Jon Venables - Identity Exposed - UPDATE PAGE 32 (In the papers again today)

Jon venables identity has been protected because he had been released, therefore a target for attack. It was not protected because he was a child when the crime was committed. Maxine Carr has the same protection for the same reason. I would imagine if a high profile murderer like Ian Huntley was ever released their identity would also be protected.

And Mary Bell, the child murderer in the 60s. She is still living somewhere under a new name! I bet there are many others, I don't get why people always focus all their anger on one particular case.
Jon venables identity has been protected because he had been released, therefore a target for attack. It was not protected because he was a child when the crime was committed. Maxine Carr has the same protection for the same reason. I would imagine if a high profile murderer like Ian Huntley was ever released their identity would also be protected.

And Mary Bell, the child murderer in the 60s. She is still living somewhere under a new name! I bet there are many others, I don't get why people always focus all their anger on one particular case.

i think also because alot of us where younger when this happened but most old enough to understand and it shocked everyone and has changed the way alot of people think and feel about things.
but yes like loraloo says, its this case that was posted about so people are going to talk about him!

every child killer shouldnt be protected in my eyes and its disgusting then anyone whos killed a child can be released with the chance for a new life and be around peoples children, they might have rights but our children should have the right to not live near known child killers
What I don't understand is why they're giving him another shot? :shrug: Seems like he keeps doing the cliched "falling through the government cracks"... why make yet another persona for him when he still was doing shady things?

Am I missing some sort of the bigger picture? This case wasn't televised as much over here as it is there I'm imagining. I keep feeling like I'm missing something?
You're not missing anything Tiff, he's scum and keeps messing up. He shouldn't be allowed out. Let alone given another identity.
What I don't understand is why they're giving him another shot? :shrug: Seems like he keeps doing the cliched "falling through the government cracks"... why make yet another persona for him when he still was doing shady things?

Am I missing some sort of the bigger picture? This case wasn't televised as much over here as it is there I'm imagining. I keep feeling like I'm missing something?

No thats basically the picture, he and another boy, aged 10, abducted, tortured and kiled a 2 year old baby boy. After 'serving' 7 years (with luxuarys most teenages would not have had) they were released with new Identities. Jon Venables, having shown no remorse for the murder he commited, went on to re-offend. And not just a petty crime either, downloading child pornography etc. I think he should be locked away forever.

Moomin I agree, this is someone of our generation we are talking about, and someone that is currently in the press, that is why he, and not Mary Bell, or whoever is being discussed. xx
What I don't understand is why they're giving him another shot? :shrug: Seems like he keeps doing the cliched "falling through the government cracks"... why make yet another persona for him when he still was doing shady things?

Am I missing some sort of the bigger picture? This case wasn't televised as much over here as it is there I'm imagining. I keep feeling like I'm missing something?

Because the British judicial system is way too soft.
I wonder how many chances they are going to give him?
if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves

why should these murders be let out and given a 2nd chance at life, how would YOU feel to be the mother of a LO this happened to and the murderer got a new id + a 2nd shot at living life?

maybe i was to harsh to say hanging them maybe throw them all in a cell and leave them to rot!
age is nothing to do with what they did every 10 year old knows right from wrong,the way they been brought up is nothing to do with it ither, my moms childhood was discusting, yet i dont see her murdering anybody!
if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves

why should these murders be let out and given a 2nd chance at life, how would YOU feel to be the mother of a LO this happened to and the murderer got a new id + a 2nd shot at living life?

maybe i was to harsh to say hanging them maybe throw them all in a cell and leave them to rot!
age is nothing to do with what they did every 10 year old knows right from wrong,the way they been brought up is nothing to do with it ither, my moms childhood was discusting, yet i dont see her murdering anybody!

And not only a 2nd chance but a 3rd chance too? I hope not :nope: I'd like to know, and I keep asking but they dont seem to respond, if these women who say his identity SHOULD be protected, how they would feel living next door to Jon V? That he could sit and watch your child playing in the garden, thinking awful, vile thoughts, that he is plotting how he could abduct and murder them? Because this is the reality, he was someones next door neighbour, someones employee, someones friend or boyfriend. He could have been yours. Would you be ok with that? You are happy to have him living next door and watching your child, you would have no qualms with that? :shrug: As a Mum, I just dont get that.
if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves

why should these murders be let out and given a 2nd chance at life, how would YOU feel to be the mother of a LO this happened to and the murderer got a new id + a 2nd shot at living life?

maybe i was to harsh to say hanging them maybe throw them all in a cell and leave them to rot!
age is nothing to do with what they did every 10 year old knows right from wrong,the way they been brought up is nothing to do with it ither, my moms childhood was discusting, yet i dont see her murdering anybody!

Of course I'd want to rip his brain out through his nose if he did it to my child because obviously I'm far more emotional about my child than I am about yours. That's why we (as victims) aren't allowed to pass judgement in courts and they get emotionally uninvolved judges and jurys to do it for us.
Well Sky News are reporting here that he will be given ANOTHER new identity following the security breach. I think I read somewhere else (although can't remember where) that this will cost tax payers £1m.:shrug::growlmad::nope:

A little update re the website - I initially thought that the website had been taken down because of what they'd reported. The owner of the website is saying that this isn't the case, and that the server simply couldn't handle the hits it got following the report in The Sun - good news in that it shows the number of people who've now seen the photos of Jon Venables as an adult. They've got a new server and should be back up and running within the next couple of days.:thumbup:

For anyone interested - has a Facebook page here 'chris' stands for "Children Have Rights In Society"
We never know if there is someone like Venables living next door to us. Many sex offenders/ paedophiles and the like are never caught and are living at large and anonymously in the UK. Of course he is not high on the desirable neighbour list but if the alternative was that he would be beaten to death in my street (and lets be honest, this is what we are talking about when we say that his identity would be out there) well yes, I would choose that.

