July testers - Over 35

Sorry about your temps Macwooly, but I also know you have some fun stuff planned for your month off, and are looking forward to that.

And treats when your AF arrives, girl that husband of yours is a keeper!
Sorry to hear about those who have been got by AF/ are out.

Notwithstanding my thoughts that Pregnacare messed up my cycle, I have never had period symptoms like this over so many days. I'm a wham, bham, AF over type of gal.

What makes you think that pregnacare messed up your cycle bittybotty? I'm taking that at the moment and just wondered what you thought about it/what experiences you had?

Hi struth

This is our first month TTC. I dont know what my regular cycle is but the calendar I'm keeping defaults to 28 days so I should have had my AF on Friday. Its now Sunday and there's no sign. Now this could be because my cycle is more than 28 days (and that is probably the reason other than the unusual mild cramps I had last week) however I read a thread on here about Pregnacare and how some ladies had missed their AF and were blaming the vits.

Here's the link hun https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-...gnacare-conception-tablets-missed-period.html

It was just a thought - if I hadnt had these strange cramps I would just have thought my cycle was longer than 28 - but my AF is usually all over and done with in 4-5 days and I started having cramps, nausea etc last week but still no show and now no cramps. Other than this no side effects for either me or DH (except yellow pee!!)

Its driving me a bit nuts wondering what's going on to be honest but all will sort itself out no doubt.....

Oh and 2 x :bfn: yesterday

Hope that makes sense :hugs:

Just had a read through the thread - I guess it makes sense that the vitamins can alter your cycle. We are what we eat after all. There are so many different supplements that are spoken about on here - and they all have different functions. If we suddenly starts taking a multivitamin then I guess it is likely that it can alter things.

I have been taking it for about 7 months and haven't noticed anything awry (but then my cycles are messed up due to possible PCOS and endo anyway!).

Is this your first cycle off birth control? That can mess with your cycle for a while? Maybe your cramps were ovulation? When I came off the pill I had a couple of episodes of really bad cramps - both in the night and both woke me. During one of them I was actually sick. Whether this was my body waking up after being on the pill or perhaps it was endo/PCOS symptoms - who knows!

I guess that is the thing about TTC - it is the unknown and the second guessing all the time. The best thing for us would be to try and relax, forget symptom spotting and just chill out - but that is easier said than done!

I hope that you get some answers soon and that your cycle becomes regular :hugs:

I agree, the extra stuff we start to chuck down our throats daily in an attempt to give ourselves optimum baby making power has got to have a knock on affect without a doubt. The combination (mix) of supplements alone can make is feel a bit strange. Last mnth was TTC cycle 1 and after taking b6 for the first time, my cycle lengthened by 3 days and I suffered terrible period cramps for the first day ( and it was quite a heavy day no.1 for me).

I don't want to sound pessimistic when I suggest this but perhaps creating a thread that contains information of possible side affects of a range of supplements we are taking, could be really helpful. For me, every 'symptom' I felt last month I googled in relation to the vitamins and supplements I started taking. Then, it became easier to rationalise why I may have been feeling the way I did ( hoping it was pregnancy of course) but helped me to keep a level head.:coffee: and not get my hopes up too much.

I'll do the thread :winkwink: and hopefully people will add to it.
The final results for out June testers. Didnt we do well. :hugs:

Results for June: (Calculated using 36 results and 50 testers)

BFP's - 39%
Witch - 61%

(Calculated using full table including those with no results)
BFP'S - 28%
Witch - 44%
unknown - 28%

Those stats are great! Thanks for posting them Wendy.
Sorry to hear about those who have been got by AF/ are out.

Notwithstanding my thoughts that Pregnacare messed up my cycle, I have never had period symptoms like this over so many days. I'm a wham, bham, AF over type of gal.

What makes you think that pregnacare messed up your cycle bittybotty? I'm taking that at the moment and just wondered what you thought about it/what experiences you had?

Hi struth

This is our first month TTC. I dont know what my regular cycle is but the calendar I'm keeping defaults to 28 days so I should have had my AF on Friday. Its now Sunday and there's no sign. Now this could be because my cycle is more than 28 days (and that is probably the reason other than the unusual mild cramps I had last week) however I read a thread on here about Pregnacare and how some ladies had missed their AF and were blaming the vits.

Here's the link hun https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-...gnacare-conception-tablets-missed-period.html

It was just a thought - if I hadnt had these strange cramps I would just have thought my cycle was longer than 28 - but my AF is usually all over and done with in 4-5 days and I started having cramps, nausea etc last week but still no show and now no cramps. Other than this no side effects for either me or DH (except yellow pee!!)

