Hi ladies
Not had a chance to catch up, but thought I'd let you know that the GP tried a 3rd medication, cyclazine (sp?) and I took one but it made me soooo sleepy I had to sleep there and then. It's a good job that DH was home today to look after Holly! It did stop me being sick but I can't take them if they make me sleepy like that as I have Holly to think about. So I am just going to have to do without and try my very best to keep some water down to stay out of hospital!
Poor you! What a nightmare. Hope that your hormones settle down soon and make life a little easier for you. I only feel sick and I'm hating life, so can't even begin to imagine what you're going through.
Have you got a piccy to post? X
Yep, I sure do!
GGGRRRRRR annoying me that my scan apt hasn't come thru yet!!!
On a positive note, i have found an amazing bra thats so comfy and actually holds my boobs up without that whole underwired thing! yippeeeee!
Oh and the other positive is that due to OH being out, I get to watch Holby City live!!!!
GGGRRRRRR annoying me that my scan apt hasn't come thru yet!!!
On a positive note, i have found an amazing bra thats so comfy and actually holds my boobs up without that whole underwired thing! yippeeeee!
Oh and the other positive is that due to OH being out, I get to watch Holby City live!!!!
what's the brand/model of the bra?? very interested!
AFM, I had my first scan today, and I AM carrying twins. I honestly would have been surprised if it had been one baby, but this really makes things so clear -- early BFP, high hCG levels, early morning sickness. We saw two little hearts beating so I'm just hoping and praying that they continue getting bigger and stronger. I'm too happy for words!
Congrats LB, so excited for you!! I have been silently stalking this thread since I am due on 6/2/12, but I am also having twins so I know that my babies will be here in May, not June. There has been a lot of good news from us methotrexate ladies in the past few months!