June Baby Angels

Oh Sweetmomma! Congrats! Please try not to stress, it will not change what will be. I will keep you and your sweet little bean in my thoughts!
Congratulations Sweetmomma! What a lovely little surprise! In a way it would be nice if it happened like that for me, the 2ww and ttc stresses me out so much! I have had a break away from the regular forums really, only posted once or twice, I have hibernated in this thread. It's been the perfect place for me.

Awww, I think once the shock wears off you can start to relax a bit. When are you due? x x x
Sweetmomma: Hooray! Our first BFP! I could not be happier for you. Try not to stress and don't worry a bit about not being prepared with vitamins or drinking. My friend didn't find out she was pregnant until she was 20 weeks along (long story) and she hadn't taken any vitamins, plus she drank and smoked. Her son is now six years old, extremely healthy and bright. I know this may be sooner than you expected, but I'm sure this little one was sent to you for a reason. Enjoy, relax and have a happy and healthy nine months. Please, please keep us updated!

I'll catch up with everyone else later.
Meli, I'm so glad everyone here is helpful for you (and everyone else!) I feel the same way. Sometimes when I'm feeling down about the whole thing, I come to this thread, and I end up feeling so much better.

angel, I'll be stalking and reading your journal as soon as I'm done here!

jen, glad your first day went well! It's CRAZY hard with all this waiting. I'm ridiculously impatient. OH is starting to feel better, so that's great! I haven't caught it, so it looks like I probably won't (or at least not from him). Could be that I'm pumped up on the pre-natals plus vitamin D and probiotics! Here's to your BFP!

Jasmine, I keep questioning the signs since it would mean I o'd 4 days late, and that never happens! I know my cycle could be off and I keep telling myself that because it would be good this month! I hope that you get that townhouse (or find some place even better!)

sweetmomma, congrats! It sounds very much like this LO was meant to be!
Guess I'm out for this month after all. Cramps on Sunday and mood on Monday that I thought were from o were apparently from af because I got it today, 21 days from my last one.
Guess I'm out for this month after all. Cramps on Sunday and mood on Monday that I thought were from o were apparently from af because I got it today, 21 days from my last one.

Sorry Stef :hugs:

My af will be here in a couple of days too, my mood is awful today! So we're in it together next month, hope af isn't too horrible for you x
Ugh being a woman. Light, barely crampy 1st after mc af... heavy, very crampy 2nd after mc af. TMI but the only time I've ever seen as much blood in the toilet as I did when I got up this morning was after using the Cytotec. I haven't had a proper af since July with the 2 pgs, but I know they were never THIS heavy! Maybe it'll end faster? :wacko:

:dust: CONGRATULATIONS! :dust: How appropriate that the person who started this thread, got the first :bfp: of the group!! I am sure that you will have a happy and healthy 9 months! Try not to stress..I know, I know, it's way easier said than done...


Where are you?????? Have u tested again? :test: FX that you’re the 2nd :bfp: of the group!! :dust:


Sorry af got you :growlmad: and that it’s so miserable. Maybe it’s a good thing that it’s very crampy and heavy, maybe it’s ‘cleaning you out’? You mentioned in your blog that you have orangey af flow..can I ask if you’re taking baby aspirin? Angel and I have experienced the same orangey color, and the only thing in common is that we are both taking baby aspirin daily…?

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
Stef, my I believe my second af was heavier than my normal af too.
Stef: Sorry the witch got you and that it is a heavy flow. Good news is that means your lining must be pretty robust. I think this next cycle is the one for you (just like your mom says).

Jasmine: Well, you don't really know until AF shows up, but if you think it's coming then it probably is. Any news on the house you put the application in for? Sorry if I have missed this info in an earlier post.

AFM: Went in today for my last blood draw until February. It will be nice not having to go in to the doctor's office for a while. The nurse, who was apparently clueless as to why my blood was being drawn, asked if I was pregnant. I didn't even feel sad telling her no. Yesterday I managed to hold a friend's four month old and hang out with another friend who is 22 weeks pregnant all without feeling sad or jealous. Of course Charlotte is being a little terror lately so maybe that makes me less broody. Whatever it takes, right!
Sweetmomma - Huge big gigantic contrats!! Like Meli said, it is so perfect that you were the first one on this thread to get a bfp as you were the one who started it!! I can completely understand that you are feeling a lot of stress as you weren't quite ready to try again. I do think the fact that it happened when you weren't trying means that it was truly meant to be. Things have a funny way of happening in their own time. Try not to worry about the few little things you did this month that you wouldn't have done if you were trying. So many women don't know they are going to get pregnant and do much worse things. I am sending you lots of sticky baby vibes and positive thoughts!! I am so excited for you!!