Its driving me a bit nuts wondering what's going on to be honest but all will sort itself out no doubt.....

Oh and 2 x :bfn: yesterday

Hope that makes sense :hugs:

Just had a read through the thread - I guess it makes sense that the vitamins can alter your cycle. We are what we eat after all. There are so many different supplements that are spoken about on here - and they all have different functions. If we suddenly starts taking a multivitamin then I guess it is likely that it can alter things.

I have been taking it for about 7 months and haven't noticed anything awry (but then my cycles are messed up due to possible PCOS and endo anyway!).

Is this your first cycle off birth control? That can mess with your cycle for a while? Maybe your cramps were ovulation? When I came off the pill I had a couple of episodes of really bad cramps - both in the night and both woke me. During one of them I was actually sick. Whether this was my body waking up after being on the pill or perhaps it was endo/PCOS symptoms - who knows!

I guess that is the thing about TTC - it is the unknown and the second guessing all the time. The best thing for us would be to try and relax, forget symptom spotting and just chill out - but that is easier said than done!

I hope that you get some answers soon and that your cycle becomes regular :hugs:

I agree, the extra stuff we start to chuck down our throats daily in an attempt to give ourselves optimum baby making power has got to have a knock on affect without a doubt. The combination (mix) of supplements alone can make is feel a bit strange. Last mnth was TTC cycle 1 and after taking b6 for the first time, my cycle lengthened by 3 days and I suffered terrible period cramps for the first day ( and it was quite a heavy day no.1 for me).

I don't want to sound pessimistic when I suggest this but perhaps creating a thread that contains information of possible side affects of a range of supplements we are taking, could be really helpful. For me, every 'symptom' I felt last month I googled in relation to the vitamins and supplements I started taking. Then, it became easier to rationalise why I may have been feeling the way I did ( hoping it was pregnancy of course) but helped me to keep a level head.:coffee: and not get my hopes up too much.

I'll do the thread :winkwink: and hopefully people will add to it.

I think it's a great idea. If i get my AF i will be buying some myself to help with CM x
Ok, not getting excited. As I've said, talking about relaxing about drinking etc, I've done just about everything this month you shouldn't do while TTC. After 10 months I'm thinking, well, it's not happened so far, why should it happen this month, so I've been totally relaxed. BUT FF says AF should have arrived today, and no sign so far... I'm even checking before I post this, in case I'm just tempting fate...

(Way to relax - Glee live today!!! SUCH good fun!!!!)

Lots of luck conina i hope it's a BFP x
Bleeding finally stopped so i can now get ready for the shagathon. lol

Doing the SMEP plan so DH had better be ready.

macwooly/indigo - am sorry you think you are out this month. I still have everything crossed for you though. :hugs:
Bleeding finally stopped so i can now get ready for the shagathon. lol

Doing the SMEP plan so DH had better be ready.

macwooly/indigo - am sorry you think you are out this month. I still have everything crossed for you though. :hugs:

Glad to hear that your bleeding has stopped - I picked up from your sig that you have had a loss - so sorry honey.

I hope you get a sticky bean this cycle :hugs:
Ok, not getting excited. As I've said, talking about relaxing about drinking etc, I've done just about everything this month you shouldn't do while TTC. After 10 months I'm thinking, well, it's not happened so far, why should it happen this month, so I've been totally relaxed. BUT FF says AF should have arrived today, and no sign so far... I'm even checking before I post this, in case I'm just tempting fate...

(Way to relax - Glee live today!!! SUCH good fun!!!!)

Lots of luck conina i hope it's a BFP x

Ditto! Everything crossed for you. How was Glee?
Bleeding finally stopped so i can now get ready for the shagathon. lol

Doing the SMEP plan so DH had better be ready.

macwooly/indigo - am sorry you think you are out this month. I still have everything crossed for you though. :hugs:

Glad to hear that your bleeding has stopped - I picked up from your sig that you have had a loss - so sorry honey.

I hope you get a sticky bean this cycle :hugs:

Hi hun, it was a chemical last month. Devastating but i just had to pick myself up and get on with it. Am hoping that i am lucky this month and am going to give it a bloody good shot. DH doesnt know what he is in for.
Good luck and :dust: to all those that are testing around this time.

