dt thats great you have your appointments, its nice having something to look forward to.
hope you get yours very soon emz, cant believe about your boss, you would think she would knowto keep something like that quiet until she squared it away with you. oh wel whats done is done, im sure when you announce in a few weeks everyone will be over the moon for you.
im dreading telling work at the moment with looking for a new job, i dont want to declare it to my hr as may hinder me getting a transfer when they read my file. unless i make my line manager aware im not telling hr until i have to for that reason, he is pretty sound so should be okay, so there are some good points to military line management after all. gonna be hard to hide it though anyway i think as getting the start of a bump already, i dont think its all bloat now as a bit harder than the usual squishiness. im going to be really fat arent i. please say it isnt twins too, i just want to push 1 out of my foof please, not 2.
my god ive got some painful twinges across my tummy, i couldnt laugh earlier as hurt so much.
just had cheese and crackers for lunch, that wasnt a good idea as now feel the start of being nauseous, thought it was just cos i was hungry but i maybe wrong.
sorry im moaning a bit this morning arent i lol, hubster isnt being very supportive, had a massive row last night and i ended up in tears saying i dont think i can cope with everything going on, house move, job move, fixing house up, estate agents and all that pants stuff and then the baby and everything thats comes with that. he isnt pulling his weight and blaming me for not getting things done but im just knackered all the time and not eating properly as it is. grrrr!! anyways feel better after that bit of a rant.
right deep breath and back to the tinternet for some research.
heard back from the guy about the pram, its 2-3 years old so not nearly new at all. hubster is getting some pictures so will see from them. bit dubious now as was hoping it wasnt that old.