~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I have military health insurance so i had to go through a bunch of hoops to switch doctors since i need referrals. We live 2 hours away from the closest military base so i'm lucky and get civiilian doctors. But they said if i'm not comfortable with my doctor i can get a new referral to see a different one. so i'm happy!

in the UK do you not have a choice at all in your medical care during pregnancy? that doesn't seem right.

i don't think all offices in the US have ultrasounds in office. For my first pregnancy i had to go to the hopsital for ultrasounds but it was a small town. here the doctors have the machine in their office and i love it!!

In both my labours I haven't met any of the staff before. Generally you're seen in the community with a midwife (except for your booking in and 20 week scan where you're seen at whatever hospital you plan to birth in) unless you're considered high risk where you'd be seen by the hospital midwife/consultant throughout your pregnancy.
When you go into labour you just ring the hospital you're booked in at and roll up but you probably won't know the staff.
Woohooo!!!! Today is the day for my first appt with new doc! I'm excited and hope everything goes well!!! I'm just really nervous about the cramping I've been having and my cold I have. It is in my chest bad now. I can barely talk and I'm coughing so hard! Last night when I woke up to go potty and laid back down I didn't even feel like I could breath properly. :( I really hope they can tell me something I can take to shake this! My OH just literally woke and said good morning and I said it back and he responded with "aww you sound horrible!" Thanks....thanks....because I feel worse than CRAP! I'm not sure how it's going to work with me not having any time off left except for Christmas eve I took off and Christmas day. If I have to miss any because of this it's going to ruin my week next week at work.
Woohooo!!!! Today is the day for my first appt with new doc! I'm excited and hope everything goes well!!! I'm just really nervous about the cramping I've been having and my cold I have. It is in my chest bad now. I can barely talk and I'm coughing so hard! Last night when I woke up to go potty and laid back down I didn't even feel like I could breath properly. :( I really hope they can tell me something I can take to shake this! My OH just literally woke and said good morning and I said it back and he responded with "aww you sound horrible!" Thanks....thanks....because I feel worse than CRAP! I'm not sure how it's going to work with me not having any time off left except for Christmas eve I took off and Christmas day. If I have to miss any because of this it's going to ruin my week next week at work.

That's a worry for me...getting sick. DH has some virus right now that I think I've had a touch of. But he's even had a fever so I think he is too run down. I'm thinking all the rest I'm getting us helping me stay well. He's been so good to let me nap and rest since I'm so tired. And when I'm not tired I seem to be sick from MS.

Feel better JJ. Hope they give you ideas how to shake this. If you are coughing so much that's probably where your cramps are from...working those abs.
Woohooo!!!! Today is the day for my first appt with new doc! I'm excited and hope everything goes well!!! I'm just really nervous about the cramping I've been having and my cold I have. It is in my chest bad now. I can barely talk and I'm coughing so hard! Last night when I woke up to go potty and laid back down I didn't even feel like I could breath properly. :( I really hope they can tell me something I can take to shake this! My OH just literally woke and said good morning and I said it back and he responded with "aww you sound horrible!" Thanks....thanks....because I feel worse than CRAP! I'm not sure how it's going to work with me not having any time off left except for Christmas eve I took off and Christmas day. If I have to miss any because of this it's going to ruin my week next week at work.

Yay!!! I hope that you have a great appointment and that you like your new doc!...and that they can help out with that cold!!
Talking of peeing, I have to get up ruffle every 2 hours in the night to pee!! Dreading my 20 hours coach trip to France, told hubby we better be sat near the loo as that will he where I spend most of my time!! Lol
Again thought my ms had started to clear up, was just feeling grotty the last few days, then home late last night from visiting friends and only just made the 🚽in time! Think I can cope if I'm only sick every few days.
Can't believe how close I am to 12 weeks!!!

Oh my-that's rough!! I'm thankful that the majority of my peeing is during the day...there was a period when I was getting up 2-3 times a night but now its just once, occasionally twice. People would tell me to cut back on liquids a couple hours before bed but I'm not sure how much that helped if at all. Good luck on your flight!!
Hi girls, had my 12 week scan today and thankfully all is well! They have bumped me ahead to 12.5 weeks so my due date is now June 29th! I'm sure it'll be late anyway so i think it'll still be a July baby...

