June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Oh my gosh so many cute babies! And some impressive weight gains, Georgia looks sooo long.
Loving all the smiles, we are still waiting for a proper undeniable smile although we're pretty sure she briefly smiled at Micah this morning.

Its very hot here, I even put suncream on Juni just in case she csught the sun somehow in the shade!
Such cute pictures!

It's been in the 80s and 90s here all month... We just blast the ac even though it really brings up the energy bill. I can't stand being too hot!

Rhi, I find the one with wings are the worst!
I was so irritated with the next sale today they had a ton of girl stuff reduced and barely any boy stuff. Really pees me off! Can boys not look nice too?! I really pride myself in how I dress my boys xx

Arthur has rocked the vest look today :haha: he's been fine in the heat and drained all his bottles I think I may need to go up to 7oz. He's filling 0-3 month clothes now. Sad!

I haven't bled now for about 7 weeks thank goodness! Dreading that first AF
My big eyed boy <3


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I've had two instances where I've started spotting and had PMS symptoms but after hasn't arrived :shrug:

Rhi Alice looks so cute!

I can't believe there's good weather now. We're off to butlins on Friday and I'm sure the weather will turn crappy again :dohh:
Georgia had a cuddle in Xander's bed last night :)

Lovely photos Pixie and boo! :)

Pixie - I hope the weather stays nice for your holiday! we're going away end of August and hoping the weather stays nice - especially as we're in a camping pod! cold weather will cancel it I think :haha:

First late shift for dh since dd was born today, he finishes at 8 and I feel like it's a milestone as my first full day alone with the kids, shame it's the one day dd is in a grizzly mood!
Arthur's also a month today, it just seems to be going so quick :( I took him to the Hv today, he weighs 9lb 9oz now. He's draining all his 5oz bottles now so think I'm going to put him up to 6oz tomorrow.

My bleedings near on stopped now which in pleased with as after the other week I thought it was never going to stop. It also means when we go on holiday in two weeks I'll be able to go in the pool with the older kids. Hoping the weather stays nice as we're going camping for the week.

What are you all dressing your babies in to sleep in, so far I e been dressing Arthur in sleepsuit and vest but I'm not sure whether it's to hot even for a sleep suit tonight? It was 27 in our room last night so I expect it to be warmer tonight. :)
My Arthur is just in a short sleeve vest tonight and a thin gro bag. Usually he's either vest and baby grow or just baby grow. But this is the first time he's been in just a vest
Tonight she's going in a long sleeved bodysuit and we're using a thin blanket to cover her as it's baking hot.

DD is so fussy today, I changed her formula today and now feeling incredibly guilty as what if that's what causing it? I'm going back to her old formula since we had another tub of aptamil in the cupboard. I looked up online and a few sites said it could be the start of colic which fills me with dread and is making me anxious. :argh:
Forgot to ask - has anyone got any advice on gripe water? it says a month on the bottle, is it possible to use it sooner? I don't want to make her worse but nothing we're doing seems to be helping for too long.
Oh no vanilla poor little thing. Did you change to HiPP? I really doubt HiPP will cause colic that's all, it's a very gentle formula.. Maybe give it some time?

Girls can I ask, what do you do with your babies in the evenings? Has anyone implemented any kind of 'routine' or helping them to self settle? We're trying Arthur in his Moses basket after his 7pm bottle he seems to be ready to sleep around 8 but sometimes 9. Thing is it's so light at the moment I'm not sure whether to black out the room for him? He gets overtired and prefers to be put down its just where and when!!
Yes, I think Georgia is really long but she's never had length measured. She definitely outgrows clothes lengthways first - she's all legs! She's got I mild temp again this evening (37.6) so think she's going to sleep in just her nappy next to me. Then she can use me to help regulate her temperature in this heat.

No real bedtime routine here. I did that with my first and I really struggled mentally. We started putting Aaron down around 7pm in his own room once he was 6 months old as per SIDS guidelines and I hope it goes the same with G. At the moment I put the other 2 to bed at 7 while she sleeps or feeds and then she just sleeps in the moses basket or feeds until I go to bed and take her with me. Neither of my other children would be put down though so it's a bit of a relief. Tonight I baked and iced an entire cake while Georgia slept in the corner lol!
Forgot to mention that Georgia has started properly vomiting (think yellow and acidic) after some of her coughing fits this evening too. Yesterday her cough was really mucusy and today it doesn't sound like she's clearing it. I'm so paranoid about poorly babies deteriorating after what happened with Aaron so think I'm going to ring the gp for some reassurance tomorrow.

I have no idea about the gripe water.
No proper schedule here although I wish we had one! Her feedings are never the same time each day. We have been doing bath around 5pm /6pm, usually some time between. Then bottle if she's hungry if it's been 3 to 4 hours since last one. Then I usually walk around with her until she is sleepy. After that I try to put her in her crib. If she starts to cry because she wakes, I'll do it again. She rarely self settles. The few times she has, she made weird grunts/groans and I wasn't sure if she was upset whie dong it.
No routine here either. We just bring her to bed with us at about 9ish

Shes hadn't been to sleep yet :-( she won't settle at all. I can't decide if she's just gor or poorly but I don't want to give her calpol for no reason.

I've been trying to put her to bed for 4 hours :cry:
Tonight she's going in a long sleeved bodysuit and we're using a thin blanket to cover her as it's baking hot.

DD is so fussy today, I changed her formula today and now feeling incredibly guilty as what if that's what causing it? I'm going back to her old formula since we had another tub of aptamil in the cupboard. I looked up online and a few sites said it could be the start of colic which fills me with dread and is making me anxious. :argh:

Im the same! I changed ollies formula from S26 to Aptamil but he is being really fussy and taking well over an hr to drink now and is getting constipated, so ive gone back to old formula today and has helped straight away!
Forgot to ask - has anyone got any advice on gripe water? it says a month on the bottle, is it possible to use it sooner? I don't want to make her worse but nothing we're doing seems to be helping for too long.

I use it, it says for newborns 5 to 10 drops... so ive been giving him that when he is in pain xx
Thanks Rhi. She eventually settled at 2.15. She got up again at 5 and by the time I got her back down Xander was up so that 2.5 hrs was my full night :cry:

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