~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Junemomma, so glad that everything is ok with your little one!

Eve, your moonbaby is so cute! :) I'm sorry about your car though, that really stinks! Were you in the car when it was hit? I hope you are ok!

Alice, I hope you start feeling better soon!

oneandtwo, that's so cool that your husband can feel baby kick now! I can't wait till my husband can feel the baby but I have a ways to go, this is my first and I have an anterior placenta :haha:

Abagail, those are adorable! We are doing an animal theme also, do you mind me asking where you found those?

Libbysmum, your bump is awesome! And I love that your daughter appears to be playing with your toes in the picture :haha: So cute!

As for me, I am craving some pancakes like you wouldn't believe! With butter and syrup...they sound so good right now! I might have to bribe my husband to make those for dinner tonight :winkwink:

My bump is not very impressive, I feel left out lol. This was from Sunday, I was 13 weeks 6 days and no real change since. I feel like such a highschooler, posting a bathroom mirror picture and the mirror is dirty, sorry about that :rofl:


OMG! I have eaten pancakes with gobs of butter and syrup almost every day this week! I cant get enough!! I made a huge batch just so I would have some left over the next day to throw on the griddle and eat *giggle* I have a great pancake recipe that I love! ;)

My husband didnt feel our first till I was closer to 20 weeks I think, he probably could have felt it earlier but I had no idea what was what then!
Hey Ladies,

Glad scans are going well, very jealous of the bumps. Mine is still too low. And all I have is bloat that comes and goes.

Aaisrie I'm sorry your car got messed up. I hope you are ok.

Alice, I'm actually jealous of your diarrhea because I'm so constipated. I have IBS so generally I'm a 1-3 times a day girl... but now I'm lucky if I go every 1-3 days!!! So the longer it goes the worse I feel and I think that's contributing to my MS which is still being nasty. I'm a complete waste of breakfast food. And supper it seems. (tonight's is still on the brink....to the tune of 'should I stay or should I go')

And I think I'm ok if coworkers touch me and friends and family of course, but strangers will be interesting. I think I will pat their tummies too! I don't mind if I know the person, and I'm pretty tactile so I guess people will assume I'm ok with touching that know me.

I don't think I'll be properly showing for awhile yet. My mother said she didn't show until quite a ways along. And she's short... so me being 8 inches taller than her means I have more room for the baby to hide in.

I'm still quite sleepy. I think that's likely from the not eating properly the past few days. And any hope of eating meat is out the window right now. I'm hoping for Thai food tomorrow with my sister, thankfully they do a few nice tofu dishes which I think I can handle. And then a movie.

G'night ladies.
T, I noticed I felt sicker when I was constipated too. I hope you start feeling better very soon!

Oneandtwo, so jealous! Can I come over? :haha: We can pig out on pancakes together lol

I am so excited! Our stroller came in today and my husband put it together, I just wanna have this baby and go for a walk lol! It is a Schwinn jogging stroller (though neither of us jogs :haha: ) and it is very sturdy and maneuverable. :D
Finally got my booking in appointment! Moonbaby is still going strong! Although some guy drove into the side of my car on my way into the car park.

EVE, I think your baby looks like he or she has the same forehead as your DH...no?:flower:
Aaisrie - moon baby looks good! the scan is soo clear!

How is everyone?

AFM... sickness has got worse!! It was horrible this morning I was bringing up loads of stomach acid (tmi sorry) Oh thinks I am making up my tiredness so moans if I say I would like some sleep even tho he is on his 4 days off!
I don't htink I got a chance to update in here after my appointment. I did get to hear the baby's heart beat but it took the Dr FOREVER to find it (nearly sent me for an ultra sound) but as soon as he mentioned possible miscarriage there the HB was WOOOSH! WOOSH! lol.
I'm back in MA visiting family. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm having a boy or a girl (I will try to take a picture today) and I'm all I DONT KNOW LOL!
Aaisrie - moon baby looks good! the scan is soo clear!

How is everyone?

AFM... sickness has got worse!! It was horrible this morning I was bringing up loads of stomach acid (tmi sorry) Oh thinks I am making up my tiredness so moans if I say I would like some sleep even tho he is on his 4 days off!

So sorry the morning sickness has been so rough! I found that when I was throwing up stomach acid it helped so much to take a Tums. It wouldn't stop me from throwing up but the next time I threw up it wasn't all acid as the Tums helped to neutralize it. It made it a lot less painful! I hope you feel better!
Aaisrie - moon baby looks good! the scan is soo clear!

How is everyone?

AFM... sickness has got worse!! It was horrible this morning I was bringing up loads of stomach acid (tmi sorry) Oh thinks I am making up my tiredness so moans if I say I would like some sleep even tho he is on his 4 days off!