Here's a pic of little pumpkin:


  • Pumpkin.jpg
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oneandtwo - my ob's office has 7 doctors in it or something... and they want you to see all of them during your appointments so you'll know whoever is on call when you deliver. Honestly, I was sooo out of it during delivery last time that I don't think I really care who's down there! So I'm going to continue to ask for the doctor's I want to see for my checkups. Plus, they start doing internal exams at 36 weeks! Definitely sticking with female docs I know for those appointments!

As much as they cost and as many of them as there are, they should all be bending over backwards to make you comfortable and happy! That was the one thing I was looking forward to having a baby in America instead of the UK this time. It's so nice to have all the ultrasound equipment in office instead of having to go over to the hospital to have scans done. Plus I'm very excited about having a private room at the hospital for delivery AND recovery. My hubby gets to stay all night - reclining chair for him to sleep in - they won't make him leave!

thats how this office is. i was like im.not seeing 5 different doctors for 9 months so i vaguely.remember the person I'll end up spending an hr with. i flat out told her i didn't care who delivered me im not seeing a bunch of doctors, i have quite a medical history and complications and im.bot going to sit there and re explain things every time. i HATE that!!

with each of my births not only was my husband there, but for the last two children my kids.got to stay in.hospital with us too!! actually right after i had my third, my middle son came up to me and whispered in my ear "why'd the baby come out your weiner" lmao the nurses died laughing! it was great to have our whole.family there.

tlh is right though, not every office has us machines in office my first two pregnancies they did not, i had.to go to a different clinic to be scanned. i much prefer the offices with the machines right there!

I have military health insurance so i had to go through a bunch of hoops to switch doctors since i need referrals. We live 2 hours away from the closest military base so i'm lucky and get civiilian doctors. But they said if i'm not comfortable with my doctor i can get a new referral to see a different one. so i'm happy!

in the UK do you not have a choice at all in your medical care during pregnancy? that doesn't seem right.

i don't think all offices in the US have ultrasounds in office. For my first pregnancy i had to go to the hopsital for ultrasounds but it was a small town. here the doctors have the machine in their office and i love it!!

we were.the same, two hours.from an mtf. BUT if you switch to tricare standard you don't need referrals, you can see who ever you want and switch whenever you want. There is some out of pocket expense but it isn't much. this is my first.time dealing with mtf and i hate.it and wish my husband had not switched us to prime! the area is a lot more populated there are like 3-4 civilian hospitals within an hour of here. so it wouldn't be bad.to.find a civilian doctor that cared!
Hi girls, had my 12 week scan today and thankfully all is well! They have bumped me ahead to 12.5 weeks so my due date is now June 29th! I'm sure it'll be late anyway so i think it'll still be a July baby...

Here's a pic of little pumpkin:

Oh WOW congratulations!!! I'm so ready for my 12 week scan now... the waiting is killing me!! I have mine on Christmas eve... 5 more days to go! :happydance:

Can't wait to see my beautiful baby on the screen and then show it off to the world! x
Have a checkup appt today!! :) I'm wondering if they'll try to listen for babys heartbeat :)
yeah my sister in law had to deal with mtf during her pregnancy last year and she hated it so i didn't want to deal with it and i'm glad i dont have to being this far away. it's a pain to get referrals but my pcp is really good about doing them so i haven't had issues yet
Woohooo!!!! Today is the day for my first appt with new doc! I'm excited and hope everything goes well!!! I'm just really nervous about the cramping I've been having and my cold I have. It is in my chest bad now. I can barely talk and I'm coughing so hard! Last night when I woke up to go potty and laid back down I didn't even feel like I could breath properly. :( I really hope they can tell me something I can take to shake this! My OH just literally woke and said good morning and I said it back and he responded with "aww you sound horrible!" Thanks....thanks....because I feel worse than CRAP! I'm not sure how it's going to work with me not having any time off left except for Christmas eve I took off and Christmas day. If I have to miss any because of this it's going to ruin my week next week at work.

if it makes you feel any better (or hopeful), I've had a cold for almost 2 weeks and my doc said over the counter meds are ok. I still avoid taking them unless I really need to take the edge off. I just started sleeping with a humidifier last night and I didn't keep myself up all night coughing! hope you feel better soon!
Woohoo 12 weeks today!!! Only 28 more to go :haha:

