July Babies!

I hope all is ok with the BP and protein Ann89!

I get the sharp cervix pains too.. as well as occasional BH

Found out yesterday that I won't be a July mommy... will be having a c-section on June 28th due to complications with my spinal fusion. Sooo LESS THAN A MONTH!!! EEeeek!
eek scary! Even scarier for you Bug! Have you got everything bought yet? I really must make a start! I have to admit i am getting anxious now, and thinking she is definitely safer staying in my tummy since i dont have a clue what to do with a baby! I do hope i have some kind of motherly instinct when shes born and ill automatically know what to do!
Thanks ladie. Got checked out today and blood pressure was fine and found no protein in my urine today.. Strange how that can happen.

My dr. Told me today that he won't let me go past 40 weeks that if I get to that point he's just going to induce me. Hes checking my platelets every appointment and if they get too low and I'm far a long enough he's just going to get the baby out. So far my plateletts have been slowly dropping. But he said thats usually always normal with pregnant women.
oh you definitely get the instincts bunnikins, sure you made need some tips and advice every now and then but EVERYONE does :thumbup: NEVER hesitate to ask questions! even to us ladies, I have no problems answering questions about what worked best for me and our DD when she was born hahaha I was only 19 so I definitely asked questions but the mommy instincts definitely kick in and you know what is best for YOUR baby that may not necessarily work for other babies :)
Bunnikins - I have the same worries but going by my pregnancy I'll be bombarded with advice on all sides - the problem will be deciding whose advice to go with!!

I can't believe how soon we'll be mummies. I finish work 3 weeks tomorrow and as next week is a short week (due to the bank holidays) it's REALLY flying!!
yay bug, you get to meet your bub sooner! my due date is now june 29th so hopefully i'll have a june baby too.

tomorrow is my last day of work, i'm sooooooooo excited. i was going to try to do another week and finish at 37 but teaching pregnant, and with arthritis is HARD! so 36 weeks it is.

i have a new weird thing going on. there's a strip in the middle of my bump that almost numb. kind of like when you have pins and needles. i dr googled it and it doesn't seem to be a problem, but it's still weird. anyone else had this?
Yup I'm glad its half term next week - though planning to go on for another two weeks after that!
albs- i have a strip at the top of my tummy like this... my Dr didn't really know what to make of it but isn't worried.

bunnikins- I'm worried about the same thing... don't these things come with a handbook or something???

I have most things ready and have a shower coming up on the 16th so hopefully we will be all set soon!
Thanks frisbee i think ill be on here a LOT when ive had her. Its weird how cars come with detailed manuals, but tiny human beings dont!

Albs ive had the numb thing too. I decided it was due to my skin on my tunny being so stretched, it no longer has any feeling in the middle bit! It also gets quite cold, especially when ive got air con on in the car. It feels quite odd. Im sure it must be normal though, i suppose tummies arent used to being out that far!
lol Bunnikins.....i agree with the car vs baby instructions

Even though this is my second, I feel so brand new to this mommy thing. I am so lost on what to pack, how to hold baby,feed, everything....I am soooooo nervous about the delivery....I always say, how is this baby coming out of me? lol....but also say, Camille, the delivery won't be forever so suck it up...lol

I can't wait to see who pops first....well we know bug222's date, let's see who's next!!!!
Bug, that's so exciting -- your baby will be here THIS MONTH!!! I can't believe how fast the third tri has been passing. Today's the day in my last pregnancy that my waters broke, so even though I'm not feeling any signs or twinges this time (last time I'd already lost my mucous plug), I'm feeling that from now any day could be the day.

I'm woefully out of practice too. My youngest will be 11 this month, and I'm just hoping all of the BF, newborn-managing details will come flooding back once Tiddler's here, because I'm sure not remembering them now!!

I'm really jealous of those of you coming up to maternity leave -- I've still got 4 weeks to work and I'd love to be taking it easy around now!!