So sorry the morning sickness has been so rough! I found that when I was throwing up stomach acid it helped so much to take a Tums. It wouldn't stop me from throwing up but the next time I threw up it wasn't all acid as the Tums helped to neutralize it. It made it a lot less painful! I hope you feel better!

I will give that a go thank you. Never had the stomach acid thing with ds!

I forgot to say I have physio on my pelvis on the 4th feb! It came out of alignment last time and it has done it already this time!
Wanted to share some of the pictures I took of my boys for the cards we sent out to tell family we were expecting, there are lots, sorry!! I am NO photographer so they arent like high quality or anything :p

I asked where's the baby? LOL



this one is my fav, its my oldest :)
Oh oneandtwo - aren't they just precious!!! :)

I love the last one, peeking over the baby! How wonderful......have you had any reaction to your news yet?
Oh oneandtwo - aren't they just precious!!! :)

I love the last one, peeking over the baby! How wonderful......have you had any reaction to your news yet?

Thank you, I love the last one too. I think thats the one I will post on FB when we announce on there :)

absolutely NO reactions yet, its killing me!! LOL I do believe that most should get their photos today, fx'd! Most of our family lives in Utah and there was a huge drop of snow last night so hopefully it doesnt slow the mail at all :/
oneandtwo, those are all so adorable! I love the second one, your little one on the far left looking down at his belly is just so funny in that context. Like "Is there a baby in my belly too?" :haha: So sweet, thank you for sharing them! Your boys are precious and look so happy and excited :D
oneandtwo, those are all so adorable! I love the second one, your little one on the far left looking down at his belly is just so funny in that context. Like "Is there a baby in my belly too?" :haha: So sweet, thank you for sharing them! Your boys are precious and look so happy and excited :D

Thank you :)

He does check for a baby in his belly when we talk about the baby in my belly, he's also checked my husbands belly!! haha. They are very excited, all but the oldest one! He's still anti baby brother, he was really wanting a sister. Even though he said he wants nothing to do with the new baby, he said he would help with 20 month old! LOL
Golly guys... such a mixed bag of emotions last night!!

We're supposed to have amazing weather here this weekend. Like 75 degrees and sunny (that's close to 24 c) So me and hubby decided on a last minute getaway to the beach! It's only 2 hours away but we haven't been since we moved here, my daughter has never been to the beach! (And since I grew up in florida that hurts!)

Anyway, I get that all booked and I'm excited. We put Jessie down to sleep and then head to our room to watch Sherlock. Half way through I pause it because the baby is jumping all over the place!! It was crazy! So much movement for the first real feeling! Hubby had his ear down and thought he could hear all the swishing. It was really great and kinda surreal. Finish watching the show, lay down to sleep. Jessie wakes up. She doesn't feel well. Pukage. *sigh* poor thing. She's up till 6am vomiting every half hour or so. I was so worried about her. Had her in my bed and had to keep running her to the bathroom. She woke up at 9 this morning puked again, but then I finally got her to keep down some liquids. She peed a couple hours later so I was happy enough to give her a banana. She seems to be feeling much better but I'm exhausted. I cannot survive on 2 hours of sleep and we leave for the beach in 2 hours and I'm not packed yet!!!

So I'm all excited, concerned, and just plain tired all at the same time. Can barely decide what to do with myself, hence posting on BnB instead of actually packing!
hope she feels better hun and yall get to still go to the beach but tottaly get the idea of being just vamished.
afm-since im over weight i cant see the bump more of a B shape but i can feel the tightness of were the baby is and can tell that within next few weeks i will have a D shape soon. as the baby rises to the above belly button area. right now if i stay still you can see me belly button area flutter movement. husband even noticed, its really tight right in that area. :) getting excited.
Becca I am so sorry to hear about your DD- Have you tried giving her cheese-balls? They are coated with that cheesey cornflour stuff and it apparently lines the stomach to stop throwing up? I give a handful of them to my DD if she is a bit unwell and it seems to help.

Pinkflowers...it sounds a bit like heartburn. I use liquid Mylanta. It tastes a bit better than the chew-able tablets. I have found I need it especially after I eat anything spicy or I eat too much of my meals. It really settles the stomach acid. I would find it worse at night because I was laying down. Last night I had it cause my DD kept jumping all over my belly as she was snuggling down to go to bed. I felt like I had no air to breath - if you don't want to take any medications then try having a cup of cold milk to sip...some people manage on that. Not me but I did try it.

Oneandtwo- gorgeous kids! I really love the idea.

Hope everyone is feeling better today...Alice? Did you see a doctor?