I cannot accept that it is okay for mob rule/ vigilante justice. I don't believe that we can pick and choose when we follow the law and when we just turn a blind eye.

if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves
Not everyone in that situation would want to rip them limb from limb. For some people, lowering themselves to that animalistic level would not make them feel better. For me, blood on my hands would not make me feel better but overwhelmingly guilty for taking the life of another.

My problem with the 3 strikes system is that it works when there are 3 major crimes but falls down if the 3rd conviction is for something minor. However, I believe that some crimes should mean whole life sentences, not 12 years.
if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves

why should these murders be let out and given a 2nd chance at life, how would YOU feel to be the mother of a LO this happened to and the murderer got a new id + a 2nd shot at living life?

maybe i was to harsh to say hanging them maybe throw them all in a cell and leave them to rot!
age is nothing to do with what they did every 10 year old knows right from wrong,the way they been brought up is nothing to do with it ither, my moms childhood was discusting, yet i dont see her murdering anybody!

And not only a 2nd chance but a 3rd chance too? I hope not :nope: I'd like to know, and I keep asking but they dont seem to respond, if these women who say his identity SHOULD be protected, how they would feel living next door to Jon V? That he could sit and watch your child playing in the garden, thinking awful, vile thoughts, that he is plotting how he could abduct and murder them? Because this is the reality, he was someones next door neighbour, someones employee, someones friend or boyfriend. He could have been yours. Would you be ok with that? You are happy to have him living next door and watching your child, you would have no qualms with that? :shrug: As a Mum, I just dont get that.

Adzacully, then when will they realise hes had 1 to many chances?! its ridiculas!

If i lived next door to him, + i knew about it it want to be well away from him as i can! imagine he could find a way of getting in + how would i know he wasnt planning on plotting on doing anything simular to my child?! his identity should be revealed! for all the right reasons! so us mothers can protect our children and stop something simular happening, but i guess we will have to sit + wait see how long it takes til we all hear hes locked up again for something simular, then how would u feel about his identity being secret then?!?!
We never know if there is someone like Venables living next door to us. Many sex offenders/ paedophiles and the like are never caught and are living at large and anonymously in the UK. Of course he is not high on the desirable neighbour list but if the alternative was that he would be beaten to death in my street (and lets be honest, this is what we are talking about when we say that his identity would be out there) well yes, I would choose that.

I cannot accept that it is okay for mob rule/ vigilante justice. I don't believe that we can pick and choose when we follow the law and when we just turn a blind eye.

if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves
Not everyone in that situation would want to rip them limb from limb. For some people, lowering themselves to that animalistic level would not make them feel better. For me, blood on my hands would not make me feel better but overwhelmingly guilty for taking the life of another.

My problem with the 3 strikes system is that it works when there are 3 major crimes but falls down if the 3rd conviction is for something minor. However, I believe that some crimes should mean whole life sentences, not 12 years.

I think this could work, but ona points system, obviously the worse the crime the higher the points, and once you have reached a certain amount of points, thats your chances up. I dont agree with the mobbing thing, but personally, if it was a choice between him possibly abusing or hurting my child, or him being dead, then so be it :shrug: It doesnt make me feel good to say that, but i would always , ALWAYS put my child before some murdering paedophile.
We never know if there is someone like Venables living next door to us. Many sex offenders/ paedophiles and the like are never caught and are living at large and anonymously in the UK. Of course he is not high on the desirable neighbour list but if the alternative was that he would be beaten to death in my street (and lets be honest, this is what we are talking about when we say that his identity would be out there) well yes, I would choose that.

I cannot accept that it is okay for mob rule/ vigilante justice. I don't believe that we can pick and choose when we follow the law and when we just turn a blind eye.

if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves
Not everyone in that situation would want to rip them limb from limb. For some people, lowering themselves to that animalistic level would not make them feel better. For me, blood on my hands would not make me feel better but overwhelmingly guilty for taking the life of another.

My problem with the 3 strikes system is that it works when there are 3 major crimes but falls down if the 3rd conviction is for something minor. However, I believe that some crimes should mean whole life sentences, not 12 years.

Well to be honest, i think anybody that looses a child to a murderer would want him to see how it feels, well at least try to make him feel some sort of pain.
if it was your LO that he did this to, im sure ud want to kill him with ur bare hands, i think any mother would want to if such an ANIMAL tourchered their LO the way he did,

and i agree nobody can actually say what they would do until they was in that situation themselves

why should these murders be let out and given a 2nd chance at life, how would YOU feel to be the mother of a LO this happened to and the murderer got a new id + a 2nd shot at living life?

maybe i was to harsh to say hanging them maybe throw them all in a cell and leave them to rot!
age is nothing to do with what they did every 10 year old knows right from wrong,the way they been brought up is nothing to do with it ither, my moms childhood was discusting, yet i dont see her murdering anybody!

Of course I'd want to rip his brain out through his nose if he did it to my child because obviously I'm far more emotional about my child than I am about yours. That's why we (as victims) aren't allowed to pass judgement in courts and they get emotionally uninvolved judges and jurys to do it for us.

yeah of course we all feel completly different about our child to somebody elses
he will keep re ofending and they will keep bailing him out of facing up to his sick crimes!
even jamies mother said after the last time he shouldnt be protected anymore....but this is just another case of the victims family being let down.

for some one that could do such a thing at any age should of set off alarm bells and they should of been locked up for life

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