I must admit, though, that I'm not feeling uncomfortable at all at the moment. The rib pain has passed, I'm sleeping great, and it doesn't feel like the head's anywhere close to engaging. Apart from the dreaded heartburn I'm on top of the world!!
Oh my goodness. It's my last day at work today! The first 3 weeks off are saved up holiday though and I really feel like I need them - haven't had any leave since January!

Starting to get scared now. What if I'm a rubbish mum? What if I hate being at home with the baby? Who am I if I'm not working as a doctor for the next 11months?
Also I am finding the physical changes to my body hard to deal with. I feel massive even though it's all bump. I don't like the weight gain and I hate everyone thinking they can comment on my shape/weight all the time. Am I the only one who feels like this?
Oh my goodness. It's my last day at work today! The first 3 weeks off are saved up holiday though and I really feel like I need them - haven't had any leave since January!

Starting to get scared now. What if I'm a rubbish mum? What if I hate being at home with the baby? Who am I if I'm not working as a doctor for the next 11months?
Also I am finding the physical changes to my body hard to deal with. I feel massive even though it's all bump. I don't like the weight gain and I hate everyone thinking they can comment on my shape/weight all the time. Am I the only one who feels like this?

substitute teacher for doctor and i could have written this!! today was my last day too and i'm feeling very mixed about it. i'm super excited about becomming a mum, but worried at the same time. i'm happy to be able to have a decent amount of time off, but have never gone this long without working before. and i'm am soooooooooooo tired of people talking about my size. i have gained 10kg and have a huge bump, but my arms and legs have actually gotten thinner. i'm literally all bump. a gigantic walking belly!
Thanks. It's nice to know I'm not alone! The thing is I haven't even gained that much weight but it's ALL bump - I'm only 15lb above my lowest at around
14 weeks (lost 10lbs in 1st tri due to vomiting so really not much above Pre preg weight but such a different shape!
oh those worries are something ALL mommies get!!! Dont worry about it! If you hate being a stay at home mom, dont worry about it! Some women just cant stand it, and thats OKAY! Its not for everyone! I enjoy being home and cleaning and cooking and taking care of our DD and next month I might TOTALLY change my outlook on it with adding the newborn hahaha. Not WANTING to stay home or getting Frustrated with the baby is OKAY. Obviously if it gets to you where you are to your breaking point then set the baby in the crib or bassinet and walk away and call someone to come sit with you or simply talk to you for a little bit. I had to do that a few times when our DD was born. Being a brand new mom turns your world upsidedown.. I dont want to sound like I know what Im doing because we all learn as we go :haha: but you will be the BEST mother for YOUR child! dont ever forget that!
I love being a stay at home mom 99% of the time. I do have days that my husband comes home and I had him the youngest and head out the door for a walk. I am planning to stay home for about 2 or 3 more years (he doesn't trust daycares when the baby is a baby.)

I was so scared when I had my first but I was more scared when I had my second (7 years apart) and with this one I am more scared that I am not going to be able to handle all three. But I think like everyone else has said once the baby is here things will work them self out. I keep telling myself if they don't I will go back to work and my husband will have to quit and be a stay at home dad. LOL
Beanhunter- I felt exactly the same when I had to go off work.. Nursing is such a huge part of who I am... I felt like part of me was being taken away. Now that I have had a couple months to get used to it I want to say I am more ok with it.. but I still really miss the ICU. I hope that when baby is here and I actually have something to focus on I won't notice it as much.
Im worried i wont be able to remember how to do my job when i go back! My brain has very much declined over the past few months... i really dread to think what itll be like after 6 months off with a baby... ill probably be a danger! Oh well... nevermind, its an exciting time.
I was worried with my dd that i would miss work and not like being a full time mum, but i LOVED it!! However, when i did return to work, after a a few weeks, I found that I actually quite liked the 'me' time, so for me a balance was the right answer. I wish i was on mat leave now, I still have till the end of the month :(
But hey - our babies will be here soon!!!!! :) xx
wow... it just hit me that we can all start saying "yea Im due next month" WOAH!

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