Just wanted to share this lovely video that someone posted in the second tri forum
Great video, thanks for posting!
Hey Abi! It's tomorrow

booo another day to wait! I am still going to find out! I can't wait!
I've been sent home from work toady, I had a really long nosebleed before work this morning and I nearly fainted at work so they've sent me home! I vowed not to have a sick day throughout my pregnancy but looks like I've started already ! Xx
I had a really weird nosebleed this weekend, but I thought it was because of the cold, dry air and all the nose-blowing. I hope you're feeling better!
So jealous of you all doing the nurseries! That was the best thing about being pregnant with Grace, and I can't do it this time
I am feeling really happy at the moment! I know it's abit random, but I was so unhappy when I was pregnant with Grace (not that I didn't want her, I just had a really bad pregnancy and hated every second!) and I was determined to enjoy it more this time and I am

obviously still got a while to go, but I feel like the time of year is helping as Grace is a January baby! Just thought i'd share with you!
I agree -- seeing nursery pics is fun, but it will be awhile before I start thinking about stuff like that.
I do think about my pregnancy with DS1 a lot, since it was the first and everything was so new. Plus, it was the easiest pregnancy, by far! I'm glad you're feeling happy with the way things are progressing, and enjoying this experience. For me, this pregnancy is turning out more like the one with DS2, me being uncomfortable and just passing the time until delivery. I feel like I have experienced things before, so it's not scary for me this time, except that I don't know when the babies will come, and whether they'll be big enough.
Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic

did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X
Hey Girlies,
Loving all the nursery talk!! Im starting ours this week, it used to be my husbands office so needs shelves and things taking off the walls first.
Abi/Laura, beautiful names, if our bubba is a girl she is going to be called "Rose Audrey" I know Audrey is a very old name but it was my mother in laws name and she died in 2000, she was only in her 50s and she and my DH were very close. I never met her, I wish I had. We both feel using her name is a nice way to remember her. I just love the name Rose, I love flowers to start and they roses remind me of my grandma (who is thankfully still with us) her garden is always beautiful and full of Roses.
My husband thinks the baby is a girl and calls the bump Petal!
Our boys name is not decided yet, my husband is Jim (James) and my two step sons both have james as their middle names so it will be (possibly) on of the following:
Edison James (my hubbys favorite, is it too american?)
Joseph (Jo) James
William James
Thomas (Tom) James
I also like Charlie/Alfie/Archie/Oscar/George and Arthur?
What do you think girls?
Love the name choices Emma! Rose is a beautiful name, and picking your DH's mothers name as the middle name is a lovely thought. We did the same with Grace's name, DH's Nan passed away shortly after we found out I was pregnant so we used her Name, Elsie as Grace's middle name.
I really love Alfie for a boy, that is one of our top names, along with Oscar! And we would like Archie as a middle name as it was my Grandads name who passed away last year, but it doesn't really go with Alfie!x
I love all this name talk. I have been thinking about names, but DH and I are usually late in choosing one. My two sons have middle names from my dad and my brother. I was thinking about giving the twins my grandfather's first and middle names, or my dad's middle name as their middle, but DH and I have to agree on a first, which is almost impossible.

But, I LOVE the idea of using a family name as the middle. And I don't think Audrey is too old-fashioned. Edison James is nice as well.
DH is Iranian, so he keeps throwing out Persian names, but to me, it is kinda weird since our older sons don't have Persian names. His favorite so far is Cyrus, but I can't help but picture the kids at school calling him Cyrus the Virus.

DH says with 4 boys in the family no one will be picking on them. Who knows whether that is true, but I don't want to invite trouble.
Glad all is ok with her heart gemini

Have you finished at work now?
I've been done with work since Xmas eve! Got 8k payout in the end.
Not lasting well however!!!
I've got an interview Wednesday for local council as HR project officer for 3 months, part time as well. Would be beyond ideal if I could get it!!!
Just picked up my star lite swing that I won on eBay for 42 quid, it's like new so chuffed with that!!!
I've inherited A TON of girls stuff, all next, monsoon etc. gorgeous outfits, but going to bootable alot of it as its all newborn to 6 months. I literally have 5 sacks worth!
Hope all is well ladies! I'm off to bed. Yawwwwn!
Oh ps, in regards to boys names, we were going to go with kian or Oscar. Har to save them in case I ever get a little man! X
Oooh -- Kian is one of the names we considered for DS1 before we settled on Owen. Is it weird to use that name for one of the babies? I did call DS1 Kian for a couple of days after he was born, just because I couldn't remember that we had chosen Owen instead.
Hi everyone! I'm due June 24th and looking for a buddy or two.
Welcome! I'm due on June 22nd, so we're close in dates, except I will deliver by the 8th at the latest. But we can be buddies regardless!
Hi All!
I am new to this site - am 17 weeks 2 days with first baby
I saw that someone had 1:16000 risk - mine was 1:3360 is that quite high?
Welcome, Samantha! That is still a great number. I would definitely feel comfortable with results like that!