June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Have any of the babies had a cold? How did they take it?
We have all been loaded with cold and no Georgia has it. He voice is all croaky when she has a bit of a shout so her throat must be hurting too. The silver lining is it means she's been doing longer stretches overnight.
Georgia had a bit of a cold a couple of weeks ago. She cried for a day and night. Her nose was blocked so she couldn't feed very well and she was pretty miserable. I squirted milk up her nose to clear it :haha: she was fine within a couple of days.

She has gone at least 4 hrs for her first stretch of sleep for I think maybe a week :dance: one night she even did 5 hours!! She's started stretching her sleep after three first feed too. That's always been every 1-2 hours but now it's 2-3 so we're having one or two feeds a night :dance:
Dory, I hope Georgia is well soon <3

I know I've asked a lot about pacifiers/dummies.., been really stressed because she won't take hers well but cries if I give it to her at night and it falls out before she's 'ready' for it to fall out (she never sleeps with it in). I've been up for s bit putting it back in her mouth. I'm not even sure she's hungry when she cries or just wants to suck. Gave her two bottles tonight though. One at 1145pm (she had 3oz). Another at 430am (3oz again). Just feeling confused and overwhelmed.
:hugs: I never know what Georgia wants either hun (u less she's starving) I'm not sure anyone ever just knows. It's all about going through the list - dirty nappy, hungry, wind, tired, bored or just wants a cuddle?

You're doing everything right and a promise it gets easier :hugs: is a 3oz feed not enough to say she was probably hungry? 3oz is a full feed for George. I can't help with the dummy I'm afraid. We tried G with one once but she just gagged on it so I haven't bothered again.
Alice only ever cries for food. Occasionally she will get a bit grunty if she has wind. But I know from my others that it's just a case of working through the list (like pixie said) and something will eventually work =)
so sorry georgia is sick. i'm always worried james is going to catch something too :( i do hope she feels better soon poor thing!

Anyone elses babies doing really weird things? Like, j can seriously roll from his front to his back. He doesn't know wht he's doing but he's strong enough! he's done it twice so far, i watched him get his little legs under him, then his arms, and push himself over. he's only a month old tomorrow, how is that possible? he also only woke once last night to eat, at 3 am, and then was up at 7 this am for the day. that's crazy! i'm not expecting that to continue either but he's so much different from my daughter.
DS had a cold at just a few weeks old and it made him quite miserable, elevating his mattress, steaming the bathroom and a snufflebabe aspirator helped.
Thanks for the well wishes for Georgia. She's not particularly miserable, just a bit more sensitive. Every time she is sick there is loads of snot in it (yummy) and she's losing her voice today. We've been out for the day so she's just been sleeping and snuggling. She has a very mild temperature but the weather is boiling anyway.
Hope wee Georgia is better soon Dory!

Starlight, maybe she doesn't like the dummy you're using? Róise won't take the tommee tippee ones I bought, but will occasionally take one my friend gave me at my shower for short periods. Those sound like 2 decent stretches for feeds.

Joey I must try the bicycle thing for Róise; she seems to particularly have a bit of trouble with wind in the evening.
Dory - I hope G's better soon :hugs: I hope her fever stays low and goes away.

Starlight - we're going through formula like nobody's business because she never seems to know what she wants! I agree that it might be worth trying a different brand/type of dummy.
I want to try another type of pacifier but I can't find any others that are one piece silicone. The others I've seen have hard plastic on it and look like it may be hard to clean. This is the kind we have now..

She's been napping a lot today on me and the swing. I can't seem to keep her awake and when she's awake for a bit, she cries as if she is overtired (just a guess though as of course I'm clueless!). Hoping she sleeps well tonight.
Starlight - do they have heava dummies over there? they're not silicone but a natural material but they are one piece. I hope she sleeps well for you tonight, I've read somewhere sleeping well in the day means sleeping well at night, I hope it's the case!
Georgia's voice has gone to the extent that there's just a tiny croak when she cries. It's cute and heartbreaking at the same time &#10084;
What do you ladies do if your home alone and absolutely need to shower but baby wont settle?
Not shower :haha: no I'm kidding. It depends what you mean by not settling. Is she screaming ? Or just laying there having a whine? If it's the latter I would be inclined to just put her down and have a speedy shower. I have to get up at the crack of dawn if I expect to be able to wash lol. If I put the baby down and went to shower I'm sure the 2 year old would attempt to pick her up etc. :/ so I have to wash before dh leaves for work ! Which is such effort when you've been up all night feeding.

Today is actually my first day on my own with the children! The house is still standing.... but it's only 10 am. So let's see haha
If she was hysterical i'd wait, if she was just fussing qnd having a moan I'd take her into the bathroom with me so I could see her and have my shower. I can't be bothered moving her chair and everything around so I'd lie her on a changing mat with a blanket on it.

Aww dory poor Georgia. How is she in herself? I hope she feels better soon :-(

Good luck rhi! Iv3 had both kids a few times because carls worked weekends and Xander's been off sick but in dreading the summer holidays!

Georgia had a shit night. She slept 10.30 - 1 and then was up till 3.30 :cry: then I was up when she woke at 6 because carl and Xander were up. Little witch stayed in bed till 9!
As the others have said. I used to take my other children into the bathroom with me so I could see them and have a speedy shower.
These days I have to get up early to shower before DH leaves for work.

Today is the first day on my own and remarkably DS was on time for school. Go me!
The HV has been so now the visits are over for another 4 weeks thankfully.

Baby girl also had a crap night. It was the first night I've felt stressed as I was so tired. She was awake from 1.15am for 2 hours. :-(
i put j in the rock and play in the other room and shower, and dd is usually on the bed playing the kindle. so they're in the room attached. with my dd i used to take her in the bathroom with me, but don't have that with ds usually because he sleeps! when he starts moving i'll probably have to bring him in.

starlight do you have any advent pacifiers?

and my boy is one month today! we have our one month appt today too :)
Wow it's so hot in the UK today I'm sweltering!

I constantly have all 3 kids on my own and I'm hoping the summer hols will be easier as me and OH don't have to get them out the door by 8.30 every day! Today I had to wake Arthur at 7.30 to feed him which was such a shame as he would have slept much longer. He's doing great now only one night feed which is over in approx 15 mins, and has stretched to about 4am these days. Hope I haven't jinxed him now!

Perhaps the babies had bad nights because of the heat? I feel sorry for them!

Right off to go out with the boys, they have had lunch and are bored already lol so I'm taking the 3 of them to the park xx
I live in manchester and the weather has been pretty crap! It was 23degrees in our room last night which is pretty average.

I was so excited about her skipping that 1am feed and sleeping till 2.30 -3. I'm wondering now whether it was just her injections making her sleepy? Gutted!

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