July Jewels 2019! ^^

I had my 34 week appt yesterday, I have one more 2 week appt then on to weekly. They scheduled me for another ultrasound at my next appt just to keep an eye on her size. I will also be starting NST's twice a week starting when I am 36 weeks. All of my appointments are now scheduled up until my due date. It's crazy how little time there is until we meet our new little one, I am so excited! I have all of her clothes washed and put away, still need to arrange our room a bit but that shouldnt take long. My mom's surgery is tomorrow morning, so I am praying all goes well. There is just so much going on at the moment!
Exhausted, but wanted to report that I gave birth today at 35w3d! My water broke at 1:30 am (thought I peed myself) and she was born at 4:25 PM. I'll write a birth story later, but wanted to let everyone know!

I'll be around to cheer lead everyone here and stay caught up!
Wow! Congratulations on meeting your little one! I hope you and your little girl are doing well, and I cant wait to read your birth story!!
Omg! Congrats!! I can’t believe she is here already, as we were due date buddies! I can’t wait to hear your birth story!
Crazy- I hope your mom’s surgery goes well! Let us know! How are your BH? Have they gotten less intense?

I’m having more BH as time goes on. I’m trying increase my water intake but after a long day of work, I’m exhausted and that is when they start up. Last night I had my first nesting urge and most of baby’s clothes are washed, folded and ready to be put in the dresser once we move. Too bad nesting happened at midnight, so now I’m tired this morning. Luckily it is a light day at work. Moving and trying to get ready to have a baby at the same time? Not my best idea. Lol.
Wow! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all about it! I think you're the first baby!

I've been crazy busy with life lately. Planning to back read some posts in the next couple of days so I can be caught up! Will post more then!
36+4 - BH are starting to get more intense and baby keeps popping down into my pelvis, making it super uncomfortable to walk sometimes. I’m starting to freak out a little bit...I have so much to do and who knows how much time to do it...
Thank you, everyone!

Finally, have time to sit down and write this!

Tuesday (6/11) I had an appointment with my ob, and everything seemed fine. She said she'd start checking my cervix at 37 weeks because she didn't want to irritate it and cause me to go into labor. Left the appointment feeling fine, nothing amiss.

I went to bed at normal time and woke up around 1:30 AM to pee, which is typical for me. While I debated with myself if I wanted to get up to pee or go back to sleep, I sneezed and felt like I pee'd myself. I can't debate with myself through that, so I got up, cleaned myself up, checked the bed, and went back to sleep. Roughly two hours later, I got up again to pee and realized my underwear was, once again, very wet.

I couldn't believe that I peed myself again! I got up, went to the bathroom, but realized something was off. My bladder was full, I was cramping, and I was leaking down my leg. I clean up and wake my husband up with the infamous words of:

"I think my water broke."

Boring stuff - he got up, I packed a bag really quick, he packed snacks, we got our (very sleepy) dogs awake and pottied, got some puppy pads for me to sit on on the car ride, and we went. Because it was super late, I had to go in through the ER to get up to L&D, which got me a wheelchair ride and some random people shouting out "CONGRATULATIONS" as I was wheeled off. It was weird.

Up in L&D, I go into triage, get changed, get put on monitors, get swabbed to see if they could detect amniotic fluid, and told to sit tight. I was offered juice, which was a real tease since I had GD and couldn't accept it. They come back and tell me my cramps are contractions and yay! I'm having a baby.

My tired response? "I know I'm having a baby, but am I having it today?" Spoiler: I was.

Room change! I get comfortable, get some sleep, get told my doctor wanted to check me personally since I'm early (35w3d), and told to relax. Which, in case you're wondering, was a lot easier said than done. Doctor comes in around 9 AM and checks me -1.5 cm, 80% effaced. They told me that they'd give me cervidil to help soften the cervix.

This, my friends, is where things start to speed up and get crazy. I was given the cervildil at 10 AM, told not to get up until noon so it could work. They let me know it would take a while because I'm a first-time mom. It gets to the point where I can no longer handle the pain. I'm given an IV pain med and told I could be given it once an hour for pain.

Now, what the nurse did not know is when given cervildil and this pain med together before each dose of the pain med, you have to be checked for dilation. I was not. My pain went from manageable with the pain meds to unbearable by the third dose, which I never received.

My guess is that's when I switched to labor to more active labor. It felt like I had to push and when the nurse was told (not my usual nurse, but another nurse) I got told, "that's just what contraction feels like. Don't push or you'll hurt yourself."

Okay. I try not to push, but it feels like my body is working very hard against that. Shortly before the third dose of pain med, I feel like I have to poop. I get up to take care of that. I try not to push too hard, remembering what the nurse had to say, and after a few minutes, something tells me to put a hand between my legs.