DH has Monday and Tuesday off work...unless they call him in...I am really hoping they don't. I feel like we haven't had a weekend together in ages!
oneandtwo, gorgeous kids!! lovely way to tell everyone too :D

becca i hope your LO is feeling much better and you made it to the beach! xx
Thank you ladies for the well wishes. My tummy feels okay today, but I have a horrible sore throat. I think I'm just having a spot of bad luck health-wise lately, I really do! It's just mad! Either that or I'm turning into a chronic hypochondriac....*swallows*...ouch...no, my throat really is sore, it's not in my head lol.
Goodness knows what was up with my tum yesterday though. Perhaps I ate something dodgy without realising.

caro - I hope your cough clears up soon. It's not fun having a long-lasting cold.

sue - cool your first big purchases :) exciting

libbysmum - cute bump pic!

abagail - ooh I love the jungle themed stuff!

oneandtwo - awww I love the pictures! your boys are so cute! bless your oldest lol, I'm sure he'll come around to the idea of another brother once the little one is born. He'll think he's cute :) And wahey for feeling the baby move!

aaisrie - lovely scan pic. so sorry about your car, that sucks.

breadsticks - awww you have such a teeny sweet little bump. there is one there, it's just little. I'm jealous to be honest, mine is big, I wish it wasn't - I feel like a roly poly pudding!
but speaking of roly poly puddings - mmmmm pancakes. I love pancakes. Though I assume you mean American (Scotch) type pancakes. I prefer what we call pancakes (crepes). NOM NOM I could seriously eat pancakes right now!
Your stroller sounds nice :)

donna - so glad you're feeling better

tsy - oh dear! Seems we're all having bowel issues! I hope the constipation clears up soon.
and yum at thai food :)

pink flowers - oh no I'm sorry you're suffering from awful m/s :( I hope it passes soon. That sucks about your pelvis too. I hope the physio sorts it out

missfox - very pleased your doctor found the heartbeat, even if it did take a while

becca - wow what a lot going on. Your poor daughter being sick :( It's awful when kids are poorly, you want to help them but there's not that much you can do. I hope she feels better soon and you enjoy yourselves at the beach. And how exciting about feeling the baby!

sw33t - yay for feeling/seeing the baby move :)

libbysmum - how nice for you and your dh to spend some time together. I hope he doesn't get called in.

Well my further news is that my mam text me today telling me she's bought us a highchair for £5 as apparently "we'll need it". Oh dear. Well I had to ring her and tell her that's very nice of her but we already have one that Jason only stopped using last year. It's a booster thing that you strap to a regular dining chair - it's really good. It's about the only baby thing we hadn't gotten rid of. So she says she's gonna try take it back to the shop (but as it was a second hand shop she's not sure they'll take it). *sigh*
She means well but I do wish she'd ask about things like that before buying them. We have no room for a full sized high chair, which is why we bought a booster thinggy in the first place.
My mam does odd things though. She went on and on and on about this GORGEOUS sleepsuit she bought for the baby (for about 10p because it was, again, from a second hand shop), and when she gave us it, it was a sleepsuit for a preemie. Weighing up to 7lbs.
Now, bear in mind that all my children were VERY overdue, and not one of them weighed less than 10lbs.
You get the idea!

Like I said, she means well, but she doesn't quite think these things through lol.

We're re-thinking our girl's name. We had Athena Adeline but now DH says he prefers Callisto.
I like Callisto - I'm a huge Xena Warrior Princess fan, and that's the name of one of the main characters in it, and I do like the name....BUT...
I can't help wondering if it sounds a little masculine with the O at the end of it. Even though logically I know the ancient Greek myth behind it was about a female nymph (Kallisto) who got turned into a bear and sent up to the sky and became the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear).
So it is a female name, but I wonder if other people might think it's a boy's name if they are unfamiliar with the legend and all that.

So I'm wondering if Callista might be better. I like Callista. DH does too but he prefers Callisto.

And then I'm wondering about middle names. Now I said it would be nice to stick to our original first name choice of Athena, but then if we use my idea of Callista, it would be Callista Athena and that's a bit hard to say because it would be running the A at the end of Callista into the A at the start of Athena.
So DH pointed out that Callisto Athena flows better.

But I still think that Callisto sounds more masculine than Callista. And somehow Callista just sounds that little bit prettier to my ear.

Any thoughts ladies? I'm struggling here lol.
14 weeks tomorrow! Wow does that mean I'm now in 2nd tri? Time is actually flying now.

I have had the stomach acid sickness too. I get it as soon as I stand up out of bed in the morning, I feel sick. No food comes up just liquid and acid (sorry about all the details). It's horrible but I feel instantly better once I've been sick.

A lady at work actually said I looked pregnant today... Good job I am otherwise I'd have hit her :haha:
45 more minutes and i'm off work for the weekend!! it has been a very long week! this is the first week i've actually worked a 5 day week since before christmas. im exhausted but i'm going to be thankful when i get my paycheck!

whoever was going to the beach im jealous. its been so cold lately and today the high was like 68 and of course i was stuck inside at work sweating to death because it is so hot in here still!!

im ready to go home and make dinner and just relax for the weekend! i want to get teh bedrooms switched around so my daughter can start gettin used to her new room.

whats everyone else doing this weekend?

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