We are creeping closer to 2nd tri!
hey ladies
just came in to do alittle stocking:cry: everyones 12weeks scans look so good:cry: i wouldve been turning 12weeks this sunday:-( i still cant believe im not pregnant anymore its already been a week today and it just feels like it only happen yesterday:cry: i really wish the best for the rest of you though and hopefully i'll be pregnant again soon:-( i just wish i was still pregnant with the rest of you,i miss chatting with all of you but i cant bare to come in here everyday because it just hurts to bad right now:cry: i cant wait to hear what everyone is having and to see pics of the newborn babys hopefully i wont be to far behind u guys!
to my suprise ive already stop bleeding and in 2weeks when my utreus is healed up im gonna start trying again!! ive heard about woman who didnt even get a period between m/c and getting pregnant again so who knows maybe ill get my :bfp: next month<3 pray for me ladies and ill do the same for all of u
ilove him we are praying you get your :bfp: and wish the best for you. take time to heal and rest.
hey ladies
just came in to do alittle stocking:cry: everyones 12weeks scans look so good:cry: i wouldve been turning 12weeks this sunday:-( i still cant believe im not pregnant anymore its already been a week today and it just feels like it only happen yesterday:cry: i really wish the best for the rest of you though and hopefully i'll be pregnant again soon:-( i just wish i was still pregnant with the rest of you,i miss chatting with all of you but i cant bare to come in here everyday because it just hurts to bad right now:cry: i cant wait to hear what everyone is having and to see pics of the newborn babys hopefully i wont be to far behind u guys!
to my suprise ive already stop bleeding and in 2weeks when my utreus is healed up im gonna start trying again!! ive heard about woman who didnt even get a period between m/c and getting pregnant again so who knows maybe ill get my :bfp: next month<3 pray for me ladies and ill do the same for all of u

That happened to me! I had my D&C September 20th and conceive again the end of October. Good luck!
good luck ilovehim i hope you get your sticky bean soon!!
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. I seem to have developed a bit of a craving for pickled onions! Thought I would just have one, but couldn't stop eating them! DH wont be wanting to kiss tonight :haha:

so i decided to change OB/Gyns. The one i had been seeing doesn't have very good bedside manners and is really quick to prescribe medication or tell you to just deal with it. i have had a lot of cramping and pain on one side and she told me to get over it that its part of pregnancy. it really upset because its not like this is my first pregnancy. i experienced discomfort the first time around but never pain where i felt that i couldn't work. when i told her i felt that way she said she'd call me back. that was last wednesday and i still haven't heard anything!

i have set up a new appointment with a different doctor in a different office for january 2nd i'll be 12 weeks then so hopefully they do a scan and i like this doctor! i've heard good things about the new one when the old one she just started practicing i think. so wish me luck!

Good luck with the new doctor, hopefully you will get on better with them. Sounds like the first one was pretty useless.

I have military health insurance so i had to go through a bunch of hoops to switch doctors since i need referrals. We live 2 hours away from the closest military base so i'm lucky and get civiilian doctors. But they said if i'm not comfortable with my doctor i can get a new referral to see a different one. so i'm happy!

in the UK do you not have a choice at all in your medical care during pregnancy? that doesn't seem right.

You are right, there is no choice in the UK, its pretty much who ever is on duty on the day. I think if you really dont get on with a certain doctor/midwife, you could ask to be transferred to someone else. Still most of the people I have seen have been nice so hopefully it wont matter.

I told my students today (13 year olds). Their reactions were cute!

They were a combination of excited and also offended that I didn't tell them sooner. They wanted to know why, if I've known for 3 months, would I hold out on them. My explanation that most people usually wait until 12 weeks didn't soothe them too much, but it was sweet all the same.

All my male students want me to have a boy; the females want me to have a girl. One boy told me to eat lots of meat so I could make sure it was a boy (guess he heard the old wives take that craving protein=boy; sweets=girl...we haven't gotten to the biology unit yet so he doesn't know the sex was determined 3 months ago!)

One student said he was ready to be the baby's godfather. Another student said it all made sense now because she thought I had "bladder issues'" as she put it, since I kept stepping out to the bathroom during her class. And there were even a few students who were already pretty certain I was pregnant but didn't want to ask in case it would be rude. It was a fun day:)

Aww, their reactions are so cute :)

Is it normal that I'm not really peeing all the time? I get up some nights but during the day its no more than before. I can see I'm not dehydrated...pee colour and all. But should this be something to worry over? Also I'm barely getting a bulge in my pelvic area. I know I've said this before just not sure if in this thread. I'm not thin but my weight is in my hips bum and thighs mostly so I thought I might show more. I'm 5'8 so maybe I will just take longer?