01/7/11 - sarahincanada
01/7/11 - dachsundmom
01/7/11 - Indigo77

02/7/11 - hockey24

03/7/11 - Conina
03/7/11 - bittybobby

04/7/11 - silktree
04/7/11 - babyhopes201
Ok, not getting excited. As I've said, talking about relaxing about drinking etc, I've done just about everything this month you shouldn't do while TTC. After 10 months I'm thinking, well, it's not happened so far, why should it happen this month, so I've been totally relaxed. BUT FF says AF should have arrived today, and no sign so far... I'm even checking before I post this, in case I'm just tempting fate...

(Way to relax - Glee live today!!! SUCH good fun!!!!)

Lots of luck conina i hope it's a BFP x

Ditto! Everything crossed for you. How was Glee?

Thanks everyone. Still no sign of AF - keep running to the toilet in case but all clear so far.

Glee was fab!!! Such good fun, although I thought they could have played for longer. Kurt is my hero!!
Anyone heard from Silktree?

I notice that her stats and tickers have changed. I think this is our first :bfp: of the month :wohoo:
Well her FF chart shows a positive hpt has been recorded and she has added tickers :)

Maybe she is till trying to process the information :)
:wave: Morning everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend?!

Indigo - sorry your temp dipped and you think AF is on her way

Macwooly - :kiss:

Wendy - glad you're back in the saddle again, good luck this cycle will be watching youhoo!!

Conina - good luck - getting excited for you!! So jealous of you going to see Glee, they are my absolute guilty pleasure!!!

Tigerlily - No SSing and don't buy any HPT's then there's no temptation to POAS!! I'm the same as you, AF never lets me down either so never get the chance to test, lets hope she goes on a 9 month hol for you this cycle!!

Bubba - love your rambles of a mad woman too honey, don't stop! Good luck with the 'dance off' this cycle, bet you look gorgeous covered in sequins!!!:haha: So hope you get your BFP!

Bittybob - sorry about the BFN this morning but you're not out yet, got everything Xed for you

Tulipgirl - get dancing :sex::bunny::sex::bunny:!!!

Struth - good luck with the gynea appt, let us know how it goes yea? I'll be thinking about you!

Northstar, Jodes, Junebug, wow there are so many of us now!! Big hugs :hugs: Nope not heard a bean from silktree Wendy, lets hope there's one there and she'll come and let us know for definate soon!!!!

AFM, CD23 for me - need I say more!!

C'mon we can do this, here's to a great week girls!!!:thumbup:
I've had some spotting this morning but nothing else as yet. This maybe crappy :witch: or implantation? I think it's the first one. Will keep you posted.
Good afternoon ladies - DH and I have been for a super hike in the country park this morning. It was lovely to get outside, stretch the legs and not think about bloomin' tests or AFs or BFNs etc. We treated ourselves to ice cream then went for a long drive to see the 'outside' of a house we've seen for sale. It's been a lovely morning and this afternoon we both have hair appointments and this evening we are cooking a meal together so all in all its turned out to be a lovely day. :flower:
Good afternoon ladies - DH and I have been for a super hike in the country park this morning. It was lovely to get outside, stretch the legs and not think about bloomin' tests or AFs or BFNs etc. We treated ourselves to ice cream then went for a long drive to see the 'outside' of a house we've seen for sale. It's been a lovely morning and this afternoon we both have hair appointments and this evening we are cooking a meal together so all in all its turned out to be a lovely day. :flower:

...ahh these are the best days I agree Bittybob, with your DH. I've just had a weekend of doing stuff like this with my DH and it's made me silly happy :flower:xXx
Good afternoon ladies - DH and I have been for a super hike in the country park this morning. It was lovely to get outside, stretch the legs and not think about bloomin' tests or AFs or BFNs etc. We treated ourselves to ice cream then went for a long drive to see the 'outside' of a house we've seen for sale. It's been a lovely morning and this afternoon we both have hair appointments and this evening we are cooking a meal together so all in all its turned out to be a lovely day. :flower:

Sounds like my kind of day....! Lovely!
Hi there Jax , I like the thought of you silly happy . Cd 23 hey, how you feeling ?:flower:
Me and sequins hmm not sure but think I may have to pull out all the big guns this month . Although dh just dared me to run out in the very heavy rain storm were having ( it's ok it's dark ) oh and were leaving the country , but there was lightening so I chickened : and no he didn't mean clothed. Think he's in the mood so I'm off :winkwink:
Jodes praying that it's implantation. Hang in there girl .
Have a great day all , there are a lot of us now phew .
Come on all you testers , big luck and dust to you :hugs:

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