Stef - I'm so sorry af got you. The one positive thing is that because she came early you can move on to the next cycle quicker and won't be tortured by a long tww!! I think that a heavy cycle means that your lining built up nicely. This is a very good thing to know after having a m/c. I think it will mean you are in good shape for next time!! :)

Meli - Unfortunately I have no good news to report. Still waiting. No af and bfn this morning. I even used a FRER. I am feeling pretty discouraged as I am now on cd39. I thought I o'ed somewhere around Dec 28/29. I felt like my progesterone levels were higher this month as I had a lot of symptoms around what I thought was o time (and before taking clomid I never had any symptoms). I am now pretty sure I must not have o'd because that would make me around 20dpo today. Surely if I was going to get a bfp it should be showing up by now. So I am still waiting an hoping that nothing more is wrong. If there is still no af and if I am still showing bfn on Tuesday I might try to get in with my doctor just to make sure everything is ok. Its really frustrating. I just wish my body with cooperate with my plans!! (lol....wouldn't that just make things so much easier for all of us!!)

Jasmine - Hope your mood gets better!! The one positive thing for me about having to try again next month is that I will be in good company with you girls!!

Vegas - So glad that the blood draws are done for this month!! I am confident that your levels will be 0. You were so close last time they have to be 0. It's good you are feeling better with babies and pregnancy questions. It really does show how far things have come over the last few months. A girl in my new office is pregnant and is due in July. She is just a little behind where I would be if I hadn't had the m/c. I have been surprisingly ok about being around her.

Hope everyone is doing well!!
Starting to see some symptoms! 2 weeks until I test! (I have a 35 day cycle and ovulated over a week ago)
Megan, you are waiting until you are a week late to test? What are your symptoms, share with us!!!

Sorry af got you :growlmad: and that it’s so miserable. Maybe it’s a good thing that it’s very crampy and heavy, maybe it’s ‘cleaning you out’? You mentioned in your blog that you have orangey af flow..can I ask if you’re taking baby aspirin? Angel and I have experienced the same orangey color, and the only thing in common is that we are both taking baby aspirin daily…?

I swear I responded to you yesterday! Oh well. Nope, no baby aspirin, and no orangey color this time, that only happened a little bit with the mc bleeding, but not with the 2 afs since.

Stef, my I believe my second af was heavier than my normal af too.

I guess it makes sense for it to be heavier the second time with the lining building back up, I just wasn't expecting it to be THIS heavy. I almost feel like it would be easier just to sit on the toilet for a few days!

Stef: Sorry the witch got you and that it is a heavy flow. Good news is that means your lining must be pretty robust. I think this next cycle is the one for you (just like your mom says).

Jasmine: Well, you don't really know until AF shows up, but if you think it's coming then it probably is. Any news on the house you put the application in for? Sorry if I have missed this info in an earlier post.

AFM: Went in today for my last blood draw until February. It will be nice not having to go in to the doctor's office for a while. The nurse, who was apparently clueless as to why my blood was being drawn, asked if I was pregnant. I didn't even feel sad telling her no. Yesterday I managed to hold a friend's four month old and hang out with another friend who is 22 weeks pregnant all without feeling sad or jealous. Of course Charlotte is being a little terror lately so maybe that makes me less broody. Whatever it takes, right!

VERY robust, it seems! And I'm glad being around the baby / pregnancy didn't bother you. I still get twinges of jealousy :wacko: Although we heard OH's niece, who was taking a step here and there when we saw her on Christmas, is now fully walking, and I got super excited. She's going to be a wild one that's for sure.

Stef - I'm so sorry af got you. The one positive thing is that because she came early you can move on to the next cycle quicker and won't be tortured by a long tww!! I think that a heavy cycle means that your lining built up nicely. This is a very good thing to know after having a m/c. I think it will mean you are in good shape for next time!! :)

I hope it means that! I suppose this next cycle will be better anyway, since I KNOW now that everything is back to normal and the house stress will be settling down a bit (loan commitment should be coming in today!)... I just was sooo in love with the idea of a bday baby!

Megan, FX for you!

Yesterday was an off day for me, with my attention span at least. I've been doing freelance editing work for a web content company, and I was SO off my game yesterday... made a few small mistakes in some articles I edited... small, but enough where they let me go. Have had no problems in the 5 months I've worked with them... guess you can't have an off day with them :(

How is everyone doing today? Jasmine, how is the house hunting coming?

Oh yeah, if anyone is looking for cheapie OPKs / pg tests, I got a pack of 30 OPKs and 10 pg tests for $6.49 on eBay, so it's worth checking there!
Why do I always look at dates like "Ooh, what if?" So my what if of today - if I got pg this cycle, when would I test? If I waited until af is one day late (assuming my cycle returns to its normal 28 days), I'd test on Valentine's day. How awesome of a gift would that be for OH? I need to stop the what if game because now I'll be disappointed if I don't get a BFP for V-day, lol.
Why do I always look at dates like "Ooh, what if?" So my what if of today - if I got pg this cycle, when would I test? If I waited until af is one day late (assuming my cycle returns to its normal 28 days), I'd test on Valentine's day. How awesome of a gift would that be for OH? I need to stop the what if game because now I'll be disappointed if I don't get a BFP for V-day, lol.

I do the SAME thing and it's so annoying!!! I have to stop...