There's a head. There was a head in my vagina coming out. I tell my husband, who then runs to tell the nurse. The nurse rushes in and helps me back into bed. She sticks her head out of the door and shouts for everyone to get in the room, that I'm about to give birth. I then hear, "I NEED EVERYONE NOW! THERE'S A HEAD IN THE VAGINA!"

Once again, I'm told not to push so the doctor could get in the room. I do my best not to push, but once again, my body has other plans. Thankfully, the nurse was back at that point because it felt like my baby shot out of me like a torpedo. My husband got to cut the cord, they took her to check her real quick, and then gave her to me for skin to skin. A few minutes after she was put on me, she decided to have her first pee.

Liliana was born at 35w3d on June 12 at 4:15 PM weighing 5 lbs 9.6 oz and 18 inches long.

Everything after that was a bit of a blur. I remember them tugging on the umbilical cord and pressing down on my abdomen, and my placenta shot out. I wish I knew what my vagina was doing shooting all this stuff out of it. I guess it was very angry. I had a first-degree tear, so I got stitched, helped into a new gown, and fashionable mesh undies with giant pads. My husband went with our daughter to NICU while she got assessed and weighed. We got to come home together 48 hours later. It's still so surreal to me that I have a daughter.

And yes, it's okay to laugh at this story. I sure do whenever I tell it! I don't remember the name of the pain meds I was given but plan to ask at my next appointment.
Dropping by from August group :hi:

@CheshireDucky wonderful birth story <3 Glad everything went well and you and the baby are doing great.
I honestly was worried when i started reading that you went into labor at 35+3, but relieved to see that baby did not have to spend time in NICU which means everything is perfect with her, maybe just in a hurry to meet you lovely mama :)
Awesome birth story Cheshire! I'm glad things are well for you and your little girl!
DBZ34- my Braxton hicks have gotten less intense some days, other days they are really strong. I feel like the baby is in my pelvis a majority of the time, it takes me a few minutes everytime I stand up (I have to straighten up slowly or it is very uncomfortable)
My mom's surgery went well, she had to spend some time in ICU because she lost a decent amount of blood. She is in a med/surg room now. They had to add a second drain to her stomach yesterday, they recently discovered she has an infection causing extra discharge, they started her on medicine to heal it. They also had to give a picc line to give her TPN (nutrition) they are concerned she isn't eating enough to promote healing. My sister and I have been checking out rehab facilities for a short term stay after her hospital discharge. It has been very nerve wracking because we have to only use ones that is in her insurance network (we cannot afford to pay everything out of pocket ). So we don't always get a pick of the best facilities. It's frustrating because they won't even give you information on what facilities are good (The hospital social worker said they are not allowed to) so we have to drive to each of them and ask questions and hope it gives us an idea of whether they have good care or not. Sometimes our healthcare her in the U.S. irritates me.
I have my next appointment on Monday, I will see the midwife, have an ultasound, and an NST. This week starts my weekly visits until the baby comes, I will also be have NST's twice a week. To top all the craziness off my 3 and 4 yr old have decided they want to make things difficult most of the time by not listening to me ( they know it's harder for me to get to them when they misbehave because of pelvic pain, so they run from me ugh!) I keep trying to remind myself that they are probably acting out because of all the stuff going on ( the baby coming soon, the stuff with mom) its just hard sometimes to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Sorry for the long post!
I had my 36 week appt today, cervix is high and closed, my NET went well. In had my ultrasound, baby is still measuring big. The tech measured her head 6 times 5 of those times the head was measuring 39 weeks, the 6th time it measured 38w3d. She is overall just measuring big, they estimate her weight at 6lbs 13oz. To be honest I am concerned she is measuring so big, I wasn't able to talk to my midwife about my concerns because I saw her before the ultrasound. I will be talking to her about it at my appointment next week. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Checking in!

DBZ - How are those BH? Did they fade away, or are they getting more painful? How are you feeling?

Crazy - Glad to hear your mom's surgery went well. I hope you're able to find her a good place to recover and that she's able to eat on her own soon. Let us know how your next appointment goes. Hopefully, your midwife will be able to address your concerns.

Thinking about you, ladies! July is Monday so you'll get to meet your babies soon!
Well - insomnia strikes! So what better time to finally get caught up!

Crazy4baby: Happy that the surgery for your mom went well. Good thoughts that there is continued improvement. I'm a nurse and work often with discharge planners (SW) - I to think it's crazy that they have to be so P.C about everything - would be easier if they could give honest opinions!... I too am slightly concerned about a large baby - partly because my family history of big babies. I would just make sure that my midwife is fully in the loop! Happy your NST went well!

