Hi everyone
Thank you all so much for your well wishes. I had 2 doctors look at my scans and they said whilst they can't rule out eptopic, they don't think it is. They think its most likely a normal pregnancy and too early to see anything, so took hcg bloods and will take again in 48 hours, then having another scan in 2 weeks. The pain seems to be caused by a cyst on my overy, which is what the sonographer thought was an eptopic pregnancy. They said its harmless. The sonographer really frightened me, ran out of the room shouting positive eptopic and got me a wheelchair saying they'd need to operateI'm so annoyed with her as she was wrong and I was so scared!!
Anyway so whilst we don't really know, we are to assume everything is fine until proven otherwise by bloods or scan. It's going to be a long couple of weeks x
I have been looking for one of these threads since my BFP on Sunday! I will be due on 6/7/12. but i would like to have him or her on 6/9/12. its my mom's birthday she passed away when i was just nine and that would be an awesome way to remember her.OHH! and im Team Yellow...i hope.
Hi everyone! My name is Lindsay and I am over excited to say I tested this morning at 13DPO and got my BFP! My due date is June 7th (our anniversary!)
I have been looking for one of these threads since my BFP on Sunday! I will be due on 6/7/12. but i would like to have him or her on 6/9/12. its my mom's birthday she passed away when i was just nine and that would be an awesome way to remember her.OHH! and im Team Yellow...i hope.
Might be a stupid question, but what's Team Yellow?
I have been looking for one of these threads since my BFP on Sunday! I will be due on 6/7/12. but i would like to have him or her on 6/9/12. its my mom's birthday she passed away when i was just nine and that would be an awesome way to remember her.OHH! and im Team Yellow...i hope.
Might be a stupid question, but what's Team Yellow?
not a stupid question at all. I learned about it today. ha. its you dont wanna know the sex of your baby. itll be a surprise!
haha. youre cute. and Im Chantelle. Im only 20. but ill be 21 next month! this is number one.
Hi everyone
Thank you all so much for your well wishes. I had 2 doctors look at my scans and they said whilst they can't rule out eptopic, they don't think it is. They think its most likely a normal pregnancy and too early to see anything, so took hcg bloods and will take again in 48 hours, then having another scan in 2 weeks. The pain seems to be caused by a cyst on my overy, which is what the sonographer thought was an eptopic pregnancy. They said its harmless. The sonographer really frightened me, ran out of the room shouting positive eptopic and got me a wheelchair saying they'd need to operateI'm so annoyed with her as she was wrong and I was so scared!!
Anyway so whilst we don't really know, we are to assume everything is fine until proven otherwise by bloods or scan. It's going to be a long couple of weeks x
I'm so glad it seems like good news for you, tho I can't imagine how scared you must have been. I have my fingers and toes crossed for a healthy and happy pregnancy for you
I also work for a non-profit, I work with youth with disabilities and help them acquire work skills and find jobs. I have a love/hate relationship with it: I love the work, don't really like the 'system'.
Just waiting for DH to get home then we can FINALLY call my mum and tell her the good news! :-D