Yay to your last blood draw for Jan! I hated those weekly draws. Sorry to hear Charlotte is keeping you on your toes lol! I don’t know how I’d react at this point, to a baby. There aren’t too many babies in my family at the moment-the youngest is 2 years old and he’s a doll. I don’t see him too often-maybe once a month. I feel like when I see an infant or newborn, that’s when it gets to me.


wow, a BFN? That stinks, BUT, let’s stay positive since af still hasn’t arrived. It’s not over til af shows her face, right? Some women don’t show pos on HPT for weeks--so keep thinking positive thoughts!! I’m sending positive vibes your way! :dust: :dust:

AFM, I’m 5DPO and *trying* not to SS. It’s hard though!! I’m not feeling positive about this cycle, I don’t feel like I caught the egg, BUT, that’s ok. Like you said, the one positive thing for me about having to try again next month is that I will be in good company with you girls!! You’re right--I think that slowly, but surely, we’ve come a long way from when this thread was started. We take it day by day, putting one foot in front of the other. I know we’ve had setbacks here and there, but I think that’s part of the healing process.


Thanks for the info about the baby aspirin. Yesterday I decided to stop taking the baby aspirin. I’ve had small brown spotting throughout the tww during last cycle and my current one. I don’t think that’s normal, and I’m hoping that the spotting was due to the baby aspirin. Also hoping the aspirin caused the orangey af spells. We’ll see!!

TOTALLY SUCKS that you were layed off yesterday :growlmad::growlmad: I’m sorry to hear that. FX that you will find a new gig where they’re not so petty!! Let’s look at the bright side---this gives you a little more free time to concentrate on setting up your new house! Someone needs to be there to project manage and oversee the renovations/repairs you’ll be doing, right?

Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Aww Stef, heavy af sounds not much fun :hugs: Hopefully at least it means you are now building up a nice thick lining for implantation when it happens next month! :winkwink: So sorry the company let you go, that sounds really unfair from just one off day, good riddance to them then! x

Vegas, really good that you are now able to deal with babies and pregnany women, I feel the same, I'm not bothered what anyone else is doing with regard to babies I just want my own! Eva is being quite the little terror atm too, she wacked me across the face with her magic wand this morning, ouch! We've been having a lot of time out this week! :haha:

Sweetmomma, hope you're feeling okay? Has the news settled in a bit more now? Hope you're not fretting too much although I probably will be when my time comes!

jenkb123, how frustrating about your extra long cycle, I really hope af gets you soon so you know where you are! With my first cycle after miscariage it was a really long one for me, I ovulated day 21 when normally it's around day 15! If you're worried about it it would be good to talk to your gp, maybe they can take some bloods to confirm you have ovulated? My mood is still bad, thanks for asking, I'm not very good company atm!

Megan1986, what symptoms are you having? Good luck!

Meli, good luck in the 2ww, I have a really good feeling for you this month you know! Fingers crossed!

Afm, we're still waiting to hear from the landlord about the house, we're actually still waiting to fill the proper application form in, I keep ringing the agency to send it over, sounds a bit like they're fobbing me off! I just feel so fed up because I either wanted to be pregnant or get that house this month, just a bit of good luck but looks like I'll get niether! My mood is still terrible, I'm waiting for af, have no idea if I ovulated day 14 or 17 because i can't take my temps properly cos my dd comes in our bed every night and wakes me up early in the morning so I can't get a solid 3 hours before taking my temps. It looks like I'll ovulate next month on the one weekend when I go to London for a hen weekend. I never go away and this is just typical! Pissed off x
Jasmine: I feel your pain with not being able to get the most accurate temps thanks to your little companion. I've been temping despite the crap sleep and I believe it to be pretty accurate. Don't count the new house out just yet. There is still time this month and they have yet to say no on the one you want.

Meli: Any symptoms (even though you aren't ss)?

Megan: Fingers crossed for you.

Stef: I like to play the what if game too. That would be awesome if you got a BFP for Valentine's Day.

Jenk: I feel you with the long cycles. That is why I started temping because I would think I was like three weeks overdue for AF when in fact my luteal phase is only like ten days long. Sometimes being a woman sucks.

Angel: Hi! How's it going?

AFM: AF has arrived! Day 53 and it is here. Hopefully it will be mostly gone before I start working on Tuesday. So far it is just spotting, but it is here. No word from Thursday's blood draw, but I'm sure since I have been negative for the past two weeks that this draw was also negative. I'm sure hoping this next cycle is much shorter. I usually have 31-33 day cycles, O'ing around day 20 and then starting AF about ten days later. Since that makes my LP a bit short I take 50m B6 each day. I've been off it since becoming pregnant, but I will start up again. I was able to tack 1-2 days on to my cycle only using the B6 for a short time so I'm hoping it will help again. As you all know, I've got a few months to get my system back on track before TTC again. OK, I'm off to go work in the yard. Here in Florida the winter is the best time to be outside. Go figure.
Vegas, great news that witch got you, bring it on!

I'm drunk atm, I'm loving it! x

ps I love you all x

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