DBZ- I feel for you on the BH! My sister had fairly intense ones the last 1/3 of her pregnancies. Never progressed to anything for her (dilation/effacement) but was definitely uncomfortable! Here's to hoping that they progress you when you are ready for that babe to come!

Chesire: Love your birth story! So nice that it was quick and safe. Definitely something you won't forget! I too would love to hear what pain meds you were given. When I had cervadil with baby #1 I didn't have any pain meds with it - I tho was not in active labor yet!

AFM: It's been a relatively uneventful past few weeks. Baby has been breech since the get go. Never head down. I've also been having some extreme hip pain from about 29 weeks on. I started going to the chiro, doing stretches, spinning baby techniques - you name it, I've tried it. Mostly for my hips but also to hopefully push baby to turn..as of 34 weeks he was still breech. Well last Fri AM (35 wks, 6 days) I woke up and thought that my belly looked different and then started having lots of discomfort with urinating. I assumed I maybe had a UTI and that baby had just dropped a bit. Well I had my 36 WK appt yesterday - and confirmed via ultrasound baby is now head down! I find it so weird that I felt nothing. Lol. All I can think is that it happened Thursday night while I was sleeping. Most mom's that I've talked to said that at this stage - they could feel their babies turn. Lol. So who knows - but I certainly didn't.

So regardless that changes up our birth plan as we were obviously leaning towards a C-section vs ecv. But now game on for another vaginal birth if of course he chooses to remain headdown. Lol. At my check I was barely doing anything so I am also thinking that this boy (much like my dtr!) Will end up being an induction. But I've done that before and had a very positive experience so not overly concerned about being induced. My BP is also running a little high, 140/80s. So just borderline for what my doctor wants, so she too feels that baby will arrive by week 39 more than likely.

We've really done nothing for baby. I'm going to try to get clothes washed and put away this weekend. Bottles sterilized, etc. And actually figure out what we need to do. Prep for baby #2 is much less prepared them baby #1 I am finding. Lol

Good luck to everyone! I am looking forward to seeing all of the birth announcements!!
I had my 37 week appt yesterday and nst. The baby is doing well. They checked me to see if I am dilating yet ( Last week my cervix was high and completely closed but starting to soften) the midwife said I am a good 2cm/tight 3cm dilated, she said I may even be a good 3cm but my cervix is posterior so it was harder to get to. She also said I am 50% effaced and the baby's head is at 2 station. I have another net on Thursday, my next midwife appt is Monday the 8th. I was told we will schedule and induction then for 39 weeks. I am hoping I can go on my own just to see what it's like. I have not been this dilated this early my other pregnancies so I am hopeful that there is a chance it could happen naturally. I am not heartbroken about the induction I have had 2 before and they both went well. I packed a bag for the baby the other day, I still need to get one ready for myself. I am so excited that it is getting closer to meeting my newest little girl!
Thank you, everyone!

Finally, have time to sit down and write this!

Tuesday (6/11) I had an appointment with my ob, and everything seemed fine. She said she'd start checking my cervix at 37 weeks because she didn't want to irritate it and cause me to go into labor. Left the appointment feeling fine, nothing amiss.

I went to bed at normal time and woke up around 1:30 AM to pee, which is typical for me. While I debated with myself if I wanted to get up to pee or go back to sleep, I sneezed and felt like I pee'd myself. I can't debate with myself through that, so I got up, cleaned myself up, checked the bed, and went back to sleep. Roughly two hours later, I got up again to pee and realized my underwear was, once again, very wet.

I couldn't believe that I peed myself again! I got up, went to the bathroom, but realized something was off. My bladder was full, I was cramping, and I was leaking down my leg. I clean up and wake my husband up with the infamous words of:

"I think my water broke."

Boring stuff - he got up, I packed a bag really quick, he packed snacks, we got our (very sleepy) dogs awake and pottied, got some puppy pads for me to sit on on the car ride, and we went. Because it was super late, I had to go in through the ER to get up to L&D, which got me a wheelchair ride and some random people shouting out "CONGRATULATIONS" as I was wheeled off. It was weird.

Up in L&D, I go into triage, get changed, get put on monitors, get swabbed to see if they could detect amniotic fluid, and told to sit tight. I was offered juice, which was a real tease since I had GD and couldn't accept it. They come back and tell me my cramps are contractions and yay! I'm having a baby.

My tired response? "I know I'm having a baby, but am I having it today?" Spoiler: I was.