I dont pee much at night any more. I do go a fair bit during the day, but i think thats just because I drink more during then. So long as you arent dehydrated, it should be fine.

Woohooo!!!! Today is the day for my first appt with new doc! I'm excited and hope everything goes well!!! I'm just really nervous about the cramping I've been having and my cold I have. It is in my chest bad now. I can barely talk and I'm coughing so hard! Last night when I woke up to go potty and laid back down I didn't even feel like I could breath properly. :( I really hope they can tell me something I can take to shake this! My OH just literally woke and said good morning and I said it back and he responded with "aww you sound horrible!" Thanks....thanks....because I feel worse than CRAP! I'm not sure how it's going to work with me not having any time off left except for Christmas eve I took off and Christmas day. If I have to miss any because of this it's going to ruin my week next week at work.

Hope the appointment with the new doc goes well and that you feel better soon x

Hi girls, had my 12 week scan today and thankfully all is well! They have bumped me ahead to 12.5 weeks so my due date is now June 29th! I'm sure it'll be late anyway so i think it'll still be a July baby...

Here's a pic of little pumpkin:

Oh WOW congratulations!!! I'm so ready for my 12 week scan now... the waiting is killing me!! I have mine on Christmas eve... 5 more days to go! :happydance:

Can't wait to see my beautiful baby on the screen and then show it off to the world! x

Waiting for the first scan is so hard isn't it? Mines on Friday so just a few days to go. What a great Xmas present you will have :)

hey ladies
just came in to do alittle stocking:cry: everyones 12weeks scans look so good:cry: i wouldve been turning 12weeks this sunday:-( i still cant believe im not pregnant anymore its already been a week today and it just feels like it only happen yesterday:cry: i really wish the best for the rest of you though and hopefully i'll be pregnant again soon:-( i just wish i was still pregnant with the rest of you,i miss chatting with all of you but i cant bare to come in here everyday because it just hurts to bad right now:cry: i cant wait to hear what everyone is having and to see pics of the newborn babys hopefully i wont be to far behind u guys!
to my suprise ive already stop bleeding and in 2weeks when my utreus is healed up im gonna start trying again!! ive heard about woman who didnt even get a period between m/c and getting pregnant again so who knows maybe ill get my :bfp: next month<3 pray for me ladies and ill do the same for all of u

Good to hear the bleeding has stopped. I wish you all the luck in the world at healing and getting your sticky bean x x
It has now been a week since I got the flu, and it's stll killing me! Not being able to take anything except regular strength Tylenol really sucks. It's so hard, and everything still hurts, I think I have a sinus infetion on top of that, and I'm feeling sorry for myself....that was my whining for the day....

I pulled out my doppler this morning....still can't find the heartbeat....I think I got a lemon, lol....I just want to hear the baby. I watched some You Tube video's of people using a doppler and they find the heart beat in like 10 seconds. I can hear the whooshing of the placenta, but that's it.

Sorry I'm Debbie Downer today, I blame the flu.

Looking forward to all the upcoming 12 week scans....yay:)
ugh!! guys - threw up last night, threw up this morning, nothing is really staying down... it's either one end of me or the other! (sorry TMI!!) feeling really rough today.

Took the little one to the store today to pick up some more Christmas lights... she found the bikes and hubby let her on... she was zooming all over the store!! (it had training wheels but gosh, she's not even 3 yet!) long story short... seems a bike is ALL she wants for christmas now even though we've finished all the shopping! Oi. Thankfully her birthday is in February so hopefully she can hold out until then.

Dove - the flu sucks!! Right after my mc I went to the docs and had them shoot me up with all the vaccinations I knew I wouldn't be happy with getting while pregnant. The flu shot was one of them. Doc said they actually got the right strain this year as well. (I didn't know that most years they actually don't get the right strain in the vacc!) Pretty happy I decided to get it now. Last time they kept wanting to give me the swine flu vac while I was pregnant and I was terrified! Never got it but oh my gosh I don't think I've ever washed my hands as much as I did that 9 months.

ilovehim - it can totally happen! we tried for 5 months with no success, then got the bfp, miscarried at 6 weeks, waited one cycle and then immediately got the bfp and here I at at almost 12 weeks! *hugs* it'll happen!

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