Hi everyone!
Thank you for all the well wishes, hoping everything will be ok

PMA PMA!!! I'm feeling ok today, the pains aren't so bad and I keep just telling myself it's that damn cyst causing the pain and nothing else. If anything I'm just still a bit shell shocked after yesterday, I still can't believe that sonographer did that to me!!
Welcome to all the newbies! And congrats on your BFPs
Lilyfire, glad your mum was so happy
Loving all the stories about the sweet other halves reading pregnancy books

Mine was the same first time around. In fact he was so excited he wrote a blog about becoming a daddy! If any of you are interested in having a read the link is here https://www.thenewdaddyblog.blogspot.com/
On the right hand side a bit further down the page, you can choose to view earlier posts. If you click on 2010 you can read the posts from when I was pregnant with Holly. He wrote all about my labour and birth in August too if you're interested in a male perspective in pregnancy and childbirth!
cricket, the stretching feeling is completely normal, it's just your ligaments stretching ready to accommodate your growing womb
As for the stomach sleeping, I used to be also but there comes a time when your bump gets too big that you can't physically do it anymore anyway, so don't worry! lol
I will be (hopefully) finding out the sex. I found out with Holly

but she wouldn't play ball at the 20 week scan, so I got a private one at 22 weeks then ended up having a 4d scan at 28 weeks! Will do the same this time if this little one doesn't give us a peek at the 20 week scan. OH has a feeling it's team blue

this time, but I think team pink


Either way I'd be over the moon!
Struth I did a Psychology course at uni a couple of year back, loved it! And Happy 5 weeks!!!
Thanks for the link dt1234565! Here is a pic of my 7.5 week scan with Holly

At the 5.5 week they could only see the sac and no baby as it was too early. At the 7.5 we saw a little flicking heartbeat

At my next scan I will be 6.5 weeks, so I'm really hoping to see a heartbeat.
Laura my FMU is also rubbish! Evening seems better randomly!
Aw struth, I'm sorry about the spotting. Are you getting your bloods/scan done already? (I know a few are) If not, then maybe go to the GP to put your mind at rest. Try not to worry though, lots of people spot at the beginning of pregnancy and the fact that it's brown is a good thing