanging. Makes me feel totally SICK.
hope he gets released and the good old british public can say hello to this low life scum. Anyone who says these pictures should not be released make me sick .

As people who believe that mob rule and vigilante justice make others sick.

Don't make this debate personal in your first post. It hasn't been before. We all have different points of view, different life experiences and different views about rehabilitation.
hope he gets released and the good old british public can say hello to this low life scum. Anyone who says these pictures should not be released make me sick .

That's really rude. It's one thing to say an action makes you feel sick, a total other to say a person makes you feel sick :growlmad:
I'm surprised at the number of people who favour tit for tat punishments more suited to a barbaric dictatorship than a liberal democratic society...

The media is very selective about what they report. Two children a week are abused and killed by people who are meant to caring for them. Pedophiles abuse children all the time. Women go missing all the time. Women are abused and killed every week, as are men for that matter. Defenceless animals are tortured and abused.

Yet we get obsessed with just one or two cases, know the victims by their first names, be it Jamie, Joanna (the Bristol girl) or that other woman who was found in a field. Why do we focus on so few cases when there are so many others?

Murdering offenders isn't the answer. Go and direct your anger into helping out at charities or support services for victims. Do something useful rather than bitching about it and calling for all unsavoury characters to be murdered. That's not how a civilised society works.
hope he gets released and the good old british public can say hello to this low life scum. Anyone who says these pictures should not be released make me sick .

People think these pictures should not be released because it may be pictures of somebody completely innocent.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has been injured or killed because of a case of mistaken identity.
I can understand the strong reactions this has provoked. I can't even bear to put myself in Denise Fergus shoes. I could understand why she would want to tear them limb from limb.

I still think in the circumstances their identities should be protected. An eye for an eye, it's just murder under a different name. You can't say they are evil and then commit the same crime.

The thing I struggle with is the fact someone could be married to and have children with them and not know about this.

This is one of the many reasons both of them should be in prison. The main reason being they should not have a life that Jamie should be living.

they murdered that poor boy just because and if a parent then went after them it wouldnt be something they would usualy do, but a crime of anger which i can totaly understand.
there was a story in america in the 80s this young boy was being abused by his karate instructor, boys parents didnt no ofcourse. then the man kidnapped the boy. luckly the boy was found and when the man was being bought back to face trial the boys father shot him point blank in the head on live tv. the father was given a suspended sentence, so basicaly got away with murder but because of the background.

but anyway im going on lol

n thats awful that they could get married and have children :( what kind of life would those poor children have :( and then for the woman to not no who shes married to is sick

Thats basically the plot of "A Time to Kill" by John Grisham, it's a great read and the film isn't too bad (they're never as good as the books)

ive heard of that film but never saw it. im always watching the crime channels so this is where i watched about the boy i wrote about.
Newspapers like the Sun and the Mail make up all these reports of how 'cushy' prison life is because they are pro capital punishment! I fucking hate right wing newspapers.

Have you had much experience of modern prison life besides what you are reading in right wing papers? It's honestly pretty soft.

My problem is with the risk of reoffending. I don't think prisons have the capacity to keep inmates for their entire sentence and they are rushed back into society before they are ready.

Society can't be protected from random nutters who do horrific things, but we should,as a civilised democracy, have the right to a robust and thorough justice system which lessens the chances of an addict child murderer pedophile being reintroduced into the public before it is safe to do so.

For me, if an horrific crime against a child, my child, your child, anyone's child, was conducted by a reoffender, then the justice system has failed and the crime is almost multiplied.

I feel that people who reoffend in such a way pose too much risk to ever be released and I would be happy if they were subjected to capital punishment.
I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:
I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:

I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:

Agree with everything you've said :thumbup:
I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:

Agree with everything you've said :thumbup:

Me too :thumbup:
I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:

I can't agree with that at all. You make it seem like there are two choices:

Expose Venables' identity and accept the mob might attack/kill someone who has done nothing but look like him.

Or don't expose his identity and risk the mob accusing someone innocent and attacking/killing them.

Makes us all sound like a pack of wild animals. To me, option three is best. The mob should accept what has been agreed with the CPS and home office, and let him live in fear of being found out. The fear of what could happen is probably his worst punishment. That way, no innocent men get hurt.
i doubt hes in fear of anything! if he could do such a thing at the age of 10 and be hiden away knowing he is protected and still commits crimes involving children and is then still protected i bet hes laughing!

u have to be human to feel fear which i doubt he even is. and this goes for them both in my eyes no one who comments such a crime should ever be protected. after all protecting them is then opening our children up for them attacking our babies
But he phoned the police because he thought people knew - that would suggest he was scared.
I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret

After seeing some of the comments in this thread it's little wonder why they kept in secret. Not only for his sake, but the people around him. If someone did 'put him down like an animal' as has been suggested in this thread no doubt they would be a normal, everyday person who would then have their life ruined for an instant gut reaction.

IMO his identity shouldn't need to be released because he shouldn't be released again.
all thats in my mind is he will never no the fear that poor jamie did at such a young age so to me id be happy to hear hes scared but even a call to police wouldnt make me think hes scared...well maybe scared for himself not sorry for what hes done.
I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:

Agree with everything you've said :thumbup:

Me too :thumbup:

I dont see why Jon Venables identity needs to be kept a secret, hes a man now not a child, fair enough if he didnt re-offend but he has, he downloaded sick images of poor innocent children who have been abused!! as if killing a innocent two year old wasnt bad enough! but then to be giving a chance in life to stay on the right track and hes taken advantage of this and has caused further insult to the family of that poor little boy!

Why is it ok to see murderers and pedofiles on the news like ian huntley, and many more but they wont show you Venables? hes a man and hes commited crime once again and this time he was at an adult age so this time i think it needs to be treat diffrently!

Robert Thomson has grown up and someone said he was married now? he oviously hasnt re-offended, and since he commited the crime as a child then i agree for his identity to be kept secret but hope police still keep an eye on him.

I think even bigger reason for Venables identity to be exsposed is to stop people thinking its innocent men! i dont agree with the pictures on this thread being exsposed as this might not even be Venables, it could possibly be him but then theres a chance that it could be some innocent man. I think they need to realease the true Venables so it can put an end to innocent men being accoused of being him, and for people who may think exsposing Venables identity will make people target innocent men who look like him i dont think this will be as bad as innocent men getting photos put up of them b.eing accoused of being him.

Only my opinion :flower:

I can't agree with that at all. You make it seem like there are two choices:

Expose Venables' identity and accept the mob might attack/kill someone who has done nothing but look like him.

Or don't expose his identity and risk the mob accusing someone innocent and attacking/killing them.

Makes us all sound like a pack of wild animals. To me, option three is best. The mob should accept what has been agreed with the CPS and home office, and let him live in fear of being found out. The fear of what could happen is probably his worst punishment. That way, no innocent men get hurt.

Well like i said in my post thats just my opinion, just like you have yours. :thumbup:

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