I told my dh that no dtd until we get out of the first tri..just b/c with my past m/c's i dont want to dtd and end up m/c a couple days later or something..so we wait..
ive been pretty up for it the last few days, prob cos the sickness hasnt been so bad? just googled worst week for MS, the concensus seems to be week 10! have to DTD very carefully as its making my hips worse however! lol x
I think I am due 27th of June Can i join?
It is my first pregnancy ever and having really bad cramps which are freaking me out a bit!!
First appt is next week, i just can't wait to see a doctor!!
hiya euronova dont worry i had quite bad cramps too at the start between 4-6 weeks i got them often but the doctor told me they are normal unless there is spotting or bleeding then it should be fine. i was still scared though untill we went for our scan and bubs was perfect
they have quietened down now though i get them maybe 2-3 times a day spread throughout the day where as before it was most of the day lol. its just the embryo growing and implanting
thank you! I does worry me but as you said, i have no spotting or bleeding so that is reassuring.... i seems to have troubles going to the loo so i think it makes the pain worse (sorry TMI)
i just can't wait to get a scan now and just be able to relax more!
i found that too.. that not being able to go to the loo doesnt help.. i got some prune juice and it helped.. i found when i got the cramps to just lie down and let them finish. it helps or a hot water bottle thats not too hot helped too.. and dont wear jeans ouch! makes the cramps worse lol. when is your first scan
yep same here... eating dried fruits and trying to drink more water. I am not sure when my first scan will be, i have my appt with my gynaecologist on the 3rd, i am hoping to get bloods done that day. I hope she books me in for a scan the week after that as at 7 weeks i should be able to see the heart maybe
yeah def by 7 weeks yo should be able to, we went at for our scan 2 days ago, we thought i was 8 weeks going by my lmp but they said i was only 6 but there was a heartbeat they reckoned it had only started prob the day before was sweet
hopefully you get your scan soon its all very exciting!
Just had my scan appointment through, Friday 18th November, 3 weeks today! I'll be 12+3 based on early scan dates or bang on 12 weeks based on lmp. Anyone else having a scan that day?
I find that during pregnancy, my sex drive goes through the roof. And DH wants nothing to do with a pregnant woman.
Although, the way I've been feeling this week means that I'm not in the mood for much of anything. I guess I feel comfortable enough at bedtime, but the mornings are really bad. I try to eat cereal or something first thing, before I do anything else, or I feel even worse. And I've been using Benefiber to keep things moving along. Constipation definitely affects everything else for me.
Emzy, that's such a cute picture of your DD! We also got DS2's preschool pics yesterday, but I can't get the scanner to cooperate. I really wish I had a pic of the little girl in his class. She could seriously be your DD's long lost sister!
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