Room change! I get comfortable, get some sleep, get told my doctor wanted to check me personally since I'm early (35w3d), and told to relax. Which, in case you're wondering, was a lot easier said than done. Doctor comes in around 9 AM and checks me -1.5 cm, 80% effaced. They told me that they'd give me cervidil to help soften the cervix.

This, my friends, is where things start to speed up and get crazy. I was given the cervildil at 10 AM, told not to get up until noon so it could work. They let me know it would take a while because I'm a first-time mom. It gets to the point where I can no longer handle the pain. I'm given an IV pain med and told I could be given it once an hour for pain.

Now, what the nurse did not know is when given cervildil and this pain med together before each dose of the pain med, you have to be checked for dilation. I was not. My pain went from manageable with the pain meds to unbearable by the third dose, which I never received.

My guess is that's when I switched to labor to more active labor. It felt like I had to push and when the nurse was told (not my usual nurse, but another nurse) I got told, "that's just what contraction feels like. Don't push or you'll hurt yourself."

Okay. I try not to push, but it feels like my body is working very hard against that. Shortly before the third dose of pain med, I feel like I have to poop. I get up to take care of that. I try not to push too hard, remembering what the nurse had to say, and after a few minutes, something tells me to put a hand between my legs.

There's a head. There was a head in my vagina coming out. I tell my husband, who then runs to tell the nurse. The nurse rushes in and helps me back into bed. She sticks her head out of the door and shouts for everyone to get in the room, that I'm about to give birth. I then hear, "I NEED EVERYONE NOW! THERE'S A HEAD IN THE VAGINA!"

Once again, I'm told not to push so the doctor could get in the room. I do my best not to push, but once again, my body has other plans. Thankfully, the nurse was back at that point because it felt like my baby shot out of me like a torpedo. My husband got to cut the cord, they took her to check her real quick, and then gave her to me for skin to skin. A few minutes after she was put on me, she decided to have her first pee.

Liliana was born at 35w3d on June 12 at 4:15 PM weighing 5 lbs 9.6 oz and 18 inches long.

Everything after that was a bit of a blur. I remember them tugging on the umbilical cord and pressing down on my abdomen, and my placenta shot out. I wish I knew what my vagina was doing shooting all this stuff out of it. I guess it was very angry. I had a first-degree tear, so I got stitched, helped into a new gown, and fashionable mesh undies with giant pads. My husband went with our daughter to NICU while she got assessed and weighed. We got to come home together 48 hours later. It's still so surreal to me that I have a daughter.

And yes, it's okay to laugh at this story. I sure do whenever I tell it! I don't remember the name of the pain meds I was given but plan to ask at my next appointment.

What a story! Congrats!
Cheshire- Congrats again! Your birth story is crazy to me! Wow! I’m glad she is here and I hope you’re both doing well! BH continue to alternate between barely noticeable and intense...but no progress. Looks like I’m going all the way to my due date.

Crazy- Glad to hear your mom’s surgery went well! How are you feeling? Hope your midwife appointment goes well and you’re able to go naturally.

Kiki- I’m like your sister. I have these intense BH and when I go to the doctor, he’s like, nothing is happening. Not effaced, no dilation. Cervix has barely moved. Ugh. Lol. I’m glad baby flipped for you though.

AFM- Due to age and possible size of baby if they let me keep going, I’m scheduled for an induction on my due date. The doc gave me a choice (with a lot of ‘things that could happen’ in his speech), but with my family coming in around my due date anyway, it seemed like a way to make sure they were here for the birth and having an end date is nice. Though I am still happy to be pregnant, outside of all the pain and discomfort. So it’s not that I want to be induced...but I’m open to it. So this week is ‘get everything done at work and get your body moving in the right direction’ week because in 6 days, we are working on birthing a baby. DH has magnanimously offered his sperm on a regular basis to help out with softening my cervix. Lol.
Had my midwife appt tonight, I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Progress is progress. They scheduled my induction for the 15th at 5:30a. It's getting close, I'm excited to be meeting my little one in a week!
Had my midwife appt tonight, I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Progress is progress. They scheduled my induction for the 15th at 5:30a. It's getting close, I'm excited to be meeting my little one in a week!

Our babies are going to be born close together! I'm being induced on the 14th at 7:30a, but because I haven't made any type of progress, my OB thinks baby will come on the 15th...though I'm hoping for a quicker labor than that.

How exciting though! The end is in sight!
Good luck tomorrow, DBZ! They told me it would take at least a day for me, too, but I gave birth the same day. Hoping the same for you.

Good luck on Monday, crazy! Hoping for a speedy labor for you!

So excited for everyone to be meeting their babies soon!

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